Rating:  Summary: T2 this is your Judgement!!! Review: "I'll be back" These words have never sounded so foul to human ears than when pronounced by Arnold Schwarzenegger (i deserve to get this posted for spelling it right) This is a bad remake of a bad film. There are so many mistakes in the film: 1)The T-1000 punches his body through the window of a helicopter to get inside. An instant later, the hole in the windshield is gone 2)The computer that the T-1000 reads in the police car (at the beginning) reads that John is 10 years old and was born on February of 1985. Which means that the movie would have to take place in 1995 ( 2 years before Judgement Day). Yet, Arnold claims in the car, (while driving towards Mexico) that Judgement Day would happen in 3 years, just after the Skynet funding bill is passed by congress 3)After The Terminator exists the bar in the beginning, and takes the gun from the 'bar owner' he takes his arm down from the barrel. Next scene his arm it is back in the original position on the barrel 4)In the bar fight scene Arnold gets stabbed by one of the bikers - if you put it in slow motion you see the rubber knife bend in a few frames. And hasn't it become a cliche that all Mexicans have a US army supply store in the garden with a mustach while drinking whiskey Thank you please
Rating:  Summary: Terminator reborn... Review: Just like the original "Terminator," I can't imagine anyone reading this review, or looking at the Amazon entry and thinking about buying the film in it's "Ultimate Edition" DVD version, and not actually knowing what the film is about. The original "Terminator" became an icon; it entered our collective memories - "I'll be back!" - became a cultural phenomenon, a cinematic urban legend with a life all it's own, and "T2" is the next step in its evolution.And 'evolution' is a good way of looking at it. "T2" is not some cheesy installment in a bloated cinematic franchise, designed to generate mega-$'s for all concerned, while shortchanging the viewer with a bland or worthless story line, cardboard FX, and Z-list performances. No, "T2" is a legitimate continuation of the original "Terminator," creating more of the backstory and mythology of the "Terminator" universe, and taking us closer to the day when Skynet achieves consciousness and decides to wage its war of global extermination against Mankind. In fact, the genesis of the "T2" story can be seen in one of the deleted scenes contained on the "Terminator, Special Edition" disc; Sarah Connor, tired of being hunted, decides to take the fight to Skynet's creator, the Cyberdyne Corporation, which, as shown in yet another deleted scene, is where the climactic fight against the original terminator took place! And this, literally, is the key to "T2." When the original terminator was crushed in the press, the company salvaged its CPU/chip, damaged and inoperable, plus one arm. It's the research done on the CPU that leads to the computing breakthrough that leads to the creation of Skynet, which created the terminators in the first place! And just as Skynet sent a terminator back through time to ensure John Connor couldn't interfere with its plans, Sarah Connor attempts to stop the creation of Skynet itself in the present... you see where this is going? There're probably a couple of pretty nasty time-travel paradoxes involved in all of this - maybe we should ask Dr Who! - but it doesn't matter, the story carries you effortlessly along and doesn't let you start going 'round and 'round in those kinds of ever diminishing circles! The basic set-up is as follows, having failed in killing Sarah Connor in the original "Terminator," Skynet dispatches yet another terminator, a state of the art T-1000, this time to kill John Connor while he's a young teenager. And just as before, the adult John Connor dispatches a guardian, in the shape of an old T-800 terminator, reprogrammed to protect him at all costs. And it's the difference between the two terminators that is one of the main joys of the film. The T-1000 is a shape-shifting "liquid metal" creation, able to morph into almost any guise it needs, as long as the end result is the same basic size, or volume, as itself. This basic characteristic is one of the elements that delayed the making of "T2." James Cameron had the idea for the "shape shifter" when making the original "Terminator," but it took the intervening years for cinematic CGI FX to catch up with Cameron's imagination, so the T-1000 could be portrayed convincingly on-screen! Robert Patrick plays the "human" T-1000, and his performance is as different from the original terminator as is the technology he represents. "Ahnald's" original performance set the standard, relentless and robotic, unstoppable, like a semi spinning out of control on an ice covered freeway; get out of the way or be obliterated. Robert Patrick gives a more subtle, more nuanced, performance; he's smaller, sleeker, faster, his is the relentlessness of a shark moving in for the kill, a thing of terrible beauty that cannot be swayed or negotiated with. But the T-1000 also knows something of human frailty, of pain, and how to use it to its advantage. Whereas the original terminator simply slaughtered anything that got in its way, the T-1000 actually tortures Sarah Connor in one scene in an effort to make her give up her son, telling her, "I know this must hurt..." "Ahnald's" performance, as the old-tech T-800 model terminator, is also more varied, and this is explained in, what I think is, the most important scene deleted from the original theatrical release, but reinstated in this "Ultimate Edition." Sarah, having been broken out of an asylum by her son and his newest bestest buddy - his very own terminator! - is holed up in a disused gas station with John and the Terminator. The T-800 explains, while Sarah digs bullets out of its back, that it's possible for the terminators to learn, to adapt to their environments, but a switch on the CPU has to be reset to allow this behavior; the default setting is the unstoppable hunter killer, with no need of subtlety. But here's the catch, to make the change, which will allow the Terminator to better protect John, the CPU has to be removed, effectively shutting down the Terminator, then reset and reinstalled. The CPU is removed, but Sarah tries to destroy it, saying it'll be one less terminator, and John, exerting his authority for the first time, convinces his mother that they need the Terminator if they are to survive, and more importantly, stop the creation of Skynet. From here on in, the film roars to its finale as Sarah takes the fight to Cyberdyne by, literally, zeroing in on Dr Miles Dyson, the scientist who obsessively cracks the secret of the original terminator CPU. "T2" lacks the sheer visceral punch of the original; it's a more refined, mature, and carefully thought out film, but that's no criticism, the set pieces will blow you away, and the CGI, absolutely state of the art at the time, STILL stands up today. This is controlled action and mayhem for grown-ups, and "Ahnald" was true to his word when he said, "I'll be back!"
Rating:  Summary: He said he'd be back ............ Review: This movie got a lot of attention for it's incredible special effects, and the attention was well-deserved. But it should also be noted that Terminator 2: Judgment Day is one of those rare movies where although a lot of cash was dumped into the special effects department, the producers never expected them to carry the movie. While I still think the original Terminator has the overall better story, I'm willing to give credit to Judgment Day as one of the strongest sequels around. T2 is set a decade or better into the future following the first film. Sarah Connor has given birth to one-day leader of the insurrection against the machines, John Connor (Edward Furlong). Because of her determination to raise her son to be the warrior Kyle Reese - John's father and a warrior from the future who protected Sarah against the first terminator - said John would become, pretty much everyone thinks she's crazy, including John. She's been locked away in a mental institution, and John, now in the care of foster parents, is becoming a major delinquent, angry about his insane mother, running rough shot over his foster parents and ripping off ATM machines. When a cop (Robert Patrick) shows up on their doorstep looking for Connor, his foster parents aren't the least bit surprised. But this isn't an ordinary cop - he's a new generation of unstoppable assassin from the future, assigned to do what Arnold Schwarzenegger's terminator failed to do in the first film, which is kill John Connor. You see, in the future, the machines are super-intelligent and self-aware; they've determined that mankind is a threat to their very existence, and have initiated a war to annihilate mankind from the planet. John Connor grows up to unite and lead the humans to victory in the war, and so the machines send agents back in time to destroy John before he can destroy the machines. The first cyborg attempted to kill John's mother before she could ever give birth to him. The second, a prototype T1000 killing machine made of liquid metal and able to take nearly any shape or form it wills, is going after John while he's still a defenseless boy. The T1000 can impersonate anyone it comes in contact with - usually killing the person, it can form knives and swords out of its hands, and regardless of how many times it's shot or beaten, it can simply re-form and continue coming after it's target. But even with Sarah in a mental institution, John is far from defenseless. Arnold Schwarzenegger returns in this movie to play yet another terminator like he did in the first film, only this time he's been re-programmed by the humans in the future to serve as John's protector. John and the second Model 101 terminator do succeed in springing Sarah from the institution, and she and the Model 101 wage war against the T1000 for the better part of the movie. The action sequences are top-notch, and the special effects - most notably the shape-shifting T1000 - are superior to anything seen before this movie. But what makes this movie really good is another compelling storyline; although not as good as it's predecessor, it's still very exciting and psychological. Sarah learns from the second Model 101 details about Cyberdyne Systems, the company that creates the technology that will evolve into the evil machines of the future, and armed with that knowledge, realizes that she may actually have the chance to stop the war she has thought inevitable for so long. For a long time the psychiatrists at the institution told her she was imagining the first Model 101 she destroyed in the first movie, since no evidence was found that it had existed - but in reality, Cyberdyne Systems was using the remains to develop the new technology. Sarah, John and the second Model 101 set out on a crusade to stop the development by any means necessary, but with the T1000 hot on their trail every step of the way. In the end it's a great tale of morality and choices, and a very intelligent movie. I admit that when I first heard they were making a sequel to the first Terminator movie, I was a skeptic; I thought the first movie stood so well on it's own. While not 100 percent as good as the original, this sequel is definitely worthy to wear the Terminator crown. Lets only hope that the producers prove me wrong again with the making of T3.
Rating:  Summary: AN EASY FIVE STARS. Review: The original Terminator was a good movie. But T2 blows that one away!!! Arnold Schwarzenegger is the good guy in this astounding sequel. He is sent to protect John Conner, a rebellious teenager who will be the leader and savior of earth in the future. The ultimate enemy in this blockbuster movie is none other than the almighty T-1000 (Robert Patrick), a killing machine made of liquid metal. The Terminator (Arnold) must protect John Conner from the T-1000. The word as not yet been invented to describe the special effects, especially the most nightmarish holocaust scene yet! Ofcourse, this movie is loaded with strong intense violence and action, as well as profanity. This is the best sci-fi action film ever!!! Watch it for yourself and try to make up your own mind. This movie will blow you away!!! It's very moving, gripping, and absolutely unforgettable.
Rating:  Summary: "I'll Be Back" Review: Quite possibly THE best sequel of a movie. Arnold Schwarzenegger returns in his role as the Terminator. However, this time he's the protector of John Connor (as well as Sarah Conner) The T-1000 (Robert Patrick) is after John Connor and it's up to Arnold to stop the T-1000 from killing John. This isn't as easy as it sounds, since the T-1000 is an advanced prototype, even more advance than the old terminator. However, this doesn't stop the terminator from fighting the T-1000. The old terminator is torn to pieces, while the T-1000 shows little damage. The Special Edition has new scenes added, including the first nuclear nightmare. On the other side of the DVD are other features, like the "making of" special for T2. All in all, one of the best DVDs!
Rating:  Summary: One Of The Best DVD's In Creation! Review: This DVD is spectacular! Two discs worth of content including an all new special edition version of the movie everybody loves. Terminator 2: Ultimate Edition incorporates over ten minutes of never released footage into the theatrical release of the film and also offers some AWESOME commentary's. There are 28 cast and crew members who participate in the commentary's including Director James Cameron and star Arnold Schwarzenegger. This disc by far surpasses the single disc Terminator. This is the second release of Terminator 2 on DVD. ... THIS is the version that you want! And it will be just in time for next summer's release of Terminator 3.
Rating:  Summary: THE reference DVD. Review: TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY is the DVD to judge all others by. This dvd earns my highest rating. The film itself is good as well. Specifically, this set is laid out better than any I have ever seen. The menu boards are consistently interesting to look at-you don't necessarily want to just race thru them. The depth of material buried deep within these discs is amazing. This is the way all DVD's should be done: extras up the wazoo, deleted scenes that are actually interesting (Cameron should have left a few of them in), storyboards, alternate endings (thank God it wasn't used-although Sarah Connor's final soliloquy is horribly cheesy in the theater version as well), featurettes and the like. Not to mention the INCREDIBLE picture and sound quality. Wow. NO pixelation, NO artifacts, NO pauses, jumps or anything else. The only other DVD I've seen with comparable picture quality is "The Fifth Element", and that is a reference disc. So for all of you out there who waited for this film to come out, here it is-the ULTIMATE version of not only this film, but EVERY film yet released on DVD. It is hard to imagine anything that could make this DVD better, cleaner, crisper, more definitive etc. This is as good as it gets folks. Essential.
Rating:  Summary: best dvd ever created!!! Review: I think it is safe to say that this is the best dvd ever made well I am thinking of buying spider-man and lord of the rings extended edition i think those two movies will give it a fight,anyway the movie is awesome one of my favs of all time this is the movie where INDUSTRIAL LIGHT AND MAGIC got noticed for their ground breaking special effects any buy this dvd!!!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Sequel Review: A sequel that is atleast definately as good as the first. It has great action, good effects, and is funny at times. 3 movies on 1 disc is great, it allows you to have more control over the time of the movie, and what scenes you like or not. It's great, but the only thing that I don't like about this one, is that it's not all just about running from the terminator like the first one was, and in this one Arnold isn't a killer..... :'(
Rating:  Summary: Terminator, T2, now T3:ROTM Review: All I can say is I am in love with this film! I kinda like this one better than the first but the first one is still a classic. Arnold did a perfect job as usual and Robert Patrick is the perfect T-1000. James Cameron's movies are always perfect. Now we have a new movie that's gonna be #1 in the box office. Terminator 3:Rise Of The Machines July 2,2003