It's a movie, people. A M-O-V-I-E.
Review: You know, for the LOTR purists who thought this movie was (...) and would have been satisfied with nothing less than a 25 hour movie that contained every single word of narrative and dialogue from the Tolken book, get over yourselves. I'm sorry that Arwen rode a horse. I'm sorry that a character was left out entirely. I'm sorry that the movie didn't match your imaginations. I really am. But you have to remember; this is a movie. Though it's adapted from a very well known novel, it's meant to stand by itself, and not simply to please those who like the book.
If you're a fantatical Tolken fan, and will only be satisfied with a rock solid adaptation of the 500 page book, then please God, don't come to this movie so you can merely complain about how different it is. I've known fans of LOTR that have come out of this film going , "that was awesome", because they were ready to like a movie, and didn't just go in to pick out every single way the book was different from it, because, let's face it, pointing out the differences between a 500 page book and a 3 hour movie is like shooting fish in a barrel. Anyway, as far as movies go, this one, I think, is great. At worst, you'll think it's good, and a fantastic technical achievement, and at best you'll think it's the best movie of all time, and walk out of the theater (...) that it's over.
For those people who went into the movie and brought a pencil to bash the ways the movie lost the book, forget it. I mean, just forget it.
Meanwhile, I'm going to go see it again. I'm almost glad I haven't read the books yet, so I'm not inclined to treat the movie with the same skepticism and spite that some people have.
Summary: The essence of the Tolkien tale is preserved.
Review: You may notice that they took some time in the beginning to tell the back-story.
Naturally being movie media it is necessary to make time decisions. As in the Mel Gibson version of Hamlet, something has to go or be extremely condensed to fit into the picture. Yet instead of cutting up the story or the major themes, all the directly essential information was left in.
Left in was the reasons for the story and the dimensions of the characters. For example "Gandalf explains to Frodo that Golum was spared due to pity and may still have a part to play."
A sample of the triage was the inclusion of the Forest Queen's gift to Frodo and the exclusion of the gift to Sam Gamgee. The explanation of the worth of mythril was sacrificed for brevity. Too bad there was no room for some of the songs.
For someone who is not familiar with Tolkien's works this movie may look like it is a composite of several other movies that the viewer has probably seen. This viewer would be hard pressed to figure out if Tolkien was the originator or duplicator.
All in all this film was extremely well done. You leave the Theater with the feeling that you have met Tolkien.
Summary: "One of the BEST Films Of All Time"
Review: You might have already paid a vist to last years Epic Fantasy Trilogy Lord of the Rings, but if you hav'ent its still not late and will never be to late. This Film is almost oppisite to Star Wars. It has some Tremendous Action Sequences that is worth everything. Watching Ian McKellen is DAZZILING and Elijah Woods Breaks a Soild no a Gold Preformance. This film should have one all 13 Nominations and would of at least give it up. But the Academy Fell into other films. The Art Diriction is so Beautiful, The Addapted Screenplay is Writted Perfectly not going in too deep, The Music is SHARMING and brings the heart of the movie to life, The Film Edditing captures a shot withount lossing, The Coustume Disign kick it up another Kotch, the Director Peter Jackson is DARING and does a BRILLIANT job finishing these films. And BAMMM You got a Wonderfull Classic ...
Summary: They took a great movie and made it even greater
Review: You now doubt have seen the original theatrical version of the Fellowship of the Ring (if not, what the hell are you waiting for? Go now!), and chances are you were pretty amazed by it. This extended edition adds more detail, explains more, and just has some nice little additional scenes that add to the experience. The movie alone is worth the extra money for this version, and that's not even including the extras, which give incredible insight into the creation of this wonderous film. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoyed the LOTR and loves DVD jam-packed with goodies. If there were a score higher than 5 stars, this DVD would get it.
Summary: What can I say, other than what's been said a million times?
Review: You read one review of this movie, you've read them all, right? I'll try to keep it short.
This movie was amazing. Not 100% accurate to the book, but it still gave a wonderful vision of the world of Middle Earth. I'm not the biggest fan of Elijah Wood, but he made a wonderful performance. You can clearly see the transition and growth of his character by compairing him in the begining to how he was in the end. If you can't see it, there's something wrong with you.
Here's something you might not see in other reviews- this movie is NOT for the squeamish. My mother squirmed at the resurrection of Urukhai. It's a good thing she didn't see some of the battles towards the end! If you watch carefully, an arrow goes straight through the head of an Orc when they near the end of Moria. It seriously pierces through the front and comes out the back!
But don't let the gore get in front of watching a masterpiece!
Summary: one of the very best
Review: you simply need to own this one.
Summary: Booo Yahhh!
Review: You want to read aaaaaaall about the movie and it's long strides and short comings? Read all the other reviews.
You want to know if this is a fantastic movie that, regardless of critical comparison to the books, is worth watching? Read below.
Yes. Movie good. You watch.
Summary: Wow is all I can Say
Review: You will be blown away by the extra sence you get to view in this collection . As well as the Masterpeice of the movie itself .. As a collector I have never seen anther set like this it goes beyond all ratings that could ever be bestowed upon it !
Summary: Very good - but theatrical cut is better
Review: _The Fellowship of the Ring_ is a wonderful movie for all the reasons other reviewers have expounded upon. However, I rate this version only four stars because the theatrical cut is superior. Although every bit of added material is wonderful on its own, when you put it all together it makes the film too slow. This is particularly noticable at the beginning, when it takes almost an hour of screen time before Frodo actually leaves on his journey. While this slow pace works in the novel, in which the same events occupy 100 or so pages depending on which edition you read, I think it falls flat in the movie format.
On the other hand, the "extras" - commentary tracks, Easter eggs, documentaries, and other such things - are excellent. But if what you're looking for is the movie, buy the theatrical cut first.