Rating:  Summary: Bless this Mess Review: Jerry Bruckheimer crams American flags into every scene possible in this 'save the earth' flick that was the top money earner in the year it was released. The better of 2 killer asteroid movies that came out the same time (yeah, yeah... I know the other one was a 'comet'. So sue me.) Good date movie - action/explosions for the guys and love-story/tear-jerker ending for the gals.Actually, I think we all cried. Go ahead, it's ok to admit it.
Rating:  Summary: This is so much fun, it's freaky! Review: Harry Stamper (Bruce Willis) is the man. All go, no quiet is his moto and he always pushes his men too hard. He's in control of a drilling station in the China Sea, hating the Greenpeace campaigns and always yelling to everyone except his best friend, Chick Chappele (Will Patton). That's his life, but all it's about to change when a meteor shower starts to fall to Earth. And this is only a warning of a major meteor to come, as big as Texas, and it will impact on the Pacific Ocean in about 18 days if NASA can't do anything about it. But NASA has a plan: to launch a couple of shuttles with competent people on board to drill deep enough to set up a nuclear device that will split the rock in two. Fate? Harry Stamper and his crew are to be send. What comes next is pure joy! Especially the training and my favorite character: the russian cosmonaut, Lev Andropov (Peter Stormare). A very well written story with maybe a ridiculous but yet, fun premise: Country rednecks in outer space, Bruckheimer style. By the way, the score composed by Trevor Rabin is outstanding!
Rating:  Summary: An entertaining Space/Adventure mixed Comedy and Thrills. Review: A small rounds from a Meteor crash landed in New York City, Killing Civilans from the City. When NASA discover that they have 18 Days to Save the Planet. NASA hired a team of Rag-Tag Drillers (Bruce Willis, Oscar-Winner:Ben Affleck, Will Patton, Steve Buscemi, Micheal Clarke Duncan, Owen Wilson and Ken Hudson Campbell), are ask to go in Space with NASA Astrounauts to Stop the Meteor from Coming to Earth. Directed by Micheal Bay (Bad Boys 1 & 2, The Rock, Pearl Harbor) made a very entertaining film, which it never does take, itself seriously, which is a good thing. This film has terrific cast including, Oscar-Winner:Billy Bob Thornton, William Fitchner, Peter Stormare, Liv Tyler, Keith David and Jason Isaacs. DVD`s has an sharp non-anamorphic Widescreen (2.35:1) transfer and An impressive Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. One of the Highest Grossing films of 1998. Great Visual Effects by Dream Quest Images and Industrial Light & Magic (ILM). This film is Corny beyond Words but this is a exciting Sci-Fi adventure. Screenplay by Jonathan Hensleigh (Die Hard 3) and Jeffery Abrams (Joy Ride), Adapation by Tony Gilroy (Dolores Claiborne) and Shane Salerno (Shaft-Remake), from a Story by Robert Roy Pool (Outbreak) and Hensleigh. Panavision. Grade:B+.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie with a Awesome DVD Collector's Ed. Review: The Criterion Edition of this Jerry Bruckheimer adventure is neat, it's got commentary, director's cut, Trailers, Music Video and some things to interest you. This movie has the most intense destruction of the cities since ... move on september 11, and i think this movie has a great patriotic wave to it cause we now must be patriotic since september 11.
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST MOVIE......EVER Review: This is undoubtably my favorite movie ever, and I like everything from Cinderella to the Faculty. The movie has superb acting, and the casting and charactorizing was done perfectly. No one could have made a better Grace than Liv Tyler. Bruce willis plays the perfect hardass worker, overprotective father with a sense of humor that could have been done. Ben Affleck plays his part as AJ to a tee. Some of your favorite charactors in the movie will undoubtable be the drilling crew though. Steve Buscemi is memorable as Rockhound. Steve really should get more credit, he's an amazing actor, just never the lead. Will Patton plays a great Chick Chapple, everyone in the audience falling in love with his fun charactor, among others. Though it comes across a little unrealistic and slightly predictable, its definitly a must see. The predictablilty of it changes at the end with the death of a certain important character and the way that comes about. Its worth it for the laughs (there are many) the tears, the action and the suspense. 2 thumbs up, high.
Rating:  Summary: this movie has it all Review: this is a great film with elements of comedy, drama, and a tearjerking ending
Rating:  Summary: Armageddon, one of the worst films to ever hit the screens Review: This movie is yet another flaw by the same guys who brought us Con Air, Gone in 60 Seconds, Pearl Harbor, more and more Hollywood junk, big budget movies with poor scripts,Armageddon proved to be the worst of the bunch, although having a good cast, the producers of the film should have run a second check on the screenplay before handing it off to the actors. The whole dialoge is too abrupt, the whole concept of the movie is very un-realistic, and of course based on a love story just to intice the younger generation of the audience. poor movie script indeed Sincerely Alfredo Blume
Rating:  Summary: Harmless Fun Review: Armageddon is not my favorite movie, I will admit. It is highly improbable, fairly predictable, overly-patriotic, and emotionally manipulative. But in its defense, anyone who sat down to watch this movie expecting Oscar material was a fool to begin with and deserved to be disappointed, and certainly had no grounds for writing some of the absurdly critical reviews that have been submitted to this forum. For heaven's sake, it's a Bruce Willis movie; of *course* things are going to be blown up. It's an action movie; of *course* it's going to be male-dominated, and the one or two female characters will be there solely to provide a romantic interest for a male protagonist and/or to provide eye candy for the predominantly male audience. You didn't have to sit down to watch the movie to conclude the plot is improbable; just reading that it's about drilling on an asteriod while scanning the back of the box in the store would tell you that much. And people of different ethnicities and nationalities were not nearly as grossly and offensively stereotyped as the characters in other recent sci-fi movies like Star Wars Episode I. Armageddon is what it is. It's an entertaining, visually impressive, over-the-top action movie. And with smart actors like Billy Bob Thornton, Steve Buscemi, and (arguably) Ben Affleck, it's smarter and funnier than most other big brash blow-em-up flicks. Heck, do what a lot of college kids do--sit down to watch it with a beer or two, and every time there's a gratuitous shot of a US flag, take a drink. Maybe you'll loosen up a bit and enjoy big flashy Hollywood movies for what they are: entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: Why all the bad press? Review: I thought Armageddon ranked right up there with Godzilla! No seriously! As far as special effects go and entertainment, Armageddon was a joyride from start (well from mission start to finale) to finish. So you have an oil drilling rig crew turned astronaut to drill a 200 foot hole in a iron asteraoid the size of Texas? So what's so unbelievable about that? Having seen the flexibility of drilling crews lately have you? LOL! Well anyway, I especially liked the Russian Space Station sequence. "Don't touch nothing!" Well I guess I appreciated this film a little more than the average person after having some core drilling experience myself. Knowing what the Willis's crew had to do, I had a little more respect for the undertaking. Drilling ain't easy folks! Drill down one pipe/auger and then disconnect, add another, reconnect, drill it down, repeat ad nauseum. Then when you're done, just reverse that method. Very fun indeed. So yeah, I had a little more appreciation for the film for this very reason. Now I just gotta comment on Raul's comment below: "However, with so many great films still unavailable on DVD, (La Dolce Vita, Les Regles du jeu, The Magnificent Ambersons), and many not available even on NTSC VHS, (Il Gattopardo, Au Hasard Balthasar), I am flabbergasted at your choosing this flick for the honor of a Criterion release. If raising money is the reason behind this, why not reissue Les 400 Coups, or the Killer instead? If you need ideas for contemporary movies that do deserve your attention, try these, Tous les matins du monde, Zentropa, or The Mystery of Rampo. Thanks." I just wanna say..."Huh?" This ain't France, bub.
Rating:  Summary: I give it one middle finger Review: Is this a video game or a movie?With an endless stream of flashing lights,explosions,two dimensional characters and a plot as about as realistic as a video game I really couldn't tell one way or the other.This is one of the most viscerally unpleasant things ever set loose on the public.After about an hour of having your eyes,ears and intelligence assaulted by this beast full of sound and fury that signifies nothing,you'll be crying: no more! no more! Dear god just make it stop! You will like this so-called movie if your age and I.Q. are somewhere around 16.Otherwise don't bother.It gets my vote for the worst movie ever made,and I've seen Attack of the killer tomatoes and Howard the Duck.