Rating:  Summary: I've seen this movie 15 times Review: ... and I'm not a teenager. The first time I watched it, I sat, fascinated, with the plot, the scenery, the music... trying to recall the entire book at once. It's been 30 years since I read it, but this movie brought it all back to me and more. The very next day, I bought the books again and began re-reading them. One of the things that struck me was how perfectly the cast fit their roles. The next thing was how wonderfully well Peter Jackson "realized" the movie. I've never been so enthralled with anything on the big screen so much in my entire life!
Rating:  Summary: hard to follow, but then again I used the restroom 4 times Review: ... At the beginning it was entertaining. Maybe I would have been able to follow it better if I hadn't gone to the bathroom so often. I'd say the movie started feeling long when the fellowship of the ring was built. By that point the only tension feeling I had left was "destroy that ring". Some of the scenes were very confusing to me. "ok that elf lady just started looking really evil and said she past the test and why the heck was frodo handing her the ring, anyway." It got even more confusing with the scenes of the evil people. Suddenly they're digging or creating monsters out of the mud. It started reminding me a bit of the Wizard of Oz. The battles really didn't seem like anything new was happening. And what ever happened to those creatures with no faces? There are a bunch of questions that rose at the beginning that were never answered...I guess to leave you hanging but I was getting sick of sitting there. And to think they don't destroy the ring till the 3rd movies. So I'm guessing just another three hours of running, battle, running...boring!However, I've never read the books. Also it turns out that the Fellowship of the rings (the first lord of the rings book) is actually a bit of a sequal to the hobbit. I think they tried to rush the key points in the hobbit at the beginning but it was way confusing. Of course my brother loved it and made me feel like a complete ditz for not being able to follow it.
Rating:  Summary: My Preciousssss.... The Journey Begins... Review: ... but won't end for a couple years. THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING is the first in the LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy. It took to the screen in an incredible production filled with majesty, efficiency and respect. The production itself is nothing short of gorgeous from the obvious Special Effects ("THE BALROG", a being with a heart of fire) to the not-so-obvious effects (Frodo-Elijah Wood seen half as tall Gandalf-Ian McKellen)to the greatest effect of all, the unique and beautiful scenery of New Zealand. All over, this film could probably have not been made until now as technology opens up our minds to new ways of approcahing difficult scenes. The film is surprisingly efficient, considering the 3 hour running time. There is rarely any wasted film, everything helping to add even more value to the film. the film adaption is surprisingly accurate to the complex novel and like the HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERERS STONE film from earlier in the year, provides the only stumbling block along the way. The LORD OF THE RINGS novels are not structured like any Hollywood film. Like the POTTER film, secondary character development suffers. Here character is built more from the movie-goers previous movie experiences than through the compressed for time filmmaking. "He plays the Han Solo-type role", "He's like Spock" or "that one's the same as Yoda" are signs of character recognition. Like the novel, the book ends in an anti-climatic point... There is no Death Star destruction to let the viewer know that this specific episode has come to an end... We'll have to wait 2 more movies for any decisive end to this. That is a risk in itself. All in all, it is a tremendous achievement covered with 'cool'. From the battle with the Balrog (made all the more anxious by a decaying stairwell), to a wall of water taking out several evil 'dark riders' to the Elf Legolas with his rapid fire bow and arrow control, the film is filled with great imagery. I saw the film on an IMAX screen which didn't result in a more pleasant experience. In fact, it made me long for teh DVD version so I could take in more of the film. The large image left me with sensory overload... That is a testament to the accomplishment. Great fun!
Rating:  Summary: Why I love this movie... Review: ... Every word and every location and every detail. I guess that it's just not possible... sigh. They did a great job with this and I simply can't wait for the extended version, and I hope that they film more and make a more extended version. I also noted someone saying that this film is too dark for children. ... ... I think that the movie was great and I'd advise you all to watch it more than once. For you that have trouble with really long movies like this, DVD and VHS are wonderful, because you can pause them, do something else and then come back. Ingenious. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Almost perfect. Still a must see Review: ... It difinately didn't suck. It wasn't boring. Character's were well developed and you didn't have to have read the books to enjoy it. My own mother who doesn't care for movies much and really doesn't care for fantasy wants to own this movie on DVD when it comes out. That surprised even me. My only complaint was the scene where Galandriel morphs. That was way off base from the books. If you want to see the correct way that should have been done, watch the same scene in the cartoon. The cartoon is enferrior but that one scene is actually better than the way Peter Jackson did it. Other than that, the show was perfect. Those who didn't like the ending have probably not read the book. Otherwise they would understand it.
Rating:  Summary: The book is Excellent! Review: ... It left me cold with it's Hollywood special effects and lack of acting from actors who depend on special effects. But i guess for the dumbing down of america generation who lacks imagination this will look like a masterpiece. It is a piece alright. Maybe someday americans will go to the movies to see great acting. It's sad that so many people need special effects and computer generted stuff to say that it's a good movie. I feel sorry for you brain-dead generation. But i guess the old saying is true. If a million people jump off a bridge would you? I guess the answer is really "yes".
Rating:  Summary: Repetitive and Repetitive... Review: ... My eyes rolled in disbelief--not so much for the movie as they did for Tolkein's work itself. The enemy warriors have THE WORST AIM EVER when trying to kill the small band of heroes (a fellowship of nine, also needlessly explained). The first 45 minutes were interesting. The landscape of New Zealand was beautiful. The hobbit village was pretty cool, and quaint. Loved Bilbo's house. But then the movie dissolved into repetitive scenes of running and fighting, running and fighting, running and fighting with evil warriors who cannot seem to shoot straight. And do we need to have modern catch-phrases injected into the dialogue? That really bugs me. I think that they should have tried to improve on the trilogy by cutting out all this tripe. I don't miss the songs. Good heavens, if they had left in the songs it would be THE dullest semi-musical ever produced. When a story goes on too long, that is not a sign of good writing. And just because a story is old, doesn't mean it is great. It was archaic and long-winded to begin with. I would say that the movie is successful in duplicating the yawn-inducing pacing. An expensive movie, certainly, but that doesn't make a good movie. Was it just me or did those CGI effects look kind of silly? This movie made me want to rent a copy of the Bakshi animated film disaster of the same story--it was more fun to watch (and just to check if some of the footage hadn't been lifted for the new movie). Okay, the best magic/action scene was when the river turned into running horses, but I think I'd rather wait until all three movies are released onto DVD. Maybe then I will rent them.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent movie, worthy of still another review Review: ... So I'll only add that the hobbits are most memorable in this movie, and other characters are well portrayed too. Ian McKellan certainly deserved the Oscar he was nominated for; too bad he didn't win. The scenery is most beautiful, especially at Rivendell and in the high mountain vistas. In the passage through the mines, the scenery is equally well done, though the drama building up to a boiling point dominates those scenes. This movie shows a need for amazon to provide more options for searching out a review, such as directly by date or by title or title keywords. One can find a review that one really likes for this movie, only to not be able to find it again among the overwhelming array of reviews>
Rating:  Summary: The best movie of all time! Review: ... This book by Tolkien is a creative masterpiece that has been brought to life before our very eyes, ...The Lord of the Rings is a timeless work of art. Peter Jackson did a great job bringing the book to life... the cast was amazing and the storyline was done perfectly. ... This movie grossed almost 400 million dollars worldwide, and [$$$] of it came from your pocket. ...
Rating:  Summary: w o w Review: ... this movie is absolutely amazing. you really have to see it to believe it. the special effects will bLow yOur mInd!!! the cast is OUTSTANDING and they have stupendous chemistry! the soundtrack completely goes hand in hand with the actions andthe sets/scenery were gorgeous! i have loved these books my entire life, and so i was a little nervous in case my imagery of the book would be changed like in harry potter. i was soooo not disappointed! i loved every minute of it and i was glued to my seat evrytime! ...