Rating:  Summary: A disgrace Review: I liked the first Jurrassic Park alot and had high hopes for this film. Unfortunatly none of them were met.To begin with the characters in this film don't have any of the charm that the ones in the first film did. To begin with Malcom, played by Jeff Goldblum, is no longer sarcastic and amusing. Instead he has become boring and whiny and puts a big damper on everything. Even worse is his girlfriend played by Julianne Moore. Supposedly she is one of the best scientists in the country but in the opening scene we see her walk up to a baby stegosaurus and start petting it. Even though she is such a great scientist it never seems to dawn on her that this will cause the parents to attack her and so Malcom has to come to the rescue. Also along for the ride is Malcom's daughter who just happened to sneek aboard this very secret expidition and also constantly gets into trouble(what else are kids and girlfriends for in movies?). As bad as these characters are, they are no match for the moronic hunter who comes along so he can kill a T-Rex. The lousy dialogue doesn't help much either and the whole plot is pretty contrived and boring. At one point a raptor is about to get Malcom so his daughter(who was cut from the gymnastics team) leaps onto some girders, does several flips, and then kicks the raptor out the window. Even cornier is when a T-Rex goes rampaging through New York. As bad as this movie is, it shows that any film with a large buget and decent director can have it's bright spots. Spielberg does a good job with most of the action scenes and some still prove to be very tense. Also the special effects are excellent and the dinosaurs have alot more character than any of the actors. The Lost World could have been great but it wasn't.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing sequel makes no sense. Review: This is a very silly movie.How silly?Well,for a start the heroes are directly responsible for everyones deaths.Firstly,they cause their friend's death when they kidnap a baby T-Rex to put a cast on it's broken leg(were they coming back to take it off?).this causes the baby's mother to come after them and eat their friend.They then sabotage the camp which causes all the others deaths!And it doesn't matter how many people get eaten,nobody fires one single shot at the dinosaurs,even when one T-Rex rampages through a city.Are they supposed to be bullet-proof or something? No,this is a very silly movie.It makes no sense at all.How this got good reviews and Godzilla bad ones is absurd.
Rating:  Summary: Sound vs Extras Review: Just when you'd think that scientists had realized dinosaurs and humans don't mix, along comes The Lost World: Jurassic Park to prove you wrong. In this sequel, John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) summons chaos theorist and onetime colleague Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) to his home with some startling information - while nearly everything at his Jurassic Park had been destroyed, his engineers happened to have a second site, where other dinosaurs, resurrected through DNA cloning technology, were kept in hiding. It seems the dinosaurs on the second island are alive and well and even breeding; and Hammond wants Malcolm to observe and document the reptiles before Hammond's financiers can get to them. Malcolm had enough of the dinosaurs the first time out, but he decides to make the trip when he finds out that his girlfriend, paleontologist Sarah Harding (Julianne Moore), is already there. However, Ian and Sarah aren't the only visitors arriving on the island; a camera crew led by ecological activist Nick Van Owen (Vince Vaughn) is on the way, as is Roland Tembo (Pete Postlethwaite), a world-class wild game hunter who is supposed to round up the dinosaurs and who hopes to bag a prehistoric trophy for himself in the process. This sequel to Jurassic Park boasted even more impressive special effects than the first film, though the acting and screenplay aren't always at the same level. This DTS version has less extras (Deleted Scenes, Illustrations and Conceptual drawings, Storyboards, Models, The World of Jurassic Park, Industrial Light and Magic), but the sound is sure going to compensate that. The French Surround is not available too. Thats why it is on you to decide whats more valuable.
Rating:  Summary: Perhaps the worst movie ever made Review: A pointless waste of time in which men with large guns are chased by terrifying creatures and NEVER manage to fire a shot at one. Not even worth the laughs. Disappointing in that so few of the annoying main characters are eaten. I kept hoping beyond hope that they would all be consumed for stupidity.
Rating:  Summary: A very entertaining sequel... Review: First, Id like to talk about the movies flaws before I talk about its highpoints... The sequel to "Jurassic Park", is over all a good movie. However there are things thrown into it that seem to lessen its greatness. Some of these things are cheesy or plain stupid diolouge or "action sequences", they are not in the movie all of the time, but you can tell which they are when they come up. For example that little Gymnastic stunt to kill the Velociraptor at the end. What was that? The ending sequence where a Tyrannosuarus Rex is causing chaos in Downtown San Diego, even though I must admit was entertaining, didn't belong in this film. "The Lost World - Jurassic Park" should have been more closly based on the novel, in which they actualy explain, in a way that does not contradict "Jurassic Park", what site B is. The films highlights are many. The "acting" that the CGI dinosaurs do, in my opinion, surpass those in the original film. Mostly becuase of the difference in environment of Isla Sorna and Isla Nublar. More species appear in the movie which was a nice surprise. Jeff Glodblum and Julianne Moore were strong actors. And the bottom line is that the movie is very entertaining, very exciting and has the perfect ending to it. I just hope "Jurassic Park III" which is coming out Summer 2001, will have a more complex storyline, but still keep the realism in it as the first two films did.
Rating:  Summary: If Seems To Good To Be True... Review: The Lost World: Jurassic Park is by far the worst movie I have every had the discomfort of watching. As mentioned by Leonard Maltin, the plot was contrived, the action dirivitive, and the only redeeming qualities were Goldblums acting and the incredible special effects. This movie in no way compares to Jurassic Park and is what I affectionetly call a sequel of convenience. It was very convenient for Universal Studios to lay down money for this... because they knew even though the movie stunk, audiances of mindless drones would still flock to see it. Stick to the original.
Rating:  Summary: Better than the first. Review: This movie's FX were no better than the first, but the rest was waaaaaay better. But is it some sort of rule that the first time the T-Rex attacks in these movies that it has to rain? This movie's ending is a rip-off of the ending to the 1920's dinosaur movie The Lost World (no relation to Jurassic Park), exept instead of a Brontosaurus, they used a T-Rex.
Rating:  Summary: For a Sequal, Lost World does it's job. Review: This was a good follow up to Jurassic Park. The Lost World finds the Dinosaurs thriving on another island, Jeff Goldblum and Richard Attenbourgh return as Ian Macolm and John Hammond who (along with Julianne Moore) must protect this lost world from those who would exploit it. Great effects work, A T-Rex rampage through San Dieago, and the saga comes full circle and ends. Screenplay by David Koepp.Based on the novel by Michael Crichton.Directed by Steven Spielberg.Music by John Williams. Visual effects by Industrail Light and Magic.
Rating:  Summary: Deja Vu? Review: A dinosaur makes its way to an unsuspecting metropolis. It eats a few people, stomps on a few cars, destroys a few buildings, makes a loud roar as it is silouetted against the lights of the city, is overcome by the work of a crafty scientist... Hey, didn't they do this in 1953 with "The Beast from the 20,000 Fathoms?"
Rating:  Summary: a worothy equally good sequel! Review: It has been 4 years since the secret disaster at Jurassic Park. Now John Hammond, owner/head of his company wants a documentry team to go to Site B. Site B is where dinosaurs were grown then shipped to the main park. Among the team are Ian Malcom(Goldblum returning), his girlfriend(Julianne Moore), his son, and some other experts. Now Hammond's son has taken over InGen(his company) and wants to capture the animals at B and take them to his new proposed park, Jurassic Park:San Diego. The two teams realize that they are now trapped on the island after a terrible storm and must venture to the middle to get help. It is as much fun and has even better effects this time. Again it was fun seeing it in the movies in 97. In which there was the same media hype over it. Fans of the first will most likely enjoy this. People who belive more in the book probably won't. An excellent seen in San Diego despite what others say. Rated PG-13 for violence, some gore, and mild language.