Rating:  Summary: Not as bad as most people think. Review: The Matrix Reloaded is the sequel to smash sci-fi hit: "The Matrix." The problem with this though? It's a sequel, meaning that it'll only bridge the first one to the third one, and all the really cool scenes in the first one aren't cool anymore. The acting in this movie isn't bad. Surprisingly enough it's pretty good. The characters are still the ones we saw from the first Matrix movie, and introducing new ones. But the new characters don't play any major role in the movie. Niobi, for example, doesn't do much in the movie. We don't get to see her fight or anything. She plays a larger role in the third movie, thank goodness, but the fact that she's only a character to take space is an utter waste of film. As many have said, the fight scenes are actually kind of boring. They were fun but long. Seeing Neo beat up 1000 Agent Smiths is nice but the scene began to grow long and boring. I wanted the movie to move on at some point. Plus, Neo has the ability to stop bullets and such, and that took the fun out of another fight scene that also lasted too long. Not to mention that slow downs are used at times that I don't think they should've been (we watch the scene slow down while they're shooting at each other on the highway...why? The first one executed this PERECTLY but this one only wants to "look" cool). Also, my number one gripe, WHERE WAS THE PLOT! The first got me worked up on this plot and Reloaded ignores the plot for the first hour or so. When the plot finally comes into play they just throw it at you and leave a lot of holes (that the sequel fills in thank goodness). So as I said, it's only a bridge to the third movie. On a final note, the movie got too much hype. A lot of hype tends to make a movie worse! Why? Because we expect so much more than what we see. Everyone talked about how awesome the plot was, and it's absent from the majority of the movie. Not only that but to understand it better you have to watch "The Animatrix" and play the game "Enter the Matrix". Again though, a lof of these holes are filled in during the third part. Reloaded was actually a satisfactory movie, but I was a little upset at the fact that Neo doesn't have enough emotions and that Agent Smith is just there...the movie doesn't go into enough detail on just HOW he became able to multiply himself or just WHAT his intentions are. Again, the third one answers. Still worth it to go see at least once. The first one was great but it just had a level of superiority that no other Matrix movie could ever top. Not even this one.
Rating:  Summary: Shockingly disappointing DVD features Review: Unlike most people, I actually liked the movie. The low rating is for the pathetic "features" on the DVD. In breathtaking contrast to the vast amount of interesting added content on the original DVD, this one does not even contain a SINGLE COMMENTARY TRACK. The few extras are utterly sucktacular puff-pieces. They consist of endless gushing about how cool and exciting the movie and everyone involved in it are. Oh yeah, and LOTS of thinly-veiled attempts to get viewers to buy all the ancillary merchandise. The ONLY reason I bought this instead of renting it was that I assumed it would have lots of features which I would want to spend a long time perusing. Stupid me. Even if you DID sit through this crapulous pile of advertainment, it would only amount to an hour or two. If you'll be watching the movie enough times to make it cost-effective to buy instead of rent, then by all means do. But DON'T give the features a second thought. They are one huge, whopping insult.
Rating:  Summary: A Little Overloaded Review: The plot was on maximum overdrive, but the action is what makes the movie worth your time. "The Matrix Reloaded" brings back the human forces to fight the machines in defense of the last city in the world, the city Zion. Neo (Keanu Reeves) wears black pajamas and can fly around like Superman. Why didn't he just fly away from all of those agents in the first place? You would think "The One" would be smarter than that. Of course I'm smarter than that. Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) is in the best part of the movie where a chase goes onto a freeway and causes mass destruction. Even though his car was shot up, the windows kept breaking in every shot. Super glass. When he gets out of the car, he pulls out a sword and rids a couple of ugly twins with filthy dreadlocks. The creator of the Matrix should've been Will Ferrell. It would've been enthralling. And what was the point of the whole 'party' sequence in Zion? More Monica Belluci would've been better too.
Rating:  Summary: Strange.... Review: I really loved the first one. This one is so so. The bright spots for me: one thousand Agent Smiths. How can you go wrong? But I thought the Wachakowasakis made a misstep in four key places. 1) Having the oracle turn into a red onion 2) Making Neo and Morpheus kiss 3) Allowing a cameo by Charlton Heston 4) Having a McDonalds in the middle of Zion This review refers to the Director's Extended Mega-Mix Cut
Rating:  Summary: Not Bad, but not as good as the first Review: This wasn't a bad movie, but it seems to be worse than it is because of one reason...... It was the sequel to a GREAT movie. A movie that broke new ground and began a new genre. I think if this had been the first movie in the series, it would have received better reviews. It is awfully difficult to follow a great movie with another equally great movie. All in all, this is worth seeing.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Cool! Review: The first Matrix movie was ground breaking, so naturally the expectations were huge when Matrix Reloaded came out. As a whole, Matrix Reloaded does not disappoint. There are a few parts that are kind of slow, but once the action kicks in, you will wonder when you will get a chance to breathe! This movie has some of the most incredible action and special effects that I have seen in a long time. The DVD was highly enjoyable, the picture is pristine and the sound was awesome when played through my Dolby 5.1 surround sound system. This is one of the best DVD's I have purchased in 2003, and recommend getting this one today!
Rating:  Summary: Please God make it stop Review: Did you LOVE the first movie. I mean, REALLY LOVE it? Then nothing I write will stop you from throwing your money at this ridiculous trash. You're better off sticking to the fawning 5-star reviews to validate your decision. (And to the reviewer who wrote that this was the "Greek Tragedy of the XXI Century", now THAT'S really funny. Thanks.) There's not enough pot in the world to make me think that this film is anything more than an over-blown college dorm fantasy, from the stoooopid, endless "rave" sequence in Zion's catacombs (wow, didn't know living underground all your life can still give you such beautiful skin!) to the awful dialogue during that restaurant scene. I estimate that that scene alone must've had 15 pages of script devoted entirely to yammering. And this is supposed to be an action flick? In all, the film was plodding, boring and lame, including the action sequences. And the "philosophy" that we're supposed to take away from it is downright laughable. I think the Wachowski Brothers had too much money and too many bong hits when they made this. By the time the Frenchman showed up I didn't know or care what he was supposed to be. Human? Program? Loki? Id? Cupid? Maybe he's just French, and that's good enough. Yeah, and so's the exit because I nearly walked out by this point. I'd like to say I had the munchies, but truth is, I didn't give a rat's what was going to happen next. Oh, and here's another doozy that is stripped right from the pages of Maxim: if Trinity lets this hottie (the Frenchman's wife) smoke Neo, Planet Earth could be saved. I'm not kidding. Make sense? Of course not. Reefer to my earlier comment about the Wachowskis' influences. And as to the whole Matrix phenomenon, I'm beginning to think it's really for crybabies my age (30s) who see this as some sort of adolescent video-game fantasy to deliver them from their imaginings of a controlling, corporate lifestyle. Boo hoo. Of course these fanboys worship Neo the Hero: "I get to be cool and aloof, a kick-butt karate expert, wear shades, and be an Internet Messiah. I even get the hottest babe, too! Yesssssss!." Yeah, I identified with those values. When I was 14. I wasn't a huge fan of the first "Matrix" to begin with, but I was entertained. Nice bit of brain candy. Having seen the bloated Reloaded, I think the whole thing is just Hollywood noise. I definitely pass on the last (I hope) installment.
Rating:  Summary: My Three Cents Worth Review: I am a huge fan of the Matrix. It brought movie entertainment to a whole new level creating a new type of film genre, indeed. That may be in fact why I hated this part so much. Gone is the excitement of the first. This flick seems to be a rush moneymaker for some big Hollywood honchos. Neo, Morpheus and Trinity continue their fight against the machines, however the plot doesn't seem to have purpose. In between various fight scenes are a few sexier scenes and some random placement of 'philosophical' scenes. All of the scenes are too long and seem to lead nowhere. The scenes in the first all compliment each other and bring in the next scene. The fight scenes are also inferior to the first. The movements aren't as fluid and seem slowwwwwww. (...) This is one sequel that should not have been forced. The storyline has a lot of potential. It just seems that deadline was approaching and this drivel was dished out instead. Some parts are so far fetched so that they just seem ridiculous. I am a big fan of The Matrix and this is probably why I don't care for this flick. Everything that made the first so special is gone. This is just another example of marketing sequels that don't do the series justice in order to cash out on die hard fans. Maybe the third will be so awe inspiring I'll forget how bad this one is. (...)
Rating:  Summary: Seraph and Neo Review: Is seraph a pointless charcter? is neo and Seraph fight poinless? NO Why? Beacuse the Oracle who is the mother of the matrix crated the way 99% of the humans behave, and she knows the limits of them, so seraph is designed to beat them all. But not the anomaly who is different from the rest. So one software (the oracles) crates a program like a defense for bad humans and other software. Why seraph can't beat Neo, because he is an anomaly, the oracle doesn't fully understands him. Every time you watch the movie it keeps getting better.
Rating:  Summary: Haha. whooops. Review: WORSE THAN THE FIRST. (Rhyme NOT intended, bland flame not intended.) Anyways, first off, yes Neo and Trinity DID pick up in their relationship, but they jumped too far at the beginning for me to bear. The rest of the time I was sleeping. I understood it MUCH better than the first one, but the voicing is bad (think of when Morpheus says the word "Machines" during that speech, and you'll see what I mean.) As well as the fighting is really fake. If this movie was supposed to be better, then I should have just said the first one was trash. the Agent Smith thing... wow, that was a bit.... much. Also, how can ONE guy suddenly pull a metal pole off the ground (Then again, in the Matrix anything is possible. Ha ha ha...) and SUDDENLY show immense skill with a bo staff and somehow KO a good percentage of this army of Agent Smiths? Among the better things was the philosophy. I could take it. The talking was okay, in some ways, but the fighting was beyond unrealistic. It is like watching a rubber band fly off soem random gradeshcool kid's finger and fly into your face, I mean, really. You see, the fight scene right after we learned who the Keymaker was looked really rubberband-ish. Other parts were just WAAAAAY too long, as well as the lack of emphasis on the plot and other preferences that would've been interesting, i.e., The Machines. In a war, both sides should have GOOD, substantuated(sp?) reasons to fight. Not just something like, "Oh, hey, let's go attack the humans and enslave them since we're machines. Har, har, har." The only part I thought really rocked was the freeway scene. I mean, really, that was the only super-great part that is still fresh in my head. Wow, I cna ahrdly remember Matrix I though, how come I remember this...? Oh, yeah, wait, if the rest of the parts weren't as good, one scene that was good (according to your peferences.) sticks out. Otherwise, if there's just action and no plot, the movie/idea is easily passed over. Too much talking and no movement can also ruin a story/movie. It was a good movie, but I can attest that the word movie shouldn't have been used as some SCENES only seemed truly memorable. (And for you sickos that like to see the stuff waaaay too early in the movie, the xxx scene.) ~Kokeshi088~ P.S. Personally, I also liked that sword fight, sheesh, a lotta things are better with swords, in this case a *little* bit better. P.P.S. Also, we can now prove that the character "Neo" (Keanu Reeves) does NOT have scoliosis, as proven in a certain scene that was a but... rushed. At least I think it was rushed. (They must do this stuff only to please people, right? It's almost like doing something silly and out of place just to win a bet, you know?)