Rating:  Summary: A reader? Review: I've read this movie many times over the last 20 years and it ranks right up there with the first two Star Wars movies and the first Planet of the Apes. I really hope they make a new movie based on this series that never had a chance to live up to its potential...to live period. Maybe they can get some of the same cast back too, mixed with younger viper pilots.
Rating:  Summary: Still great after all these years Review: I remember the first time I saw Galactica. I don't think I blinked once through the entire first hour. I was blown away, just like I was by Star Wars. I think most of this episode holds up over the years, with the possible exception of the casino scenes. The first half hour is still fantastic, there are glimpses of humor, great special effects, and plenty of action. I find it hard to believe the effects were that good 20 years ago on TV. They're better than that computer generated stuff they use on the Star Trek series, that's for sure.
Rating:  Summary: an ensured future Review: battlestar will inevitably be brought back. the thing is to stick to glen larson"s vision . richard hatch has to be included,but please as an actor only. big name actors will want to ham it up ala batman tv show, but i hope they stick to the epic implication of their journey. starship troopers took a bit of inspiration from these guys!!!!!what a dichotomy.
Rating:  Summary: GARBAGE!!! Review: What a load. Don't waste your time with this nonsense. It's corny, poorly acted, just plain silly, and very bush. I can't believe the glowing reviews I've read. Are these people serious??? What's with the ridiculous robotic dog and that insipid, bratty kid? 1978 or not, those DOS-like graphics on the Galactica's computers are soooooooo cheesy. Save your money, save your time, save your sanity!!!
Rating:  Summary: allegories... Review: not only (as another reviewer mentioned) does this story seem to parallel the flight of the jews from israel, but i have heard it compared to the mormon saga as well. atmittedly i don't know enough about it to say for sure, also, being that the mormons are a recent dvelopment in history, and given their place in the socio-racial makeup of the usa, and some of their (past) non-traditional approaches to life, i expect many people would pshaw this hypothesis.
Rating:  Summary: Cheesy, Cheesy, Lemon Squeezy Review: I remember seeing this (about age 8) and everyone saying "not as good as Star Wars". Being the contrary little git I was, I always thought this was better. The TV series soon flattened my interest but I've always had fond memories - probably aided my my collection of the Mattel toys that I adored (okay, so the red missiles didn't actually detach and shoot off, but it was good to pretend that I was pretending to shoot a laser in the form of an impotent red missile!).This is a serious trip down nostalgia lane - I've had a number of friends goind "oh, wow!" when seeing this DVD on my shelves, but I always convinced them we'd be better off with something else for viewing that night. I had a "private" viewing over a couple of weekend afternoons and fully realised that the vague recollections to my youth of 21 years ago were most serioulsy rose tinted. I'm glad this is now in my collection, but then I tend to collect any old sh*t! Only serious fans need apply - you can't quite see the wires and glue on the models, but you know they're there! No extras on the DVD to speak of and the mono sound is pretty dire. The Last Starfighter, released same time by Universal in one of their lovely Special Edition formats, offers much better bang for your bucks (though the picture is a little speckled and noticebly washed-out). I believe Richard Hatch (Apollo) is still trying to get a Battlestar remake off the ground (the studios have their own plans, strangely not involving him!?!). Seeing this again, you really can believe that guy's a fanatic!
Rating:  Summary: They're all great! Review: I don't see how people can compare Battlestar Galactica to Star Wars. The only similarity is A war, and outer space. I think BG was great! I watched it faithfully as a kid, and was so very upset when it was canceled. The creators of BG were brilliant! And the producer is top notch (I've met him). They had a vision. And if it had been given more, time the vision would have been realized. I can't think of a single episode of BG I truly dislike. Naturally there are some I prefer to others, but I like them all overall!
Rating:  Summary: Worth a look Review: Deffinetly a movie in the mold of star wars, but with a very different tale. The story of the destruction of the human race and the fleeing of its handful of survivors in search of humankinds last outpost: EARTH is a great premise. The majestic battlestar galatica leading a convoy of some 220 odd ships thru space,protecting them wile encountering strange and dangerous foes thru-out the stars makes for great storylines. The main problem with the series is instead of tapping into this great potential week to week, they relied heavely on showcasing the main villins the cylons. Wile they are the main villians of the story, the writers could have reserved them for more epic encounters, ones that could have been stretched over two to three weeks. This could have left them the potential to explore other antagonists menencing the rag tag fugitive fleet from time to time( they had all of outer space to tap into!!) And sure there are the constant reminders of how this was nothing but a star wars rip off. This will go on forever. True there might be some similarities of the two (only in terms of special effects, not in premise). This can be traced back to the man who was in charge of the special effects: John Dykstra (the same man responsible for for the fabulous production in star wars) But aside from this fact, that is where the similarities preaty much stop. If more time had been given to flesh out the caracters more, add more intriguing story lines instead of the constant week to week battles with the cylons. this piece of sci-fi fare could have stood out as one of the all time greats. (along side that trilogy made by some guy named Lucas.)
Rating:  Summary: STAR WARS RIP OFF! You must be joking. Review: Battlestar Galactica was no way the same as Star Wars. Glen Larson made his own Science fiction movie which was a lot different to Star Wars. Did we see Death star or the power of the Force? This movie and follow up series is interesting to watch. Before Dirk Benedict was cast into the role of Starbuck, the actor had just recovered from having cancer. Lorne Greene played Adama very well indeed. John Drykstar's work in Battlestar Galactica was good but repeated too often. Shame this series only lasted one season with a terrible follow up, Galactica 1980. The series had much more potential. My favorite Si/fi series is Star Trek The Next Generation, but i like Battlestar Galactica is second.
Rating:  Summary: Nice try. But it could be better if they tried.. Review: Well the picture was good. Sound was nice (mono) But to bad it was the 125 min version.