Rating:  Summary: The phantom menace in the arse! Review: (SPEAKING FOR ANOTHER PERSON. WAYNE BRYDON: I had high hopes for this film and was enjoying the film up until the point where Jar Jar bloody binks appeared. The character had absolutely no point at all and made a potentially good film a large turd in the toilet bowl of bad films. Where were the space scenes? (a brief 5 minutes). Most annoyingly of all little Anakin Skywalker was a good actor. The film would have got 4 stars out of 5 but because of Jar Jar it gets 2.
Rating:  Summary: Dispite the rating I gave, the "boring" song MUST be sung! Review: (Takes out guitar) Boring...Boring...Boring...Boring... Sigh. Is...there a point to this movie? No!!!!! I mean, there's no plot-and if there was, it is really, really bad. I remember loyal fans of the epic triolgy were even sleeping outside movie theaters-all for this? Let me say, the acting (Expect that Anakin :0...) and directory was good-except for the story-which is the one that makes the movie come alive. Ah, you gotta hate it when legendary directors direct crappy movies-it's insulting. In other words...the polt sucked.
Rating:  Summary: Home theater disappointment Review: (technical review - No story review)I am sure this film looks great on a small to medium sized screen, If you are a home theater owner, you will be unhappy in the detail of this film. At times this movie becomes fuzzy and makes this print a disappointment, I would expect more from a THX labeled film. I can only guess that this is, ether poor mastering or DVD limitations. Other than lack of detail in the film all other aspects of the image were great. The sound was fine. Picture quality 3.5 Sound quality 5
Rating:  Summary: A Solid Foundation.... Review: *Note*: I am not a die-hard Star Wars fan nor do i really like George Lucas and nor do i have stocks in any Star Wars stuff but this a good film.... I really can't stand people that have a vision of how something should be in their mind and if a movie doesn't emulate that they tear it down. How many times have i heard people whinging about this film. George should have done this....George should have done that...George has ruined my childhood .....blah blah blah.... Star Wars is and always was George's vision not anyone elses. He creates the foundation, the story, the characters and the evolution of this series. Granted other directors and writers have come on board but they all admit in countless documentaries that they always stuck with what George wanted in these films. He is the master they were his tools. So you saw a bunch of B-Grade sci-fi movies when you were a kid and have now developed some obsession over the meanings and memories that the older 3 sequels give. WAKE UP !!!!! Its a new century and a new Star Wars has imersed itself into the Galaxy. Star Wars: Episode One is a good film told from a child's perspective to wrap the beginning of the story of Anakin Skywalker with innocence and wonder. For those who say that this is a child's film...well HELLLOOO...its meant to be, the film is about a child and the birth of the Empire. Its all about beginnings and beginnings are normally more subduded, (the stroy not the visuals). The visual are colourful and at the time of release alot of it was new, just like viewing things from the eyes of a child. This is a foundation movie meaning that alot of expostion has to be dealt out. Furthermore, those that complain about the acting are clearly not understanding the nature of the people in these films. The acting is typical of Star Wars, ( i mean Mark Hamill always acted like he was in amatuer theatre), and the child that played Anakin was perfect. You all seem to want a brillant child actor that can pour out adult like mannerisms and drama, excately how a child WOULD NOT ACT. I think that Anakin displayed good child like features and came across as a child not a small adult. This provided Anakin with a good sense of innocence. Yes. some lines were wooden but its STAR WARS, they always have been. This episode is to set up a transional line between good and evil. I believe that the vision here is to start with good (Ep 1), move into both good and evil, (Ep 2), and then too evil itself, (Ep 3). The other 3 movies, (4,5,6), are a mish mash of good vs evil. It doesnt question the power of either besides Luke's internal struggle in Return Of The Jedi. You either are good or evil. The new movies however seem to question everyones motives and you can't help but feel that the new ones are more complex, not just visally but also story wise. I tend to think most people hate the story because it either too complex for them or too slow. This is a 6 act play really with two major storys, the tale of Anakin Skywalker and then the second half, the tale of his son Luke Skywalker. Try to separate the two distinct halfs. Luke story was told in the late 70's and 80's. Not only was the special effects more minumal then but i believe the story lines were too. It was just the good fight the evil. Granted these movies did it very well but the new ones are better. The political undercurrent is beautifully set out in Ep 1 and shows how democracy can be utlised for more evil intentions. There just seems to be an overall richness to the story that was lacking with the orginal 3. Most seem to find that they don't like Ep 1 but like Ep 2 better so it only makes me think that everyone is just waiting to see the moment Darth Vader returns to the screen. Personnally i am enjoying the experience getting there. I do not go into these films trying to over anaylis or comparing them with my childhood experiences of the first 3, i dont compare every detail to what is clearly a confabulation of memories based on the first 3 films that a saw has a child and grew up with. I enjoy these films as orginal pieces of work that add not suntract from the overall mythos. Episdoe One is a good film, its a good beginning but remember it is George's vision, not yours, not mine but his and he doesn't owe diddly to fans. If you don't want to see his vison stick to Star Trek. Don't see the films or make up yah own world and mythos, i mean many have tried and many have failed to copy the Star War theme but at the end of the day these films are huge because most people want to see the next chapter. If u want to make a film and have your vision then do it otherwise pay yah cash and see a good film and get hooked to a good legend that consists of 6 parts. Episode One : TPM is a wonderful, entertaining film and the DVD only hightlights the work, imagination and skill that goes into making such a film. George Lucas comes across as a strong and confident man who has actually listened to the fans, ( i wouldnt, pack of nerds really), and created a DVD with every behind the scene aspect of this film that anyone could want. I dare anyone to find a sci-fi film that is any better than this !!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Thank you, DVD Review: -MOVIE- Now, call me crazy but I liked it. Sure, Jar-Jar gets on your nerves, and the acting isn't exactly the cream of the crop, but its Star Wars and in the end it does live up to its name. Episode I had to be made to tell the story and to set the stage for the subsequent episodes. The effects were (and still are) out of this world. Lucas poured his heart into this, and it turned out to be stunning. The Podrace scene is the big adrenaline pusher, and the lightsaber duel at the end is just plain cool. We waited for this DVD, and we weren't dissapointed. The movie looks fantastic. -SPECIAL FEATURES- The Deleted scenes were really a joy to watch, and the little featurettes before them make it all the more better. There are various "Making-of" documentaries, as well as the Web documentaries, but the one thing NOT to miss is "The Beginning." It's an hour-long documentary that covers the entire scope of the making of Episode I. Even if you thought the movie stunk, this documentary is a joy to watch. I even enjoyed the Audio Commentary. Overall, it was an OK movie, and a great DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Just a few observations... Review: -The story is extremely weak. If Lucas hadn't had a couple future things to set up (which he does in the most obvious, unoriginal way possible), there wouldn't be anything to even think about. -The kid can't act. Obviously you can't expect a 10-year-old to act like Al Pacino, but Jake L makes it obvious he's just struggling to recite all his lines right. Nothing else. -The modern cultural references, most notably the sportscaster, only degrade everything further. Cute, George, but they don't belong in this movie. -The basic idea behind Jar Jar was ok: having an alien character 'befriend' the Jedi, try to provide some comic relief, and come back with help at a vital moment is a good one. Making said character an annoying, ugly, stupid, bumbling, clumsy, incompetent idiot who talks like a whiny 5-year-old, does absolutely nothing funny, does nothing and contributes barely anything to the movie, however, was a huge mistake. -The adults (most of them) do a very good job of acting, especially Liam Neeson. Let's hope Samuel Jackson gets a bigger part next time. -The planet backgrounds and lightsaber battles were excellent. The music was spectacular. However, the details can't redeem the big picture. -Buy it only if you blindly love Star Wars, and you're willing to overlook the hideous travesty it's becoming.
Rating:  Summary: Very Good Review: . This movie was only. O.k., I would have given it 3.5 stars if I could, the .5 for the 20 minute conclusion of action and excitement. That was sweet. But really. Jar Jar was ridiculous. I'd take Chewie over that thing anyday. Jake Lloyd was almost as bad. My nephew could have been more believable. It looks like the DVD has lots of features, and might be worth the money.The best real action is at streetbrawls.com .I bought the VHS format, and wasn't really going to buy the DVD until I saw how much more was offered on the DVD edition. I'll buy the DVD, because, alas, I am a Star Wars fan. No thanks to Jar Jar
Rating:  Summary: I still have mixed feelings... Review: ... about this movie. I have seen the original trilogy more than 15 times and this movie 3 times so far, yet I cannot decide whether I liked it or was disappointed in it. First of all, I'm from that gang who didn't like Jar Jar (let's not use strong words here and let's not be impolite, but I DIDN'T like him). He is the equivalent of the funny characters in cartoons -- to me he was annoying and got way too much screen time. Second, I didn't like Jake Lloyd. He didn't act, period. There are so many child actors out there who are good, like that one in The Sixth Sense or the one in Harry Potter (sorry, I'm not very good with names). Those two would probably have been too old for the part, but there must be others!! Well, if you got this far, you are interested in what I have to say... I don't know WHAT I was expecting of this movie and what it should have been in order to attract and awe me like the original trilogy has. And if even I don't know, how could I ask Lucas to know?! But something was definitely missing and wrong - apart from Anakin and Jar Jar, that is. Perhaps it's the magic that a childhood fairytale has and that at a certain age you aren't able to sense anymore. Perhaps it's just Han. I don't know. I watched the movie intently everytime but it simply doesn't catch me like the old ones have. I don't get the thrills I got every time I watched those. I am unable to identify with any of the characters and care for them. I hoped, feared and rejoiced alongside Han, Luke and Leia everytime, but Obi Wan and Qui-Gon just leave me cold like I was watching some strangers. The special effects are good, we all agree about that, but perhaps they were overused... like many reviewers have said, Lucas paid more attention to them than to the story. And what about Darth Maul? (Yes, it's MAUL, not MALL or MAUI or whatever... Amazon.com should really check those spellings). He wears that ridiculous painting on his face and he's supposed to be the villain? My oh my... Now Palpatine/Sidious, THAT was a great villain... Anyway, like (almost) everybody out there I hope that Episode II will be better...
Rating:  Summary: George Lucas should NOT direct Episode 2... Review: ... because this film makes it quite obvious that he isn't really cut out to direct. It had been 20 years, right? and it shows. There seem to be a lot of racial stereotypes, even though Lucas has denied this. And to make up for it, the next film is going to be more culturally diverse. There will be an Asian character who specializes in martial arts. Good way to avoid stereotypes. There are good action scenes in TPM, bu the billions of special effects actually detract from the film. Jar-Jar needs to die, yet it has been confirmed that he will return for the next one. The first 3 Star Wars films are absolute masterpieces; this one, though enjoyable, most definitely is not.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining but ... Review: ... not worth the hoopla. This was, at face value, an entertaining film. I enjoyed it although I was not mesmerized or bowled over by it. However, I do believe that George Lucas has essentially lost his mystical touch. You just cannot recapture the magic of the originals. Although it should be noted that I have never been a huge Star Wars fan. My husband is and even he was a little disappointed. He and all the other die-hards hated Jar Jar Binks. I, personally, found him to be great comic relief and a cleverly done character. But it was Liam Neeson who was definitely the stand-out of the film. I thoroughly enjoyed his performance. As for the others ... typical Star Wars fare I suppose. The fanfare over Darth Maul, however, was completely unjustified as he has a very small part in this movie. This movie is worth seeing and if you're a die-hard trilogy fan, definitely worth owning simply because it's against the code of the Star Wars buffs not to. As for the rest of us ... rent it before you decide to buy it.