Rating:  Summary: Great all around movie...worth buying on DVD... Review: A cool movie, great plot, excellent special effects. I loved the original and when I heard this was going to be remade I was very pleased. The time machine delivers all around, buy the DVD, or if not you MUST rent it. Cool special features.
Rating:  Summary: Could have been worse Review: Its always a shame to see such lavish special effects spent on a mediocre movie. I haven't seen the original in a long time but as far as I can tell this is a scene-for-scene remake. The effects are impressive; the music is overpowering, intrusive and just plain awful. On the plus side, there are a few attempts at "humour". As big Summer movies go it could have been much worse.
Rating:  Summary: the writers lost the story Review: okay, I own this DVD. And I am sorry. except for the absolutely superb special effects. And Jeremy Irons doing his Edgar Winters impression as the smartest Warlock I've ever seen. This movie starts out so perfect, and the effects are INCREDIBLE, but the film dies upon Guy Pierce waking among the Eloi, where the Old Language just happens to be perfect English. No learning curve. PUHLEASE! So what would you do upon waking in the future? ASK WHERE YOUR DAMN MACHINE IS!!!! He doesn't. Instead, he melds with the Eloi. And then, the movie grabs me with the absolutely perfect warlock graphics! Perhaps I am too emerged in the greatness of the original Rod Taylor classic, but I have to say rent tis movie. If for nothing else, for Jeremy Irons. He deserves a supporting actor award here. But to be real, don't buy it. rent it. This review does not go into the plot. If you don't know about the Time Machine from H.G. Wells, you are a hermit.
Rating:  Summary: TIME MACHINE misfires on some cylinders Review: This remake of the classic 1960's film works best when it pays homage to the original H.G. Wells classic and when it delves into the motivations of the hero (played very well by Guy Pearce). However, some of the more original directions of this flick don't always work. The leader of the Morlocks, played by Jeffrey Irons in whiteface and fright wig, seems more silly than sinister, while the actors playing the Eloi are pretty much on the blah side in the acting department. Alan Young, who played the original Filby in the first film, makes a nice little cameo, while Orlando Jones makes the most of his limited screen time. The special effects are top notch, while alone make this flick an amiable time waster.
Rating:  Summary: This Stunk!! Review: I can't believe how terrible this movie was! It was not even worth a 4 dollar rental! it was shallow, booring, and it just stunk!
Rating:  Summary: Maybe not as good as the original.... Review: But STILL worth AT LEAST ONE WATCH!! Like someone else said, you may even want to watch it again if you hated it at first, because you may just like it the second time. I KNOW people are bashing it because it can't really touch the original version. I have've seen it yet myself, but I do plan to. I do know that the other one was rather political&I must say I enjoy movies with politcal sides&relevance. But I ALSO *Love* movies with good love stories. And it makes sense he'd want to go in time to save his Loves life...And it even has some messages in it. Like well many thing "Just can't be change", and well that's life. But if you try you can always make life better. And also that if you IGNORE a problem it WONT get any better. Trust me I know these things hand on. NO! I DIDN'T have to dig to get this stuff out, it was there. Even though its shallower then the original its still very good. And there is NO DOUBT how amazing the visuals, usually it takes alot to impress me with visiuals, and well these were just great visual affects.! No offense to the other reviewers, but I rather liked the ending myself because I usually ~HATE~ endings wrapped in a neat little package. This movie tells you some of what happens, but not all. And I often like things leaving me guessing, letting my imagination fly and think of what COULD happen. Now I may see the original and go "HEY! THE NEW TIME MACHINE SUCKS COMPARED TO THIS.!" But on its own its very good. And I'd give it a 5, but I know its NOT THAT GOOD.! And I *always* search for the *GOOD* in things, I didn't have to in this because I have a very open mind. But I've been thinking alot about the movie and what it DOES say. Alot of times you forget movies, but this one has managed to stay on my mind. Isn't that what counts? Oh, and OF COURSE the acting is EXCELLENT. Guy Peirce was very good, perfectly conveying Alexander's emotions. And I was suprized though Samantha Mumba's part wasn't huge, she did great. I give her kudos for not picking a cheese cake role for her acting debut like all the other musicians acting out there. Oh and BY THE WAY, I have ABOSLUTELY NO problem with singers becoming actors or ANYTHING else, because I myself: Act, sing, write, dance, and much more. Why limit yourself? Esp. IF you can do it.! Anyways just watch it and take it for what it is, a less effective, but still very good remake of a classic. And its NOT entirely superficial it has alot of substance. So *enjoy*.! ...
Rating:  Summary: the new time machine Review: Take a time machine back to the original is my advise. The original is far superiour. The only thing better was the morlocks. Guy pierce's performance is bad, his character isnt nearly as likeable as rod taylors in the original. The Effects are cool but it's not enough to save this movie. Buy the original!!
Rating:  Summary: Purge your mind of the original. . . . Review: and you will enjoy this movie very much. I've loved the original and watch it everytime I can catch it on tv. Once I got beyond thinking that this was the original, only with cooler effects, I allowed myself to enjoy it. I think it deserves much more than the low star ratings I keep seeing pop up. This film does not, and in my opinion, does not try to replace the original. It's another vision of similar material. I loved it. And the effects are quite awesome. On a slight side note: In my opinion, Jeremy Irons will always be perfectly cast as a villian. No offense to the actor. His voice, his mannerisms. . . he just plays one so well. I liked the lead actor also, even though I was somewhat bothered by him in the beginning. Good movie. If you're wondering, buy it, but don't go in expecting H.G. Wells. Sit back and have fun.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: I think that the time machine was a great movie. it all started out when his fiance emma died. he tried to go back to the past with his timemachine to change the past. but, she was destined to die that night . so , he went to the future for some answers. Why instead of me telling you about the movie . why don't u go rent or buy it today! I recommend to get the dvd. dvd has better quality.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible Remake Review: This movie should have H. G. Wells turning in his grave. I thought this would be a hi-tech remake of the original Rod Taylor flick. However the plot was thin, no character development to speak of, a vague story line and the ending was very disappointing. I will say that the special effects, visuals, sound etc. were good, however the movie falls on its face. Unfortunately, I bought this DVD without first reading the reviews here on .... I could have saved myself [$$$]. Maybe worth the rental price, but not worth purchasing.