Rating:  Summary: Spielberg Ahead of His Time...Again Review: A.I. is one of my all time favorite movies. The cast is brilliant under Spielberg's direction. The futuristic yet familiar sets are stunning and true. And nobody gets aliens down quite like Spielberg. It helps that Pinocchio is my favorite childhood story, and it is beautifully replicated here in gorgeous dialogue and theme.
Rating:  Summary: It's a love/hate thing Review: (This is really worthy of 3½ stars, but such a rating is not available.)Talk to anybody who has seen this movie, and chances are fair that you'll encounter a pretty strong opinion. My own experience have been opinions that are not so good. Yes, it is long. Yes, it is (at times) tedious. It's also a beautiful visual experience, a fairy tale, and a movie that sticks with you. Osment is perfect here-- the odd combination of robotic and human as the role requires. Jude Law is a hoot-- a character you hate for his seediness but enjoy for his humanity (though he too is a robot). The story is not an uplifting one, but challenges the mind. In a manner similar to "Sling Blade" we see how society's normalcy is often anything but, and the seemingly lesser individuals in society are left to expose its shortcomings in their fates. I suppose a lot of people could draw different lessons and different interpretations from this movie. I tried not to think about what it was attempting to say too much and instead took it in as a futuristic fairy tale, albeit a dark one. To this end, it succeeds. You're haunted by the Osment's character and genuinely desire success for him on his journey. The ending delivers-- successfully in my opinion-- a somewhat satisfactory conclusion without alienating the audience with one that is too sappy and unreasonable.
Rating:  Summary: Us this film to measure all others Review: My husband and I use this film to rate all others ... "At least it was better than AI". This movie is a waste of time and money. The plot is tedious at best. The roles are not played convincingly, I did not care for any of the main characters, in fact at times in the movie I was hoping for their demise - just to end the pain. We hung in until the end just in case there was a payoff, unfortunately, we found none. Jude Law's role was a nice injection of humor but that was over much too soon. I expected more from Spielberg, but I guess everyone has their bad days.
Rating:  Summary: Sinks in slowly... Review: While watching this movie I was torn between the feeling that it was absolutely creepy or absolutely beautiful. The idea of a machine 'feeling' human emotions creeped me out in the beginning. Osment got on my nerves at first but as the movie rolled on his character grew on me. This caught me by surprise. A bit syrupy at first, it changed as the movie progressed. Jude Law's character is a hoot and adds a much needed bit of humor and action to the film or it could have bled itself dry of sentiment. But as the film rolled on it got interesting and I immersed into it. The ending, where most complaints seem to fall, was what I struggled with in the end. It lulled and seemed to go nowhere for no reason. But then I remembered Brian Eno (strange, I know). His music has a similar feel. Not quite background, not quite foreground, it seeps into you. So too with this movie. The visuals are stunning, washing over you, absorbing you into the film. I really felt as if I were there. Of course this all may sound a bit much but as a few days went on I realized that I really liked this movie. The music, the cinematography, the whole package really moved me. The creepy feeling gave way to awe and the awe finally gave way to something short of bliss. It is a unique film. Kudos to Spielberg for going out on a limb. It is the pace and feel of the movie that gives homage to Kubrick's vision. Spielberg may have made it his own but the methodical, precise movement of the film bears striking similarity to his 2001: A Space Odyssey and I believe Kubrick would have been proud.
Rating:  Summary: Okay... Review: A.I. is the wonderfullly-directed story of a boy who's actually not a boy but a robot. He is abandoned by his, what you might call "foster", mother because it looks as if he tried to kill his "brother". He meets friends who are like him on his journey to meet a Blue Fairy (who he believes can grant any wish) who he hopes will lead him back to the woman who abandoned him. This film tempts critics to call it a masterpiece. The direction is gorgeous, the visual effects are dazzling and the scenery is an art-lover's dream-come-true. The film lacks a bit in plotting and scripting (and, let's face it, endurability), but you'll definately be enchanted by the fantastic acting of Haley Joel Osment and, once again, Steven Spielberg's ostentacious directting. I'd recommend this film to you, but I would question even the hard-core Sci-Fi fanatic's ability to view A.I. more than once in its entirety. I liked it, yes... but I didn't love it for some reason.
Rating:  Summary: A Deep Plot with a Good Story--Ben N. Review: Artificial Intelligence is not at all Speilbergs Worst matter a fact i think it is one of his best it has a very good story that only someone who has a high intension span can really enjoy people who bash on this movie have no idea what a movie is about this is by far the most in depth story telling i came into a movie Two Thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Great Stanley Kubrick commemoration Review: Stanley Kubrick and Steven Spielberg originally teamed to produce "AI: Artificial Intelligence" years ago. In the meantime, Kubrick died. Therefore, Spielberg was left to produce by himself. Despite this tragedy, he continued to perform at his full capability, genius. He also directed and wrote this movie wonderfully. He hired a wonderful crew of actors to express the movie's emotion. David, played by Haley Joel Osment, is a robot whose unusual advancement makes him look like a real boy. He yearns for his mother's love during his quest. Finding the fairy who will turn him to a real-life boy is his goal. Once finished, he can return home to his mother, who'll love him more because of his change. David's hard times express the stereotypes robots are faced in his world. ***This is not the actual storyline. This is based on a quote that David said within the first hour of the movie. Haley Joel Osment proves on this movie role that he is one of the best young actors of today. His acting evolution from "The Sixth Sense" to "AI" proves that someday, he'll be the next Tom Hanks. Jude Law brilliantly plays a robot who's highly popular toward women. All other actors, major or minor roles, also act their emotions wonderfully. The visual effects are marvelous. Few computer artists can achieve such spectacular buildings and lights. This is seen in the "city of love". Underwater New York City is recreated resembling the real town. The characters toward the end are wonderfully crafted; however, revealing them would reveal the end. Though not Steven Spielberg's best work, it's still entertaining. One may have to watch twice to truly further appreciate "AI". The first viewing may seem confusing, but after the second, the missing pieces fit together as one masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: Steven, learn to stop! Review: I agree with the reviewer from Shelton. Completely. I too dosed off, amazed it was still going, and then begging for it to stop. A great artist knows when something is finished, when to leave it alone. I like science movies, but when I saw Spielberg on the cover, I knew I wasn't going to need sugar for the next three months. I was actually glad to see that Steven Saccharineberg adapted this film from a short story (with a great title by the way). Maybe this film was itself a fairy tale. If it was, it was badly done. Maybe Terry Gilliam would have been better for the job. If it was going to be a though-provoking science vs. ludites movie, it failed as well. Go see Kubrick's 2001 instead (Kubrick co-produced AI, I noticed). Again, Steven, learn to end your stories when it's still believable, and stop the family values grist mill!! Also, New York skyscrapers do fall apart after 2,000 years. And, also, it takes more than an hour to drive (let alone swim) from midtown Manhattan to Coney Island (if you don't hit traffic!) Artificial Intelligence is an interesting topic, but not for Spielberg. You started good, but then it became a circus that never ends...
Rating:  Summary: What is up with bad reviews? Review: This movie was great! It totally had me in tears esp. when David is abandoned by his "mother". I really felt for the robots in this movie, I know some people are mad because it puts humans in a bad light but I can see how humans could create something just to end up destorying it in the end. To the ppl who have a problem following the story, it's simple. A couple's son is frozen because he suffers from a disease, so the father brings home a robot boy (mecha) to replace him fearing that he may never wake up. At first they have a hard time getting used to him esp. the mother, then with a change of heart she activates him into a "real" boy. The family gets along great until Martin, the couple's real son returns cured. Martin, jealous of David tries to get him in trouble, until David is abandoned by the mother in the woods. believing that if he becomes a real boy his mother will give him the love he has for her he sets off on a journey to find the blue fairy (from pinocchio, a book Martin wanted his mother to read to them suprise, suprise) in hopes that he will be made a real boy. How can people be confused by this is beyond me! The whole movie is based around his desire to become real and we see how mankind treats the Mechas, they have no freedom and are destoryed in front of a cheering public. Are humans cabable of unconditional love towards machines even if we create them to give us that love? Just listen to what Joe(Jude Law) says to David after visiting Dr. Know. You have to see this movie, but if your expecting huge drawn out action scenes et al then don't even bother. I recommend the Matrix for that. Also someone asked how the future robots were made, simple they were made by other robots.
Rating:  Summary: Promising, but........ Review: The premise of this movie was quite good, which is obviously what compelled me to watch it in the first place. It started out quite well also, and it had a lot of promise to it. But there was just far too much that didn't need to be in the movie, and as a result, it dragged on and on. I fell asleep halfway through the movie, and found myself waking up thinking, "It's still going? Please God, make it stop!!" I finished the movie, torturous as it was, because I really hate stopping a movie before the end, no matter how horrible it was. But I will not be watching this again.