Rating:  Summary: Whiners Are Outnumbered. Review: ...This was a wonderful movie. Yes there are other greats like Ben Hur etc, but this one is right up there. Movies are a form of art,not science I think this movie was a beautiful version of Tolkien's world.The cenematography, the scenery, and the score were a feast for the senses. The cast was exceptional. At first I thought Kate Blanchett played Galadriel a little too menacing, but I realize she did have the reputation of being an evil sorceress.I wanted to see more of Strider, but I think Viggo will not let us down. Surely they will go into more depth about Aragorn in the next part. Elijah and Ian were no less praiseworhty than I expected. All the hobbits brought charm and humor to the movies. Sean Bean made me like Boramir much better than I did in the book. How sad he won't be in The Two Towers. Discovery of the year was Orlando Bloom. He played the Elven prince to perfection. Keen-sighted, beautiful, graceful and full of the intuition and wisdom one would expect from a 2000+ year-old-elf. What an archer! Robin Hood is jealous! I hope there is plenty of screen time for him ahead. I would have sat through this movie if it was twice as long. True, I wish Tom Bombadil was in it, but they had to cut it down somehow. I wish Shadowfax was grey. I also agree they need to show the reforging of Aragorn's sword. Maybe they will later. The battle scenes are all necessary however .... I mean the fellowship is on the run with enemies all around. What do you want them to do- take a spaceship to Morder? ... Go see it for yourselves. It's spectacular and it does rule the screen!
Rating:  Summary: Was it the best it could have been? Review: ...To be truly honest I wasn't specting that the special effects would be so good for what I had seen in the trailers, but I was pretty certain that the story would remain almost untouched, cut, yes, but not with reinvented parts, or at least "so bad" reinvented. And actually the plot wasn't heavily changed, but I was brokenhearted when I saw that many beautiful details were lost, and replaced with invented scenes. I was marveled about the beautiful artwork and screenplay, I never thought It could equal my imagination, but it was without a flaw, I must gladly admit it, amazing. But I won't forgive that they replaced the scene when Galadriel tells the dwarf's poem to show Gimli he is welcomed for her, after he had been humilliated for the elves, what makes him fall inlove with her, and ask her a single hair of her as a gift when they leave, instead of that they put a Gimli talking about her as a "witch of the forest". I think those little details are tender and gives you a view of the dignity and kindness of every race that appear in the story, and takes away the meaningful beauty that comes from the future friendship between Gimli and Legolas. After all, it is an epic story of "knights" (the good ones) fighting against the evil, even if they are dwarfs or hobbits, they are always gentlemen. Then they put that horrible scene of Galadriel beeing tempted by the ring, seeming a wild witch, which did not happen that way, and made her loose the perfection in wisdom and beauty she is. I have no complains about Gandalf (marvelous!), Bilbo, Frodo, Legolas (pretty nice too), Sam, Boromir and Gollum. I liked very much they added the love story of Arwen and Aragorn, nice touch to put it insted of Tom Bomabadill's part, but I don't think Viggo Mortensen has enough personality to fulfill that role. I adore Kate Blanchet, I'm sorry the script twisted the image of Galadriel. Anyway, I put 3 points, because it caused me the same plasure and the same sorrow at the same time, I went to see it twice, I was dissapointed the first one, and I went againg hoping to change my mind, it didn't happen. I spect the next movie with some fear, I like very much the characters from Rohan, specially King Theoden, who looks great in the picture, but i am afraid Eowyn doesn't look to be a hit, I hope to get a nice surprise, I really do.
Rating:  Summary: follows the book, vivid characters, and impressive acting... Review: ...what more could you ask for?Tolkien's world has been recreated almost perfectly. With vivid characters, impressive acting, beautiful scenery, and amazing computer animation this movie is one that will be looked upon as an amazing movie for years to come. Although they left out a few things, the movie is an excellent portraying of the book. The acting is great and the characters are vivid. Everything is like it is in the book. This movie will have you jumping out of your seat and holding your breath ... more than once! Don't wait for it to come out on video ... you can't experience it the same. With screeching horses and screaming orcs, things aren't the same sitting on the couch in front of the TV. See it in theaters!
Rating:  Summary: All I can say is... Review: ...wow. I am absolutely floored by the content, the packaging, the aura of this collection. The 30+ minutes of additional footage are simply amazing and should have stayed in the movie if you ask me. I won't ever watch the 3-hour version again. =) This is truly a masterpiece. Can't wait for The Two Towers!!!
Rating:  Summary: Before You Devotees Vote Negative...Please Read This: Review: ...yawn... Let me start out by saying that The Fellowship of the Ring is just boring. There were so many scenes that could have been taken out without harming the storyline at all, and so many scenes that WERE taken out that really damaged it. I was excited to see The Fellowship of the Ring in theaters when it first came out. I heard it was a long movie, but I figured it could still be good. It was NOT good. The plot is really confusing, however. Sauron is returning to the world, and Frodo must take the ring back to the Land of Mordor and destroy the ring. It's really an original idea, but badly presented. This was just a little too long. The special effects are pretty impressive. I really liked the ringwraiths and the galloping horses in the river. The Balrog was impressive, too. The cinemotography was brilliant, making the hobbits much shorter than they actually are. Through all of this, The Fellowship of the Ring still fell short. Any of the action scenes are either too short or too repetitive. The movie consists of the main characters being chased by the villains, escaping, then being chased again. It's annoying. And How many times do we have to see a super close-up of the ring in Frodo's hand? Also, are we supposed to care about some wimpy Hobbit. All the blithering whining about "oh how I wish I had never gotten the ring." Wah Wah. Yeah, there's neato guido fight scenes, but it's amazing that with all the time and expense this movie could manage to be so terribly boring. 5 minutes of excitement followed up with 30 minutes of walking, talking and nothing in general happening. I don't [care] about how pretty the scenary was. Who cares? I would rather watch a good story well told set in a litter box than this piece of garbage that had it's 'breathtaking vistas' and unwatchable characters. Are we supposed to identify with a Hobbit? I can't compare it to the books since I've never read them. I have heard that, for the most part, they stayed true. I'm just wondering if they could have stayed true without going for three hours. That is really a long time to sit and watch a movie. Seriously, who actually wants to sit that long? And for a movie that's kind of boring? Apparently many people do, since this movie has gotten such high undeserved ratings. I think people are saying it's good only because it's based on the books they love. If The Fellowship of the Ring didn't have any fans before it was released, I'll bet it wouldn't have done so good in the box offices. Character development is poor. I never even knew the names of the dwarf, the elven archer, and two of the hobbits. That's pretty bad. The Fellowship of the Ring could have done much better. But it just can't match up to other fantasy realms or other movies.
Rating:  Summary: Adds great material for fans of the books... Review: ...yet falls short as a stand-alone piece of cinematic art. I absolutely loved the book, and was undeniably elated to see the new material, since it adds considerable depth to the plot and character development of the film. However, I believe that films made from books should hold their own, and this is where the new version of the film falls short. I can imagine that for someone who has not read the books, the new version might seem confusing, that it is trying to do to much, and that it is just to long. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I could ever go back to the theatrical release, but I'm just glad both exist.
Rating:  Summary: I would've given it 5 but... Review: ..I will save the empty star in Tolkien's honor. Don't get me wrong, this film is a 5 out of 5. I don't think anyone could create perfectly what we imagine when we read Lord of the Rings. First off, this is a beautiful film.... Cinematography like LOTR:FOTR is a rare gem... The only other movie that I remember being so beautiful like this was the Thin Red Line. This film captures exactly what I pictured in the books. Second, the acting is NOTHING short of spectacular. This movie is what Elijah Wood, Sean Austin, etc. will be remembered for. On to my criticism (what I think should have been different) **MAJOR SPOILER ALERT FOR THE TRILOGY (or anyone who hasn't read the trilogy)** **TOLKIEN GEEKS ONLY** Ok. Now that's done. I didn't really like how in the beginning of film how they showed Sauron in battle with the elves and humans. I know it's the history of what happened, and pretty important for a film to tell back-story, but one of the reasons I love the books is that you never "see" Sauron... at all in the story. Small quam, but relevant to me. PS. Why are Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings ever used in the same sentence? Completely different films, no discredit to either, just different. :)
Rating:  Summary: I think... Review: 1) Tolkien's writings are simply the most well written and most important of the 20th century. They defined a new genre of writing, transforming the hero-quest to a new level. 2) The first movie will break all single movie box office records. 3) If the first movie is really good, the next two will break all sequel movie records.
Rating:  Summary: A_W_E_S_O_M_E Review: 1,000 words isn't enough to describe the splendor of this movie and especially the collectors addition. I proudly display mine with the Two Kings bookends on top of my TV. Buy this.
Rating:  Summary: My Top 10 Movies ever Review: 1. The Lord of the Rings, the Fellowship of the Ring 2. The Lord of the Rings, the Two Towers 3. Braveheart 4. A Beautiful Mind 5. Gladiator 6. The Matrix 7. Raiders of the Lost Ark 8. Chariots of Fire 9. Rocky 10. Star Wars, Episode 1, the Phantom Menace