Rating:  Summary: It doesn't matter which pill you take Review: The Matrix Trilogy will remain one of the most argument's raiser between critics ,movie geeks ,mainstream Audience ,the loyal fans and the matrix's philosophy believers . Actually the problem with The Matrix in general that it's a Huge multi layered world ,Actually a unique world created completely with details of it's own ,To make full understanding of this world you need several things ,One of them is the analytical ability to tie all the different keys and events together to form some vision about what's really happening , you simply can not view each one of the three movies like individual segments ,They are completely integral and viewing them as one unit is necessary to get the full picture ,Another thing is that you have to have some background of Computer Sciences in general to make assumption for yourself and to understand completely the other assumptions introduced by it's creators (Especially in RELOADED) . On the technical side RELOADED is simply a marvelous achievement ,The Special Effects were amazing ,Many people complained that there is nothing new after the bullet time ,But this is not right because simply the Bullet Time was not only a technique ,It was an INVENTION and inventions doesn't happen all the time ,What the Wachowskis done is improving it and it really were tweaked in RELOADED but some viewers didn't get rid off the feeling that they have seen the Bullet Time many many times before ,But this has nothing to do with the Wachowskis ,They have invented it and many entertainment forms ripped it from them , The fight scene where we watch neo fighting swarms of Agent Smith really proves that there are no limits for what they can do ,The other scene is the Highway chase which leaves you breathless during it's running time ,I haven't felt that there were overusing of the special effects at all ,You know they are in the Matrix world where no earthly rules are governing the characters ,And so the amazing fights were necessary to symbolize that ,The other elements like editing and musical score Along with the Decoration,Design and costume passed the test efficiently . The wachowskis hits hard and solid this time ,With very huge budget they had a plenty of time and space to introduce what they want to say ,Their vision is marked for having no borders ,You are in some point in the movie and making anticipations or guessing about the forthcoming events ,they surprises you with ultimately different things ,And this leads us to discuss some aspects about The Matrix's World and the impact it have done on the cinema's Audience ,The problems that many complained about actually are several problems ,One of them is the Zion's people and their appearances but we have to be frank ,The movie is about a world where the machines is controlling it and only one place is left for al the surviving humans so what do you expect from them? do you expect them to be clean and shaven and wears the latest fashion models?! ,About the mass sex scene I think it was designed beautifully ,Just look where Neo And Trinity were making it and you will notice that the place is designed in a Womb like shape ,It gives a reference for the creation of the humanity and the mass sex itself can be explained as human touch in a world threatened to be void of humans within a few hours ,It has been known that human beings in times of danger tends naturally to seek the warmth of other humans companion and this takes the form of the sexual festival we've seen ,The techno musical score reflects the artificial nature of their surroundings . Other people simply complained that the movie become very complicated ,That's may be right for the most of Mainstream Audience ,The whole trilogy needs an open mind willing to give a deep thinking sessions in order to get the message ,Many people of whom didn't like this movie were simply because they haven't understood it or simply thought about it as nonsense due to the large and heavy dose of philosophical battles ,Another people hated RELOADED because they had solid grounds based on the first Matrix movie ,Actually one Reloaded Excellency points came from taking the story in a whole new level and so it destroyed all of our beliefs granted from the first Matrix movie ,And this ofcource wasn't appealing for many viewers who didn't like the shaking new grounds beneath their feet's ,Some themes were implemented successfully to support the story like the scene where we see multiple copies of Agent Smith confronting Neo about The Purpose and how every BEING has an purpose ,In another scene where Persephone(Monica Bellucci) gets paid from Neo in order to show him the path to the Keymaker ,The way which she gets paid indicates her longing for humanity ,This added extra depth for the story and a new meaning for the humans to survive depending on their finding the humaninty in the most unhumanable places ,This is another solid stone in the trilogy's Concrete ,So in order to enjoy RELOADED you to have to let your self get indulged in the Intensive action,Paralyzing discussions and the unbelievable atmosphere ,Set your mind free and you will enjoy a journey like no other journey .
Rating:  Summary: A Step in the Wrong Direction Review: Like most, I was excited for this second installment. But it proved to be ultimately disappointing, coming nowhere close to meeting my expectations."The Matrix" is a well-rounded film with high-quality visuals, good entertainment value, interesting and intellectual themes and tones, and all-round very re-watchable. "The Matrix Reloaded", however, suffers from a lack of what made the first film great; the action and visuals are almost over-done, themes are deglected, the script is weak, and the plot seems a bit thin. In recognizing that this is the middle installment, there is room for a lack of substance in the plot, though, seeing as this film is meant to tie the other two together. In terms of the visuals and action sequences being over-done, certain scenes were too long and drawn-out and over-the-top. It felt as though they were there more as a means to show-off than to enrich the film. (Whereas in the first film the action didn't detract from the overall goal of the film. The sequences were also more thoughtful and more discreet -- it wasn't a matter of how "cool" a fight was, but how artful it appeared.) There was definitely some unnecessary fluff in Revolutions, which does have its place, but only when it's not drawn-out and isn't simply bad. (There's one scence/sequence I'm thinking of here, which is probably fairly obvious. I though it could have been much more crisp and, well, shorter.) This second installment did do a fairly good job of opening up new plot and theme elements -- creating some of the intellectual curiosity so prevalent in the first film. And while I think the film ended in the right direction, certain plot elements seemed to be going wayward. Though I ultimately feel that the abruptness of the main revelations towards the end of the film were abrupt and overly-terse. (And either refuted or left unexplained/unexplored in the final film.) Revolutions submitted to the mold of an action film and didn't follow the more well-rounded original, leaving it absent of the necessary elements to create a cohesive trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: Matrix Reloa-Dud Review: Reeves cannot act his way out of a Grocery Store-but we already knew that. Not that he had much to work with here. This is really a Japanese sci-fi anime' with some real humans thrown in. Reeves style worked for the original Matrix, which was pure fun, new sci-fi, that had a strong team of chartacters working against an all encompassing AI. Reloaded takes all the good ideas of the M1 and trashes them to oblivion. MAtrix 2003 created a massive action flick with scores of soulless humans, from the egg of the original M1 combat team. Sorry mess, but the W boys made a billion dollars, so they should be happy. Awful stuff.
Rating:  Summary: One of the five people that liked it Review: Matrix Reloaded doesn't have a lot of plot, but I didn't watch it for a deep plot. I watched it for bullet time, dance fighting and superhuman goings-on, and for people wearing sunglasses at night when it's raining because it's cool. The Matrix series has style, and I like it. Apart from the movie itself, I enjoyed the extras, including the documentary on the highway scene. The big thing it was missing, I felt, was the sense of unreality and grand revelations that the first Matrix movie produced. It's hard to top a scene where a character wakes up from a life long slumber to find he's in the midst of a vast field of hibernating humans.
Rating:  Summary: A Problem Sequel Review: Sigh. What's wrong with this movie? The first Matrix was an intellectual roller coaster, chock full of psychological and religeous references, chop-socky moves and a youthful exhilaration that blew the doors off anything that came before. This one is an exercise in "get more ideas in play, never mind the framework." The story, the puzles which made The Matrix so fun, is entirely missing here. You are plopped into the lives of the characters, they are as formed as they're going to get, and there's no growth. You don't feel any yearning from Neo to learn more about his role in the Matrix, Morpheus has nothing new to disclose, and Agent Smith has had his personality actually reduced. The redeeming feature is the 15-minute "freeway chase" which is, for the action-lover, the best thing about the film. It's kinetic, highly charged, and fun. There's some humor in the action, too. Unfortunately, the rest of the film isn't as involving. You should see it to keep up with the story. But owning this part of the series...maybe not.
Rating:  Summary: Want to waste a few hours of your life? Review: Want to waste a few hours of your life? Then here is the perfect way to do it. The Matrix is terrible, the Matrix Reloaded is even worst, and if you go to the theaters to see the third chapter in this series you should put yourself in jail. These are the worst movies I have ever seen. And if you have ever seen them you should inform the studio that produced them to destroy all the reels of film like i have done. Please done waste hours of you life like I did on these movies.
Rating:  Summary: Twice the fun, half the story Review: My title for this review came from the weekend section of the Washington Post the week this film came out. I used it because it is my exact feeling about this movie. In the first Matrix, we are witness to some of the most mind bending effects ever made, well, at least until this came out. In addition to those effects, we are also witness to a great, heavy story line. It was such a fresh idea. The best parts of the movie were with Morpheus and Neo, in the beginning, where everything is being explained. Wait, how does that work? The story being the best part? Whoa! Flip the equation for this movie. The story takes the backseat, while the mind bending stuff gets to drive for a while. Now, don't get me wrong, I prefer it the other way too, but I sure dont mind watching Neo beat up lots of Agent Smiths in the impressive Burly Brawl sequence, and I sure dont mind watching the greatest scene that has anything to do with cars since "Bullit" and "The French Connection". I have to admit though, the bullet time stuff was overused. The beginning with Trinity comes to mind. I thought that sooner or later, they would slow it down when characters were walking down the street. I dont get what people dislike about this movie. It still has story, which is evident with the visit to Zion, the Architecht and the best scene in the whole movie, the visit with the Oracle. The Oracle was why I liked the first one so much. She is so different from what her name suggests. She alone makes the movie worthwhile. I could not concievably get through this reveiw without at least talking about the freeway scene a little. One word comes to mind: Whoa. This is what action fans live for, and what people who appreciate story more (like me) should cherish as one of the best chases in cinematic history. The combination of physical and digital effects is seemless, and the part in which the trucks collide is probably the greatest, most perfect effect ever. I wont give away any more (in case anyone hasnt seen this movie), but I will say that this is very close to the original in terms of fun.
Rating:  Summary: Too Overcritical!!! Review: I will try to keep this short and sweet... How many sequals were as good or better than the original? Not many, I can venture you can come up with few. Look at Star Wars... even the "original" Trilogy, Episode 4 was far better than 5 & 6, however, the trilogy as a whole was outstanding. After seeing all three of the Matrix movies, I must say that this series beats the Star Wars Trilogy, and I was a die-hard Star Wars fan! I looked at the series afterwards as a "Biblical series for computer geeks." More specifically, I must say that Reloaded was probably the weakest of the three movies, only because nothing will ever beat the fresh and outstanding Special Effects of the Original, and the last one leaves you thinking and comparing to no end... but this is a must to see if you want to understand what the Brothers envisioned at the onset. The highway scene is simply amazing, the Smith Character really takes form, and even though some of the CGI in this movie has some visual flaws (the Neo vs. Smith Clones fight especially), the film is still brilliant none-the-less. The only part that I have had to review over and over is the part where Neo visits the Archeitect (sp)... he talks very oddly, and I had to re-view that scene many times to finally get the point of what happened. Otherwise, this movie is a definate blockbuster, action, plot, effects, and otherwise.
Rating:  Summary: Waste of a budget Review: When I first watched this movie after it came out, I was awe struck by the special effects. This movie has some of the best special effects ever created in a movie. The fight scenes were truely extroardinary, though the highway scene was over rated. When the fighting wasn't going on the story sequences left me wandering what they were even talking about. Just about everything in the movie besides the fight scenes is complete gibberish with no point in the movie. The whole dance rave, dirty scene, all the way through the meeting with the Architect, it's all a bunch of gibberish. I left the theatre feeling confused because nothing was really solved or explained worth a flip. The biggest mistake in the movie is that it feels like it was based around fight scenes, instead of story. It should have been the other way around.
Rating:  Summary: Mediocre Matrix Review: I'm not saying that this was a bad movie- it wasn't. The Matrix Reloaded provides a very intrinsic chapter in the Matrix saga. However, the plot is not half as amazing as the first or third movies, while watching those two, there is no other opportunity for thought in your mind. The fight scenes are impressive - as always- but they go on too long, past the climax, and start to feel rather dragged out. However, important new characters are introduced in this chapter (along with one of the coolest French baddies ever to hit the screen) The DVD has tons of special features, which is always a nice plus. They include a preview for the Animatrix, whixh is also a very cool DVD in this series, providing background on the Osiris, as well as the new kid that follows Neo around in this second movie. Overall, I'd say buy the DVD if you're in love with the matrix. It's not a bad buy, and it's certainly worth th money.... and it may help tide you over until Matrix Revolutions is released on DVD.