Rating:  Summary: Better than Most Give Credit! Review: Despite what a lot of people think about this movie in respect to the original trilogy, this movie is awesome. It introduces us to the charters and sets the stage for the next two films. Things that appear in this film, but nowhere else in the series are understandable. This is the first Film, not the Forth. Why would Lucas continually bring up trivial information in every film when it has already been stated in the first film and should be remembered by every fan of this movie. What people don't understand is that this film has too be watched without the other three in mind, because in relation to this film, the events in EP 4-6 haven't even happened or been perceived. Once EP 3 is released and everyone gets a chance to watch all SIX films in conjunction, those who said this movie was a waste will change their tune.
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie, Great Extras Review: Despite what some others have said, I think this is a really good movie. It's got great action sequences, unbelivable art direction, costumes, and sets. And the story I found to be engaging and fairly complex for what's supposedly a "kids movie". The podrace is perhaps the best action sequence in any movie ever, making the chariot race in Ben Hur look like a Sunday stroll through the park. The DVD has tons of extras, very well produced and the video and sound quality are excellent as is to be expected from Lucas and friends. I highly reccomend this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: The beginning of a great adventure...... Review: Despite what you might have heard, there is a plot to this movie. Two Jedi Knights, Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi, discover a young boy with tremendous potential named Anakin Skywalker. Meanwhile, the mysterious Senator Palpatine has created a situation which he hopes will result in him becoming the Supreme Chancellor of the galaxy. That's somewhat brief, but it gets the point across. The Phantom Menace is not the best Star Wars movie, then again it is not the worst. While not quite living up to A New Hope or The Empire Strikes Back, many feel that it does in fact surpass Return of the Jedi, the final film of the saga. It could be said that both TPM and ROTJ both suffer due to their locations in the overall plot. TPM is the very beginning, introducing characters that will grow as the story develops, and ROTJ is the resolution (not the climax of the Saga, that's ESB), tying up all the loose ends and completing the storyline. The acting is the same as it was in the first films. Neeson is fine as the compassionate Jedi Master who values all life, and McGregor is the perfect choice for a young Kenobi. The rest are something of a mixed bag, at times perfect, yet at times somewhat lifeless. This could be partly due to some of the dialogue, but it would be unfair to completely lay the blame there. The effects are some of the best ever seen. Many people still don't realize that a lot of what they are seeing is an "effect". Many of the sets were extended and completed digitally, and there is a great variety of computer generated characters. Many complained about the abundance of "effects" in TPM, claiming that they distracted from the story. There is a scene in which Qui-Gon and company enter a dirty, dusty spaceport. In the background tiny little digital alien tourists walk along. This is not a distraction that harms the story, it is an effect that makes the setting seem more real. The worlds of The Phantom Menace are inhabited with creatures that lend a sense of life to the surroundings. Many say "Phantom Menace should have been this or that.." What saddens me is that what these people wanted was, for the most part, a pretentious, heavy handed, dark and brooding film. I've read many "suggestions" as to how TPM "should have" been and basically, they wanted Anakin Skywalker to become Darth Vader immediately and do a bunch of evil stuff. It's not surprising that some were upset when they got a fun, kid-friendly (as Star Wars has ALWAYS been) adventure movie. And yes, the kids do like it. I couldn't help but smile when I saw a little girl (maybe 3 years old) looking at the Phantom Menace storybook with her mother, pointing at a picture of Anakin Skywalker in his podrace helmet. Anyway, to sum it all up, it's a solid movie. Bring on the next two.
Rating:  Summary: Did anyone notice.....? Review: Did anyone notice that the technology was better in the earlier days then the later years. I mean if this is a prequel then the technology would be far less advanced, correct? Not much to say on it otherwise. I was completely lost in the plot, nor did I bother to find out what is was about when it was over.
Rating:  Summary: Menacing Disappointment Review: did anyone really expect this to be good? with all the hype leading up to it, it could only be a let down. while the effects were good, everything still looked extremely rendered and cartoonish. the acting was sub par, and the worst part was the kid. YIPEEEEEE! (he shouts that 3 times in the movie). jar jar binks is below mentioning. darth maul... we never learn much about him, and he's not one iota as menacing as darth vader. the saddest part to me is that there are so many devoted star wars fans out there who refuse to see this movie for what it is. they are so blinded by everything lucas and the fact that they waited days/weeks for tickets that they would feel extremely guilty or duped by calling the movie anything but amazing. in reality, it lacks the creativity and vision to put it in the same league as the original trilogy. want good sci-fi? look elsewhere.
Rating:  Summary: Didn't meet expectations Review: Didn't meet expectations, and it got five stars? Let me explain... The Star Wars trilogy is just plain good viewing. Sure, Return of the Jedi is a little weak, the 70s dialogue in Star Wars is hilariously outdated, but the movies are just plain good storytelling. That's what it's all about - doing a simple thing well. Few people try, fewer succeed. Phantom Menace is again, a simple thing done well. It is a story of happier times, before the Empire, when the Jedi were the Guardians of the galaxy. It is also a story of the of the rise of the Empire. It's not obvious unless you know some of the story that didn't show up in the movies, so trust me here. I remember the first time I saw Phantom Menace. It was, of course, a midnight showing, and the theater went wild when the Star Wars logo appeared and the theme music started. I, a generally mature 33 year old , was shushed by the teenager with his date sitting next to me, since I was so busy talking non-stop with my friends about the movie and every thing that appeared on the screen. The movie wasn't that good. It was just a Star Wars movie. Of course, a Star Wars movie is better than about 99% of what's out there. It didn't make me think, really. The special effects didn't leave me in awe. Jake Lloyd did annoy me. So did Jar-jar. It was just pure, unadulterated entertainment. And the Jedi, at the peak of their power, did kick some major tail. The fighting was out of this world. You think Luke was a good Jedi. Bah.
Rating:  Summary: Episode one is no DVD it's an interactive journey. Review: Director George Lucas has been testing the great many fans of Star Wars patience by not releasing any of the films on DVD,but now giving into fans on Tuesday,October 16 2001,Star Wars:The Phantom Menace Episode 1 will be released.When a treaty signed with the trade federation and the republic is met with a harsh reaction Queen Amidalla(Natilie Portman),halts trade agreements and sends in two Jedi to investigate Qui Gon jen(Liam Neesom) , and a very young Obi One Kenobi(Ewen McGregor)meanwhile they are attacked by droids and find out a secret plan of the federations to plan a full scale invasion. They pick up help along the way including one of r2d2 while escaping a second attack of the fedration they land on the planet Tatooine all the while the federation and Lord Sidius sends his most feared foe Darth Maul to hunt for them.On the planet they find a young boy named Anakin Skywalker:Luke's father who helps them out by joining a race , all the while the two jedi's are figuring out the mysterious Phantom Menace. But not before an all out war with the trade federation , the planets future lies with Anakin Skywalker but will the federation destroy the republic , it eventually leads into a death duel for the two jedi's what will be the outcome seven deleted scenes and many interactive journeys seamlessly enhance this Star Wars DVD experience it's worth the wait.
Rating:  Summary: May the Hype be with You Review: Director George Lucas reveals the origins of his highly successful epic trilogy in the highly-anticipated prequel "Star Wars: Episode I, The Phantom Menace". The film had countless audiences camped outside theaters but this prequel is quite a letdown after the considerable hype that it generated. Though not a big disappointment, "The Phantom Menace" is a stunning, thrill-a-minute, visual spectacle from the creative minds of George Lucas and crew. The main weakpoints in the film lies in its main story and small subplots that are under-developed and often quite dull. The cast includes Liam Neeson, Ewan McGreggor, Natalie Portman and Jake Lloyd. The character of Jar-Jar Binks is certainly inventive but quickly grows tiresome into film. The eye-popping visual effects are quite ground-breaking and often save the entertainment value of this Star Wars prequel. The designs of the alien beings and futuristic cities were very impressive. The aggressive pod race and intense fight sequences were remarkable. Overall, this prequel scores a "C+".
Rating:  Summary: i'll be watching george lucas's career with great intrest Review: dissapointing.no storyline whatsoever just a mumble jumble of special effects and silly lines.how could that young anakin skywalker become DARTH VADER.only liam neeson and ewan macgregor are any good.jarjar binks is amusing but he's not right for star wars.darth maul is a bit part and he isn't the same as darth vader.did anyone even notice samuel l jackson on the jedi high council?.also where's boba fett?i've seen episode 2 now and he's in that but why not in episode 1.compared to episode 2 phantom menace is awful.i gave 1 star for acting and 2 for special effects. below is the main cast: qui-gon-liam neeson obi-wan-ewan macgregor amidala-natalie portman jar jar-ahmend best
Rating:  Summary: The Phantom Disappointment Review: Do NOT waste your money on this video! The video quality is terrible! The picture did not seem to be up to usual VHS standards, and was so far beneath DVD standards as to be laughable. The only redeeming virtue of this tape was the sound quality, which was surprisingly good considering it was not digital. The best sound effects in the universe could not make up for the grainy, blurred picture. I love this movie despite its faults, but I wish I had held out for the DVD, however many years that takes! Wait for Lucas to come out of his cave and realize that DVD is the only way to view his movies! Save your money!