Rating:  Summary: Slightly entertaining, but... Review: it offers a chance for those crackpot conspiracy theorists to say," Hey, what did I tell you? We never landed on the moon during the Apollo Program!" It's obvious that their so-called "evidence" is baloney, and this movie unneccessarily gives them credibility. In fact, Bill Kaysing, author of the book We Never Went to the Moon in 1974, claims that Hyams based this movie on his book. Hyams publicly denied that allegation, claiming that the movie was "for entertainment and for fun, and frankly, I think those people are being totally ludicrous." Astronaut Jim Lovell had this to say about Kaysing: "the guy is wacky. His problem is, he saw that movie Capricorn One, and now he thinks that's really the way it goes." I agree with him 100%, and so would any slightly educated person who is not as thick as a whale omlette. They might as well face up to the fact that we went to the moon, and quit making a fool of themselves with their laughable theories. Anyway, I think this movie was, as Hyams said, "entertaining and fun." There is a lot of action when the capsule supposedly burns up on reentry and the three astronauts realize they're expendable. Still, I couldn't help but give this movie one star because it gives those Grade-A fools a little credibility. Those people who feel so tragically isolate from others that they feel the need to construct ridiculous "hidden truths" instead of growing up, getting educated, and learning real facts. Such people are pityable.
Rating:  Summary: THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE MARS Review: Written and directed by Peter Hyams, CAPRICORN ONE was released in the theaters in 1978, one year after STAR WARS' twister. While George Lucas, with his revolutionary movie, had no other purpose than sheer entertainment, Peter Hyams brought to the audience an adult sci-fi movie.I believe that CAPRICORN ONE is a masterpiece showing that Peter Hyams was, a long time ago, a director with an enormous potential. Unfortunately, this talent has been wasted since then. The desert scenes are frightening because it seems that these astronauts fighting for their lives have to defend themselves against martians. Even the Arizona scorpions or rattlesnakes appear rather as extraterrestrial enemies rather than earthly animals. CAPRICORN ONE is also a movie about mass manipulation and develops a theme which Hyams will treat again with OUTLAND : the fight of a man against a secret conspiracy. If, like me, you hadn't had the time to see this movie until now, buy it. It's worth the discovery. A laserdisc which could have been a DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Five Star Because It Is Perfect "Entertainment" Review: I generally hate it when people rate films 5 out of 5, because usually they "aint" Citizen Kane. But this film is perfect entertainment, not a dull moment in it, with a premise that the director manages to make seem very plausable, even if in the light of day it isn't. I love the conspiracy theory films of the seventies, like , The Parralax View, The Conversation etc, and this is a more crowdpleasing version of those great films. I also am a big fan of Elliot Gould, who I love in this. He usaully makes such bad films that this is a treat. He really needs a better agent. In short, NASA fakes a manned mission to Mars. On returning to Earth, The "empty" capsule burns up in Earths atmosphere. The government then proceeds to exterminate everyone who knows the secret, whilst the still very much alive astronaughts become martyrs. Worth a look.
Rating:  Summary: Guilty pleasure from the paranoid 1970s..... Review: It is, as many critics charge, implausible, outrageous, and even self-righteous (as a post-Watergate "expose" it reaffirms our fears that all is artiface, but "we" see through it all), but I dare anyone to say that it doesn't entertain from start to finish. And how many times can we say that O.J. Simpson actually displays his acting chops?
Rating:  Summary: Better than I expected Review: I think this is a great movie, with a plausible and intriguing plot. Of course, the movie was made 23 years ago, so the clothes, hairstyles are old, however the movie doesn't seem as dated as one might think and the special effects are impressive for that period. There is a lot of realism of procedures in the scenes invloving Flight control and the scientific inaccuracies mentioned in a previous review are off the mark. The space ship is close to Earth on it's return when the broadcast is made between the Astronauts and their wives, and that point is patently stated to the movies 'television audience'.
Rating:  Summary: My Favorite Movie Review: I have been very interested in the authenticity of the Apollo program and have purchased various books which question it all together. I shared my interest in the Apollo program with somebody who told me about this movie. I sure am glad that they did too! Not only did this movie fuel my imagination, but it is also very exciting. Although there is way too much information which proves we did land on the moon, this keeps your imagination going by presenting it a "Watergate" scenerio.
Rating:  Summary: Makes you wonder if we really went to the moon Review: Good plot about our own government attempting to hoax the world with a staged manned space flight to Mars. The film keeps us in our seats with moving action and suspense as the three astronauts attempt to escape their captors and reveal to the world what was really going on. A rare acting appearance by O. J. Simpson is featured in this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Great trivia question to go along with escapist fun Review: Quick, what 1970s B-movie co-stars Barbra Streisand's former and current husbands? That would be the extremely enjoyable Capricorn One. The husbands? Ex-hubby Elliot Gould and current spouse James Brolin of course.Ironically, the film centers around these two characters with journalist Gould trying to find fugitive astronaut Brolin before the government kills both of them. Hal Holbrook is up to his usual evil shenanigans as the bad guy and the always-underrated Brenda Vaccaro has some poignant scenes as Brolin's "widow" who is told her husband and two other astronauts -- O.J. Simpson and Sam Waterston -- have been killed upon re-entry to earth on a mission from Mars. It seems they never got there though because the government found a glitch in the well-publicized mission that made the trip impossible. Capricorn One is amazingly suspenseful, funny and features an enjoyable cast. The ending is appropriately uplifting and you have to love any movie where normally intense Waterston provides the comic relief as the cutup astronaut!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Capricorn One--the name says it all Review: Naming an historic mission to another planet after a goat should speak volumes about the credibility of Capricorn One. While the acting, for the most part, is good (most notably Hal Holbrook as the chief conspirator), Peter Hyams obsesses on witty dialog and a Watergate-like conspiracy and spends far too little time on finetuning the scientific detail that is sorely absent in this movie. The overall plot is good: NASA faking a mission to Mars to save itself from public humiliation. But there are several problems with the way Hyams, et al. carry it out. Problem one: James Streisand, O.J., and Sam Waterston (Waterston's the only GOOD actor of the trio) are the lucky winners of an all-expense-paid trip to Mars--in an old style Apollo rocketship! Problem two: the mission ends up taking less than a year to complete. With an Apollo rocket it would take almost ten years--at best! Problem three: there is a scene with the astronauts talking in real time to their wives when a signal from Mars to Earth would obviously be time-delayed due to the planets' vast distances. And for the biggest problem: it's a wonder that Elliot Gould (as the Woodward & Bernstein type reporter) is the only one who's able to smell the goat that fouls up Capricorn One. My advice: take Capricorn One with an asteroid-sized grain of salt.
Rating:  Summary: A Classic. Review: This film is a first rate thriller. It has all of the characters: the astronauts, the evil government representative trying to protect the space program at all costs, the roving reporter digging for clues, the girlfriend of the roving reporter ( always available to bail him out of trouble). The movie has a good premise and a predictable storyline but is still quite entertaining and an overall good thriller. One of my favorite films from my youth.