Rating:  Summary: Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Review: Attack of the Clones is a perfect sequel to Episode 1. It surpasses it in every way. The story is much darker as Anakin, due to a tradegy, discovers the dark side and Chancellor Palpatine begins his plot to take over the Republic. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan begins to experience problems with anakin and has a hard time controlling him which will lead to a bloody duel in the next film. Best Scene: Yoda vs. Dooku, Another Star Wars fans dream come true! Thank You Lucas."One day, It'll be the most powerful Jedi ever!" - Anakin Skywalker to Padme Amidala
Rating:  Summary: the best of the star wars movies Review: in this one,yoda fights.this is truly awesome.anakan is growing up.he goes to get his mom from slavery but shes been killed by these nasty little monsters.so he goes genocidal on them all.ben is tring to teach anakan but hes learning way faster than normal and is quite the showoff.the kids will like it.it is the last full length movie of the set.there is an animated short film after this part called clone wars.the last one is due out next summer.just anybody bwill like it.the chick is a young teen ans ends up being anakans girlfriend.i dont know what you heard but this is an all time great.the special effects are cool.this movie is a classic!
Rating:  Summary: Big Trouble In Little Greece: Attack Of The Kung Fu Robots Review: If I were a movie director and for some reason I decided to undertake the project of making the most grotesque parody and mockery ever made of the original Star Wars trilogy, I would do the following: First, I would open the movie where the main character of the movie -The Jedi- freefalls some 10,000 stories in a sprawling metropolis, all the while narrowly missing multitudes of careening hovercrafts which literally filled the sky, only to finally land safely inside one of them just in the nick of time, nanoseconds before he was about to slam into the ground. Secondly, I would include the most bland, personality-less, emotionally-uninspiring actors and actresses I could find. Also, I would incorporate pseudo-Greek cultural and archeological elements throughout the movie (which had no relevancy to the sci-fi theme of the movie) so as to confuse the viewer as to what planet...or planets the movie was taking place in...or what universe and epoch(s) for that matter. I'd include several pseudo-romantic scenes where there wasn't an iota of emotion or chemistry between the two love birds and whose forced, stimulated 'romantic scenes' seemed to serve no purpose, either. I would then attempt to completely destroy...annhilate the original Star Wars's sacred notion of the force -as being stimulated and channeled by spirituality and mind over matter- and any drama associated with it as well. MY notion would be that the measure of one's force can be determined by analyzing mitochondrial DNA samples to tally the number of antibodies present in the protoplasm. Next, I would blow away the concept of the original Star Wars's wimpy 2-jedi battle scenes with an epic magnitude-12 mega battle scene which consisted of 10,000 jedis and 100,000 jedi foes engaged in flipping-through the-air somersault kung fu moves that render the likes of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and all '70s special-effects-laden Chinese kung fu flics obsolete. You thought that Luke Skywalker jumping 10 feet out of a carbon freeze container was cool? Could Luke Skywalker stay airborne for 10 seconds all the while throwing barrages of backroundhouse kicks and punches? Screw that punchless Luke Skywalker single-blade lightsaber. Behold, I introduce the double-edged light saber which all jedis are equipped with. FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND OPERATIONAL. Only an elite and intelligent class of human being can be a jedi? Not anymore. Any living, crawling, oozing intelligence-devoid parasite, wingless bat or orc -of any gender-can be a jedi. Finally, I would end the movie with Kung Fu/Force-Master Yoda defeating the Master Evil Jedi with triple and quintuple cartwheel backroundhouse kicks and punches, while airborne, and lightning-fast Tae Kwan Do slaps and curled finger combinations that would put Jackie Chan to shame. The very last scene of the movie would end with the Evil Jedi Master becoming so angry, because of his defeat, that his head grew to the size of a large balloon, then exploded with the force of 20 grenades. Maybe I'd include that scene only in the UNCUT version. The result: The sci-fi sequel to "Big Trouble in Little China" -Big Trouble in Little Greece: Attack Of The Kung Fu Robots...or as some people may prefer to call it -Star Wars II: Attack Of The Clones.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie. Review: This movie is for anyone who likes the star wars series. It is a must-see movie/DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Ouch. Review: Episode I was entertaining enough, but you started to get the feeling that George Lucas was selling out. And after watching Episode II, all suspicions have been eradicated. If only Lucas didn't spend so much money selling out to special effects, then maybe he could have hired some decent actors. The only good actor in this movie is Ewan McGregor. Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen (or however the hell you spell this acting school dropout's name) couldn't act to save their lives, which is unfortunate since they happen to be the main characters. I give this movie credit for the lightsaber action scenes (Yoda, I'm looking at you), but even they are too few and far between. Again, maybe Lucas would have had some time to include more of what was good about the movie if he didn't waste the entire movie with scenes showing Anakin and Padme running around in a field playing grabass the whole time. In short, this movie would be good if they spent their resources in the right places (better acting and more action scenes that made the Star Wars franchise famous.) The new movies are very disappointing, to me anyway. I did actually like Episode I. Hopefully Episode III can restore the series to its former glory.
Three stars (and I'm being generous here).
Rating:  Summary: Not Bad, Better Than Episode I Review: Overall Grade, a 3.75.
I was one of the many Star Wars fans disapointed with Episode I and it's inconsistancies/poor acting/over-emphasis on special effects. I went in the theatre long ago, with significantly less expectations than I went in with Episode I, and I came out quite satisfied with Episode II.
First off, and I think most fans will agree, less Jar Jar made the movie significantly more bearable. I just wanted anyone to take a lightsabre to Jar Jar and end us of all our misery, I really hope Chewbacca eats him in Episode III. However, Hayden Christensen's acting and cheesy lines didn't help any. The whole Skywalker/Padme love thingy just made me sick and wished for the action scenes to quickly make their entrance... who ever thought Darth Vader was the submissive type?
It was nice to see Ewan McGregor again to return as Kenobi. He was probably the only cool thing in Episode I. He did fairly well in Episode II and hope he continues his faily good acting in Episode III when it comes out. Christopher Lee was an excellent choice for Darth Tryannus, although I still think his better acting was in Lord of the Rings.
I'd have to say the plot wasn't too bad, it made things clearer, however, we still know that Chancellor Palpatine is... uh... Emperor Palpatine. I thought the Boba Fett clone connection was somewhat cool since we all love Boba Fett. Other than that, the action sequences were more feasible and entertaining to watch, it's not very exciting to see a battle droid fall, so it was nice to see some human bad guys for a change.
And yes, I thought the Yoda lightsabre thing was cool... I laughed the whole time... who ever thought Yoda had it in him?
All in all, not bad at all. But Lucas better get his crap together since the original three are still 10x better than his newest editions to the SW saga.
Rating:  Summary: Geez.......George Lucas has lost his touch! Review: I was raised on the the Original Star wars trilogy and have watched them over and over! But the new star wars prequels are pure junk, when compared to the original three. The original 3 are easy to digest and seem to whisk you away to this fantasy world and the story just flows freely throughout the movies. The new and improved
cg crapfest movies are force fed(go on eat up, it's star wars of course you'll love it) and trudge along with jagged edges. The new movies also lack patience in its story develop, almost as if Lucas is trying to cram in to much crap. Mark my words, the new star wars trilogy will never become classics. However, the original trilogy is classic cinema. at least will always have those to enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Had a Few Flaws But i Like It Review: I must say that the whole Clone Battle was Awesome. When i saw that i was absolutely in heaven. I loved the CLone Troopers and i loved Kamino. that planet reminded me so much of CLoud City and i do not know why. The Big Flaw in the Movie is the Chase Scene. i thought the Chase Scene with the bounty hunter was going too far. i think some of it should had been edited out and kept for deleted Scenes. I loved all the planets, i loved the battles, and i loved Count Dooku. He truly was a great enemy and truly a wise apprentice of Sidious. He is more powerful than Maul and makes Maul look like Mary Poppins. I would say the Besides the Flaw of the Chase Scene, i did not like how Hayden protrayed Anakin Skywalker. I think he cried too much and he should had been protrayed more innocent as he was when he was a boy. I think he looked too young in this with that hair cut. I liked the fact that lucas shows the love between Padme and Anakin but i think he went overboard with the whole love aspect. I think some of the love scenes should had been written by a female writer. Nothing against Lucas, but i think women write better passionate scenes then men do. Im sorry but thats what i think. Besides those three flaws, i think the film was well receieved but i still like Episode 1 much more. I am glad that Jar Jar started the war, he deserved to be ridiculed...just kiddening.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad, considering Review: the stilted dialogue. But then, Lucas says that some of it is indeed corny and over-the-top. Let's all remember that GL made these movies with the old-time serials in mind. What is good about this movie is the development of the characters. You see both the good and bad in Anakin; you see Obi-Wan mature. These prequels weren't meant to be like the original trilogy; they are meant to lead up to episodes IV-VI and as such do a good job.
Rating:  Summary: the greatest saga of all time Review: The movie is really great! It combines Ep.I with the (I hope so ;-)) stunning "Revenge of the Sith".
The problem most viewers have is, that they don`t see AotC as part of a bigger movie, but only for it alone...
Btw: @ B.J. Simpson: Of course, COUNT Dooku cannot name himself "Darth" Dooku - every Jedi would have known, what he actually is. But in fact he has a Sith name:
Darth Tyrannus. But that`s one of the many things people didn`d recognise, due to to much criticsm...
STAR WARS is the best and greatest movie saga ever!
Forget Lord of the rings!
the CGI Yoda is very much better done than the CGI Gollum!