Rating:  Summary: Snipes Takes On the Reapers Review: Wesley Snipes is back in the role of the title character, in this offering that leans decidedly more toward the Wes Craven horror/action side of the genre than to Anne Rice gothic, and be advised that there is enough blood-letting and gore on hand to appease even the most insatiable viewer, in "Blade II," directed by Guillermo del Toro. Half human, half vampire, Blade has all of the powers of the vampire, but none of the weaknesses; he is called "Daywalker" by his sworn enemies, the vampires he has vowed to destroy, because of his ability to move about unimpaired in the light of day. And, knowing his mission, the vampires have formed and trained a special unit, the "Bloodpack," whose sole purpose is to hunt Blade down and eliminate him, before he can get to them. But the story begins with an unusual twist: Instead of hunting Blade down to kill him, the vampire "Shadow Council" reaches out to him with the offer of an alliance; in fact, they want him to lead the Bloodpack against a new enemy, one who threatens to wipe out the living and the undead alike, if allowed to proliferate. They are mutant vampires known as "Reapers," a new breed with a thirst for blood that is unquenchable. Initially, Blade demurs, until the vampires provide him with proof of what the Reapers can do. Before he will begin, however, Blade first secures the aid of an ally and weapons expert named Scud (Norman Reedus), then insists on tracking down his old friend Whistler (Kris Kristoffererson), whom he has not seen for some time, and fears has been "turned" by the vampires. And when that is accomplished, and once the entire team is in place, Blade and the Bloodpack begin their nocturnal hunt for the Reapers. Del Toro has crafted and delivered a movie that is pure action and entertainment, geared to those whose appetites run especially toward the blunt, hard-edged and graphic. And once it begins, the blood flows freely (including a vat of the stuff); rest assured, all who enter here will have their thirsts quenched. Del Toro presents the story itself in a fairly straightforward manner, offers a couple of twists and has enough threads going to successfully hold it all together within the framework of the action. Most importantly, he provides the kind of thrills that get the blood pumping and the adrenaline flowing, and the F/X are first rate (get ready for a rush when one of the Reapers opens his mouth and zeros in on the throat of a victim). For a film like this to work, it is dependent on the ability of the audience to suspend disbelief and be able to immerse themselves in the story, and to do that, the protagonist must at least be a credible character. And that's what Wesley Snipes gives you as Blade. He's got the moves and the look, and he makes it convincing to a degree that enables you to go with the flow without having to think too much about the whys and the wherefores of it all. This is pure escapist fare, and Snipes provides exactly the kind of character it needs to be successful. The supporting cast includes Ron Perlman (Rienhardt), Luke Goss (Nomak), Leonor Varela (Nyssa), Matt Schulze (Chupa), Danny John-Jules (Asad), Donnie Yen (Snowman), Daz Crawford (Lighthammer), Rey-Phillip Santos (Red Eye/Reaper), Thomas Kretschmann (Pox) Tony Curran (Priest), Pete Lee-Wilson (Blood Bank Doctor) and Marit Velle Kile (Verlaine). In the end, what you see is what you get, and what you get is very likely to be exactly what you expected from "Blade II," which is plenty of blood-drenched action wrapped around a story soaked with intrigue, betrayal and things that go bump (in a BIG way) in that long, eternal night of the undead. It's the magic of the movies.
Rating:  Summary: u guys dont know what u r missing Review: ok i went into blade 2 with high expectations and boy i was right this movie was so good i loved t and if u dont like it i have know idea what u r thinkin it has a good plot and some really good twists but there is a lot of gore that some peope might not like but i did blade 2 was an awsome movie as good as the first
Rating:  Summary: Another cash-driven production from the sequel mill Review: I loved Blade, and was very excited to go see the sequel. The special effects? Fabulous... even better than the first! The fight scenes was outstanding - on par or above those in the Matrix or Jet Li's The One. The plot? Horrible! We have Whistler coming back from the dead - this is a man who knows vampires, know what they can do and was wounded by one (a sure way to become a vampire). He of all people would want to avoid this fate and in fact, killed himself (or so we thought) to avoid becoming one, and then we learn in Blade II that he is alive and being held by the vampires. Blade teaming up with the vampires, and the vampires showing him the workings of their inner society? Completely unreal... and this new "threat" that causes Blade to team up with his enemies? No reason or purpose for it, except to give our hero a reason to hack and slash. Not that he needed a new reason, since the vampires themselves would have been more than enough of a plot vehicle to carry Snipes into several more sequels. I'm not even going to comment on the silliness of the vampire "princess" and Blade falling for each other... wish I had waited for it to come to video! At least now I know if they make a Blade III that I can safely wait till it hits the clearance rack at K-Mart. Overall: effects - great, but there is no excuse for a big budget movie to have lousy effects in these days. The rest? a total waste of money.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: Blade II by far out did its predecessor. The graphics are Great! and if you like good vampire or alien movies, I rate this one very highly. It is not a movie for the faint. Grab your treats before you enter because if you blink you may miss an important scene.
Rating:  Summary: The Rare Exception Review: Blade 2 is the rare exception to the rule that a sequel cannot be as good as the original. This movie is excellent. It is clear the Snipes is more comfortable in this role then he was before. So comfortable that he owns this role now. Rumors that a Blade III is already in the works, and that it is set some 25 years in the future in a time where the vampires have taken over. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Rating:  Summary: Leave the kids home for this one Review: If you liked the first Blade then you will love this one. Plenty of stunts, great special effects and excellent casting. The Blade character is one of the best comic book adaptations ever. Others, such as Batman, The Shadow and Superman were all defeated by the directors deviating too much from the comics. Where they all concentrated way too much on the romance aspect, Blade concentrates on the action aspect. Although the violence and bloodshed is extreme, I can deal with it if the movie is good. Blade comes face to face with his greatest challenge, the Reapers. These guys are tough! They are much stronger and heal much faster than vampires. They don't have many weaknesses other than sunlight/UV light. I wont say too much more than that. Don't want to spoil the movie for those that haven't seen it yet. If your an action/Blade fan, dont' miss it.
Rating:  Summary: Wesley Snipes Rocks My World Review: One week after Blade II opened at the top of the charts, I had to go check out my favorite artist's newest release. Wesley was as fine as ever. The bringing back of Kristofferson's character was believable (I didn't think it would be). The story line was good. The action was great, though too much of it was shown in too brief of clips (making the fighting look too choppy rather than showing fluid movements). Some of the movie scenes were shot in too dark of light for the audience to fully appreciate them (we already understand that vampires only come out at night). Mr. Snipes (and his film company - Amen-Ra) really needs to be informed of how difficult it is to watch movie scenes that are too choppy and/or too dark (this has been noticed in some of his previous movies). It can be difficult enough on the eyes and brain to fully embrace the storyline and the "show" they work so hard to provide the audience. Other than some of the above-mentioned being spotted throughout this movie, and some shots that are a little "gory" for some of us ladies, it was another wonderful Snipes film. The few clips from the original "Blade" with the little explanations was just enough to inform some and remind others of how we got to this point in "Blade II". Wesley Snipes is the 1st Black Action Hero, and he again surpasses my expectations. I can't wait to add this film to my small library, which includes most of Wesley Snipes' many, many fine films.
Rating:  Summary: Yup, It's a Sequel Review: It seems to me that there are three reasons one might make a sequel: an exceptionally long story (such as Lord of the Rings), a chance to explore a favorite setting or character some more (Toy Story 2 comes to mind), or to make some fast cash. Unfortunately, it seems Blade II is in the last category. It started out really promising. Whistler (Kris Kristofferson) wasn't actually killed as we thought in the first movie, instead he was captured and turned into a vampire himself. Now Blade is presented with a dilemma: he's vowed to kill all vampires, but can he truly turn his back on his friend and mentor? What should he do? Simple, he finds Whistler, gives him a shot, and everything's all better. Instead we get them teaming up with vampires to fight (get ready for this) a different kind of vampire! So much for an intriguing story. Well, at least we should be in for some good fight scenes. The only problem is that I started getting dizzy from all the cutting from one camera to another, that it didn't seem like all that much was going on. To give them credit, the quick cutting worked great during the team's first battle where, as soon as one character seems to be in major trouble we're cut to another team member's troubles leaving a great cliffhanger sense. There were some choice lines and some neat effects, but overall it seemed a pale imitation of the original. It looked like un-death warmed over, if you will.
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievably as good - if not better than the original! Review: I was very pleased with nearly all aspects of the film. A very decent story line with a good plot twist or two. Excellent action which was beautifully choreographed. This film had my rapt attention from the start. The style of the film was more horrific than the first, especially with the abberant vampires, and I was facinated by the amount of detail put into the vampire physiology. Very well thought out! Unless you are of a queezy disposition when it comes to blood, you should definately watch this film!
Rating:  Summary: Blade 2 Review: When I saw blade 2 for the first time I was happy. I thought it may be better than the first, but I found out that it was even better than the first. I give it 5 stars and 6 thumbs up. I'm a movie maneac and I loved this movie.