Rating:  Summary: Wonderful eye candy. Review: Who hasn't dreamed of being in space as a kid? Can you remember the worlds you created in your back garden with your friends? Well, George Lucas does. There is no deep meaning to this movie, the story line is merely a guide for the special effects. A whole new universe is created in this movie, another way of life. It's a pleasure to watch the movie, even with the sound off. If you're watching this movie for social enlightenment or suggestions to the meaning of life, you're going to be dissapointed. This movie is eye candy. It's so pleasing to watch just because you don't have to think while doing so. Most special effects in movies seem like they're made by a kid who recently figured out how to animate on his/her new computer. Lucas has style and know-how. These are not wasted special effects. They're not thrown around or wasted pointlessly, they're used when the situation calls for them, and never in excessive amounts. If you liked the first three (or should I say last three) you'll love this souped up version. Todays technology has given Industrial Light and Magic (Lucas' production company) a new instrument, but it seems like they've had this tool for years, because they definently know what to do with it. If you're looking for romance or comedy or intellectual stimulation, you may want to avoid this movie, but if you want something good to look at, this is a must-buy.
Rating:  Summary: "I have a bad feeling about this!" Review: Who picked these actors? What casting agency picked them? Was it the same people that cast Barney? Don't get me wrong- this is a GREAT movie- but you would think that this "multi-million dollar" flix would pick better actors. In the original "Star Wars"- the actors had emotions, they cried, they laughed, they interacted with each other. This new movie had none of that- it seemed like these actors were just saying their lines- nothing else. I've seen Liam Neeson and Natalie Portman do great in other movies- why not this one? In one scene- were Anakin and his mother say their goodbyes- there is no emotion what so ever- and you would think that a mother that was loosing her one and only child would have greater emotions then just "Don't turn around!...what is my next line Mr. Lucas?" The actress playing Anakin's mother (Pernila August) seemed like she had trouble remembering her lines, and speaking them in English. Besides the acting- this movie is great- the locations, the effects, the strange characters, the bad actors. I recommend this movie because it has great action scenes, great effects, and SOME of the actors were good.
Rating:  Summary: GREEDY LUCAS Review: Why aren't ANY of the Star Wars Movies available on DVD (the most popular technology today! ) ? The answer is: George Lucas is GREEDY! He knows that many 'suckers' will buy the VHS versions of his movies, then he will add special features for DVD versions, which will also be picked up by the same suckers! He gets twice the amount of money for one film, which didn't knock my socks off anyway! Leave the video alone, and wait for the DVD! If you need to see thi 'movie', rent it 1st!
Rating:  Summary: Why bother? Review: Why bother to see this movie, when there are so many good Disney pictures around?? This movie goes on the same category as Shrek, Monsters Inc, and Final Fantasy, and is much worse than all those... want to see a big, computer animated movie? go see Shrek... this has nothing to do with Star Wars as we knew it.
Rating:  Summary: Subtle Review: Why did Lucas make the movie? Qui-Gon himself says that the trade dispute was trivial, hardly worth a Jedi's time. Many reviewers said that this movie had no plot, as if nothing happened. Yet, this may be the point Lucas is driving at. It only looked trivial. But all of the events necessary to overthrow the Republic took place, and nobody even noticed! It took only a careful and daring exploitation of the weaknesses of the Republic to set in motion its destruction. To me the movie is wonderfully entertaining, focused, and subtle in its rendering of an evil man's rise to power. So subtle that I think many missed it. As happens in real life.
Rating:  Summary: Greatest Movie of All Time Review: Why do critics say such nasty things like, "Phantom Menace has a weak, convoluted plot" or "it lacks depth of characters," or "it's visually busy, but paradoxically boring?" Don't they know that this is but the first part of a huge merchandising campaign? Don't they understand that George Lucas has expanded from the first trilogy, seeking new ground in saturation of subliminal toy advertisements in every frame of the picture? Those who pan this movie should get a life! Our economy has been blessed with over 400 billion tons of Phantom Menace toys and games, not to mention real cool candy. And then there's Jar-Jar Binks. "Mesa knows you gonna go and buy de toys and stuff, ah dat for sure!" The original trilogy just didn't have the commerical "oomph" behind it that this one does. What a wonderful difference. Oh, so what if the plot dragged and the acting was horrible? After viewing this wonderful film, I ran out and spent over half my college savings on some really AWESOME Darth Maul fashion accesories. Thank you Mr. Lucas -- you have restored my faith in filmakers as well as the artistic integrity of today's movie audiences!
Rating:  Summary: Computer generated effects? Review: Why do people get so excited and spend money to see a movie that is almost entirely filmed with special effects and a blue screen? Movie making is surpose to be about acting, man made special effects that show talent and hard work and real settings all make up a real movie. But this piece... with it's computer generated effects is the ultimate of low class and i'm sorry to say should be totally beneath you. Where was the acting? Was it the special effects or the actors that you wanted to see? We as humans are beginning to look more at special effects than actors that have acting ability. Is this all part of the dumbing down of America? This film is worthless and has no artistic value what so ever. If you want to see a great sci-fi movie, buy or rent "The Day the Earth Stood Still." Now that is a movie with great actors, great script, a plot and is very creative.
Rating:  Summary: LOVED IT! Review: Why is everyone saying this movie is so bad! The reason that it is so light is because this is the begining! Sure it wasn't as good as the other ones, but you have to realize that the other ones took place in the middle of a war! This one is just the start of this war. They had to make it light because of the darkness that George Lucas says that episodes ii and iii will be like. I thought it had a great plot, you can see many hints of whats to come in the plot line, and was just overall a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: I don't get it. Review: Why is this a bad movie. I found it quite entertaining. Sure Jar Jar {toosh] was annoying but I didn't think it was that bad as you people portrray it to be. The movie is just as good as the special effects. The DVD is beautiful. It probably has the best special features in any DVD. It has a documentary of the making of the movie which is an hour long. It has the original storyboards and much much more. It has over six hurs of play time. This DVD is definetly Highly reccomended for Star Wars fans! Get this DVD, and don't bother about the VHS movie cuz this has great special featurs!
Rating:  Summary: My Phantom Menace Review: Complete And Uncut Review: Why is this a movie for an audience with a limited attentionspan? This movie had one instance in particular that struck me asbeing cut so very short. The "climactic" battle scene with Darth Maul(who's personality was never developed) ended so abruptly that I was wondering why there was no dialogue between the villain and Obi Wan and Qui Gon(At least something might have helped). Do you remember the battle scenes from the original trilogy? Didn't they have an element of tension between the combatants that was slowly risen to a moment of importance? How about the duels between Obi Wan and Vader in Episode IV and the duels between Vader and Luke in Episodes V and VI? What about the drama? It was there and gone in a hurry in Episode I. Other scenes also seemed out of place. The scene with the big fish eating the smaller fish had no purpose. That was just "eye candy". The way Anakin accidently took out the ship really bothered me. It was an event of blind luck. Not a single bit of suspense or drama was present. It was yet another fleeting moment in Episode I. Why does it lack humanity? It lacks humanity for a number of reasons. One reason is the fact that none of the characters other than Jar Jar Binks had any personality. Jar Jar was basically a cartoon character so I wouldn't call that a "human" characteristic. He was just zany. As for the other characters, could you actually describe what the characters might be like in the real world? I can't. Wasn't Han Solo a pirate who was lovable in his own selfish way? Wasn't Princess Leia a spoiled brat with a sharp tongue, yet lovable nonetheless? Wasn't Luke your typical high school kid full of hopes and dreams of the future?(All that based on Episode IV: A New Hope) The humanity was truly lost when "The Force" was described as being some sort of genetic inheritance. For me, that was totally 100% contradictory to the original trilogy. Wasn't "The Force" something that was said to surround and be present in all living things. The Phantom Menace took the humanity out of "The Force". It took the idea of faith leading to greater self fullfillment and shot it to hell. According to this new definition it was not present in all life. It was designated for a chosen few and predetermined. Ask yourself if at any time this movie made you feel genuinely sad(either empathetic or sympathetic) for any of the characters. Were there any moments of true laughter? Did you have any reason to truly hate the villain? Did you feel any emotion at all? Was the Phantom Menace any more than just a series of hollow events that led to a "happy" ending? Please, think about that.