Rating:  Summary: Clash of the Titans Review: I remember seeing this movie when I was a kid and being enthralled by it - not to mention scared to death by the 'Medusa scene'. So that statement of course makes me biased to the point of nostalgia, but I'll review this anyway. I'm also a 'fan' of Greek/Roman/Norse mythology, so seeing all these mythological creatures was an added treat. While this film is very good, simply because of it's easy-to-follow familiar plot and uncomplicated characters, it pales in comparison to 'Jason and the Argonauts' which enthralls me more today than it did when I saw it as a kid (though I always like the giant stone golem guy in J&tA). So in conclusion, I liked 'Clash of the Titans' less today than when I first saw it, mainly because now I appreciate better acting, deeper characters, and more complex plotlines, but there is a certain 'innocence' in it that almost makes up for all that, you just have to lose yourself in it.
Rating:  Summary: Nudity definitely NOT for Kids and Families Review: I was SHOCKED as a teenager when I saw this movie in the theatre by the nudity which was NOT brief or appropriate. Pass on this one.
Rating:  Summary: Greek Epic Myth On DVD: Fantasy Of High Calibre Review: 1981: Ray Harryhousen made the special effects, monsters and clay "creations" for this Greek epic myth about the heroic deeds of Perseus. Harryhousen had previously made the magic possible for such films as "Jason and the argonauts", another film revolving a Greek myth, and the sci-fi classic "Earth vs. the flying saucers." Harry Hamlin, tv actor from the 80's series L.A. Law (and a hot hunk I had a crush on as a girl), makes an impressive performance as the confident, toga-wearing, muscle-bound, swordsman Perseus, who defeats monsters, including the three headed dog from Hell and the sea monster Kraken. British actress Dame Maggie Smith (from Sister Act films and Hook) and the esteemed British actor Laurence Olivier play the roles of the goddess Thetis and Zeus, who are involved in a bitter feud. Zeus protects Perseus, as he is his son by a mortal woman, but Thetis is upset that Zeus shows no mercy to the deformed Calabos, her son, who was once a handsome prince. Calabos has the princess Andromeda (Claire Bloom) under a dark spell. She will be married to the man who solves the nightly riddles she is given. Perseus solves the riddle and becomes engaged to Andromeda. But when the queen Cassiopeia elevates her daughter's beauty above that of their patron goddess Thetis, Thetis becomes so enraged she puts Andromeda in a tight spot. She will be the sacrificial victim for the hunger of the sea monster, the Kraken. Perseus journeys to the Underworld, defeates the snake-haired Medusa and with his friends, the old wise man, the winged white horse Pegasus and a robotic owl (who chirps and buzzes almost like R2D2 in Star Wars). He frees Andromeda, who as the classical myth dictates, was chaind to a rock by the sea, and the ending is a very happy one. Thanks to the fine acting by Harry Hamlin, whose heroism comes through as shining as Perseus (not to mention his good looks), Andromeda (Claire Bloom), Maggie Smith as the vindictive goddess and Zeus (Laurence Olivier) as an eloquent, authoritarian king of the gods. The London Symphony Orchestra fills the soundtrack with lofty themes, romantic melody and dramatic highlights. One of these highlights is the moment when Perseus tames Pegasus. This film was a classic in the 80's and is still great to watch, especially with the magic of DVD. A must have for fantasy fans, a great addition to fantasy films. Look for "Jason and the Argonauts" with Harryhausen effects, equally a match to this film, although dating from an earlier time, the 60's.
Rating:  Summary: One of my classic favorites shines on DVD Review: I wore out my VHS tape of Clash of the Titans. I used to play it as background music since the score is beautiful and well recorded by The London Symphony Orchestra. The host of great British actors adds polish to this fantasy's dialogue, and the stop-action photography--breakthrough technology for its time--still works. As a movie, Clash is nonstop action for kids and adults alike. There is nothing not to like about the movie nor the DVD format, which should also last longer than my VHS tape.
Rating:  Summary: A true delight for your inner child Review: Judging from the comments below, it seems one either loves this film or despises it. In the book "Roger Ebert's Movie Home Companion", Mr. Ebert praised the film, so I decided to give this DVD a try. I'm glad I took a chance because it turns out Mr. Ebert's opinion matches my own. If you harbor a child's spirit within you, if you like to entertain fantasies, or enjoy comic books, this film is probably for you. Ebert says "Clash Of The Titans" is special effects wizard, Ray Harryhausen's masterwork, a tour de force, and having seen many of the master's earlier films, I tend to agree. His effects are achieved by stop-action animation, rear projection, modeling, etc.; traditional methods requiring painstaking effort and which lend themselves well to a film which deals with ancient Greek mythology. But there is much more here than just fantastic effects. Nearly everything about this film works for me. The mostly British cast infuses the film with a high tone. Harry Hamlin plays the role of Persius exactly right, and Judi Bowker is adorable as the lovely princess Andromeda. The production values are high, with wondrous sets and marvelous costuming. The location filming in the Mediterranean is beautiful and sometimes breathtaking. The DVD video transfer is from a clean 35mm print and looks terrific in the 16:9 widescreen mode. The sumptuous London Symphony scoring sets a tasteful mood and effectively augments the story. I do have one gripe, however. The music track on this DVD has too much treble and the music is too loud, competing with the dialog. Whoever remixes these soundtracks should be instructed that the music is not supposed to upstage the acting. Apart from the sound mix, I honestly can't find much to fault with the film. This ages-old epic of gods and men, good vs. evil, and fantastic ordeals braved in the name of love, is treated with respect, both in script and acting, while remaining fun. Titans is an enchanting movie. It evokes a certain sense of magic which films like Star Wars seem to have sacrificed in the name of urbane sophistication and high-tech realism. This DVD is a fine choice for those who like a touch of charm with their escapism; a gem to be enjoyed again and again, by young and old, for it truly celebrates the child within.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie but surprising sex scenes Review: The stop motion animation is great as always from Ray Harryhausen. The atmosphere is also cool, especially the swamp scenes and the Medusa scene. The picture quality is pristine. The big problem that I have, however, is the nudity. Despite being rated PG, there are two scenes with prominent nudity -- one involving the mother of the hero and one with the leading lady walking through a large bath/pool area. Maybe this is the European version? My nine year old was totally shocked, as was I, and I had to give the DVD away. For all parents, I recommend that you stick with the clean Harryhausens like 7th Voyage of Sinbad and Jason and the Argonauts.
Rating:  Summary: Oh please! Review: God I hate this movie. The [bad] special effects (if you can call them special) make this film about as entertaining as Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. And the acting - B movie caliber. I think I have seen better acting on Jerry Springer. I cannot believe they would waste time and money re-releasing this horrible piece of Hollywood!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Selection Review: This is a magnificant movie. It is a great tale of ancient greek mythology.
Rating:  Summary: Cutting edge visuals from 20 years ago. Review: I could sum this up with a meer word: classic Harry Hamlin is Perseus. His journey is a wondrous one that goes from stealing information from cannibals, to fighting a cross between what seems to be a lizard, a man, and a satyr, to defeating a Titan. Yeah, there's a beautiful girl. Yeah there's the bad guy. Yeah there are plenty of all kinds of monsters. Yeah there are gods. I thought it was interesting how the gods interact with humanity. AT LEAST rent this one. Or buy it!
Rating:  Summary: Great to share with a new generation Review: My sons, who are now grown men with sons of their own, always enjoyed Clash of the Titans when it was on television. I was delighted to find it to purchase on DVD recently. Now my grandson likes to watch it with me, the difference being that we can watch it whenever we choose. The story is still compelling to me, my grandson has developed an interest in mythology, and he goes home enthusiastic to talk with his Dad about a movie they both enjoy. I have younger grandsons coming up, so this DVD will get a lot of use.