Rating:  Summary: better than it's cracked up to be Review: Yeah, that's right I thought this movie was excellent with the exception of the rave sence which was just out of place i think. I find little else to gipe about here. It is a visual master piece that throws a few tidbits of philosiphy at you to make you think about the true relationship between the two sides in the film. I found Reloaded to be more enjoyable than the first Matrix, truth be told I actually fell asleep during the first one(of course I saw it at 1 in the morning ;)). This compaired to Shotgunning a large soda during the previews in Reloaded yet I was forced to hold it in since I could bring myself to miss a minute of it. My favorite parts of this film were the highway fight scene and the conversation with The Achitect. This movie has more action than the first and stil manages to throw you questions about what is really going on. Why this movie is so commonly bashed escapes me, my only guess would be do to the hype. As a dvd this is also a film with extras that I actually watched...yes I watch them all and found them fascinating. I don't recomend you listen to all those disgruntled reviews out there, they are mostly passionate people who are angry that it is not like the matrix while simultaniously angry that it is too similar to the matrix. While they are busy not making up their minds I suggest you go and buy this dvd because it is great fun to watch, and isn't that why we watch movies in the fist place, to be entertained?
Rating:  Summary: An Ambitious Failure, But Still Enjoyable Review: There are a number of flaws in this movie. One of which is that the whole thing is completely unnecessary. When Neo becomes the MATRIX God-Head at the end of the first film the collapse of that world is already decided.These sequels, where Neo does his chopsocky routine on various rogue programs, are irrelevant. Having the Messiah do Kung Fu feels pointless, because it is pointless. The only reason for these films then is for the easy sequel money that comes in like a waterfall from the world Geekdom, all of us anxiously anticipating these few hours of blessed Nerd-vana. We were dissapointed. I rather enjoyed the philosophy. The main problems are as follows: 1) The character development is too shallow. If Trinity and friends had not been introduced already there would be no story and no reason to care about her. 2) There are no rules for the fight scenes. Basically, the audience has to have a sense of the character's abilities and rules, such as gravity, that make up a battle. These were in constant flux. So it was impossible to tell who was in danger and who was winning. It was a mess. I could go on, but it's un-necessary. They were supposed to be geniuses, and are instead merely talented craftsmen. C'est la vie.
Rating:  Summary: More like "The Matrix Remixed" Review: I was dissapointed in this sequel to what I thought was perhaps the best sci-fi movie to come out of the 1990's. The Matrix did for the 1990's what Blade Runner did for the 1980's, 2001 did for the 1960's, Forbidden Planet did for the 1950's, and so on. It really made you think a lot. While watching The Matrix Reloaded, I felt like I was watching a series of music videos with movie in between them. The fight scenes were so heavily choreographed that they seemed more like some sort of chaotic, violent sort of ballet. Music on, fight starts. Music over, fight over. Then of course there was that "love scene" in the city of Zion which I won't even go into. My first hint that something was wrong was when Neo was fighting hundreds of Smiths, and I thought that if this was a cartoon I'd soon see them knocked down like bowling balls, and sure enough that's what happened! So, for me the bottom line is that this time the makers of this film chose eye-candy over brain food. It's entertaining to sit through once, but I didn't spend much time thinking about this movie afterward. And, unlike The Matrix, I doubt I'll ever want to see this movie again, or buy it on DVD for that matter.
Rating:  Summary: Reload Is Not So Good! Review: The Matrix was one of the most finest and intelligent scifi movie ever! In my opinion, It would have been better to forget sequal plans. Money talks and people watch! So here is the Matric Reload. There are almost nothing what you don't have seen The Matrix. Nomen est Omen! Same shooting parts, same enemies, same ideas and same characters. Only good reason to see this movie is unbelieable special effects and the most expensive motorcycle escape part ever made.
Rating:  Summary: What it is. Review: It would be nice if all geeks, naysayers, cyberpunks, and self proclaimed philosophers could realize that this film (and the original) is not some spiritual, metaphysically mystical 'journey'; but a Saturday matinee sci-fi action blockbuster and a damn good one at that. Nuff said.
Rating:  Summary: NEMO: THE NEW ADVENTURE Review: The MAtrix is better than Star Wars. First it is like the Bible. Nemo is "The One" (Jesus) profesized to save the humans from the Matrix. Also he is betrayed by a "Judas" in the first movie. When you watch the Matrix I, II and III you ask yourelf questions. What is the Matrix? Will Nemo fail? Who is the Malrovingian? Can Nemo trust the Oracle? Why was Nemo "created" by the MAtrix? Overall it is a very good movie cerial. I hope this review has helped people understand and get into the world of the Matrix! Now go and buy it, cause you'll watch them over and over no matter who you are!
Rating:  Summary: Big on Action, a little short on Plot! Review: The Matrix Reloaded has a lot of action, but the extension to the story is not quite as good. It is a continuation of Neo, and the destiny he is supposed to have relative to the Matrix. I don't want to do any real spoilers here, but the payoff is a little disappointing. Since the final installment has just opened to good, but still disappointing box office reciepts last weekend. I believe I'm not the only one who thinks this way. My next few statements may be considered semi-spoilers for some, so skip ahead to the next paragraph if you need to. The ending of this movie is disappointing because, movies are largely independent stories. A movie must have some degree of self-containment even if there will be a required sequel. The ending of this movie immediately reminded me of Terminator 3 which I actually saw first. A lot of things ended, but the basic characters go on. I really would have preferred the writers make this a true cliffhanger. They could have done it differently, but it is a movie, so I understand the choice. I can't complain about the action and special effects though, while the story tends to drag, the action sequences are long and extraordinary. The movie making craftsmen, invented a new genre in special effects based action fighting, in the first Matrix. It was copied in many movies like "Mission Impossible II", and others. To succeed here they needed to expand on that, and they did so. It helps that, because of the story, they can use ample digital effects. They cheat a bit because Neo and company is in a computer-generated reality most of the time. Some of the effects simply would not work in a standard reality picture. I always go with the wide screen editions because you don't lose any content. Its important for me to see it the entire picture, especially in a big, special effects movie like this. The DVD comes with a second CD with lots of good extras. You can find other "background", in the form of animations, on the "Matrix Movies" on the Internet, or the compilation DVD release, "The Animatrix". I believe there is actually a reference in this movie, to the destruction of the Ossirus, which was detailed in fantastically rendered animated form on that DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing sequel that relies on empty metaphors... Review: I didn't quite know what to expect going into "The Matrix Reloaded," and I came out with mixed feelings. This is a sequel to the 1999 film that enthralled audiences. I was a bit underwhelmed by the original, and so I figured the sequel would either be better given my disappointment in the first, or even worse. There's no doubt it's a good film, but it has some very bleak, almost corny scenes with long, metaphorical speeches. There is either too much or too little thought put into this film. It takes place, supposedly, a few days after the original. Neo can fly, Trinity wears tighter and shinier leather costumes, and Morpheus is fatter. Neo dreams that Trinity dies in the opening sequence. Then back in Zion they realize that 250,000 sentinals are digging their way into Zion. In order to stop something they need something that does something which involves, though does not limit to, (...), kissing Persephone (Monica Belluci), rescuing a Keymaker, having a long car chase, beating up people, cloning Unleashed Agent Smiths (who appears not nearly as often as the trailer would lead you to believe), and blowing up things. This film's plot goes to waste very quickly and so it falls back on special effects. They're great, yes, but not very different from all the "Matrix"-rip-off films we've been getting since the original. The beginning sequence wows the audience with terrific special effects, but later in the film they must have run short on their budget because Neo's fight with the million Agent Smiths (...) Either one works. (...)"The Matrix Reloaded" really only has some good action scenes, which includes a highway chase atop of cars, trucks, motercycles and more, that goes on and on for seventeen minutes. Action fans will eat it up. But it's not exactly the smartest of films. It thinks it's really smart, it tries to prove it, but scenes like that with "The Architect" (NOT the Archeologist) prove the movie is out of ideas. It tries to continue the smartness and freshness of the first film and tries to have revelations, but they confused me because the film moved through all the plot scenes too quickly so they could return to the action. Maybe they will be all sorted out in "The Matrix Revolutions," which opens in November. I certainly hope so. "The Matrix" may not have been one of my favorite films but I did like it to a certain degree. It seemed pretty smart and a breakthrough achievment in special effects. It targeted all filmgoers - from sci-fi to action to drama to romance - whereas "The Matrix Reloaded" really only targets two audiences - die-hard fans of the original and sci-fi-lovers. That's probably one of its biggest of many flaws. But it is still a pretty good movie.
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix Reloaded - A Success in the world of Sequels Review: It is a fact about sequels - almost all of them dont live up to the originality and quality of their predecessor. Perhaps this is simply because the first is the first and the second and third are no longer introducing a new idea or concept. Therefore, it is very difficult to have the audience more surprised and amazed by the second and third. Although the Matrix Reloaded is a sequel to a great and hard to beat original, it is still a very refreshing and entertaining sequel that pretty much lives up to its hype. Plenty of great fight scenes, as there were in the first Matrix, make Reloaded a fun ride from beginning to end. Having just seen the third(Matrix Revolutions) of the Matrix trilogy,which was very good but was my 3rd favorite of the 3,i can say that the Matrix Reloaded was definately a close second best to the original. The Matrix Reloaded is definately a worthy buy - you will want to at least watch these fight scenes many times - so you dont want to waste your money renting the movie over and over again. The DVD also comes with a bonus disc, with some interesting extra features about Reloaded to check out.
Rating:  Summary: Good Sequel that does live up to the original film. Review: The Matrix Reloaded is not as good as the original classic but it's a very good follow up none the least. Keanu Reeves is back as Neo, the savior of mankind against the machines and Hugo Weaving is back as his archenemy Agent Smith. This is the second movie of the series, and while it does get too involve with its post-apocalyptic philosophies, it's a pretty good follow up.