Rating:  Summary: Maybe someone at Lucasfilms will read this Review: *sigh*I have searched and searched and it seems some marketing *genius* has only choosen to release a Pan and Scan version in the united states. I believe I have found a Region 2 wide-screen version availible on ebay, but it could also be just wishfull thinking. Gentlemen, when will you start giving the customer what they want? You have millions of die hard fans wanting widescreen digital format... We want to relive the experience like it was the first time at the movies... Yes I am one of those *annoying* people who bought the VCD release in Asia of the Special Edition Trillogy (and while I am not too thrilled not to have widescreen, at least I can finally replace my old VHS taps with digital media) You want to fight piracy? You want to keep people from buying copies not intended for the United States... The answer is simple... G i v e U s W h a t W e W a n t. There... We've spelled it out for you... DVD Widescreen ALL OF THEM... (not just the new ones) don't bother with partial boxed sets that aren't going to give us all the features. Hell if you really want to cater to the market release it with more DVDs and put widescreen on one side and Pan and Scan on the other... Until then, I guess I'll NOT be buying your boxed set and I'll either get a European / Asian release or I'll just buy seperate copies in widescreen.
Rating:  Summary: Ugh! Review: After "Episode I", one would think that the "Star Wars" movies couldn't get any worse. I did, but sadly I was wrong. Despite some improvements such as the smaller role for Jar Jar Binks and that Liam Neeson is no longer part of the movie, the feel of the original Trilogy is gone, as is the quality of filmmaking. Take Yoda fighting, for instance: it's just so artificial and "Matrix"-like. The storyline involving Anakin's romance is boring (as is his mother's death, completely lacking drama), and Obi-Wan investigating a murder is just so non-"Star Wars". Also, the recycled material is evident (the Coruscant club resembles the cantina in "A New Hope", for example) and the references to the future (the original Trilogy) are lame (such as C-3PO asking who Obi-Wan is after listening to R2-D2's message). And Obi-Wan piloting a starship and being chased thorough an asteroid field? That's right, "The Empire Strikes Back"! The lightning bolts that Christopher Lee shoots at the Jedi? Yep, "Return of the Jedi". Honestly, I only enjoyed the last 20 minutes or so, when a hundred of Jedi and then the clones take on the other army. It's sad that Lucas is ruining his once great story with these prequels.
Rating:  Summary: A rip if there ever was one!!!! Review: All those reviewers who feel compeled to attribute five stars to either of these episodes have their collective heads stuck in a vacuum. I would give these zero stars, except Amazon won't allow that. After a few viewings, the story line gets thin, the action stale, and the romance, if there is any, is weak. On top of the poor dramantics, the image we are expected to watch is cropped to full screen; what happens on the sides? how much of the top and bottom is removed by our over scanning TVs. I refuse to buy full screen versions of any movie filmed in wide screen, period. Some day, I will have a high definition display and see no reason to waste money for something that will not reap the benifits of that new technology. In the mean time, my 27 inch system with SVHS input displays the picture window image very nicely and I can always zoom, pan and scan if I feel a need to. I think George and his cronies are ripping off the public by attempting to foist this mediocre product at an exorbitant price. Rent it, you will save a large chunk of change, and maybe in eight years or so George will release a widescreen version with all the cuts restored.
Rating:  Summary: Full screen is the best Review: Don't listen to 1 star punks. They are jeolous because full screen rule. Some people don't even like wide screen. I don't like wide screen. wide screen ... I wish evey dvd has full screen so i can get it. I will get this starwars full screen.
Rating:  Summary: An objective view. Review: First, the movies themselves: Episode I retained the old school mystic feel of the originals, and takes the viewer back to when it all began. It suffers however, from idiotic droids and Jar Jar Binks (who posseses the most annoying voice since C3PO). It's a four star movie at least. Episode II tells its story well, but the story is unfortunately unconvincing. Anakin is nothing but an obnoxious teenager for some reason...is the viewer expected to believe that the distinguished order of the Jedi would not educate one of its own disciples on the rudiments of life? Then there's the romance between Senator Amidala and Anakin; even given the circumstances, it's hardly believable due to Anakin's generally creepy nature. Great special effects though, a decent villian, and we finally get to see Yoda do some fighting which was simply awesome. Even though it's got some great points, it's at best a three star movie. It does require, however, a substantial amount of 'suspension of disbelief' to view and enjoy. Now a word about formats: Put simply, if it's not widescreen, it's not worth the money.
Rating:  Summary: Clone With The Wind ? Review: For a Director who claims not to cater to the whims of his franchise's expectation-heavy fanbase, George Lucas certainly appears to be in "putting wrongs right" mode with "Attack of the Clones". In truth, "The Phantom Menace" could never have lived up to the hype built from 17 years on the back-burner, but few were prepared for what is easily the most disappointing entry into the "Star Wars" saga. For the sequel, to his prequel, Lucas has given the people more of what they wanted (epic galactic upheavals, witty and involving characters) and less of what they didn't like (piddling taxation disputes, Jar Jar Binks), and suddenly all seems back on track again. So, maybe the geeks will inherit the world after all ! Packaging both prequels together is a pretty canny move to boot. "Episode I" plays far better as an introductory, scene-setting precursor to the grander action of "Episode II" than it ever did as a stand-alone mini-epic. Admittedly, it takes about three hours of watching these back-to-back before much of any real significance happens, but when "Clones" kicks in, it does so in mega-Saturday-matinee style. Okay, so the Anakin-Padme love angle doesn't really gel, but "Clones" mostly succeeds in being an interstellar "Gone With The Wind" (or "Titanic" in space for you of the Y Generation). It's all there - the doomed romance set against a backdrop of disaster, the extraordinary visual set-pieces, and even a sweeping new John Williams love theme. "Clones" flat-out demands attention, and although far from perfect, the light-year improvement from "Episode I" can only mean the concluding chapter (due in 2005) will silence even the staunchest nay-sayers once and for all.
Rating:  Summary: STAR WARS FILMS ARE NO LONGER RELIVENT FILMMAKING Review: GEORGE LUCAS IS A LAZY UNINSPIRED DIRECTOR JUST LOOKING TO MILK THIS PATHETIC FRANCHISE FOR ALL IT IS WORTH. STUPID CHARACTERS, STUPID PLOT, AND TAKES OVER 10 YEARS TO COMPLETE THE LAST THREE FILMS??? AND THE BEST CHARACTER HE COULD COME UP WITH IS JAR JAR BINKS??!! WHAT A JOKE. If you want a great adventure Trilogy filmed with top notch actors, supurb plots, production and FX it is by far and away THE LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY. This even makes the first three Star Wars films look like a joke. And all of this yes all of this was done in less than 4 years!!! Lord of the Rings has made George Lucas look and his films irrelevent. its like who cares any more???? There is nothing out there and probibly nothing will ever come close to capturing the epic sacle, the superb story telling and complete magic of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. You just will not beable to top LOTR in any way. George Lucas sit down before you boar us all to death and take a lesson from a real director--all hail PETER JACKSON. The new standard had been set--can any thing come close-only when Peter Jackson films The Hobbit. End of story.
Rating:  Summary: This kind of abuse claims for a boicot. Review: George: Don't play games (with our money): release the ORIGINAL TRILOGY in DVD and WIDESCREEN format and then, you can offer Episode I and II in a decent WIDESCREEN format too. Star Wars admirers around the world: Don't buy Star Wars product anymore until Lucas had released all the DVDs (in widescreen!)
Rating:  Summary: AWSOME MOVIES FOR AN AWSOME PRICE! Review: I actualy prefer full screen and both of these moves are state of the art. A great addtition to my collection.
Rating:  Summary: No way Review: I am a big fan of the old star wars trilogy. Lucas could not handle the new trilogy, it is simply not star wars like.