Rating:  Summary: George, George, George.......*sigh* Review: ... First off, prior to Episode I, George hadn't been behind the camera as a director since the mid-70's to direct the original Star Wars movie......while his time was well spent in doing more for sound and visual effects than any other individual, and dragging the movie theaters into the next millenium via digital projection.....well, he has fallen short in the other aspects of his filmmaking. While the effects in this film were stunning, they rather took over the film, and made it difficult to focus on the elements we were supposed to be watching (battle scenes mostly), additionally, everything looked *too* darn good! Remember the slightly gritty realism of the first three movies? I felt more like I was watching a video game or a cartoon than a film. The worst, however (and it pains me to say it almost as much as it hurts to think back on it) was the truly flat dialogue, and almost unanimously poor acting performances. With the exception of Anakin (who needs to take some lessons and go back to soaps), I don't believe this was really the fault of the actors, but of the director. When Liam Neeson (from Ep I), Samuel L. Jackson, Natalie Portman, and Ewan McGregor, all actors of notable talent, can come across so stale....well, I'm afraid there's a reason for it. The two baddies "Senator Palpatine" and "Count Dooku" were able to come out a bit better as they are both veteran actors who could likely do the parts with nearly no direction at all. The love story was just darned uncomfortable and annoying to watch, Anakin needed a good kick in the pants and sure didn't come across as someone who had just spent 10 YEARS training as a Jedi. More like 10 minutes. Natalie would have been able to do better with a better leading man, cause all I felt up there was hormones...not heat or passion. I felt like I was watching a teen TV show, not a blockbuster movie. Yeesh.... About the only thing that saved this from being a complete disappointment was the decision to have Yoda kick some serious tail! It got the best cheer out of the whole film.....and I think everybody walked out knowing that Yoda is *indeed* a Jedi Master. The music was excellent.....John Williams can do no wrong. The costumes, creature and ships were all impressive.....but all was overshadowed by the fact that half of the fans in that theater could have written a better script than we saw. George, some people simply need to play to their strengths, and yours is apparently *not* directing anymore. Collaborate with a strong director and writer, and then just step aside and handle the effects that you are so good at. I adore Star Wars as much as anyone, but have seen enough good and bad films to recognize each when I see them.
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous! George Lucas does it again! Review: Well for those of you who are true star wars fans, I"m sure you've seen it already and know how absolutly fabulous the sound and the images and the special effects, and the actors are! Although Episode 1 had the Star Wars charm, Episode 2 also had the excitement & fun! Better than episode 1, as good as the originals, and with some unbelievable fighting, we finally understand why they call him "master" Yoda. GO SEE IT!!! You have no choice...can't wait for Episode 3 - hopefully the clones won't any longer be attacking, but Hayden Christensen will - when Anakin becomes Darth Vader - see you in 3 years for episode 3!!! The force be with you...
Rating:  Summary: One of the best if not the best!!! Review: Truly one of the greatest sci-fi epics to grace the screen, AOTC succeeds in every way a Star Wars film should and beyond. Honestly, pay no mind to the jaded and vitriolic critics or those so-called fans who endlessly nitpick and spew empty vitriol, this film is an incredible must-see experience that builds upon itself to its stunning and breathtaking conclusion! You will want to see this film again and again!Without giving away too many spoilers, the plot is both complex, yet not difficult to follow (especially if you've been paying attention over the years), expanding the machiavellian theme of the rise of the ultimate dictator to power. Here the tragedy grows and begins to unfold, weaving everyone in its fatal web. Events that take place in this film aid in understanding several events from 1999's Phantom Menace while at the same time building enormous anticipation for the final and darkest installment. While never a Jar Jar hater myself, his character's purpose in this film demonstrates that Lucas knew what he was doing all along. Indeed the satiric, yet subtle social and political commentary he makes is both relevant and accurate. Nevertheless, make no mistake, this is first and foremost an action film! If there's anything negative I could say, it's that the action and sheer spectacular and riveting scenes may tend to make the old trilogy seem a trifle slow! But this is a good fault, after all! The other main plot is of course Anakin and his relationships -- both with Obi Wan and Padme Amidala. These are handled perfectly. The acting is superb from everyone involved and the love story works on a level different from what you might expect. I kept hearing from the critics that the dialogue was cheesy, blah, blah, blah... The fact remains that the dialogue is NO different from any other Star Wars film. It works for this kind of film. If you're looking for Shakespeare or have an inability to relate to anyone beside post-modern, ultra-hip, anti-hero Gen-Xrs, then go elsewhere -- Star Wars is just not for you. In conclusion, if you are a fan of Star Wars, or simply a fan of great movies, you will absolutely love this film! I can't wait to go see it again! It is witty and intense and a wild ride through an amazing universe filled with exotic new planets, fearsome creatures, an array of fantastic ships, lightsaber battles, Sith Lords and powerful Jedi. It's got R2 and 3PO (who are just hysterical!), Christopher Lee (if you loved him in LOTR, you'll love him here!), Jango and Boba Fett and so much more! Oh and did I mention Yoda! You'll just have to wait and see!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Star Wars Film Since "The Empire Strikes Back" Review: Much to my amazement, George Lucas' latest installment in the "Star Wars" saga is quite easily the best since "The Empire Strikes Back". It's truly a visual feast for the eyes and ears, with battles and light saber duels far more exciting than any I've seen so far in the series. Unlike "The Phantom Menace", "Attack of the Clones" does have an intriguing plot - or rather, intersecting plots - with the Senator Padme Amidala (Natalie Portman)/Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) love saga juxtaposed against Obi Wan Kenobi's (Ewan MacGregor) galaxy-spanning search for the senator's would be assassins. Hayden Christensen is superb as the spoiled brat who successfully woes Padme Amidala, showing how the future Darth Vader slowly succumbs to the dark side of the Force. Natalie Portman's splendid portrayal of Senator Amidala uncanningly resembles Carrie Fisher's Princess Leia. As for Ewan MacGregor I must wonder how he'll resemble Alec Guinness' Obi Wan Kenobi, yet his is still a fine performance. Some of the finest performances come from the likes of Samuel Jackson, Frank Oz, and of course Christopher Lee. Both Jackson and Oz steal the show with their spellbinding portrayals of Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Yoda. Christopher Lee's portrayal of the evil Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus almost made me forget his excellent Saruman in "Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings". And Ian McDiarmid's Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is more devilishly manipulative than he was in "Star Wars: Episode I". Unfortunately Jar Jar Binks is back for a scant two minutes, yet his brief scenes are truly pivotal to the eventual outcome of not only "Attack of the Clones", but indeed, the original "Star Wars" trilogy. I'm also quite impressed with the quality of the digital special effects and John Williams' latest film score. However, "Star Wars Episode Two: Attack of the Clones" isn't nearly as mesmerizing a film as "Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring". If one wishes to see a grand epic fantasy, then perhaps you ought to wait for the next installment in the "Lord of the Rings" saga. Otherwise, "Star Wars" fans will be delighted with this excellent film; without question George Lucas' best "Star Wars" film since "The Empire Strikes Back".
Rating:  Summary: Slow start but finishes well Review: Does an excellent job of showing how the Imperial Empire came into power... a much clearer picture of the conspiracy of the "Emporor" to gain power, and control a vast army. The story was good... very slow for the first 1/3 of the movie, but picked up steam and ended with lots of action. The special effects were good, but not outstanding. Thankfully the role of that annoying Jar-Jar was very limited. Some good laughs in there too including C3PO getting his head swapped with another droid. We also get to see Yoda in combat which is cool... though I still don't get how he could stagger in to the room with a cane one minute, then turn into Jackie Chan the next. PEEVE #1: Firstly, I expected a smooth transition from the sweet little "Annie" to the evil tyrant "Vader". But right from the beginning, Anakin comes off as this know-it-all teenager with an attitude, acting like a 5-year old who pouts at anything that doesn't go his way. I found him just plain annoying and wished that he would shut up with his whining. Surely any Jedi training him would have noticed that this kid needs a serious boot to the head. It would have been better if his change to the dark side was the result of bitterness towards some major wrong-doing that he sustained... perhaps a betrayal of some sort. Lucas tried to induce that bitterness with the death of Anakin's mother, but honestly his downfall started with his "head up the..." attitude right from the beginning of the movie. We are left to assume that during the 10 years that have elapsed since the Phantom Menace, something has hardened him... but we have no idea what. PEEVE #2: Some of the lines were just plain bad, and the acting didn't help. They acted like robots and the dialog was very artificial. Conclusion? Well, if you are a Star Wars fan, then you gotta see it... regardless of how bad the reviews are. Otherwise, wait until it comes out on video.
Rating:  Summary: Attack of the Cloned Star Wars Movie Review: 3 hours standing in the cold with high school students watching dubbed evangelion in a TV plugged into a telephone pole. Another hour sitting in a cramped theater full of loud high school students running around like flaming ewoks. And it went down hill from there. The movie as everyone knows follows the young Anakin Skywalker as he falls in love with queen Amidala, gets all angsty, and then some clones show up and start a war. The problem is that that is about it. It seemed like George Lucas spent more time trying to fulfill people's expectations than trying to write an inventive and entertaining film. The first hour and a half or so was full of cookie-cutter scenes that just moved from one to the other like a children's connect the dots picture. I groaned every time someone butchered a line lifted from one of the previous movies, which happened frequently. Apparently this was supposed to appeal to fans of the old movies. It didn't. The last half hour picked up the pace significantly and held some great comedy as well as dramatic action, including the infamous Yoda scene which was actually good. But the good stuff was too little too late. One half an hour of movie and one hour and a half of riding on the success of your past films just doesn't cut it. Better luck next time George. 3 stars.
Rating:  Summary: GOOD NOT GREAT Review: I loved A NEW HOPE (BOOK IV). I liked THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (BOOK V). I loved RETURN OF THE JEDI (BOOK VI). I adored THE PHANTOM MENACE (BOOK I-EVEN THOUGH SOME PANNED IT; I SAW IT 11 TIMES). I was fairly disappointed and even bored with ATTACK OF THE CLONES. First the good stuff. The story I would give 4.5 stars out of 5. I thought it was an excellent and subtle transition into the future of Anakin, the empire and the Jedi. The visual/special effects I would give 5 stars. Once again top notch Lucas. The cinematography/camera work was 4.5 stars. Good scenery and nice placement. As for art and set work= 5 stars. I love that Italian palace they use for the Queen's residence. As for Ewan, Natalie and Samuel= they each get 4 stars out of 5. I love Ewan. He was wonderful as the Jedi master turned teacher turned frustrated educator. Natalie was beautiful and once again had those soft and sexy eyes. The costumes were standard to this story and world. I give them 4 stars. Now for the others. Hayden (teen Anakin) was awful. He was a worse choice than the very young Anakin. He was too stiff and acted as those this was his first time in front of the camera. He was unrelaxed, over zealous and reminded me of Wesley Crusher from STTNG. There could have been a better choice. Christopher Lee as Count Dooku was weird. I can't explain it better than that. The best thing about the entire movie was not until approximately 30 minutes near the ending, when every single Jedi member fought the Trade Federation's army. Awesome fight scene. Even better than the Gungans versus the Droids from PHANTOM. I will probably go see this about 1 or 2 more times just to get more comfortable with the film. It is worth seeing, if you are a fan.
Rating:  Summary: Lucas has lost the pulse of the Star Wars films... Review: Flat out, Episode II is not great. In fact, it's not even that good. There is NO action for the first hour and a half except for a brief chase scene in the beginning of the film. As Homer Simpson would say: SOOOOOOOO BORING. Don't get me wrong, I am a huge Star Wars fan who grew up on the original franchise which makes Attack of the Clones even more of a disappointment. Besides the aforementioned lack of action, the acting especially Hayden Christiansen is terrible. Yoda who was touted as having an expanded role in Episode II is scattered throughout the film at best. Although easily the best scene in Episode II is seeing Yoda get some swordplay against a rogue jedi, the scene only lasts about five minutes. The last hour of Clones does pick up in intensity, fighting, and action but it still can't save the film. The fighting, while entertaining leads to no ultimate payoff. Leaving the theater I felt no satisfaction whatsoever and I can honestly say that I enjoyed Episode I: The Phantom Menace much more. The FX are amazing in Clones but the story is too much to fit into a 2 1/2 hour film. Which leads to Episode III and as Yoda would say: "Clouded this films future is, indeed." Lucas has lost the pulse of the Star Wars films.
Rating:  Summary: A Truly Enjoyable Star Wars Movie! WOW... Review: I was 6 when I watched Empire Strikes Back with my parents in Pasadena, CA. The buzz around that movie, the weeks of anticipation before the movie release, the wait in line, the experience of a great audience and the feeling of walking out of that theatre culminated into one of the best memories of my childhood. Admittedly, I had no expectations for this second SW Prequel movie. In fact, I was prepared to HATE this movie as I did EP1. Lo and behold, I was proven wrong from beginning to end. While the dialogue (particularly the love scenes) were below par, the entire movie itself was pure Star Wars magic. I was thoroughly entertained and my faith in Lucas restored. Anakin, played by Hayden Christiansen, was perfect as a stretched out, tormented and lost youth, despite his guidance by Master Obi Wan (Ewan MacGregor). Senator Amidala, played by the beautiful Natalie Portman was perfect as one of the primary foci of Anakin's angst. Count Dooku played by the Legendary Christopher Lee has become one of my favorite bad guys (for reasons which I will leave to you to find out 8D ). And Master Yoda proves why he is one of the Greatest Jedi to have lived. Temeura Morrison plays great as Jango Fett and his father and son team with a young Boba Fett (___ Logan) was great. I can go on and on with the characters, but it's the overall feel of the movie that just took me away to a place I haven't been to in quite a while. While EP1 is still inexcusable in my book; I, like many others, would like my prequel to start with this movie. I'm quite saddened to think that just when Lucas got the formula right, there will be only one (Ep3) prequel left to film. All in all, the last six months and the next 3 years has me ecstatic. Lord of the Rings : FOTR was a dream come true as was this chapter in the Star Wars Saga. For the critics who have shot down EP2, feel free to ally yourself with the Darkside. This film is not perfect, but to me, the soul of the film and the heart of George Lucas really stood out. There are definitely flaws in EP2, but to nitpick and to compare this film as a disaster like TPM would be criminal. In my humble opinion, this party has just begun. MTFBWY!
Rating:  Summary: Nothing but disappointing Review: This movie was nothing but hype! Don not waste your time seeing it, wait til it comes out on video. This movie was so bad I do not even want to see the third one.