Rating:  Summary: The New Time Machine Is Excellent, Except... Review: I've seen the original 1960's Time Machine many times, and is of course a sci-fi classic. The thing is, I'm getting sick and tired of everybody complaining that this new one isn't all that much like the original! THAT'S WHY THEY CALL IT A REMAKE PEOPLE! This movie, in my opinion, was very excellent and pays homage to the orignal. (The dresses changing in the windows, etc.) I especially like the design of the new time machine. It's a good bit more realistic than the original version. They kept the spinning disk and added another one, then tilted it, all with prisms that bend time around the machine into a sphere, keeping it suspended in time. (Moving forwards or backwards.) There are a few things that I thought would have been better for the movie, however. (Hence the 4 star rating instead of the 5 stars. Really suprising to me too, since the previews for it looked awesome!) Numero Uno on the list is I wished they'd have shown him building parts of the time machine. It just jumps from his personal tragedy, to 4 years later with the time machine already built. Next, when he did travel into the future to the year 2030, he spent all of what, 5-10 minutes there. They should have had him explore and look around alittle more. Earlier in the movie, you see his fascination with any new gadget...now that he's in the future with a whole bunch of new gadgets, he barely shows any interest. (Then traveling 800,000 years into the future and seeing everything change aroung him was cool!) I wish that they had kept it to where the Morlocks only come out at night. (They live underground and never see the light of day, you'd think they'd be a bit sensative to sunlight.) I also wanted to see Jeremy Iron's character as the Uber-Morlock have a slightly bigger, (longer) part. (They way he died was cool though!) And finally, the ending. I wasn't disappointed with it, but I was expecting them to end it like they did in the original. (And I know I stated above that remakes aren't suppose to be EXACTLY like the original, but SOME things you should keep from the original.) Despite those things, I still say it was an excellent movie overall, deserving to win a few awards...and when it comes out on DVD, make it a 2 disc set!
Rating:  Summary: Interesting without being very deep. Review: If you've ever wondered how far cheesy special effects and brainless action sequences can carry a movie, look no further than Simon Wells' remake of "The Time Machine." Based on the classic science fiction novel from author H.G. Wells (who happens to be the director's great-grandfather), the film abandons the seriousness of its source material for some dazzling CGI craftsmanship and a plot of simplicity. For starters, this envisionment of the novel lacks thought provoking ideas or characters we can connect with, and followers of H.G. Wells will surely be appalled by the overall juvenile feel of the film in regards to its source. Those looking for a commendable transformation of words into images will be disappointed, but for those in the mood for brainless fun, it's spot-on entertainment that leaves less stress on the mind and perhaps a twinkle in the eye. Once again, we're introduced to teacher Alexander Hartdegen (Guy Pearce), whose obsession with time stems from his inability change the past. After the murder of his fiancée at the hands of a common thief, Alexander begins building a machine that he hopes will allow him to travel back to that night and prevent her death. Of course, another accident replaces the fatal gunshot wound, and Alexander, feeling he is at a loss in the past, turns to the future for answers. His next stop takes him to the year 2030, in which humans have colonized on the moon, only to have their advancement literally blow up in their faces. A series of accidents lands Alexander far into the future, where humans as we know them form a tribe known as the Eloi, and are constantly hunted by the Morlocks, who storm their villages in search of a living cuisine. As far as adventures go, Wells has done a commendable job of keeping things interesting without being very deep. There are special effects aplenty, giving us a realistic look at sudden changes to the landscape as Alexander looks on from his glistening sphere; such images are wonders to behold. The make-up effects for the Morlock tribe, created by master craftsman Stan Winston, are neither scary nor menacing, but by the time they race onto the screen, the film's cheese factor is so high, you won't even notice. Then we have the requisite action sequences and characters, who utter lines that have withstood time itself. We don't necessarily come to care for these people on a personal level, but how can we, when the movie throws most of them into harm's way ten minutes after they've been onscreen? Nevertheless, Guy Pearce does well to supply Alexander with a goofy charm, and he's not a bad hero figure, either. The action, if one can label it as such, loses intensity through predictability, but each scene plays by the rules, and suits the movie nicely. This film reminds me very much of Tim Burton's version of "Planet of the Apes," which is a similar effort with its mediocre handling of such beloved material. My overall disdain for that film was a result of seeing the classic; perhaps my embracement of this movie is due to the fact that I've never read the novel nor seen the 1960 original. "The Time Machine" may not alter the course of time itself, but for an in-the-moment thrill ride, you just might get your money's worth.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining movie Review: Great for a family night out with the kids like somebody said no sex or cussing. We need to support Hollywood when they give us quality family entertainment like this or they'll think all we wants is American Pie 2. It had enough action and sci fi effects to satisfy even me, which is not easy. I don't know anything about the remake controversy but I have read the book. I felt this movie showed the book high respect. And my kids were content all the time it was on the screen, nobody moved. The Eloi were beautiful with the most gorgeous photography in showing their high rise dwellings imaginable. The Morlocks were sufficiently scary especially for kiddies. Kudos to the incredible Guy Pearce for another great acting job as the haunted Time Traveler. I would recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining at least Review: Ok so the movie doesn't follow the book. So it removes or changes key plot elements that were crucial to the original story. At least what you have left is fun, entertaining action flick. I'm guessing that's what the creators thought. For those of you that have enjoyed the book (one of the best books I've read BTW) be prepared to be thinking to yourself, "What the hell is this?" through a majority of the film (if not saying it outloud). The differences include major ones such Morlocks hunting Eloi (which they didn't) and topping it off by doing so in the daylight (which they aren't supposed to be able to go in). Because of this, the whole using the air raid sirens to lure the Eloi underground has been completely removed. I could go on. Those that haven't read the book will likely not care about the differences, and that is good for Hollywood. You see most movies are marketed towards people who don't read, (how else can one explain how year after year we consume the huge pieces of trash that Hollywood offers us and turn them into blockbusters?) and this version of the Time Machine is definately hoping most of you haven't read the book. Books have a much smaller audience as most people don't read them. The ones that do usually don't waste their time with garbage. Because of this, when a book is successful it is usually because it's good whereas in film this is not a necessary quality (ie successful films such as The Mummy, The Fast and the Furious, Independence Day, ad nauseum). What it boils down to however is the value for your time and money to see the movie. The movie is enteraining at least. I wasn't board or regretful that I watched it. The visual effects were rather well done especially with the Morlock Hunters (there are different breeds of Morlocks in this version) who move in a very non-human predatory way. The designs of the Eloi village are quite nice even if the Eloi didn't have knowledge of building in the original story. The film while not great is worth seeing. Guy Pierce does a terrific job in the lead role, and even if the film is a watered down version of the original it is still an adventure that is enjoyable to see.
Rating:  Summary: A good movie...with a few holes in the plot Review: If you can sit through a film and enjoy the special effects without thinking too much, you will love this movie. If you don't mind morlocks that come out in the daytime, you will love this movie. The special effects are top notch. The morlocks look real (and scary!), the time travel looks...like I guess time travel would look like. The time machine itself is even pretty cool. ... All in all, not a bad film to go spend a couple of hours watching.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Time, The Second Time Around ! Review: I was immediately struck by the beautiful spinning crystal design of the time machine and the 1890's set decoration of the period which was very detailed and picture-postcard like. The CGI was seamlesly done and very imaginative and I was happy to see the traditional passage of time of the dresses in the store front window and the earth re-forming as thousands of years passed. Just like in the 1960 version. The story deviated abit from the original in providing a very personal,emotional reason for the main character to become obsessed with time and build a machine for the purpose of visiting the past and future. This provided the angst for the plot.But,some plot elements did not not change. The above ground Eloi do not speak english but have been taught it from the rocks of fallen buildings and the library computer archives , all technoloical relics of the past.,which is in stark contrast to their simple,yet dangerous jungle life. The Morlocks. below ground people, very advanced and cold natured and aggressive are seen as the result of us, the techno class who have been buried under the rubble of an explosion ,the result machines we have made to explore new worlds. The messege here was similar to the first movie, the machines and technology we create doesnt last, the most important element throughout all time is humanity. A messege especially relevant today.
Rating:  Summary: Underrated? I think so. Review: When I was going to see this movie, I started off by reading a bad review for it in the paper. I saw the movie anyway, and as a matter of fact, I loved it! The mix of special effects, action, plot, science, a great soundtrack, and a bit of humor was just what I needed! I believe that this movie has been underrated. I mean ven after I saw the movie, the bad reviews kept coming. But the truth is, the reason you like or dislike a movie is based on your opinion and interests. I loved this movie, while others may have hated it. I even saw it twice! So think twice when you read bad reviews about movies. Go see them, and then you decide.
Rating:  Summary: good entertainment Review: if you're in the mood for a movie that doesnt make you think a whole lot this would be it... but over all i was really disappointed wiht the movie. Guy Pearce can do much much better as he proved in Memento. This movie is good entertaiment but fans of the book will be disappointed
Rating:  Summary: Maybe they should have called it "The Traveller" Review: If I had seen this movie in some sort of cinematic blind taste -- er, I mean screen -- test, I'd be raving about the brilliant special effects, the unbelievable cinematography and the artistic costume design. At times I felt that the director was harkening back to the films of Fritz Lang. Unfortunately, this movie bills itself as an adaptation of H. G. Wells' *The Time Machine*, and as a literary adaptation it stinks. I could forgive the movie relocating action to New York rather than London (much more practical with American actors!), but Wells' social satire has been replaced with a spotty "man vs. science" subtext that only seems to really come out when the director clubs us over the head with it. I almost expected Mara to say. "The connection between the head and the hands is the heart." Anyone familiar with the book is going to be scratching his/her head. The short hop becomes a driving subplot, the first trip becomes a 1970's disaster film, and the creatures encountered in the final trip are almost unrecognizable (although the subterranean creatures are very scary!! even if they are uncharacteristically diurnal). So -- do I recommend this film? I told my boyfriend that it reminds me of instant iced tea; there is no way you'll confuse it with the real thing, but taken on its own merits it can be very good.
Rating:  Summary: Fun Fantasy Adventure Flick Review: This was highly enjoyable entertainment. My 18 year old son, who never saw the original 1960 Time Machine Movie was very satisfied with what this 2002 version delivered. It was full of great special effects and CGI and had a plot that kept you interested. The character development was lacking. But that's nothing new for Hollywood. This was no Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, but, as a dedicated fantasy adventure fan, this was good enough to make me feel I got my money's worth. There were many similarities between this film and the 1960 edition. If you liked this film, then you should definitely rent the earlier version, w hich starred Rod Taylor and Yvette Mimieux. The older version had more character development and a similar but different story. It was fun to see where the two films overlapped in terms of scenes, special effects, story elements. Jeremy Irons and Orlando Jones add nice touches to the "future."