Rating:  Summary: Hard to believe, but it's better than the original Review: When I first heard of this movie, I was very skeptical. Usually remakes are worst than originals. I really like the 1960 version of the movie, and a remake of it seemed spotty at best. I finally caved in and watched it reluctantly. I watched it after star wars II (which was a very poor movie by the way).The time machine is a very well made movie! The changes from the 1960 movie actually made the movie more interesting, and the technological advances (movie wise) are great. Just watching the morlocks run made this movie worthwhile... along with the moon falling apart and Eloi people who seemed much more realistic in the 2002 version than the 1960 version. It made my (all time) top ten list of movies, and is the best movie I have seen in 2002. And to say I expected a dud... wow, how wrong can you get
Rating:  Summary: This Movie could of been better Review: Well to say the least I was pretty disappointed in the way this Movie was Directed. I wouldn't blame Pearce totally for a bad acting job in this one because the movie was severly rushed. The Characters and Story never had anytime in this Movie to Develop into anything. And the Special Effects could of been a lot better especially with the Technology the Movie Makers have today and the Budget they put into this Flick. If they would of taken the time and let the story and characters Develop(like making the Movie about 2- 2 1/2 hours long) then this movie would of been better. Too bad though this could of been a Better movie if it was Directed right. The only thing that saves this flick from total .... is Guy Pearce.
Rating:  Summary: Time flies Review: Wouldn't we all like to be a time traveler? I know I would. If there was a such thing as being a time traveler for a living, I think I just might would do it. Think about it. You might could change the bad things in the past, or better yet, travel into the future and see what happens to the world. A teacher, Alexander (Guy Pearce), does just that. He builds a time machine and does what everybody previously thought was impossible; he becomes a time traveler. After his beautiful fiance gets killed, he is more than compelled to travel into the past to change that unfortunate occurrance. However, something happens and she just can't seem to stay alive. For this reason, Alexander opts to travel into the future in order to find some answers as to why the past cannot be changed. Having never read the book nor seen the classic original, I didn't know what to expect from "The Time Machine". Popular opinion seems to be that the majority aren't crazy about the film, but I for one, liked it a lot. Even though I got real thirsty for a Mountain Dew once while I was viewing the movie, my thirst to watch this interesting film about time traveling was even stronger. It's fun to watch certain parts of the movie in particular, such as seeing the Morlocks (the human/demon looking monsters) for the first time, and watching to see if Alexander will ever return home. I also thought that Guy Pearce did a good acting job. But that's nothing. The main showcase of "The Time Machine" is EASILY the visual effects! Whether you're watching the seasons quickly change (by aid of seeing snow cover a window and then watching vines bloom and grow a few inches in a matter of a few seconds), the monsters getting blasted away by something (you'll have to watch the movie to find out :-Þ) that turns them from huge, muscle bound creatures to little more than specks of dust in a few heartbeats, to the simple act of the time machine's wheels spinning hundreds of miles per hour, you will certainly not be disappointed at all with "The Time Machine" when it comes to its special effects. Along with being the first version of "The Time Machine" that I've ever seen or read, this was also the first DVD that I had the opportunity to watch. Therefore, I don't really know if its extras are a lot or not many, but from what I see, I think it's definitely a good deal. Included in the DVD are such things as a scene index (start watching the film at certain parts), subtitles, audio, and more. Even better are the many behind the scenes extras that are on this little disc. You can read biographies of the cast, see how the Morlocks and the time machine were made, stunt choreography, a deleted scene (it lasts about 5 minutes, and it's good), trailers, commentaries, how the spectacular visual effects were done, and more! If a good movie and all of those extras aren't enough of a reason to purchase a DVD, I don't know what is. If you like the movie, don't think twice about getting the DVD!
Rating:  Summary: Why can the past be changed Review: Alexander Hartegen is a scientist who decides to build a "Time Machine" after his fiancée is killed during a robbery. It takes a few years, but he does build his machine and goes back to change the past but in preventing one accident another occurs and his fiancée still dies. At that point he decides to go into the future to figure out why he can't change the past. As he travels forward in time he stop at various points along the way and at one point the moon is half destroyed. Alexander receives a bump on the head and travels 800,000+ years into the future where he meets the Eloi and as in the original Time Machine the Morlocks are there. There are some nice visual effects in the movie: -The homes of the Eloi are attached to the sides in a large canyon. -The half-destroyed moon in orbit is fantastic. -The time machine is state of the art.
Rating:  Summary: This is a real dud. Review: Yeesh. I mean, I expected this remake of the old H. G. Wells sci-fi classic to be kinda not good, but I never expected it would be this bad. Why would anyone want to make something this lame? Even the special effects -- which one would assume would be the film's sole saving grace -- are pretty cheesy. Oh, well. Too bad nobody can go back into the past and prevent this film from ever having been made.
Rating:  Summary: Buy the original Review: Do yourself a favor and buy the original Time Machine (1960) starring Rod Taylor. It's a far better adaption of the HG Wells novel.
Rating:  Summary: Is it over already??? Review: I'm still waiting for something coherant to happen. It's as if all the plots in the world had been used and this film was all that was left. Good gracious people, couldn't Guy Pearce have at least gone and visited some REAL LIFE, fully functioning historical people? I think it would have been more interesting for him to go back and see the writing of the Mayflower Compact as opposed to this utter nonsense. In this film, we get to witness Guy Pearce, usually a very credible actor(Memento, Count of Monte Cristo, LA Confidential), pull off one of his worse acting jobs since his first high school play - which might have been better than this junk. (Right now, defenders of this film are saying, 'BUT it's such an amazing tale of adventue!'). Pardon me if I STRONGLY disagree. This film is the epitome of the modern day B-rated film. The main character(played by Pearce) loses his wife in a botched robbery attempt. He makes a time machine to go back and save her. It doesn't work. Instead, he eventually ends up in the distant future in a time where giant ape-looking men steal half naked Indian people and carry them off to their underground lair. Sound familiar? Yep, try a film compelation of Planet of the Apes, Water World, Escape from New York, The Sound of Music and, cha ching, you've got The Time Machine. Now, you might be saying, "Why would he throw in the Sound of Music, I liked that film!" Well, I did too, but to add it to the other three was just a simple point of emphasis as to how scattered and twisted this film really is. I watched films for the sake of seeing if they're going to show me something new. The Time Machine showed me nothing, except for the fact that it made my mind so tired and bewildered that it took me a half-hour just to cool back down. Special DVD features? By the time this film ended, I didn't even bother checking them out. It would have been like someone shooting me in the foot and checking to see what kind of bullet they used. Buyer Beware.
Rating:  Summary: STUNNING! A FEAST FOR THE EYES! Review: This movie rocks! A great piece of entertainment! Well worth the time (No pun intended)! Grade: A+
Rating:  Summary: Terrible Review: This is probably one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I do recommend that you go to the video store and rent the video, just so you can see how bad it is for yourself. I'd say that if you compared this movie to Plan Nine from Outer Space, Plan Nine wins hands down. If you want to know the story of the movie or whatever, just go get the older one, its much better.
Rating:  Summary: It's fun to watch at least Review: This film had the tables stacked against it from the start. It would be hard to outdo the original movie. I don't think this film outdoes that film, but on its own, this film is fun to watch and kept my interest. The CGI effects are amazing. It wal like watching a dream at times. The camerawork is very good. The shots are well laid out and very attractive. Maybe that is the best part of the whole movie. The extra features on the disc are lacking. Still, the movie is worth seeing on an afternoon you have nothing else to do. Maybe a date movie.