Rating:  Summary: If you don't see it, I will punch you. Review: I'll summarize it in three words. Damn awesome movie.I didn't see Blade 1 in theaters, but I saw it on HBO (or one of those channels). It was ok, not great. This sequel says "give the people what they want: a little comedy, awesome creatures, and nonstop violence and action. Wesley Snipes actually acted good for once. This is the best vampire action film since "From Dusk Til Dawn". Don't even mention "The Forsaken" or "J.C.'s Vampires". They blew big time. This is a lot cooler than those movies. See it. See it NOW! Now only if Blade fought the Aliens...
Rating:  Summary: I really hope that the next movie is better than this one. Review: ... I could hardly contain my disappointment when it was over. I mean of course the action is intense (at times) but the movie just doesn't deliver and some of what was done is just outright aggravating. First off Blade himself has totally lost his edge. Why in the world did they decide to 'humanize' him? In this movie Blade is saying one-liners, is cocky and is ... smiling, SMILING?!! Remember in the first mov, how he growled and beared his teeth, nope not here. Now also all of a sudden he cares about vampires? Hello, read the comics..he hates them all. And oh yes, Blade doesn't speak in tongues anymore. No Vampiric no Russian no nothing? Reapers? Ok I guess they're ok but my problem lies in that they jacked them up at the expense of the vampires. Vampires are now chumps and that [stinks]?! The whole BloodPack had SO much potential and it all when down the drain. I am supposed to accept the fact that these guys are super trained especial. to kill Blade but they get offed in the stupidest ways imaginable. These guys should have been a *BIG* part of the movie. Instead you get nothing. Who else wanted Donnie Yen and Snipes to face off?? But no instead Yen gets about 5 min and then dies so stupidly that I won't comment. While the final fight was very kick [behind] it just didn't look right. This guy is basically an animal except when against Blade then he decides to whip out martial arts. And no idea of the history between Blade and Nomak. It was just stupid. At least in the 1st one Frost could hang b/c he was possessed by a god. My biggest complaint is that we didn't get to see Blade do much of what he does, kill vampires in hand to hand combat. The Blood Pack was not used properly. Sigh..oh well stick with the first movie, it's more the real Blade. I hope that in the next one they give us some adversaries worthy of Blade, bring back Sho Kosugi!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Kick, twirl, shoot...yawn Review: I must say, I went into Blade II with low expectations. The first Blade was formulaic action with second rate fight scenes, but at least held some innovations in urban noir and CGI. Part of me, however, hoped that, despite my reservations, Blade II could provide some brainless fun on half-price Tuesday. Sadly, seeing this film was painful. There were about 15 minutes where Blade II was, at least funny/bad, but for the other 100 minutes it was sheer pain. The acting is awful. Wesley Snipes is good when he has a chance to act (Jungle Fever), but he never gets a chance here. The rest of the vampire characters are merely typecast cliche and Blade's posse are painfully earnest. The fight scenes are terrible. Anyone who has ever watched any kung fu movie from HK will instantly see how quick editing and wires have hidden the fact that nobody in this movie knows anything about martial arts. Th ereliance on WWF-styled suplexes and elbow drops is also shockingly base. The effects were a major disappintment. Since the Matrix, every effects-heavy film has felt the need to go bigger and bigger. Blade II is no exception. The problem is that the filmmakers did not make the effort to create believable effects. The transitions between real and CGI are painfully obvious and they end up looking cartoonish and embarrassing. Overall, there was very little in Blade II that did not seem derivative and amateurish. Not the worst film of all time, but certainly a waste of money.
Rating:  Summary: a lot of fun Review: watch this movie, it's so much better than blade, which i thought was really bad. it's really an exciting movie, and well worth your 10 bucks. however, when it's over don't dwell on it too much, because you'll find all kinds of problems with the plot that you didn't notice while you watched it. definately worth watching in the theaters though.
Rating:  Summary: A Spanking Reaper Movie!!! Review: I wrote this title because this film have few vampires paticipating in it! The villains are now called Reapers, which are the most disgusting things I have ever seen in the movies this year! Their jaws open wide and we see a suction thingy with a snake-like tongue that spreads virus and makes the victim a Reaper too within 72 hours. REALLY ICKY! That's where our hero Blade comes along. We see him saving his partner Kris Kristofferson and a new weapon-maker. Now, the Vampire Union asks for his help to lead the so-called "Bloodpack" to kill those creepy Reapers to avoid the annihilation of the vampire society! What a cute plot! Well, anyway, there are a few surprising twists in it, but I won't tell it here. (Ha! As if no one hasn't been able to see it yet!) Well, Wesley Snipes looks as if he was enjoying his role in the movie. Kris Kristofferson looked really old and hoarse. Ron Perlman was deliciously villainous in this one. And the Reapers, well, they're gross. I would like to commend Del Toro for making me cringe the whole movie with those some amazing fight scenes (I reitirate SOME), those gallons of fake blood used and those creepy REAPERS!!! But I still enjoyed it because of the leading lady. she is certainly something to watch out for. This movie will certainly watched by the male crowd, so what can I say?
Rating:  Summary: Oh yes! Review: This is the greatest action movie I have ever seen. It combines a plot, yes i said a plot with great visuals. The experiance is almost [exciting]!!!
Rating:  Summary: Better Than the First Review: Blade was generally thought to be a great action movie. Blade II raises the bar by several notches. In the continuing (movie adapted) adventures of Marvel Comics' favorite vampire hunter, Blade (Wesley Snipes) and Whistler (Kris Kristofferson) return for an even more intense round of vampire hunting with the stakes even higher than ever. THE STORY: When a stronger and more dangerous breed of vampire surfaces which hunts both humans AND vampires, Blade and crew form an uneasy truce with the "Vampire Nation" and their elite band of fighters to take out the new breed. It's an action tour-de-force fight for survival through the vampire world (revealing some pretty nasty stuff) as the "posse" attempts to hunt down the new breed before they infect and destroy both races. THE COOL STUFF: Blade II is by far perhaps the most action packed flick to hit the theatres all year with more ultra-choreographed fights and blows per frame than any Jet Li or Jackie Chan movie. Martial arts and action lovers will definitely be satiated and impressed by this outing. Overall, these are the movies highlights: 1. Cool choreographed fight scenes (and by there's a lot of them!!!) 2. Even cooler weapons. 3. Stronger villains and ...heroes. WARNINGS: One of the cool things that I believe makes Blade II much better than the first are the much stronger villains in this film who literally just SWARM everything in their path. Depending on who you are though (and you know yourself better than anyone) you may find the villains in this movie a bit much to digest. Quite frankly, they are pretty spooky looking and pretty gross as a cross between where "Nosferatu" type vampires meet the Predator. At one point in the movie an autopsy of sorts is performed which may set off some of those squeamish. The other downside for those squeamish is the look into "vampire culture" which includes some pretty nasty and gory stuff (including the feeding on humans). Here's the things to watch out for: 1. Autopsy scene 2. Lots of violence 3. Freaky and gory vampire culture stuff THE VERDICT: The villains as well as the fight scenes in this movie are far superior than the ones in the first movie, making Blade II ten times better than the first. In all, this is definitely an action lover's dream. However, if you've got young kids you were thinking of taking to this one or if you yourself are on the squeamish side though, you may consider a judgment call on this one as some of the villains and gore may be a bit much for you. Highly Recommended (for action fans) Recommended (for others)
Rating:  Summary: Good movies, stolen ideas? Review: I'm a fan of all vampire movies and it's no surprise that I'm comparing it to another movie. Vampire Hunter D:Bloodlust:Blade II:Bloodhunt, the vampire hunter with the huge hammer and another one in Blade 2...this is strange isn't is? I just thought I'd make a note of that. The movie is good though and I suggest to see it. P.S. Vampire Hunter D:Bloodlust came out years ago.
Rating:  Summary: The urban vampire returns Review: First off, the first Blade was awful. Little more than The Demolition Man meets Mortal Kombat wrapped up in more pathetic MTV style editing. Blade II is actually worse........It is, first and formost, an ugly film: ugly direction, ugly FX, ugly editing. The plot? It doesn't matter. It doesn't exist. Blade II is little more than a masturbatory mess of boring CGI, boring wire-fu and boring bullet time shots. And I enjoy watching the physical prowess and skill of real martial artists -- not the digitally assited pimp daddy, Wesley Snipes. Speaking of, it seems our dusky hero and a group of trash and filth call "The Blood Pack" must hunt down and kill a dangerous mutant strain of vampires. As it turns out, these mutant vampires were a failed attempt to create a "perfect race." Gee, you just can't leave White people alone, can you? Hilariously ridiculous.......