Rating:  Summary: There Is No Right And Wrong, Only Fun And Boring Review: This movie may not show what real hackers go through, but it sure is good. I have loved this movie ever since I first saw Crash and Burn fighting over the TV station.
Rating:  Summary: 1tz so l33t! Review: 1 wish 1 had a r00t account on Angelina Joulie! Plus th3 most r3al1st1c 3xpos1t1ons of the art of hacking, or "cracking" as w3 call 1t, 1 hav3 3v3r s33n! 1t w1ll 1nvad3 your m1nd lik3 a v1rus and mak3 you want to becom3 a l33t h4x0r. 1 laugh3d, 1 cr13d, my cr3d1t card inform3t1on was comprom1s3d!
Rating:  Summary: Hack The Planet! Review: I've always loved this movie. For years and years. Before most of the main characters went on to much bigger succees. (I.E. Johnny Lee Miller in "Transpotting" Angelina Jolie in "Gia" and "Girl, Interrupted" and (I'm a loss for words on his name "Ceral Killer", in "Scream") Even a surprise apperance by Fisher Stevens makes this movie a real ride.I'm sure that "real" hackers of the word most consider this movie a fruit loop look into "THEIR" world but, for the rest of us our there, it's a fast paced, exciting, sometimes steamy, story that keeps you guessing and WATCHING for a longtime. It's a great movie worth your time.
Rating:  Summary: Ouch Review: The thought that in real life the blond dude was shagging ms jolie is and he let her go is funny.What is even more funny is all the people who actually like this movie.Even the to leads in this said the only reason they did this was they needed work
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Meatballs-a-Plenty! Review: The one movie that this reminds me of is Meatballs. As Meatballs is a dead-on parody of Lenny Wall summer camp films of the 1950s, Hackers sends up all the recent cyber-silliness of Blade Runner and Johnny Pneumonic. Angelina Jolie deserves her own paragraph. Wow! She ended up marrying Jonny Lee Miller, which I can't understand since he doesn't have 10% of her sex appeal. But, wow, she is a MONSTER! What a hotty.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent movie, RECOMMENDED! Review: This movie is nothing but spectacular! It envolves 2 hackers who collide, and later have to work together against a bigger threat. The acting is superb from all sides, and this is by far the BEST cyber-thrilling movie about hackers that exists! Anyone that asks what the plot is about, or what they did throughout the whole movie has either not watched this movie at all, or is far too stupid to follow along.
Rating:  Summary: Hack me any time baby! Review: This film is good,however, does anyone believe that these people are real hackers. If it was true to life they would've all had specs, spots and scruffy hair. Hey, this is Hollywood so we'll make the leads good-looking, especially Jolie, and we've got a nice little earner on our hands. The movie, it's got seriously bad dress sense even for a geek haven, the acting isn't good and the soundtrack only sounds good on the film and not on the CD! However, this film is very watchable due to the chemistry between the two leads who lock horns against each other for supremacy of cyberspace. In my opinion, the fact that they're all being framed with the potential of a very long prison sentence holds no signifigance in the movie for me at all. In a paragraph, the films good, there's good chemistry between the two leads. It's very fun to watch and you can't help but be drawn into the latest slice of waffle that Hollywood has served up....
Rating:  Summary: Depicts computing as hip Review: Go ahead and whine about its technical inaccuracies, cheesy writing, etc. but its the first movie that has ever shown uber-hip techno kids doing uber hacking stuff (kinda), and moves away from the stereotype (however accurate) of dorky nerdy online kids... And Angelina Jolie is hot.
Rating:  Summary: Fun, not Good Review: To start off with, this is a bad movie. In fact, it is probably one of the worst movies that I have ever seen. It's also one of my favorites. Movies don't have to be good to be entertaining, and we sometimes need a reminder of that. This movie is fun and funny, and it already looks so dated that it's hard to believe that it's only five years old. Take this movie for what it is, a bad movie with bad acting, bad writing, bad computer footage, and you're sure to enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: Skip Review: Poor story, poor acting, unrealistic look at hacking. Skip this movie and go see a good one like Sneakers.