Rating:  Summary: New movie please Review: Seeing this again, and hearing the many rumors and stories going around that Battlestar Galactica may be poised to make a comeback as a movie or tv show, has got me all excited about this becoming a reality. Put these actors and situations into a new movie, please. It would be fantastic, just like this original 3 hour tv show, that is packaged here as a movie. Good effects, good story, good time.
Rating:  Summary: Partially entertaining Star Wars ripoff Review: I must admit that when I first saw this show back in '77 & '78 I was wowed by the special effects, especially since the best TV special effects at that point were the original Star Trek and Space 1999.However after viewing it with a more discerning eye this thing is an obvious attempt to cash in on the amazing popularity of Star Wars. The Cylons are obviously taken from the Stormtroopers, the Cylon Base Ships are just round Star Destroyers, the Colonial Vipers are knock-offs of the X-Wings, even the font design for the opening credits is influenced by Star Wars. They even have a planet explode. The plot has some seriously gaping holes which are spelled out below by another reviewer. The special effects are pretty good, although obviously optically composited, and the DVD transfer really highlights the visible "ghost box" that surrounds smaller ships when you use optical technology. The other problem with the effects is that since they were on a pretty tight budget, certain special effect shots are recycled throughout the show including various explosions & ship maneuvers. Good for a few memories, but nearly impossible to seriously watch more that twice. If all you want is fantastic battle sequences without the burden of plot details, check out Wing Commander.
Rating:  Summary: Love it or hate it Review: Is what it probably comes down to. I think one of the most underrated things about Galactica is the music. Top-notch. Same for the sound effects. And though they may be 20 years old now, the special effects are better than most of the computer-generated ones on the air today.
Rating:  Summary: are you guys for real? Review: If you like science fiction and action adventure where all logic is thrown out the window, then this is definately the film for you. At the beginning, there are twelve colonies of man. We must assume that each of these planets is technilogically developed and must have a population of at least a billion per planet, right? Then how come the entire colonial fleet consists of only twelve battlestars? A civilazation of that great a population and industrial capacity would have thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands, of such ships. So the human race has decided to finally make peace with the Cylons. So this means that they automatically just lower all their defenses and leave themselves totally vunerable to attack? A species that stupid would never have developed faster than light travel. When the cylons do attack the colonies, the only descernable weapons they seem to use are a few well placed lazer beams, not even the equivalent to what the germans used during the blitz of London. I think it would take weapons of greater destructive power (hello? They developed faster than light travel but can't split an atom?) to wipe out an entire civilization. So then what do the humans do, after their first defeat? They run away like scared rabbits. They leave the homes and communities that they have lived in for hundreds of generations after their first setback. Here's an idea: counterattack. So we're going to find this lost colony called Earth. Great. Wonderful. Since the fleet can only go as fast as the slowest ship, it will only take a few million years to get there. And even when we do get there, whats to prevent the cylons (who've been following us the entire way) from just annialating it also. Thanks a lot, Commander Adama, you led them right to us. On the subject of Commander Adama, who died and elected you leader? This this is the last remaining pocket of humanity left in the galaxy, shouldn't a demographic body be formed (especially since it is primarily made up of civilians and not military). I guess when you control the biggest and baddest ship in the fleet, democracy just sort of goes out the window. What we're dealing with here is basically a military dictatorship, with members of the dictator's immediate family conveniently placed in key positions. How come no one ever disagrees with Adama or even questions his leadership? One of the things that made (and continues to make) shows like Star Trek great is that the characters don't always agree with each other. The line between right and wrong is often blurred. This creates conflict and tension. Its called drama. One final thought. I thought there were only thirteen known colonies of man in the galaxy. Then how come every week they find another planet chock full of humans? Are these "unofficial" colonies of man? Why don't the cylons blow these guys up as well? Why don't he colonials just make there stand there? Or at least recruit some allies? I gave it two stars because the original premise isn't half bad. If they do ever actually do a remake, though, the need to rework the entire thing from the ground up. Make it enjoyable for people over the age of eleven. Make it believable.
Rating:  Summary: The 70s are back Review: The pilot for this '78-'79 TV series was indeed of motion picture quality. Fabulous special effects, particularly when you consider the year. Many of them surpassed even Star Wars' effects, partly, I suppose, because they were done by the same man -- Dystra. Story has some faults, particularly during the climax, but overall very nicely done. Deserves a better reputation. But it may be coming back in movie form by the makers of Wing Commander. Hope that they remember the original and build on it, instead of trying something completely new.
Rating:  Summary: the vast reached of space Review: There are those who believe that life here began out there, far across the universe...and they're the ones who made this film. In the seventh millenium of time, very close to dinnertime, the Galactic Fleet is invaded by a race of machines called the Cylons. They shoot blue lasers and talk as if they desperately need a throat lozange. They hate human beings, so they destroy them. It is a living. The head of the Cylon Empire is known as the Imperious Leader, and he likes to be put on a pedestal. Cylongs also like to play hockey, hence they are constantly wearing hockey gloves. The Colonials, on the other hand, prefer tennis. This is where the conflict begins. Cylons, outraged that they cannot get a court, kill Apollo's brother, Zak. Zak had a terrible backhand anyway. Now Apollo must play with Starbuck. After the colonies are destroyed, the Galactica knows that it must fly off into space. It know this because once it tried flying off into the ground and this was very painful. Space is much better. There is more room. 220 ships follow the Galactica, but the Galactica will not slow down, so the rag-tag fleet must go really fast, ignoring traffic signals and risks getting a ticket at every turn. They also risk getting attacked by the Cylons, but the Cylons always play hockey on Thursdays, so the humans are safe for the time being. The time is being the seventh millenium, but I may have already said this. If I have not said this, I may have stated it instead. Either way, it is the seventh millenium and the humans must be in bed at the eighth millenium sharp, so pick up your cubits, get out of the casino on Carillon and get back up to the Galactica. You're going to be on duty tomorrow, after all.
Rating:  Summary: 2nd only to the original Star Trek Review: Of course Star Trek could not take advantage of special effects technology, so it had to rely much more on storytelling ability, which Galactica often lacked, as far as the series goes. This movie, however, was probably the second best episode produced in Galactica's brief one-year run, and I recommend it to anyone who is a sf fan.
Rating:  Summary: Nostalgia Heaven Review: I watched the series when I was a kid. If you want a taste of your youth, this is one to watch with YOUR OWN KIDS. Unlike many things these days, this one is suitable for all ages. It was fun to watch again.
Rating:  Summary: Still fun Review: Still good clean fun after all these years. I love the special effects, the costumes, the sets, the sound effects, the music....it's all great stuff.
Rating:  Summary: The greatest Review: Battlestar Galactica is military science fiction that, in its better moments, is equal to Star Wars in quality. This movie, taken from the pilot, "Saga to a Star World," is one of the better episodes of the series and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys science fiction.