Rating:  Summary: A Classic Review: Are you a lonely construction worker searching for a hot date? No you're really a hero of the Martian resistance want more data? Rent total recall. Very good with very memorable characters. Lots of blood and gore just the way I like it.
Rating:  Summary: What's to become of the human race? Review: The great thing about Paul Verhoeven's work is that it is all very eyepoping and entertaining. He has made some of the smartest Science Fiction flims I have ever sceen and Total Recall is one of the Paul Verhoeven's best films hands down. The classic Robocop this the other great movie from Verhoeven. In Total Recall his vision of the humans raceing to mars and then distorying it is pretty cool, but is scary and very complex. Arnold Schwarzenegger also gives Totall Recall his very best. This is my favorite work from Schwarzenegger along side of "Conan the Barberen. The best way I can think to sum up the mind blowing plot with out giving much way is this. Schwarzenegger plays a normal citizen who finds out the hard way that his life is not so normal and lame after all. He gets to virsions of him self. I highly Suggest you watch this flim, but it is not for the easily grossed out.
Rating:  Summary: Love the movie-hate the packaging Review: This is one of my favorite sci-fi movies, and I am excited to be able to enjoy it on DVD. However, I really cannot stand the special edition packaging. The "metal can" designed to look like Mars not only fails to provide a real secure (in my opinion) means of holding onto the movie because A) the canister is round and lacks other identification, making it poorly suited for storage and filing as part of a collection, and B) the DVD sits on foam padding, which seems to invite scratches and other problems, as it has nothing to hold it in place and keep it from moving.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies i've seen. Review: A fascinating, exciting and spectacular Action Sci-fi adventure from Paul Verhoeven, Arnold Schwartzenger stars as a futuristic Worker who gets his memory stolen and wants to go to Mars to get it back even when it's time to save the dying planet Mars. It's a Fantastic, Gory and thrilling thrill ride that is a must see for lovers of Sci-fi and action but be. Warning: for people 18 and up only, contains scenes of extreme violence with Gore and it's not for the faint of the Heart or Squamish.Similar movies i would recommend: The Fifth Element, George Romero's Day of the Dead, The Matrix, Blade Runner, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, The Evil Dead, From Dusk Till Dawn, Scanners, Fist of the North Star ( Animated one), Starship Troopers, Robocop, Passenger 57, The Rock, Con Air, Armageddon, Star Wars, Dark City, John Carpenter's The Thing, Commando, The Running Man, The Dark Crystal, Excalibur, Saving Private Ryan, Lucio Fulci's The Beyond, and Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing and dull. Review: Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as Douglas Quaid, an otherwise ordinary man who discovers that his memories and his life are false, and the truth to his real identity is on planet Mars. The second of Paul Verhoeven's big-budget sci-fi actioners (The other films being Robocop, Starship Troopers, and Hollow Man), it's also his weakest. After a good beginning, everything goes downhill with repetitive action scenes that don't generate many thrills, and quite frankly, Schwarzenegger is just wrong for the role. Verhoeven's a fine action director, but his talent isn't showcased particularly well here. The final plot twist is a good shocker, however.
Rating:  Summary: Good action film Review: A normal contruction worker(Schwarzenegger) is troubled about the dreams he have about Mars. He heard about Rekall an enterprise which sales fake memory implants.He gets in but something goes wrong before he gets implanted he escaped from Rekall and just when he is attacked by spies who wants him and by his fake wife and realizes that all his life is just a dream.With the help from a annonymus guy he finally arrives to Mars where he must contact with a mysterious woman which led to Kuato a mutant rebel which can tell Quaid the Cohaagen secret found in one of the Martian mines that have terbinium a mineral ore which is the thing that the Martian governor doesn't want to loose. This reactor melts the glaciar and gives 0xygen that's what Mars needs to save all the people which are held by a despotic ruler. Quaid hit the bad guys and save the planet.
Rating:  Summary: Awful packaging! Awful packaging! AWFUL PACKAGING! Review: I was so stoked for this DVD to come out. One of the funnest movies Paul Verhoven ever made besides his work with Robocop. So far, it's the only modern movie about Mars that has a decent story and has a great "realism" factor that still holds well after the credits have long since rolled. I saw the extras listed on Amazon, I saw the illustration picture that showed the product but when I finally received it in the mail, low and behold-I get a round metal box thingy that holds the DVD. The stupidity of this is that I have no place for this thing to go in my DVD library! I have since learned that Artisan is releasing a version with a keepcase in the next few months which is the same thing they did with T2 (the original packaging couldn't hold both discs securly without that cheesy metal frame to go with it). I am tired of this lame packaging Artisan is coming out with and from now on, I plan to buy DVD's at the lowest price from other retailers I know have a decent product I can actually look at before I buy!
Rating:  Summary: Sci Fi Popcorn At Its Very Best Review: Ah, long ago there was a time when Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn't concerned with making socially relevant films ... his mainstay was the science fiction / fantasy / action genre. When he was at the height of the form, he had no rival, and TOTAL RECALL stands as a testament to his greatness. With top notch special effects along with a story inspired by the master Philip K. Dick, Arnold proved that not had there been life on Mars long ago but life today was possible for humans with the right combination of scientific events. Along for the ride were a youthfully sexy vixen named Sharon Stone, an equally sexy rival in Rachel Tinochen, a wonderfully evil villain in Ronny Cox, and genre fav Michael Ironside chewed scenery as well as Arnie did. The commentary track adds some depth into the preproduction, filming, and postproduction process -- with a healthy amount of anecdotes thrown in for the average viewer -- making this Special Limited Edition (a tin in the shape of Mars, nonetheless) worth the view.
Rating:  Summary: An intriguing premise sets this one apart Review: I could talk a lot about the stuff I like about "Total Recall" - the dynamite special effects, production design and action, the numerous Schwarzenegger one-liners ("Consider that a divorce" is my favorite), and the colorful supporting characters. And what's not to love about a movie that gives us midget hookers on Mars? But that kind of stuff is de rigeur for "Ahnuld" films; what really sets this apart is clever, mind-bending premise that director Paul Verhoeven chooses never answers: was this all "real," or just an implanted memory? Was Schwarzenenegger's character, Doug Quaid, really a secret agent, or was this just an "ego trip," an implanted memory that looks and feels real? There's an intriguing sequence about halfway through the movie in which Quaid is confronted by a doctor from Rekall, the company that sold Quaid his "secret agent on Mars" fantasy. The doctor, accompanied with his wife (Sharon Stone), tries to convince Quaid that his experiences aren't real at all, but part of the fantasy Rekall sold him; unless Quaid comes back to reality (by taking a pill), he'll end up a mindless zombie. Of course, in Quaid's fantasy (or reality?), his wife has already tried to kill him, so he's not listening too closely to what she says. But for a moment, Quaid is buying what the doctor has to say...until he sees him sweating, and shoots him in the head. The logic, of course, is that if the doctor is make-believe, he wouldn't be under enough stress to sweat. However, who's to say that's not part of the fantasy? A movie with less intelligence would have answered these sorts of questions, and given the audience a pat "wrap up" sequence to tie up all the loose ends. But give tons of credit to "Total Recall": in the best sci-fi tradition, it's up to the audience to figure it out what really happened. Along the way, we're treated to a spectacular vision of a future Mars, populated by human colonists and mutants (including a three-breasted prostitute who'd probably make a fortune in Las Vegas). There's a red-light district ("Venusville"), which is apparently to the future what Amsterdam or Bangkok are to today's tourists: a sex destination. You can get a "Mars Today" newspaper, or check into the Hilton. Verhoeven is a master of these movies, in which the future isn't quite "Blade Runner," but fairly well warped. Things we take for granted today, like commercials, mass transit, or vacations, still exist, even though they've morphed slightly. This is a world we can all recognize and relate to. Of course, all is not well on Mars, as the planet's governor, Cohagen (Ronnie Cox) is charging the good citizens of the planet too much for air, and is trying to quell a rebellion. Quaid goes to Mars thinking he might have fought alongside the rebels against Cohagen, but finds out that he might have actually been working for Cohagen all along. Before too long, Quaid discovers Cohagen's secret: there's a huge, alien-built machine that will melt massive underground ice deposits, and create a breathable atmosphere on Mars. If Mars has an atmosphere, Cohagen loses his power over the people - their air supply. How does Quaid learn all this? He encounters a mutant who pops out of a seemingly normal person's belly, reads Quaid's thoughts, and shows him the truth. Of course, this is after we meet the three-breasted prostitute, so by this point, we're not surprised. The wind-up, in which Quaid gives Mars its' atmosphere, is about as fanciful as you'd please - one wonders exactly how the oxygen content on the planet become sufficient in five minutes - but it ties into the whole "is it real or is it a fantasy" premise. After all, the name of the fantasy Quaid selects at Rekall is "Blue Sky On Mars." Is it for real, or is Quaid sitting in a machine imagining all this, and having his brain warped as the doctor said? You decide. Enjoy!