Rating:  Summary: first rate sci fi and deeper than the 1st Review: Contrary to popular opinion, I found this version better than the 1st part, better sci fi really. What is so good about this film is that a lot is added, but not too much: you get intimations of deeper things that can stimulate the imagination without laying it all out, which would stretch credibility too far. I love the way the references are somewhat obscure and cryptic. The actions scenes are also extremely good, while different from the 1st one. And the acting, well, even Keanu Reeves - who is my book is a 2nd-rater - is excellent. Taken together, this is the best sci-fi film I have seen in years.
Rating:  Summary: Search for the Holy Grail? Review: Reviews of Reloaded have been mixed, but seem to fall into two categories: one complains (inevitably and undeniably correctly) that the action sequences haven't really developed from the first film, the other that there aren't enough action scenes and there's too much cod philosophy.To those in the first category: well, you're right, but you're missing the point of the film if all you care about is the kung fu. And it would be churlish to deny that the car chase sequence is outstanding. To those in the second category: have another look at the Matrix I: you'll be surprised how much talking there is in it. And a lot of it doesn't make much sense. Until, that is, you see Reloaded. And then a reviewing of the first film pays big dividends. Consider the following: *Warning - what follows discusses some plot aspects (but doesn't really contain spoilers) * The scene set at the end of the first Matrix is surprisingly conventional. We have our good guys, we have our bad guys, the battle is won but the war continues: for such a post modern film, it's almost old-fashioned. Reloaded turns this all on its head. It becomes clear that the Matrix isn't universally bad: there are tensions in it. There are anomalies (such as Agent Smith). All is not in harmony. There is order, and there is chaos. Witness the aggravation between the Merovingian and his wife, Persephone. They're both part of the Matrix, but they counteract each other. So much so is explained by the Architect, the original designer of the Matrix. This is where it gets clever and the religious/philosophical allegories get weird. Just to point out I don't necessarily subscribe to or endorse anything which follows, although it sounds fascinating. There is a religious order which believes that before the world God created a perfect celestial realm for his children, who were immortal and infinite. But life became stagnant and the children became discontent with their perfection. So he created a terrestrial realm where they could learn what it was like to be imperfect, mortal and finite, in order to appreciate their perfection. One of God's children rebelled against this idea and left the perfect world for ever. He was called Lucifer. The goody-good in the picture was another or God's sons, Michael. God sent neutral angels to the terrestrial realm with the gift of the Holy Grail. If the grail was guarded and protected everything on earth would be cool and even Terrestrial life would be good. If Lucifer's boys managed to hide the Grail, life on earth would be short, brutal, and tragic. We would have return to the celestial realm and the cycle would have to repeat itself again. Now this sounds to me a lot like the belief scheme underlying the Matrix as set out by the Architect. If you think I'm reading too much into this, consider that the religious order in question is the *Merovingian* order. The cross references don't end there: Google on Morpheus (or Orpheus?), Nebuchadnezzar, or Persephone. Barely a word is wasted in the script: it may seem cornball but it is completely intentional. For example: the Architect says: "... although the process has altered your consciousness you remain irrevocably human, ERGO SOME of my answers you will understand and some of them you will not". This sounds forced, and a bit silly. But say it out loud. "Ergo, some" = ergo sum = "cogito ergo sum" = Latin for "I think, therefore I am", from Descartes' Discourse on the Method, which proposed (in Latin) that everything about the world is susceptible to doubt except the fact of one's own very existence, because to doubt, you have to exist first, so it isn't logical to doubt that you exist, even though the rest of the world as you know it could be a clever illusion ... which is, of course, the fundamental premise on which the Matrix is based. Now that's what I call nifty scriptwriting. Roll on the release of the DVD...
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix Reloaded (2003) Review: Director: Larry Wachowski, Andy Wachowski Cast: Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Jada Pinkett. Running Time: 132 minutes. Rated R for violence, language, and mild sexual situations. When "The Matrix" hit the big screen in 1999, it was the most innovative special effects triumph Hollywood had ever produced. With the sequel, "The Matrix Reloaded", the Wachowski brothers have actually succeeded in making a second film in the series that is just as exciting, equally as thought-provoking, and perhaps possessing even better special effects. Can anyone say "The Empire Strikes Back"? "The Matrix Reloaded" takes the audience through a roller-coaster ride from the last-standing city of civilization in Zion to the Matrix, which is a computerized database consisting of humans who are programmed to fuel its very existence. As the Matrix strives to become more powerful and absolutely take over Earth, Zion attempts to stage war against the evil technological machine empire, using the messiah-like Neo (Reeves) as their catalyst. What ensues is a spectacle of rip-roaring sequences of more kung-fu fighting than a Bruce Lee movie, a twelve-minute highway chase scene that perhaps may be the best action scene ever produced, and several superb battles between Neo and the evil Mr. Smith. There a few portions of the narrative that seem to be illegitimate, such as the possible love story between Morpheus (Fishburne) and a previous interest played by Jada Pinkett's character, as well as the overused metaphor of love, specifically between Neo and Trinity (played by Moss). While "Reloaded" does not suffer from these developed themes, they seem to provide a symbolism that the Wachowski brothers are trying to convey, but they are so wrapped up in showing off their CCI effects that they are lost for exactly what they want to show the audience. What made the original "Matrix" so captivating was the expectance of the unexpected, while what makes "Reloaded" so enjoyable is that we get what we expect, and it is thrown at us like an asteroid colliding with earth.
Rating:  Summary: bad bad bad Review: The plot was horrible, the action meaningless. If you want better special effects rent an X-Box.
Rating:  Summary: original Matrix superior Review: What happens these days when Hollywood finds a hit on their hands with a sequel on the way? They worry about throwing away easy money and fill the sequel with lots of car chases and overblown fight scenes! Hence the Martix Reloaded. Yet all in all, perhaps because the original was so, um, original, this movie manages to entertain quite well. I would have to disagree with Amazon's (and seemingly everyone else's) comment that it's difficult to make a sequel as good as the original. Especially in a genre as wide open as sci-fi, it should not be impossible to stick to character and plot development and emerge with something that challenges people's preconceptions again. Just make the movie a bit longer in order tie it properly to the first. But Hollywood seems afraid or unable to come up with plots that go off on new yet equally interesting tangents. If you've got a fan base count your money first and worry about art some other day.
Rating:  Summary: Fun movie! Much better than "Revolution". Review: I was absolutely dissapointed with the finale "Revolutions" because it falls short of what "Releaded" was. "Reloaded" is a fun sci-fi action movie that is a great follow up to the 1999 original. In this one the machines are digging closer towards humanity's last stronghold called Zion and a renegade computer program Agent Smith has broken away from the Matrix and Neo along with Trinity, Morpheus, and Mifune are preparing for the massive battle ahead but have several obstacles to overcome before then. The special effects are absolutely amazing and are eye-popping especially towards the latter part of the movie. The acting is also really good too, something that isn't so with the third Matrix Movie. The second disc is a lot of fun too containing really awesome behind the scenes features, and excellent commentary by the producers, cast, and director. In all honesty, this item gets a five just for disc two which in all honesty, the making of was even better than the final movie itself!
Rating:  Summary: Ugh..... Review: From such fertile soil(the superb Matrix) blossoms a reeking Turd Flower. Sooooo much of this movie; and Matrix Revolutions; were completely unnecessary. The special effects LOOK LIKE EFFECTS and the story is convluted by virtue that it is poorly written. I've heard complaints that people were confused, but it's all right there. You just have to look past the smoke & mirrors plot distractions and the contrived/forced action sequences. Unlike the Matrix were the story flowed organically, this and Revolutions feel laboured. The Wachowski Bros. must have gone "OH CRAP!!! It MADE money AND the want MORE!!!" and thrown every half baked idea they had as nine years old. Rent the superior original and imagine your own sequels. They can only be better.
Rating:  Summary: THIS MOVIE ROCKS! Review: This is difenently the best Matrix movie there is. This movie has awsome new bad guys like the twins for instance. It has a spectacular fight with Neo and his pole against an army of Smiths. He beats the heck out of them!There is also a terrific fight between Neo and six gifted bad guys. He uses a sword and 2 daggers and destroyes the room they are fighting in and all the people he is fighting. There is also a cool showdown between Morpheous and a new agent called Agent Johnson. Morpheous also fights the twins who can turn transparent. And NEO FLIES! This movie is an action packed thriller. It schools the other 2 Matrix movies!
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix goes on... Review: This was a great follow up to a film that no one else can touch. It was a mind opening expreience to the real world and into the matrix. Neo do you regret taking the red pill? I think not. Worth the buy and to add to your library!!
Rating:  Summary: retrte Review: Tell us what you think. Write a review of this item and share your opinions with others. Please be sure to focus your comments on the DVD. Read our review guidelines for more information. You can also look at some example customer reviews before you write your own. OK. Let's get started!