Rating:  Summary: LOTR: FOTR Special Extended DVD Edition Review: Why you should buy this DVD movie:1."Fellowship of the Ring" has a good amount of action, drama, fantasy, and adventure to offer. 2. The special effects are completely breath-taking! 3. The movie has a lot of excitment in it. This movie is great! Almost everything that I have seen in it is completely stunning! The one and only problem with this movie is that it deviates from the book, which it is based on, a little. But I don't find that being much of a problem in the Special Extended DVD Edition of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring". Most of the extra/added scenes that are in the Special Extended DVD Edition are parts that are in author J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" book-trilogy. Being both a fan of the book-trilogy and the movie-trilogy of "Lord of the Rings" I will say this: Don't buy the original version of "The Fellowship of the Ring". Buy the Extended DVD Edition of it because it follows more closely to "The Lord of the Rings" book-trilogy. Director Peter Jackson has done a remarkable job at making Tolkien's Middle-earth open to the world of cinema! I highly recommend that you buy "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" Special Extended DVD Edition! It is great for those who are fans of Tolkien's amazing "Lord of the Rings" book-trilogy!
Rating:  Summary: Will The Ring Take You Review: Will the Ring Take You? Title- Lord of the Rings the Two Towers Rated- PG 13 Made in- 2002 Producer-Peter Jackson Run time- Hey, do you like easy to follow plots that don't get you confused? Great special effects that make you want to see the movie over and over again, costumes that look like they are from that time era and a setting that looks like you could go there for a vacation (in this case you wouldn't its not to friendly looking). Then this is the movie for you. I will be telling you about four basic elements for movies. (I have listed them above) so just to give you a taste read below about Lord of the Rings the Two Towers. The plot for this movie is easy to follow. They don't skip around to different times but to the characters location. Some are riding trees and some are helping frodo and some are with the king. And they just show were they are. The special affects are first class. I say they are tied with the matrix if not better. They wrestle beasts and make tens of thousands of ogars (They are like humans ect. They are made of wood and water.) Remember when I said that some are riding trees well that is also one of the special affects tree beard (one of the trees) lets Merry and Pippin rides him. (Two hobbits) Ride him while trying to help Frodo at the same time. The costumes are very good to. They don't look like Halloween costumes. They look like they would actually be worn in that time. No Halloween costumes here! The last thing I am going to talk about is setting, in some scenes look peaceful and makes you think that there are no stage props here. They make a grass hill look like a dome house. So if you go to Blockbuster and want to rent a great movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat in anticipation, then this is the movie for you. So go out and rent the Lord of the Rings the Two Towers.
Rating:  Summary: By Far the Best Movie Ever Created Review: Winner of 4 Academy Awards, weighted evenly with an extraordinary cast and the most awesome cinematography known to motion picture. Filmed in the native home land of Peter Jackson (director), New Zealand. New Zealand houses every major land formation, which greatly added to the cinematogarphy options. Even more amazing, Peter Jackson has not ever had a really successful movie and now he was intrusted to make three movies straight without even knowing if the first would be a success. LOTR is the recreation of the magical world of Middle Earth which was created in J.R.R. Tolkien's magical triology of books. Watch the movie and read the book and you will see the best ever book to movie transformation. When Bilbo Baggins deceides to leave the home he has loved for so long to go on an adventure he gives his entire estate to his adopted nephew Frodo Baggins. The estate includesa magical ring that once belonged to a dark lord. It's to bad for the dark lord has returned and now seeks his ring of power. An army of orcs, black assasins, and the ring itself are all enemy to Frodo. Frodo is given one option and one option only, he must destroy the ring from which it came from. A volcano in the lair of the dark lord. Not only is the dark lord after the ring, he has acquired the help of Sauraman, Gandalf's collegue. Frodo however is not alone. He is accompanied by the first stanza of characters listed below. If you call yourself a movie fanatic, you must see LOTR. For no movie has every accomplished what LOTR has. Truly an amazing feet of man LOTR should be placed right in their with the Sphinx and the Wright brothers. Elijah Wood-Frodo Ian McKellan-Gandalf Viggo Mortensen-Aragorn Orlando Bloom-Legolas Greenleaf Sean Astin-Samwise Gamgee John Rhys Davis-Gimili Billy Boyd-Pippin Dominic Monaghan-Merry Sean Bean-Boromir + These characters are not in the Fellowship but do help Frodo on the way: Hugo Weaving-Elrond Liv Tyler-Arwen Cate Blanchett-Galadriel These are the remaining characters: Ian Holms-Bilbo Christopher Lee-Sauruman
Rating:  Summary: Great Start For A Great Series Review: With a 4 hour movie, 7 hours of appendicies movies (each about 30 minutes long) extras, and 2000 Photos not even the most obsessed fan is likely to see all there is to see. It has more stuff from the book including the new scene "The Green Dragon" and extended scenes everywhere you look. The only things I would have liked was about Tom Bombardi, although it wasn't major in the book. I would have also liked a longer scene of the fellowship traveling down the river. Overall, it was a great movie and you should buy it.
Rating:  Summary: A Grand Epic That Falls A Wee Bit Short Review: With all the hoopla surrounding this film and recommendations from friends that had seen it, I couldn't wait to get in the queue and see what all the fuss was about. Well, I recently saw that flick and believe that is has its merits, as well as its detractions. The pluses are many: 1) sweeping panoramic images of lush country sides, snow-capped and treacherous mountains, unearthly and ominous caverns, and majestic and deadly towers; (2) good computer effects that bring life to the words of Tolkein; (3) impressive camera tricks that allow the "Hobbits" to appear very diminutive in relation to the other inhabitants of this mystical world; (4) great performances from Elijah Wood, Ian McKellan, Billy Boyd, Viggo Mortensen, Sean Bean and Ian Holm, (5) a rousing score by Howard Shore, featuring vocals by Enya; and (4) remaining true to the classic novel. Credit for all the above must be given to director Peter Jackson. It is also great to see horror film legend Christopher Lee in the plum role of Saruman the white, the wizard that succumbs to the will of the Dark Lord. On the downside, though, is the pacing that I find to be a little slow. The battle scenes seem to drag on endlessly and are filmed in a style reminiscent of Ridley Scott's "Gladiator" of two years ago. There are also times when the audio is unclear, especially in pivotal moments of significant revelation. The latter could have been the result of a poor sound system at the theater showing the movie. As earlier stated, the computer-generated effects while effective can't hold a candle to the stop-motion and technical wizardry of Ray Harryhausen or even "a cast of thousands" assembled by DeMille. But, the movie is still worth a look, and upon its release on video, a purchase.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings Review: With all the praise this movie has been recieving, I am not sure what more I can add, but I do feel that I have to voice my opinion. The movie deserve every bit the praise. It IS a masterpiece, and it is already a classic. I admit that I was sceptic going in to watch the movie, after all I have read the book countles times, I was thinking: This has to be a letdown. How wrong I was. Let me start with the surroundings. They are perfect. They actualy hit exactly how I imagined The Shire, and later on Bree and Moria, I had not thought this possible. Everything is worked on to perfection. The clothing, the weapons, the makeup. The casting too is formidable. Elijah Wood is perfect as Frodo, and Ian McKellen simply IS Gandalf, no doubt about it in my mind. I actualy feel that there has been no wrong steps in this part of the movie at all. Everything works in a greater harmony. Another thing is that the movie follows the book very closesly(with a few exeptions), the storyline has only been altered slightly, and the scenes that has been cut out, has been chosen carefully. The cut out scenses from the book, are not of monumental importance to the main-plot. The only real alteration is the motives of Saruman, this is understandable though(I shall say no more in case some of you have not seen the movie). Most importantly I feel that Peter Jackson catches the mood of Tolkiens books very well, this is where it CAN go wrong, even with a 100 million dollars to back you up. But Jackson make Tolkiens universe come to life in a very unique way. The movie might have a bit more emphasis on action than the books, but it is not a flaw. All I can do is congratulate everyone working on the movie for doing a splendid job. If the sequels are as good as this, then we got a trilogy-classic on our hands.
Rating:  Summary: A view from the front row Review: With filmakers becoming more and more talented it is little surprise that Tolkien's is first rate. I viewed this film twice after reading the book some twenty years ago. Speaking with excited college students around me before the viewing, I was amazed at what a cult following the book still has; indeed the entire audience was college or graduate aged young people with a smattering of greybeards thrown in for balance. The film not only captured the beauty of all the associated art from the last 40 years, but left the audience with a good sense of sadness and desperation. As I finally came to know the characters again, the film ended, leaving me famished for more. "Outstanding" and "couldn't be better" are terms to use here.
Rating:  Summary: Defitnitly Worth Your Time And Money Review: With most extended DVDs, there is a good reason that the scenes added have been removed. In most cases, it is because the scenes were, simply put, bad, did not fit with the rest of the movie, or were not necessary to the plot in any way. This DVD is different. Each added scene adds to the story in a beautiful way, helping to add more depth to the characters and tell the story better. Another great part of this DVD was its hours and hours of bonus, behind-the-scenes material, which is interesting even to the person who knows nothing about movie-making. The interviews with the actors are insightful and often humorous. This is the best DVD I have ever seen. I would highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Better than at the movies! Review: With the extra 30 min of film footage, this makes for a more detailed and dramatic story. I have watched it 5 times since I got it. The 2 bonus disc are great. It gives full detail on the making of the movie. After watching these disc you have to watch the movie again to see how seemless the special effects team was at making this movie. A definite must buy even if you allready purchased the regular version when it first came out you have to get this version.
Rating:  Summary: {REAL MAGIC! ONE OF THE BEST FILMS OF 2001!} Review: With the help of a courageous fellowship of friends and allies, Frodo embarks on a perlious mission to destroy the legendary One Ring. Hunting Frodo are servants of the Dark Lord, Sauron, the Ring's evil creator. If Sauron reclaims the Ring, Middle-earth is doomed. Winner of four Academy Awards, this epic tale of good versus evil, friendship and sacrafice will transport you to a world beyond imagination, beyond reality & beyond the LORD OF THE RINGS! (DVD) EXTRA'S: {IN DEPTH PROGRAMS}: Revaling the secrets behind the production of the epic adventure: Welcome to Middle-earth, Quest for the Ring, A passage to Middle-earth. {FEATURETTES}: Created for lordofhterings.net, Exploring the locals and cultrures of Middle-earth: Finding Hobbiton Hobbiton Comes Alive Believing the World of Bree Ringwraths: The Fallen Kings Rivendell: The Elven Refuge Languages of Middle-earth Two Wizards Music of Middle-earth Elijah Wood Viggo Mortensen Orlando Bloom Cate Blanchett Liv Tyler Ian McKellen Weathertop: The Windy Hill Exclusive 10-minute behind-the-scenes preview of THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS. Original theatrical trailer and TV spots, Enya "May It Be" music video. preview of Electronic Arts' video game THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS. An inside look at the special extended (DVD) edition of THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING! DVD-ROM content: Exclusive on-line content and links! THE LORD OF THE RINGS are the best fantasy movies ever assembled!