Rating:  Summary: Hasty conclusions Review: This backlash was a couple of years in the making, in retaliation for so much praise being heaped on the original, and then so much hype foreshadowing Reloaded. It's no wonder that so many people were waiting around for a chance to be disappointed, and to jump on the bandwagon toward naysville. (anyone remember how Titanic was the greatest movie of all time for a few months before the backlash hit it?)Rematrixed is a fine film. Does it top the original? No, and it makes no attempt to do so. Instead, it offers extrapolations and deeper insights into the theme of man vs machine, and free will vs sleepwalking. Yes, the action is incredible, and on the flipside, yes Keanu is Keanu. But you knew that. I also recall many people calling the original convoluted and intellectually elitist, but this is merely a product of impatience and hasty conclusions drawn out of careful, fine strokes from two brushes that paint with amazing precision and verve. I would give Matreloadix 4.5/5
Rating:  Summary: So sad people are so damn hard to please! Review: Plain and simple, I thought the movie was amazing. The only reason it did not "live up to people's expectations" is because we know what the Matrix is now, (or do we;)) and so of course we know what is ultimately going to happen. It's just plain sad that people can not go out and just have a good time watching a movie. I thought it was great and I look forward to the last installment. No need for me to argue my point any further as it is my opinion and you don't have to share it. I highly reccommend seeing the Matrix Reloaded.
Rating:  Summary: Visuals abound, however the story lacks depth Review: Now don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this movie to an extent. I really got sick of staring at Agent Smith, and watching Neo's eyebrows raise as if in surprise all of the time. I really liked and appreciated The Matrix, but had a hard time with Reloaded. The story was not confusing to me (as I've heard other people say it was to them), but there were so many places that storylines just....ended. I appreciate that effect is so that in the next film, they can expand upon where they left off. However, for the sake of Joe American moviegoer, it leaves a lot of things undone and a great many things unsaid. It didn't leave you feeling as if you saw a great film that had a solid ending, regardless of if there is a film following or not. I didn't want to see it all wrapped up in a neat little package - how could you possibly get that from a Matrix movie? Just a little more solidity in the storyline of *this* movie, thanks, let's not load all of the "good" stuff into the third flick, believing that people are going to go see it regardless. They probably are, but if they were as disenchanted by Reloaded as some were, perhaps it's not worth going to see the third one? I enjoyed the visual effects, this much is true. It was a lot of Keanu flying around, but all in all, really nifty. I think I could have done without seeing their rendition of a manual heart massage, but it was still cool. All in all, it will probably be a great prequel to the third movie, but I found that it was not a great sequel to the first. If you are a fan of The Matrix, you should see this - because it'll answer a *few* questions for you. If you're planning on seeing the third one, definitely see this - because it's a great lead-in to whatever they are plotting for the next film.
Rating:  Summary: Best movie of this decade!!!!!!! Review: Matrix Reloaded is a great film few people understood.Obviously, those people were not paying attention to this spectacular film. The Wachowski Brothers write a better script here than the first Matrix.They mixed great action with a great story.The brawl between Neo and 100 Agent Smith was the best fight scene I have ever seen.The car chase was awesome and also the sword fight and the fight with the three agents,this movie is a thinker but a classic thinker.I love Morpheous Phrases and Trinity kicks and Neo's flying scene's.In reloaded,the machine are digging their way into zion,and there's only one person who can save zion:NEO!Neo has to find the source,along the way is helped by many such as:Trinity,Morpheous,The Keymaker,Captain Niobe and many more.And is trying to be stopped by the agents.I have seen The Matrix Reloaded 3 times and gets better every time I see it,I recommend it to all Matrix Fans.And also Warner Bros.has said the DVD release date,October 3rd,I cannot wait till the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: The possibilities are limited! Review: When assessing this movie, keep in mind that it is part two of a trilogy. If you were disappointed with this movie, you were probably also disappointed with Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers because it didn't finish "neatly". That is the very nature of part two of a three part story. However, if you didn't understand The Matrix Reloaded, then only one of two possibilities exists: 1. You were not listening/watching properly. 2. You are too stupid to understand it. I would advise that you see it again. If your understanding improves, then No.1 applies, however, if you still don't understand it, then No.2 probably applies, in which case, don't bother going to The Matrix Revealed. If you have cable or Sky TV installed, you could sign up for the Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon with the money you have saved!
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix Overhyped Review: With the tidal wave of hype that preceeded one of the most eagerly-anticipated Summer event movies, it was almost inevitable that THE MATRIX RELOADED would fall short of many fans' expectations. Starting off roughly six months after the orginal, Reloaded is the continuing fight against the machines and the war to save Zion. But while THE MATRIX had a clever plot, amazing SFX and added 'sleeper hit' surprise, it seems that the Wachowskis have given us half a movie with decent action but the meandering, non-sensical plot (As everyone knows) is the film's downfall. Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss reprise the roles as Neo and Trinity, but the new supporting characters, while interesting, are over-shadowed by the central ensamble or renegade freedom-fighters. The much-hyped CGI ranges from impressive to just plain hokey aswell. However despite it's flaws, the film's plus point is it's impressive action sequences, notably the 'Burly Brawl'. One could point out that the threat of Agent Smith has somewhat diminished since Smith can endlessly replicate himself and Neo can simply fly away. But hey, what is real? After several extended action sequences and an ending that beffudles more than amazes, you leave the cinema hoping that THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS will somehow explain everything.
Rating:  Summary: A Wild Ride Review: The Matrix Reloaded begins the dubious task of detailing and fleshing out the two worlds in the Wachowski Brothers trilogy, the virtual realm of the Matrix and the real world found in Zion. I say dubious because the elaboration of these worlds necessarily removes some of the mystery and runs the risk of destroying the illusion and fun of the Matrix, now that the central revelation of the first movie is gone. I had an unusual experience seeing this film, power to the cinema I was in blew out about thirty minutes in, and I got a free pass to go back the next day. I left the cinema with one thought hanging ominously in my mind: Tunics. They were wearing tunics in Zion, and acting kind of like the crews on "Star Trek". OK the big dance orgy thing was cool, but there was this "Council" and the main dude wore a long robe. It was all of grave concern really and I thought about writing this film off on that alone. Luckily I didn't. When I went back the next day, jaw set firmly to endure what tunics may come, I was more open to let this movie flow over and through me, and if you do that it is a wild ride indeed, and really deserving of five stars. The fight sequences and special effects break new ground, everything you have heard is true. A lot of people won't go for the wordy plot exposition and philosohical enquiry, the sudden inclusion of monsters in the matrix and tenuous explanation accompanying it. It was up and down but ultimately I thought it was smart, not pretentious. Neo's wrestle with the role of messiah will be very familiar to readers of Frank Herbert's Dune series, indeed Reloaded borrows freely, but the synthesis still feels fresh and new. It's a sci-fi movie for grown ups, a lot sexier than the first movie. Neo and Trinity's passion is white hot, and this is a welcome approach. Also welcome is a truly multi-cultural feel that adds a surprising amount of realism, its amazing how contrived exclusively anglo-saxon productions appear in comparison. A host of new characters are introduced in both the Matrix and in Zion, with many new subplots interwoven around them. It will be interesting to see if these can be effectively resolved. Ultimately the special effects and fight sequences in this movie should keep the most jaded viewers happy, they really are spectacular. The acting performances are all top notch and help the movie rise above occasional weak scripting. When the closing credits rolled my overwhelming response was "Awesome!", and so the five stars. Critics may find much to dislike, but if you approach this movie without expectations you'll have a lot of fun.
Rating:  Summary: Epic Review: I highly recommend The Matrix: Reloaded. It may be too "heady" at times for some viewers, as you can see by some of the other reviews, but all in all it is a great film. I am glad that the final movie has been completed and will therefore not be swayed by any of the negative reviews.
Rating:  Summary: Why why why??? Review: You people can say what you want about this movie, but it ruled. I know that I'm young, I did like the movie not just because of the special effects and the fight scene but also because of its rich philosophical ideas. This movie takes ideas from "Alice in Wonderland" and if I'm not mistaken from a few french "lumiere" philosophers (I can't really remember). I just didn't really understand the part where the Architect talks without stopping. It seems that I'm not mature enough and don't have the concentration to listen and comprehend his words. So putting all the philosophical mumbo jumbo aside, the special effects were very well done. The fight scenes were excellent. That's all I gotta say... So if you had trouble liking the movie the first time, try and watch it a second time and try to listen to the dialogue and not only watch the screen with your ears plugged.
Rating:  Summary: Only for true Matrix fans and 'openminded' Review: I've read through some of the reviews and feel they are very unfair. If you didn't like the first film - why bother watching this one?? I enjoyed Matrix, Matrix Reloaded and I'm sure I'll enjoy Revolutions. I must admit, you have to keep open minded to watch this film. It's not just going to be given to you - you have to 'think' and if this is a scary prospect then forget buying it. This is a good follow up which clarifies, for me, what was going on in the first film. I watched this with my friend, who is not keen on allowing her mind to 'work' during a film. But she enjoyed it on a purely superficial level. (eh herm. alot of sex in this one! ) See, that makes a good film - it had 'something for everyone'. It isn't really necessary to understand every single detail anyway to enjoy a film. I'm still baffled by lord of the rings, but nevertheless, it is still entertaining. If you couldn't appreciate the story - appreciate the damn hard work that went into making this (near) masterpiece. Buy it! Thank you Wachowski brothers!! I've been entertained AND enlightened.