Rating:  Summary: Awesome but not better than 2 Review: This movie was great. It followed t2 perfectly, even though they killed sarah connor its still good cus she had to die sometime. The dvd is awesome.A must buy.
Rating:  Summary: Great addition to the series ! Review: This movie was very entertaining. Being an avid fan of the first two in the series I really didn't know what to expect. The previews really didn't look that good. However, I was presently surprised. The chase scene through the streets of LA was unbelievable. Arnold was actually hilarious. Was it the best in the series? Better then the 1st, almost as good as the 2nd. Overall a really enjoyable movie that keeps you entertained throughout.
Rating:  Summary: What a joke. Review: When I went to the theatre to walk this movie, I went in expecting it now to be near the quality of T2. And that is exactly what it was, a complete joke. The movie was poor acting, poor diolugue, and had a very poor story line. Sure it had some good special effects, but thats where it stopped. How the hell could the terminator remember all the small details that he did from T2? and those stupid one liners were so over done. I hate the way that they killed sara conner, and the actor of john was a complete joke. I really missed the monologues of Sara Conner like in T2, and how T2 had messages about how human were destinted to kill themselves, and about family. And did this movie have even the slightest of this no. All this movie had was 1 hot women. Please just buy the T2 Extreme Edition or something worth your money.
Rating:  Summary: It's Been Awhile Review: I can hardly remember when I first saw the original two Terminator movies, with the memorable slogan "Hasta la vista baby!" Well, I went to check out the new Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines to refresh my Terminator experiences. Following many sub-par sequels such as MIB2, I wasn't too confident in the T3. T3 isn't too bad. As expected there was non-stop action, and awesome scenes, when Schwarzenegger fires his machine guns and rocket launcher at the police officers and their cars, and the death toll adds to- zero, or the big fights on the roads with TX and the Terminator. The plot goes as follows: John Connor (Nick Stahl) who is the destined future leader against the machines, is a runaway. He finds his life in danger as a new robot named TX (played by the beautiful Kristanna Loken) who is deadlier than all robots. It is the Terminator's (Arnold Schwarzenegger) job to protect John Connor and his accompilice and future wife Kate (played by Claire Danes from The Rainmaker and Romeo And Juliet). The acting job is the same from Schwarzenegger, the cool sunglasses, and the no-smile, serious expression. The only difference is the new motto, "She'll be back!". It is a cool movie to watch, though lacking a bit in substance and is mostly action and no drama- which some people might actually pefer. The action is as expected, awesome! A pretty good sequel, though could be better. A huge debut with special effects costing 172 million. Go see it if you are an action fan, or like the original Terminator movies. Not at all dissapointing.
Rating:  Summary: A Very Impressive Conclusion Review: I really enjoyed Terminator 3, contrary to my negative expectations. After nearly a decade since the huge commercial success in both theaters and DVD market of Terminator 2,a film that James Cameron has invested so much technically, and creativally, I had a slight aversion towards this third installement, being disappointed before with similar revivals of classic films like Star Wars, but I was very much surprised by how well this film is made, and I made few observations, First I felt that T3 was closest to the original Terminator film. T2 was surely a very ambitious and exciting and extravagantly directed film, but it had something which personally I found off putting: The robot/terminator had a deeper almost three dimensional approach..a robot who experiences human feelings is an angle that can easily fall in the trap of the one S word I hate in movies, sentimentality. Speilberg fell into that trap in AI and Cameron did border it in T2. (The only robot with human feelings movie that works so well is Ridley Scott's masterpiece Blade Runner). So the fresh thing about T3 is the fact that the terminator returns to his non-nonsense tough self with a very determined mission, and no time for cheesy emotions,quite similar to the first film. The other fresh addition is of course Kristanna Loken. She adds an invaluable sexiness to the movie, a deadly and very pretty robot..not unlike Natasha Hentsridge in Species minus the nudity and love scenes. Jonathan Mostow's direction was very good, and all the cast played their roles very well..but it is Arnold Shwarzenegger that I was mostly impressed with. He is back on top form, and with the aid of make up and a still super fit body, he appears to be more comfortable than he was in any of his recent roles. And while he traded signing film contracts and carrying guns, with signing legislations and carrying babies, in T3 he was able to demonstrate that the huge fan base he has acquired over the years was the result of the tough charisma and the cheeky humour he posesses. And T3 is full of funny lines. One example: When terminator goes with Stahl and Danes's characters to see Danes father, he says is a straight faced manner: 'We can reach CRS in an hour depending on the traffic! which I found hilarious! T3 is also full of non stop action, a roller coaster of a ride that is crammed with very impressive digital trickery that will have you gasp in amazement. Finally, I was totally surprised by the ending! a twist that will truly shock you and a perfect end to the movie. So, thanks to producers Mario Kassar and Andrew G Vajna and to Jonathan Mostow and 'Governor' Shwarzenegger that this franchise was revived again to give us a very entertaining movie, full of heart pounding stunts, pleasent humour and a DVD experience you can enjoy over and over again.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the first two. Review: I love Terminator 1 & 2, both of them were excellent(***** star quality!), But Terminator 3 seemed almost it was a rip off money making scheme istead of a truly incredible experience like what the others did. Sure it has flashy special effects and yes ARNOLD is the only terminator ,but its not satisfying. The story is really weak, and the casting of the other characters isn't as good(uhh John Connor!)and where's Sarah Connor? Tell me why is there a girl cyborg(aka Terminatrix)? Too many questions left unanswered.You decide if Terminator 3 is good enough, its disposable ,but maybe cheap thrills is your kind of entertainment. Stick with the first two.
Rating:  Summary: remarkably bad movie Review: so sad what they did to this series. should have just left well enough alone. they fight in a bathroom and hit each other over the head with urinals for crying out loud. where the first two ended with a sense of hope, this ends with the end of the world, making everything before a giganto waste of time. yea, arnold looks amazing here, but thats just not enough! WHY!!!
Rating:  Summary: A new start Review: With a very huge budget( rumored to be over 180$ million ) ,director Jonathan Mostow had plenty of work to do ,but the most important thing to do is getting safe from this dark web where every fan of the series are waiting for his finished product and see if they will continue being a fans or not , actually he succeeded with some important notes which we should be aware of . The deadly female terminator X (Kristanna Loken) is coming to our current time with deadly agenda ,which is killing all the potential leaders of the futuristic resistance group against the governing machines , in a quick pacing scenes we see her assassinating all of them ,and only John Connor (Nick Stahl) the group's leader remains , her plans for completing the massacre are delayed by the arrival of the hero of the glory old days Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) ,both of them enters a deadly fight with different purposes . The plot of this movie was hesitating between two desires ,the desire to introduce a movie which satisfies the Summer's audience and bring them the enjoyment of watching their beloved terminator again ,and the desire to approach the Terminator series with new style ,look and layout , but actually it didn't always succeed ,for the action scenes (which 90% of them were impressive) it gained benefit from the huge budget ,allows for more cars to be destructed and the more important allowed for more space for the action scenes ,but it didn't succeed in creating a purely new action scenes which we can remember and attach with our memory about this movie ,because some scenes were produced as an extended version of some of the action scenes of the previous movie (check the cemetery scene and you will notice a resemblance with the scene from the second movie where Arnold was shooting the police Vehicles ) ,also for the first half of this movie I myself felt somehow troubled and unable to get engaged with the characters or worry about them and that wasn't helped by the long road carnage scene ,but things got improved in the second half till reaching the brilliant climax . Other good elements includes a good performance from Stahl ,Danes and above all of them is the desired icy performance from Schwarzenegger which is not less good than his performance in the first two parts in the series ,the special effects didn't give the feel of overusing and was implemented wisely during the movie ,but I couldn't help thinking about James Cameron and what he would have made with this huge budget ? I'll leave the answer for your imagination ,but that doesn't mean that Mostow's directing was bad ,it's just the director's decision about how he would use the resource that were put between his hands . This movie would have been put in the average directory but there are one thing which lifted it from this position ,what I am talking about is the climax of the movie ,I think that it has one of the most brilliant climaxes I have ever seen ,I won't reveal it here ofcourse but i really liked the brilliancy of this climax ,it wasn't created with the regular stereotypes of twists ,it relies actually on the audience's beliefes which they have acquired from the first two movies ,and then taking them as a standpoint to launch into absolutely new direction which personally left me paralyzed for a while trying to fully understand it ,not only this but it had a very poetic atmosphere which enhanced the overall audience's sympathy with the main characters ,and above all giving all of us a new and fresh memory of this legendary series .
Rating:  Summary: Yawn Review: The Governator really shows his age in this one. The plot was contrived and the violence gratuitous. Nothing original in this sequel. Rewatch T-2 instead. I want my money back, Ahnold
Rating:  Summary: solid sequel Review: As sequels go...this movie is definately better than most sequels you would see on the market...But it lacks a plot line and in-depth feelings and philosiphy that Cameron brought to the first two movies....Although in its own right the movie can hold its own in the eyes of action fans....The movie could of just been better overall.