Rating:  Summary: Phantom Menace, a great movie with flaws Review: Yes, the movie did have its flaws. The acting was less than great, and the dialogue was poor at times. However, the images were incredible, and more than make up for the flaws. Yes, the movie was made for children to watch, but that's not a bad thing, and there is more than enough excitement for the adults out there. I watched it again last night and enjoyed it all the more. If you're one of the few who didn't see it at the theater, watch, especially with your kids if you have them.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars comes under too much criticism Review: Yes, this is a very good movie. I am continually amazed at the amount of criticism that is dished out at George Lucas and Episode 1. The core group of fans consists of a twenty-something crowd that grew up with these movies. They were a part of our young lives and the effect they had on pop culture simply can't be measured. So, George Lucas is faced with making these prequels under the pressure of "hey George, make me feel like a kid again." It is simply impossible to settle everyone's demands of what these prequels should look and feel like. After 22 years, it is natural for us to have our own views of what this "beginning" should look like. You have to take into account that we know how the stories ultimately end. These prequels are a means to that end. SW1 was a very well-done movie that will come under more scrutiny than any film in recent memory. George Lucas does spend a lot of time on the fx in the movie. He is also the Godfather of Sci-fi special effects. He is the pioneer of the craft. In 1977, no one thought anything like that could be done and look even somewhat realistic. So - again - I think people spend too much energy saying what looks too "CG" or not real enough. It's a fantasy environment! Look at Yoda in the movie. He looks like a puppet from K-mart. That's how far the technology has come. In 1980 Yoda was a marvel of creature creation. Now, things are going to be computer generated (note that Yoda is completely CG in ep. 2) to make the film seem more other-worldly. Whenever someone presents something brand new - it comes under fire and the next guy down the street will top it. Still - Lucas takes too much heat for his interest in creating a realistic environment. Lucas also answers fan demand. It's no coincidence that Boba Fett and Jango Fett are in Ep. 2. He knows they are the characters we want to see - and there they are. Lucas just can't answer every fan's demands. Ragging on Star Wars 1 is something that is currently en vogue. I expect Ep. 2 to come under the same scrutiny. However, just try to sit back and enjoy the movie!
Rating:  Summary: Great special effects do not a great movie make... Review: You can be dazzled with all of the state-of-the-art technology in the world and still come up feeling short-changed, especially in the emotion department. Everyone has talked this film to death, but what I don't get is that there is nothing that draws you to the film emotionally like the first trilogy. And what's the deal with Liam Neeson's departure and then the next scene there's cheering and a big celebration? Hollow and flat. None of the exhilarating happiness of the earlier films. Just bloated with self-importance. I'm sure Episode II will be better...
Rating:  Summary: "The Phantom Menace" got the Proper # of Stars! Review: You can now call me an ex-star wars fan...that is if there's some miracle and the next one is phenominally better then this one, which I doubt it will be. I mean, the role of Ja Ja whomever was totally for kindergardeners and the story was TOTALLY geared towards children. The plot was poorly written, I mean C3PO shouldn't have been in that episode at ALL. The only things worth mentioning were (some of) the story line and the pod race. Otherwise this movie turned a once legendary director George Lucas down the drain. Don't get me wrong I used to be a Star Wars fanatic. Seriously my screen name was named after one of the characters and I joind clubs of star wars, even made a homepage for it. But now my respect for Lucas is nearly shot...the only thing not making it completely is watching the original ones. The reason why Star Wars was considered phenominal at the time was because no one has ever created such spectacular effects, not to mention flawless acting (What ever happened to Carrie Fisher and Mark Hammel anyway?). But now with computer animation already invented there is no hope (no sw pun intended)...I mean, if he decided to do the Star Wars when we were first pioneering computer animation it wouldn't been a little different. I was also very annoyed at the Yoda character. Was that actually Frank Oz and a real Yoda? He looked computer animated and it didn't sound like the original. I think Lucas is past his prime and now when looking back I really think it was a bad idea to create the first three epsides (he should have just started right after "Return of the Jedi" stopped)...the main factor being poor computer animation. It lossed the whole "Star Wars-y" feeling...the only thing being the music and the opening sequence of a story description fading into the background. If you're an Star Wars fan and MUST have it then go ahead, otherwise I'd like Lucas to know what's best for him and leave this stuff for Nickelodeon. Signed, A Betrayed Star Wars fan.
Rating:  Summary: One phrase... Review: You can't tell a story with CGI alone. Basically, what I'm saying is that SW:EpI had too much CGI effects and characters. To tell an effective story, or film for that matter, needs good character development. Even the CGI characters got poor character development in this flick. One could not tell whether Darth Siduous was Sen. Palpatine in disguise or not. You couldn't get close to Qui-Gon for there was no history to him, just like there was with Obi-wan in SW:EpIV, until he came back as "force apparitions" in subsequent films that is. Maybe that has yet to be seen in Ep. II or III. Even Darth Maul, the "new" villian had minimal screentime. The only character that we could get close to was Obi-wan, Yoda and Anikin, however there still wasn't strong enough character development in this film along to give it that "stand-alone" quality that the original trilogy gave. Even you knew what Lando Calrissian was all about at the end of "Empire". I've only seen Ep.I once, so maybe my perception of the film isn't as good for someone that's seen it multiple times. Maybe my perception will change once my Widescreen Box-set arrives on my front door sometime next week.
Rating:  Summary: Dissappointing Review: You could go on forever about the short-comings and flaws of the first episode in the Star Wars saga but simply put; this should have been a brilliant movie, it wasn't. Hype and hysteria aside, the only real expectations this film had to live up to were the ones set by it's extrodinary predessecors; the characters, the engaging story and that elusive gem that simply makes a Star Wars movie what it is. Yet this film falls short on all of these aspects, except the special effects, which dazzling as they are, do not make for a great movie. The spunk and attitude of Han Solo and Princess Leia is sorely missed, in it's place is drolling dialogue from strangely sombre and serious characters who you simply cannot relate to. Little Anaking Skywalker is just too nice to become Darth Vader, a simple hint of wickedness would have been so rewarding to the viewer all too aware of what is to come. Queen Amidala had so much potential, the talented Natalie Portman clearly tries to breathe life into flat lines and situations but there's not much hope. Darth Maul's evil appearance could rival Darth Vader's breathing mask anyday, but the character itself is a waste from start to finnish. Obi Wan Kenobi has none of the warmth brought to him by Alec Guinness, and Ewan McGreggor tries just too hard at the Englsih accent. The plot of Star Wars movies have always been simple but here Lucas goes in a different direction of galactic politics and trade disputes, a far cry from the pure simplicity of the ways of the force (midi-chlorians are a blatant example of this) But at the end of the day, the special effects are breathtaking, from the exhilerating podrace to precision-cut execution of the 3-way lightsaber battle. The screen gleams and sihines of colour from beginning to end, but it could be Lucas' new found obsession with computer effects that is tarnishing the concept of the film itself.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie in the Series of...... Review: You don't exactly have to have seen the other three movies to appreciate this one but it is helpful. This is a great movie setting up the upcoming II and III ( V or VI) however you view it. The story line is excellent and the character history is right on with Lucas' vision. For the ladies this one isn't the best but just wait till number II it is said to be a romance.
Rating:  Summary: Besides Jar Jar, there is no good reason to not like this! Review: You don't like this movie? What are you thinking? It's got great music, fantastic battles, and great drama. Some people say the only reason people like this is because it's a Star Wars movie. Have you ever considered this? The some Star Wars fans don't like this movie is because its Star Wars. What do I mean? Well, this movie got an eight or a nine in my book, but the other movies got a nine or a ten. So just because it isn't quite as good as the others, you hate it. All you people who hated this movie are just being picky. Okay, fine, I admit Jar Jar is a little annoying, but he's nothing a shotgun bullet can't fix. Let's just hope he isn't as . . . clumsy? stupid? . . . in the next movie. If you ignore Jar Jar, It's a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: Nice and cute film. Review: You gonna love it if you are a Star Wars fan. Its somehow more cute than it should be, but still, it's fun and exciting.
Rating:  Summary: POP CULTURE TRAGEDY Review: You have failed your highness. Lucas is the true Phantom Menace.