Rating:  Summary: Your thinking inside the Box! Review: Ok, I rated it 5 just because the last two movies were awesome.. But I think that if Andy and Larry were to read the above they would probably think that people dont get the movies and arent thinking out of the uniformed matrix thought.. First off, the two previous movies should have taught us to think outside the box. Saying that this is a matrix within a matrix would be too simple and easy to just write off.. The key with this one is Agent Smith. Smith before his first destruction was one with the matrix and to a certain degree with the sentinals that attack the rebals, right?(Think of when he gave the command in the first matrix to "Deploy the Sentinals") Well if Smith was able not only to some how take some of Neo's code with him and thus multiply, why not have Neo do the same with Smith, where Neo integrated some of Smith's coding (remember, Neo is made up of coding as well, since the Matrix needs his coding in order to fix itself, which also gives him special powers within the matrix). So, if this is all true, then isnt it quite possible that Neo has become some kind of wireless network to the matrix, not so much that he can tap into it, but that he can control the sentinals to a certain degree as Smith did? This would also explain why he was so drained, he isnt part of some giant power source, but of a "battery" which he is limited power wize, Im just trying to think outside of the box..
Rating:  Summary: Showing Us Layers of Chinese Curio Box Review: I like the Matrix Reloaded in raising more questions than it answers, and transcending the original story of messianic savor on the human vs. machine war into a new level of philosophical debates. From the level of confusion and negative reviews so far, I sincerely hope that the coming DVD and time would make Wachowsky brothers' brave attempt to educate the general public sink in better.In the next installment of the trilogy, Matrix Revolution, a more vivid picture of how the world is made of will emerge (and I would not be surprised it includes our world, even just in a indirect inference). Currently I see Neo and the 'freed' Agent Smith as Yang and Ying. As Neo's Yang force gets stronger with him flying around and rescusitating Trinity back to life at will, it reinforces the Ying force to get strong, not just the multiplying part but also passing into real human brain and tipping the Matrix on whereabout of Zion. The same Ying-Yang analogy could be drawn on the conflict and co-existence of man and machine; as human culture grows stronger the machine human creates get stronger. If spiritual development lags behind technological development too much, the balance might tip and machine ends up dominating men (involuntarily but surely), even though eventually men with their creative potential would tip the balance back, such as seen by what 'system anomaly' like Neo and the 'freed' Agent Smith can achieve in the coming movie. (Yes, I think 'freed' Agent Smith can copy itself and function in human brains while trying to kill Neo in Zion, and the 'Smith-infected' human is the one that tipped the Matrix to destroy Zion by end of Reloaded.) Don't be surprised. From the Architect of Matrix, obvious the birth of Neo and anti-Neo and eventual destruction of Zion had happened many times. With Neo/Anti-Neo and destruction/recreation of Zion as the repeatedly proven approach to solve the 'system anomaly' problems the Matrix world inevitably generates, the Revolution should seek solution not from Zion but from the billions of imprisoned human directly in the Matrix. The computer has to be beaten in its own game first, by every human being contributing to the Revolution. How? I don't know but would guess to have something to do with ESP, which Neo has a lot (and use it to halt the squiddies) and maybe every human can cultivate some somehow. Given what Reload has demonstrated I look forward eagerly to the Revolution... and how Matrix would create a movement in real life as well...
Rating:  Summary: RE-EVOLVED Review: It seems that Agent Smith will infect the entire matrix and all its inhabitents and only Neo can stop him... The battle will begin!! IT WILL RULE!
Rating:  Summary: A theory... Review: Neo using powers outside the matrix? It was the other ship using the weapon? Is the future world another matrix in a chain of matrix within the matrix? Is the whole story the dream world of Neo, and every human being has independent dreams? I would like to think that neo really could use his powers outside the matrix in the real future world. HE said that he could feel them coming. Are the machines entitys that exist only if we think they exist? Isn't God the same thing? God only exist if we think He (or She) exist. Are the machines dependent on our will? I think that the movie trys to tell us that the social system only exist if we think it exist. As a matter of fact, society is an invention of sociology. If we choose to, we can "shut down" the system that opress us if we have the will to do it.
Rating:  Summary: either full of it, or on the inside Review: all i want to know is how you people can wright a review about a movie that hasn't come out yet and isn't going to for almost 6 months. Either you're all full of it or you worked on the movie and you're ruining it for everyone. Someone explain this madness! oh yeah and reloaded kicks ... go see it. Andi only give it 5 stars because the first two were sick and this one probly will be, i can't not rate it so might as well give it a good one
Rating:  Summary: yes very special Review: I like everybody who have written reviews have not yet seen this film, but can hazard a guess as to what will happen. I suspect, having seen that neo can use his powers in the "real world", that it isn't the real world at all but a matrix, and the world they believe to be the matrix is infact a matrix within a matrix. Confused? well me too, and i suspect the movie itself will be even more confusing than my theorys. As for some other reviews that have said that it wasn't in fact neo who stopped the machines but a nearby ship using an EMP remains to be seen, if it was a nearby ship, then it is most likely to be the one that rescued them, and we have yet to hear them say anything about it. As for agent smith being in the real world, we are still to see wether that was a dream or not, i suspect not. anyways it looks set to be one hell of a movie.
Rating:  Summary: Matrix Revolutions Review: I knew that Neo really didn't stop those sentinels at the end of Matrix 2. It was the nearby ship that released the EMP weapon. Neo has no power in the real world. That's too bad that the humans had to all be eliminated, but how can you disappointed after seeing the machines kill the Architect? Awesome movie. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: smashing Review: absolutly out of this world, great movie that brings you out of the universe and logic you think you know...must see movie and have to be seen again and again. very deep...
Rating:  Summary: part 2 of part 2 Review: simalar to star wars epIII this is where everything happens. The war will finally end. Neo (now that we know that he has power inside the matrix) will be truley the one and invincable after coming out of his coma. agent smith will be destroyed forever, as will the pretty kool twin virus and there creator. the maker of the matrix (he was in bill and ted,the old guy with the beard) will probably be in it again aswell. Trinity will do some more kool stuff as will morpheius and Zion will be saved from the machines. The Matrix was Excellent, Reloaded was also excellent, this promises to be outstanding.
Rating:  Summary: The Greatest Movie Ever Review: This was the greatest movie ever. Even better than the Matrix Reloaded. The special effects were out of this world. A must see. You have to see the previous two to even come close to understanding this one though. Neo being a computer programmer was a flip for me, but the idea of them being in a Matrix within in a Matrix was pretty cool though. Trinity was even hotter in this seen especially with the love seen at the end when Neo was leaving.