Rating:  Summary: FAR FROM LIBERTY BEACH Review: Never let it be said that FOX dosen't stick to a plan. With the PLANET OF THE APES on the screen it was a "reimagination" and now with its release on DVD, it's an "evolution" - and they're half right. While the movie was not what most expected, it was, in fact, not a bad film (the APE make up alone is worth the price of this DVD, it is uncanny and stunning both in motion and still framed). While it could have done with another polish of the script, and the threads of the plot could have been tighter (the surprise ending was no real surprise, but does serve as the opener for the next installment - which if FOX sticks to the plan will be a "reimagination" of ESCAPE FROM THE PLANET OF THE APES - the third film in the APES original series), it's also important to remember that the original PLANET was also a jumble of loose threads as well. FOX though has not held back on the making of this DVD - this two disc set is packed. The claim that there is over 13 hours of added material is misleading - it's more like 25 (and counting). With three runs of the film - one as just the film, two with commentary, six documentaries, extended scenes, multi-angle, artwork and more, more, more, PLANET is much like the release of FINAL FANTASY on DVD - not just a movie, but a library. This is chapter and verse, from start to finish and can be enjoyed as simply a film, or as, perhaps, the first film school DVD textbook - with really great chapters on make-up and direction. While some may pass on APES for not living up the original, and others will say it is the best movie they have ever seen - I am the monkey in the middle on this issue and say that PLANET is a must for your DVD collection and a excellent "first time buy" for those new to DVD this year. Not to missed.
Rating:  Summary: Apes a winner! Review: I didn't know exactly what to expect of this movie. In the past, some of Burton's work has struck me as overly dependant on style while the story was left to suffer (Batman for example). I was delighted to find that in Apes, Burton found a fine balance between style and story and brought together a very good movie delivering a quick pace through visually intriguing scenes. I was very pleased with the performances especially Tim Roth's General Thade, a menacing antagonist with real menace. Planet Of The Apes-recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding blast of suspense, action and science fiction Review: Think of a world where evolution has reversed. Apes are the dominant species; humans are the slaves. The original Planet of the Apes was definitely a classic, but what Hollywood can do with special effects today is amazing. Although the writers wrote the movie very well, Tim Burton, a wacko in my opinion, ruined the movie with his strange ideas. The film is spectacular until it comes time for Mark Wahlberg to return home. The ending is a complete disater, because Tim Burton thought that it makes sense to himself for everything to be reversed; Apes have taken the place of humans. If one knows any concept about the theories of time travel then one would know why the ending is totally inaccurate. First, Mark Wahlberg goes back in time (at least 400+ years), which makes sense for now. Then he returns home via the electromagnetic storm through a wormhole back to Earth to the time he had departed from. Now everything is reversed. In order to change events or make a "ripple" in time, one must travel before the date one wishes to change; not after. Even if one tries to make sense of this disaster Tim Burton's commentary is worse than some foreigner trying to learn a new language; he just stumbles over words to waste time. Despite the much confused and inaccurate ending, the DVD itstelf is spectacular. Interactive menus, deleted scenes, the making of the movie, trailers and teasars, and much more complements the DVD quite well. It's definitely worth buying and watching.
Rating:  Summary: POTA SPORTS BAD SCREENPLAY Review: Yesterday I twice watched Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes -- first w/o Tim's commentary, and second with it. Overall, I'll give the movie 3-of-5 stars -- breaking it into three basic areas: 1) makeup and special effects, 2) acting, 3) story or screenplay. The makeup was great!! FXs used for apes leaping and jumping were really good, while other FXs were OK (the space ships and magnetic storm seemed a bit cheesy.) The performance of Tim Roth was remarkable -- the best aspect of the entire movie. Helena Bonham Carter and Paul Giamatti were also excellent, with several other fine performances by the supporting cast -- including a stellar death scene by Charlton Heston (the best scene in the entire film -- IMHO.) In all, the acting (including their mannerisms and posturing) and makeup of the apes carries this movie -- which brings me to the (GULP!@^%#) screenplay.How can such a Colossal movie screw-up a story line that has such great potential, wherein it alternates from "YES!!" to "WHAT THE ****!!!???" The story has so many shortcomings that could easily have been corrected, that left as they were weakened the overall effect. For instance: 1) How did the apes EVOLVE (no explanation is provided) in the course of about 900 years (according to the "date meter"); 2) If the humans -- as made clear in the movie by Heston -- were far more inventive than the apes, then why weren't they able to devise a means of defending themselves or achieving dominance (where were the bows and arrows -- AT LEAST!!); 3) How does a young and vivacious human woman -- constantly hunted and harried along with the rest of her species -- manage to keep her lipstick from smearing??; and 4) (the cheapest trick of all) Why, near the end of the movie, when Mark Wahlberg goes BACK in time (the "date meter" reverses), does he arrive at an EARTH (not the Ape Planet) where General Thade became that planet's Abe Lincoln!!?? Interestingly, in his DVD commentary, Burton says he's not really into analyzing or interpreting this story, as he's more concerned with the overall effect or emotional impact of his films. This sounds like a weak excuse for not focusing on probably the most important element of any movie -- the story (but, in fairness to Tim, perhaps he had limited control over this component.) Just compare this screenplay to that of the Matrix -- which I thought scored about 98-of-100 in this department, as opposed to maybe a 65 for POTA. How could the story have been improved?? 1) No live apes should have been used. The pre-timewarp apes should have been "genetically enhanced" slaves and lab "animals" -- having human-like intelligence in bodies identical to those later encountered. This more sinister story-line would have provided a motive for ape "revenge" and dismissed the evolution question; 2) With human-like intelligence yet far superior physical prowess, it would be reasonable that the apes could come to dominate their previous masters in a low-tech world; 3) The human-female "love-interest" role played by Estellas Warren should not have existed in the movie -- replaced by a more profound and interesting relationship between Wahlberg's human and Carter's ape. As it stood, Carter loved Wahlberg, but he thought of her as a chimpanzee -- so much for "equality" on the part of our hero in this film; 4) Replace the cheesy (and predictable, actually) ending with something more thought provoking and substantial -- like maybe Mark deciding to stay, realizing that if he returns perhaps all of this planets ape and human inhabitants (decendants of those onboard the original spacecraft) might just fail to continue existing if he returns and changes his and their ancestors' history. (Although I'm sure something more exciting than this could have been devised.) Finally, an enjoyable movie that missed the mark, owing to a mediocre story. So much lost potential... as it easily could have been a great movie. The end.
Rating:  Summary: Bottom line, a good movie despite common opinion Review: No, I don't have the DVD, The bottom line though, is this is a good movie and if it's on DVD, I'm gett'n it, not for menues and accessories but because it was a darn good movie in the theater. At least it had acting, unlike Star Wars 1 which did not. The single thing I did not like about PoA was the ending, I think it could have been left out. It was lacking in believablity, COR-NIE. It was comedy at best. That aside, it was a great movie and would get five stars without the silly ending. I will just ignor it and get the DVD anyway.
Rating:  Summary: EVEN Tim Burton can't explain the ending! Review: One of the worst endings in a movie I have ever seen because it made no sense. I think it only makes sense to Tim Burton. I rented the DVD just to see if I missed something in the theater. Well it still didn't make sense on 2nd viewing. I decided to listen to Tim Burton's Commentary track on the DVD. To my surprise even he couldn't explain the ending other than to say that "It was logical to him" and a bunch of other nonsense. His explanation was as empty of explanation as the movie itself. Ok, so he doesn't have the same logic as most people (...) I was expecting some eye opening information but it wasn't to be found in his own commentary! If you were thinking Tim Burton was a genius Listen to it for yourself and you will likely think otherwise once he is done stammering!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent extras! effects! menus! terrible ending... Review: "Planet of the Apes" is an excellent DVD with incredible extras, including some really neat menus and some great "making of" shorts (the best of which is "ape school" which had me scampering around the apartment like an ape for days!). The movie itself tries to forge its own identity by making some unusual changes from the original. For example, all the humans can talk and are as intelligent as the apes, just not as strong and needing a few confidence-building sessions with Tony Robbins. If you can suspend your knowledge of physics, the gravity-defying special effects are also outstanding, as are the makeup and costuming. Tim Burton also adds a bit of sociological history to the apes (mainly in the form of art design and the apes' creation myth) that could have been utilized even more to great effect. The movie fails at 2 important junctures at the end. During the climactic battle scene, Director Burton settles for a deus ex machina resolution, which totally lets the air out of the film. And I absolutely did not like the ending. I don't mind a swerve or a curve ball thrown at me, but pull it organically out of plot, don't send me into left field after you've been building a 4th and one at the goal line as time is running out! My guess is that Burton couldn't come up with the right ending, and running out of time, resources and ideas, decided he'd get crucified no matter what he did and opted for the highly implausible/couldn't see it coming with the Hubble telescope finish. Despite its crucial flaws, this is a highly enjoyable DVD with enough extras to last many, many viewings.
Rating:  Summary: 4 for the movie, 5 for the DVD Review: First off, I just want to get this out of the way... Would you people please make up your mind? It's a completely different movie, yet you continue to compare it to the original. Here's an original thought: Try looking at Tim Burton's film as a COMPLETELY NEW FILM, with NOTHING in common with the "original" POTA from 1968 (aside from the basic story element of a planet ruled by apes). You'll find it has more going for it than you realize. For my review, I'll be short.. there's been enough full reviews here already. The occasional holes in the story are the only things that hurt this film. The acting by all involved was top-notch (even from Wahlburg.. take a look at his character, he's SUPPOSED to act that way). Tim Roth stole the show, of course. Extrememly high production values.. fantastic sets, locations, makeup, VFX by ILM.. few movies look this good. Tim Burton said that this film was NOT a "remake" of the original, which is precisely why you shouldn't try to compare the two. I own both of them side by side on my rack, and view them as completely separate films. For the DVD review, this is a supurb example of a feature-laden DVD. Tons of extra features on Disc 2.. In-depth looks at Ape schooling, makeup, wire work, several behind-the-scenes features.. this disc has it all. As a filmmaker, it's amazing to see a DVD go into such great detail about the production. The film itself is a very good transfer, very sharp, excellent sound. All in all, an excellent movie, I think. As long as you don't watch it expecting it to be like the "original".
Rating:  Summary: Only APES the original Review: Why monkey around with a good thing?! This version is big on special effects and make up, but sadly lacking in plot & character. Stick with the original instead of catering to this second banana!
Rating:  Summary: Not worth the time or money Review: The original Apes was a classic of science fiction. It should NOT have been remade unless there was just some amazingly new way that Hollywood thought they could tell the story. As usual, this was just the suits trying to cash in on a potentially lucrative title with a big name director (whose films really aren't all that great except for the Batmans and Ed Wood). I gave it two stars for the sets and monkey effects, which were indeed all very well done. But, if special effects were all that made a movie, well, there would be a lot of good movies out there. This isn't one of them. I found myself bored at so many parts. ... everytime the opportunity presented itself to really let go, the movie just let down instead. If anything, the producers should have left the old stuff alone and tried to build a NEW story in the same universe, but that would have been just too risky for them. With a better script and a better director (and different actors) this could have been impressive. As is, it's just a bunch of monkey doo. But just for the record, i have not seen the DVD, but i doubt anyone who didn't like the movie in the first place would care to see the making of a movie they didn't like.