Rating:  Summary: ITS GONNA BE AWESOME!!! Review: Would some of you other reviewers shut up? quit ruining the end for everyone. well its going to be an awesome movie.
Rating:  Summary: Theories Review: I actually believe that Agent Smith and the "multiple matrix" theories can both hold water. In the beginning of The Matrix Reloaded, didn't anybody even notice the "multiple galaxies" of matrix code (and the cool looking giant gear)? I thought this would be a good enough hint, but apparently not many people feel that this is an important part of the movie. Also, listen closely to The Architect's speech at the end of The Matrix Reloaded. He says that if Neo is to walk through the door leading back to the Matrix, it will "result in a cataclysmic system crash killing everything connected to the Matrix." Doesn't anybody else think that he's talking about Smith? Smith takes over people's bodies when he multiplies, so these people die right? After all, Neo himself said it "felt like dying." This is what I believe, anyway. However, I hate to disappoint most of you when I tell you that Neo most likely will not bring about the destruction of the Matrix. Why not? Simply because they're coming out with a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (The Matrix Online) next year... and they've even said the game "takes place inside the Matrix after the end of The Matrix Revolutions."
Rating:  Summary: My Matrix Revelations Review: Theories of exectly why Neo has the ability to use his power outside the Matrix have surfaced so I'm here to offer mine or possibly just to discredit others. Some say that it wasn't Neo who stopped the machine and that it was a nearby ship's EMP. I discredit this for two reasons. First, if it was an EMP, why did Neo pass out. Secondly, I don't believe Larry and Andy would do that. Leave people mystified for six months about how Neo can use his powers in the real world then tell us in the third movie that he can't and it was just another ships EMP. Another theory is that the real world is not actually a real world but another simulation like the matrix and that the matrix is actually a matrix within a matrix. I liked this theory but again I don't believe Larry and Andy would do that. It would seem too much like a lame twist added just to be another twist. I won't say it's not possible, but I would say it's unlikely. So what's my theory? I don't quite have one yet. I'm taking a watch and wait stance. I'll find the answer when I sit in that theater seat November 5th.
Rating:  Summary: Neo's Real World Powers Review: People keep speculating over Neo's power in the real world, demonstrated at the end of Reloaded. They keep pushing theories about a matrix in a matrix, and other ideas that are very zen.However, I think Agent Smith answered this question in the first Matrix. "It's evolution, Morpheus. Like the dinosaur." Only this time, the machines are the dinosaurs. My guess is that the Wachowski's are going to use the idea of human evolution for an explanation. After all, humans supposedly only use 10 percent of their brains. Perhaps Neo's experience in the Matrix has unlocked the untapped power in the rest of his brain. The first movie explained how much electricity the human body generates. Maybe Neo has found a way to emit an electromagnetic pulse. In any case, I'm looking forward to seeing if they give an answer in Revolutions, or if they leave it to the viewer to decide.
Rating:  Summary: WILL BLOW YOUR MIND! Review: I do believe that the Wachowski brothers have A LOT of surprises in their little bag of plot-twists and turns, so I will completely bypass the obligatory - "there are nested Matrices!" comments. Anywho, to disprove a previous theory written on this very page, if the sentinels had a 'fail-safe' against destroying the anomoly, they never would've fired the bomb that destroyed the Nebuchadnezzar(hence killing Neo).
Rating:  Summary: Stop looking for answers! Review: You people make my head hurt. All this talk about dreamworlds and matrixes inside other matrixes is too confusing. Some things are unexplainable. Did Neo really stop those sentinals at the end of reloaded, who knows. Is Neo the one, who knows. Is all that matters the fact that everything happens for a reason, yes. I believe Neo is the one and will do something incredible in the third movie that the brothers will not try to act smart and explain how it happened. I hope this will happen more than I think it will. Neo doesn't sound like much of a godlike figure if all his actions are attempted to be explained by all you nerds, for lack of a better word. Neo does the things he does because he has to, not because of his code in the system. I want you, no, DARE you to think about that for a while and I bet your perception of the one will change.
Rating:  Summary: my theory Review: I have seen Reloded manytimes and have my own theories. I dont think they are living inj a chain matrix, as its a common imagination, and would ruin the plot. We have to understand that machines dont have a sensory system like us, that even their vision is defined in a machine language. Thus the mind of the machine itself may be somehow connected to the matrix, which means when Neos physical form is sensored, its decoded to his residual self image within the mind of the machine, resulting in the anamoly. The sight of Neo and his actions in real world is decoded into the machine brain, and is converted into his residual self image inside the Sentinnels brain, and since Neos residual self image is an anamoly, it can crash the sentinnels, even if it means that Neo lacks any direct power in the real world? get it? Thats one Theory. the other is, the machines do not want to kill the anamoly, since the failure to get him into the source will result in a cataclysmic crash killing everyone plugged into the matrix. Eventhough the archetech didnt panic when neo went through the other door, the machines may not be prepared to take steps in the event all crops died. The test subjects died in the first two matrixes, but I believe that it was at a smaller scale and didnt involve billions of crops. If humans are extinct , machines may not have asn alternative energy source, and because of this, the higher order machines probably triggered some kind of a suicidal emp in those squiddys to deactivate them before they destroyed Neo, in which case it was a mere coincidence. Enter the Matrix game has revealed the reason why Neo is in a coma. His mind is now seperated form the body and is in the source. The Squiddys somehow found a way to get his mind seperated, and be loaded into the source. So is Smith, as we know he fell into a similar coma. Thats why Neo will confront smith in the source in revolutions, in my opinion.
Rating:  Summary: Enter the Matrix: Revolutions Preview Review: At the end of the "Enter the Matrix" video game, you see a preview for the final movie in the Matrix trilogy. You will see Seraph (with guns!), everyone else that's alive (with lots of guns!) and the forecast is predicting rain--- as Neo fights Agent Smith for the final time. "It ends tonight." ~Neo, The Matrix Revolutions
Rating:  Summary: THIS IS GOING TO BE ONE HELL OF A MOVIE Review: I just saw the preview for The Matrix Revolutions after beating Enter the Matrix (great game for Matrix fans) and all I can say is that it is going to be 10 times better than the other Matrix films. The scenes look more action packed and many of the unanswered questions that popped up in my head when watching Reloaded are sure to be answered in this final installment of the Matrix series. Just be sure not to miss out on the great finale that is the Matrix Revolutions.
Rating:  Summary: Think Outside of the Matrix Review: Ok, I rated it 5 just because the last two movies were awesome.. But I think that if Andy and Larry were to read this they would probably be sick.. First off, the two previous movies should have taught you to think outside the box. Saying that this is a matrix within a matrix would be too simple and easy to just write off.. The key with this one is Agent Smith. Smith before his first destruction was one with the matrix and to a certain degree with the sentinals that attack the rebals, right? Well if Smith was able not only to some how take some of Neo's code with him and thus multiply, why not have Neo do the same with Smith, where Neo integrated some of Smith's coding (remember, Neo is made up of coding as well, since the Matrix needs his coding in order to fix the matrix which also gives him special powers within the matrix). So, if this is all true, then isnt it quite possible that Neo has become some kind of wireless network to the matrix, not so much that he can tap into it, but that he can control the sentinals to a certain degree as Smith did? Im just trying to think outside of the box..