Rating:  Summary: An excellent sci-fi thriller Review: "Total Recall," directed by Paul Verhoeven, is a stunning blend of high-concept science fiction, action, and humor. The script is based on the story "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale," by legendary science fiction writer Philip K. Dick.In the film, an Earthman named Quaid (a good performance by Arnold Schwarzeneggar) goes to have artificial memories of an exciting vacation to Mars implanted into his brain. But the process goes horribly wrong, and Quaid ends up on Mars in the midst of conspiracy and unrest. "Total Recall" contains truly amazing special effects. Combined with the set design and some memorable mutant makeup designs, this is one of the most visually stunning science fiction films ever made. There is plenty of humor in the film, often in the form of snappy one-liners and weird sight gags. The performances are very good; I was especially impressed by Ronny Cox as the ruthless Martian dictator. And everything is well complemented by the big, booming orchestral score by Jerry Goldsmith. The intense violence may turn off some viewers. But if you have a high tolerance for cinematic brutality, give "Total Recall" a try. It's a witty, inventive, and visually impressive achievement in science fiction filmmaking.
Rating:  Summary: Poor styling and dated sets... Review: Nobody watches an Arny film for his acting - it's all in the action! So what's wrong with this film? Paul Verhoeven gives his usual best in sex and violence - problem is with the art direction. The interior sets for the Mars colony look just like that - dressed up sound stages. Compare it to the visual brilliance of films like City of Lost Children, Blade Runner and even Dark City... these films take the audience to another time and place, even after repeated viewings through the years. Total Recall just looks dated after barely a decade - styrofoam rock walls, plastic-looking doors, outdated hair styles... Just doesn't mesh well with the admittedly great SFX sequences. The magic is lost...
Rating:  Summary: A great "Who Am I?" sci-fi action thriller! great DVD! Review: Totall Recall on DVD doesn't have a whole lot of extra features, but it does include a full-screen version for those of you who enjoy both aspect ratios. And the while the sound is great, what is really great is the picture. I owned TR on VHS for many years, and the picure quality was very poor, even for videotape. when I picked it up on DVD, I noticed very few artifacts on the screen, and the color representation was near perfect. As for the plot, Schwarzenegger plays Quaid, a construction worker who realizes that his life may not be his. There is A LOT of action in this film, and the explosions will give your subwoofer a good workout. I recommend this DVD to everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Arnold doesn't make good movies anymore like this one. Review: I don't know why Arnold hasn't made any good movies lately. It's really sad to see all these years go by and still nothing to match T and T2, Predator, and, lastly Total Recall. One thing's for sure, Paul Verhoven, director, and Arnold go together very well. This is one of my all time favs, for sure. I can only hope that Arnold and Verhoven (Starship Troopers) can somehow do another Sci-Fi. Johnny Cab has to be one of the best parts that make this movie so cool and different. I just loved the Mars off-world idea, too. It's just a unique movie, much like Predator. The scene where Arnold fights Micheal Ironside on the elevator in the alien device, could've been done different, script-wise, in my opinion. When Arnold ends up holding on to Ironsides' arms after the elevator takes them off, he could've said "need a hand, or two" instead of "...see you at the party, Richter" That would've made this movie perfect. Oh well, a comic opportunity missed.
Rating:  Summary: Another classic science fiction film with a twist Review: The 1990's entered with an explosive note, when it came to movies. Like his first science fiction classic, Robocop, Paul Verhoeven would bring audiences another explosive science fiction adventure film. One with plenty of graphic violence, explosive action, three-dimensional characters, spectacular sets, and the like. Most of all, a unique plot twist that leaves the viewer wondering the same question that Arnold schwarzenegger had in the end. Was it all a dream? Whatever the audience may decide, one thing is for certain. Total Recall is an excellent science fiction action adventure film. One that is both cerebral and violent. Everyone involved in the picture does an excellent job, both on and off the camera. Arnold does a good job, however, this reviewer wishes that Patrick Swayze or Tom Berenger was in the lead heroic role. Michael Ironside, as always does an excellent job as the assasin type, trying to kill Arnold. Ronny Cox does an excellent job playing the cruel colony administrator with his own twisted agenda. Sharon Stone was good too in her role. Her character's death in the middle of the film was well deserved for a villain. And the beautiful Rachel Ticotin did an excellent performance as a revolutionary leader on Mars. The movie, despite its violent layering, also had a hidden message to it. Information is the most powerful weapon in today's society. And too much information is definately a dangerous thing. The subplot about the Martian machinery was also good, as was Jerry Goldsmith's soundtrack of the film. Definately a classic of the science fiction genre on all levels. If you enjoy science fiction, you will enjoy this film. Another classic from ITC ENTERTAINMENT.
Rating:  Summary: An action movie can also be a smart one Review: When Arnold Schwarzeneger made this movie he proved to the audience that he was a clever script chooser. He can make not only action movies, but flics with smart storytelling. We can`t forget the fact that Paul Verhoeven was behind the camera, directing the movie. His histerical view and pace make the story even better. And the best part is the fact that there is room for some tricks. When Arnie`s character goes to rekall, he sets up what he wishes to be his memories. And as you watch his choices, you see that he is setting the whole story of the movie. He chooses to save the whole planet (Mars), he chooses to be a secret agent, he chooses to have a brunette girlfriend. That is all he gets. You could say, of course, that he is only reflecting the memories that he has deep inside his mind. But the moment you say that you are just proving how clever this plot is: even when the movie ends, you will never know if all these things that happened were really set in the real world or only as a dream. But who cares? What's the difference?
Rating:  Summary: Superb Schwarzenegger film Review: Arnold, king of action (in films), displays humor, acting ability and fun in this film, one of the most watchable films ever made. Enough said? Rated R for violence, profanity, and some comic nudity.
Rating:  Summary: not arnolds best, but not his worst either! Review: Total Recall had an interesting idea and plot. It's got some good twists & turns. I personally like the first half better, the part on earth. The villians in this one arent pathedic like they sometimes are in Arnold movies. The plot focuses on Arnold going to a place called Recall, for a memory implant on Mars. After realising something important he decides to actually go to the planet. This is a pretty good arnold movie. Not his best, but not his worst either.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Action Movie Ever!!!!!! Review: If no one has noticed lately there are very few action movies released nowadays and even fewer that are worth watching. That makes it even more impressive that Arnold was able to come out with one tremendous one after another. Total Recall is perhaps the best, cool action scenes, outer space stuff, lots of violence, tons of plot twists, and classic Arnold lines..possibly the best one ever "See you at the party Richter". The bad guys had cool names like Vilos Cohaagen and were really evil. The whole concept of reality and dreams and who people really are takes this movie to another level. A DVD must buy, if you have ever liked an action movie you will like this one
Rating:  Summary: The most overrated sci-fi film in a long time. Review: Total Recall is interesting for the first half hour, then virtually falls apart for the last hour-and-a-half. That's a shame, too, because the material presented in the beginning was intriguing. For a while, it's a fascinating look at memories (for a better theme on that check out Dark City) and not many films take place on Mars, a planet of much interest. I'm not disappointed by the fact that Total Recall is primarily an action film because that's what I was expecting, considering the lead actor involved. The problem with all this is the fact that action sequences are terribly choreographed, something that surprised me because Verhoeven directed thrilling sequences in Starship Troopers. The gunfights and shootouts are so bland and routine I almost fell asleep. It's also hard to find a movie exciting when the hero can seemingly sleepwalk and still take down all the bad guys. With Total Recall, the action sequences never raised my pulse. I had to rely on the plot twists to keepy me awake, and let me tell you, they are good twists. The last one, in particular, is a major surprise, something I was not expecting. But right after that, it just leads up to another boring action sequence. Something I was getting quite tired of. Considering the talent involved, let's just say acting isn't a strong suit. Schwarzenegger delivers some more of his patented one-liners, though without his usual enthusiasm. Sharon Stone is disappointingly over-the-top as his wife, as is Michael Ironside as one of the villains. Rachel Ticotin is just...boring. Total Recall is now just a movie that could have been. For now, I'll settle with Brian De Palma's very underrated Mission to Mars as the only above average red planet film (Though, in all fairness, there's not a lot of competition).