Rating:  Summary: This will kill Lucass critics! Itll blow them away! Review: I can't wait to see the faces of the critics of The Phantom Menace and George Lucas when Episode II comes out and powerbombs them all. Then everyone who said Lucas wasnt a genius will be proved wrong. This film fits in perfectly with the Star Wars saga like TPM.The Phantom Meanace was the best film of the twentieth century! Attack Of The Clones will be the best film of the twentyfirst century, (until Episode III and VII, VIII, VIIII that is)! AOTC is much darker than TPM with many more lightsaber battles and Anakin moving towards the darkside of theforce. George Lucas again shows his genius by making the sweert and good child all true Star Wars fans loved in Episode I turn into Darth Vader. Lucas's great direction shows how Christensen turns into this tragical monster in Episode II. Christensen may give the best performance of his career here. Likewise Portman and McGregor, who look even better than in TPM (a hard feat to pull off but Lucas manages it! Well done!) and Samual L Jackson was born to play Mace Windu. Here Lucas directs Samual in his best role yet, with more fighting. People should have more faith in George Lucas, especially his fans who should know better anyway than to listen to critics, after all he is the creator of Star Wars and as fans we should appreciate and like what he creates for us. A true fan will be pleased with anything Lucas is pleased with, and Lucas is a perfectionist. Just look at TPM, it pushed the limits of technology to get the effect Lucas wanted, and I know that AOTC is no different. The specatcle will be even greater! The trailer to AOTC is also excellent, its worth going to the cinema just to see that! You'll see highlights from the awesome film. George Lucas has created another masterpiece here which of course people who don't get star wasrs will want to slam. But this time they wont be able to. Nobody's going to want to listent o squealing critics when they vcan go and see this awesome film with great performances, a killer cast, an epic and great story and is the best cinemantic experience since film was invented. Look forward to another perfect movie from the master himself! I can't wait for Episode III, which will be the best film of 2003 and will have the same great, classic performances, script, plot, effects and action that we've all come to expect and love from George Lucas!! It's going to be the best film you can imagine and a perfect addition to the Star Wars saga. CLASSIC STAR WARS! MATFBWY! (May the force be with you!) And all the fans saying AOTC has an "funny title" or will be "better" than TPM had better listen up, since they seem to think that TPM was imperfect in some way and that Lucas was just working out problems so AOTC could be the greatest film. You're going to be eating huble pie when you see the whole series through and Lucas vision is fully realised. Then we'll see who the "golden, egg-laying pig-sucker" is! May the force be with you!
Rating:  Summary: Be Careful of the Hype Review: Before I purge ahead I have to state that I have always been a hardcore Star Wars fan (old school style). I was lucky enough to have seen Star Wars "A New Hope" opening day in May 1977 in the movie theaters before it was "The New Hope". And since then it's opened up the way I've looked at movies, art and storytelling. Since then I've followed the Star Wars saga. Then " The Phantom Menace" came out last year to a lot of HYPE!! The giddiness and fervor brought everyone's expectations beyond reasonable acceptance of TPM. And unfortunately TPM was even worst than reasonable expectations of a good movie. As part of the "old school" Star Wars legion I was annoyed. Lucas' shallow attempt at gimmickry with Jar-Jar Binks, the stinted and staccato dialogue, and inundation of "background" storylines over a smooth linnear plotline threw what respect I had for the TPM in the trash bin with my discarded popcorn box. I'm still a great Star Wars fan. But George Lucas has got to get back to roots; to what made "American Graffiti" and "Star Wars" great movies to watch. There was texture, great dialogue, and a sense of that "documentary" reality that was evident in both movies just mentioned. He's got to get back to storylines and character empathy over slick marketing computer graphics easily transferred to toys and marketing items. He's got to care about telling a story rather than selling a story. So beware the HYPE. I'm going to watch ATC. And I will suspend my cynicism to enjoy the movie. But please, beware the dark side of the hype...
Rating:  Summary: This is so much better Review: (...)It is so cool! Star Wars 2 is funny sad and romantic.
Rating:  Summary: Looks Awesome! Review: I am so excited about the upcoming movie 'Star Wars- Episode II, Attack of the Clones'. The trailers are brilliant! The movie seems like a very mature movie compared to 'The Phantom Menace' and defintely a lot darker, I love it already! 'The Phantom Menace' was fantastic, it brought us deeper into the Star Wars world and helped us to feel more involved and knowledgable about the series. The only problem is, there's only one more left after this (I hope I'm wrong!). Star Wars is just such an amazing thing, it means so much to so many people around the world. The name is a little strange, but that doesn't mean that the movie won't be good! Have a little faith in George Lucas people! By the way, I am so glad that he chose to direct this series instead of letting someone else take over after the first movie, which is what he did with the original Star Wars series. Hayden Christensen is a major attraction to the movie. He is the sexy young actor who is set to play Anakin Skywalker!!! I just cannot wait to see him in this movie. He is a very gifted actor and brings a lot of emotion and intensity to the screen. It was very smart of George Lucas to chose him (a practically unknown actor) over the other stars trying for the role (Leo DiCaprio, etc). You guys will not be disappointed with him!!!!
Rating:  Summary: aaa Review: I have been an avid Star Wars fan all my life. I remember having an unquechable desire to know if Vadar was really Lukes father or was it just a ploy to seduce him to the dark side of the force. The battle on Hoth even now in my opinion was one of the best orchastrated and climatic battles filmed. You relly didn't know for certain whether or not they would escape, especially after one of the leading characters almost died in the very beginning. That left an impression on me that anything could happen. I remember being on the edge of my seat the whole time the Falcon was running from the empire. In return of the Jedi it was cool to see Mark Hammle in his finest role yet "a Jedi" not yet of course he still had one obstical to face. The passion in that movie was indeed beyond any lucritive word I could come up with, and the duel between Darth and Skywalker brought me to the brink of awe. For that matter their first exchange on Cloud City was in my estimation incredible, the drama, the excitement of that fight, the acting(almost as real as it gets)DOPE!!! Star Wars seduced you. Empire gripped you. Jedi simply said " you and your father are now...Mine! So were hooked there is no escape. Phantom Menace (...) helps you understand the beginning of it all and fits into a mold to bring the other movies together...Hopefully. I believe we are in for a real treat fellas after all we don't really have a choice
Rating:  Summary: Attack of Star Wars Review: Not too long ago, in a VERY nearby galaxy, we were treated to Star Wars:Episode I--The Phantom Menace, the first chapter of the Star Wars saga. Compared to the original trilogy of Episodes IV-VI, Episode I was a much lighter story--very contrasting to the others in the saga, displaying the galaxy at its high point before its downfall. But you can catch glimpses of the darkness to come in that film. But now we have Star Wars: Episode II--Attack of the Clones, which promises to be a much darker and complex story--rivaling any movie in the Star Wars saga so far. The story picks up 10 years after The Phantom Menace, and follows Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker as they protect Senator Padme Amidala from several assassination attempts which may be conncected to a separatist movement against the Republic. Meanwhile, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine asserts more control over the Senate, Yoda and the Jedi Council can sense the coming darkness, and the evil Sith Lord Count Dooku (a.k.a. Darth Tyranus) plots to launch a deadly attack against the Republic. After one of the assassination attempts, Anakin is dispatched to Naboo to protect Amidala, where they begin to fall in love, while Obi-Wan travels to the planet Kamino to follow a strange clue. Eventually, all three characters come together in the end for a huge battle between the Republic and the separatists. The special effects will no doubt be wonderful, even better than before. John Williams's new music score will probably be just as exciting and moving as his other Star Wars music. The performances by Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan), Natalie Portman (Padme Amidala), Hayden Christensen (Anakin), Ian McDiarmid (Palpatine), and screen horror legend Christopher Lee (Count Dooku) are said to be excellent. From everything about this movie that is splattered all over the Internet, Star Wars fans should realize that Episode II is going to be a great chapter in the Star Wars saga. It has a story of forbidden love between Anakin and Amidala, the beginnings of the Republic downfall, and the first hints of Anakin's eventual fall to the Dark Side. The action scenes will be amazing: Anakin and Obi-Wan chasing an assassin through the buzzing air-traffic of Coruscant; Obi-Wan battling the evil, armored-masked bounty hunter Jango Fett in the pouring rain on Kamino; a space chase through the asteroids; and the climactic final battle in which an army of Jedi battle the evil battle droids in a huge arena, with the aid of a massive army of Republic Clonetroopers--including a battle between Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson) and Jango Fett. And finally there will be the climactic face-off: Obi-Wan and Anakin fighting the evil Darth Tyranus in a spectacular lightsaber duel. Even Yoda gets in on the action! For a Star Wars fan, Episode II is a dream come true. While I loved Episode I for what it was--the lightest story in the Star Wars saga that was needed to contrast the darkness to follow--I will no doubt be thrilled by the darker, romantic, and more action-oriented Episode II. And even though I was never really bothered by Jar Jar Binks, he will have lesser scenes in this film--although his character is somewhat more important in playing a part in the fall of the Republic. We have romance, action, complex story, and fantastic special effects. Star Wars:Episode II--Attack of the Clones will not only be a great Star Wars chapter, but it will be a fantastic film, period. May 2002 could not come any slower. Look for it in a galaxy near you!!
Rating:  Summary: The Force be With You! Review: Star Wars is one of the greatest sagas ever to be made. The age old tale of Good vs Evil is retold with such care for detail as has never been seen. The original Star Wars had everything: drama, action, betrayal, romance, fight scenes, suspense, and surprise. The movies were sucesses despite their newness. ESB was loved, even though it is recognizably the darker film. So what is different? Why did people dislike The Phantom Menace so much? Perhaps because there were so many expectations for this new film. Frankly, any film with all the hype that TPM recieved would likely be called a disapointment. Look at the new Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. Those surely will dissapoint many hardcore fans, whether or not the movies are good. So why are people judging Attack of the Clones so harshly? It's not even released yet. I admit, the title is somewhat lacking in drama, but it could hardly be called anything else. The plot promises to be darker, giving us the why for Anakin's turning, as well as his romance with Padme Amidala. I rate this movie 5 stars because I cannot expect anythng less from s Star Wars movie. Any true Star Wars fan would love anything Star Wars, despite what the critics say. So stay true to the Force, to Star Wars, and to the beleoved saga. May the Force be with you!
Rating:  Summary: So far, so good. Review: Obviously, I cannot truly rate how many stars I give this movie since it hasn't come out yet. However, I've read many spoilers all over the internet that come from very reliable sources, and so far they've proven to be very interesting and exciting. I'm not going to reveal anything I've heard here... Bascially, I think that Episode II will have much more of what a lot of fans were expecting from The Phantom Menace. Those expectations were wrong in my opinion, given that TPM was the beginning chapter of the overall story. And we all know that as the story progresses it gets darker and darker, eventually leading to the darkest chapter of them all - Episode III. So it only proves as logical that TPM would be made as light in tone as possible to create good contrast with the next two episodes, therefore putting the entire six chapter saga into a watchable series altogther. If all of the movies were dark, that wouldn't be good. Episode I was meant to show us when it was "before the dark times, before the Empire." There was once a more peaceful and light time in the Star Wars universe, and here it is right in front of us(although, if you caught it, at the end of the movie was the beginning of the end of the Old Repubilc; the bad guy wins and no one knows it). So to expect a dark movie out of the first chapter of the Star Wars saga is like expecting chocolate inside a nice piece of T-Bone steak. Odds are it ain't gonna happen. And also to expect it to feel like Episodes IV-VI is the same way. The characters are going to be different, the locations are going to be different, heck most everything will be different! We have to get used to the fact that Star Wars isn't just the same old characters and stories from the old trilogy anymore. It goes way beyond that, and we should be excited about that instead of wallowing about how WE want the SW universe to be. Anthony Daniels has said that AOTC was his favorite SW movie that he's been in. It has been compared to The Empire Strikes Back, which is hailed by many to be the best SW film in the entire saga so far. Lucas hired a co-writer to help polish the script. Hayden Christensen has been raved about as being perfect to portray Anakin/Vader. We know that the plot has to go deeper and get closer to what we're familiar with in the Star Wars universe. And finally, we'll get to see what Ben Kenobi was talking about when he mentioned the Clone Wars in A New Hope! Like I said, all of the spoilers I've read make AOTC out to be a really good film in the SW saga, and I can't wait to see it. I rate everything I know about Episode II so far five stars.
Rating:  Summary: READ THE SPY STORYLINE Review: This movie will rock, definetely. I'm only worrying about two things: The acting (Natalie Portman so far is a bit wooden..the plot of this next one should be a bit more flexible for her to actually act this time), and Hayden Christiansen, whom of which we haven't seen anything yet, acting wise. I won't say much about this next movie; ... What I will say is that at least one new location in AOTC is gonna be one that incorporates the final environental element into the mix; rain..and plenty of it. We'll see the origin of many staple SW components & people, and actually, yeah, we'll go to some specific locations from ANH! I have faith that Lucas will deliver a better film than TPM because he knows how that one was recieved...and besides bieng a storyteller, he speaks fluent in the dollar language...so...what we want, we'll see. The main lame thing that Lucas is responsible for is making only six films. These prequels should've been more stretched out in terms of plot and character developments. He's rushing, far too quickly. There's one last thing about AOTC that I don't understand...and it has to do with something blue that should have changed colors due to Lucas's own iconography, but seems like it won't. I always liked Lucas' icon use and fluid use of repition, but he seems not to wanna do that here for some reason. It's somewhat annoying.
Rating:  Summary: What's in a name. Review: Attack of the Clones is no different from that of Return of the Jedi, or the Empire Strikes Back. And although I admit to being a huge Star Wars fan and a fan of George Lucas I think that raving about a title of a movie you haven't even seen is cause for those people to relax. Although Star Wars is thought provoking it is also mainly made for entertainment. I can't wait until the movie comes out and I hope people will enjoy it.tings, plots, etc. that are present throughout the entire trilogy. It is the perfect introductory movie to the Star Wars Saga. Plus, Jar Jar Binks and other comic relief are there to make this movie fun and enjoyable, since the next movies are going to be probably the darkest in the whole series. Star Wars Episode II is probably coming out on May 22, 2002. All the movies came out one Wednesdays in that week, so this is the probably date. Good luck on getting tickets, and hope all the die-hard Star Wars fans can wait till the trailers and the movie arrives. Were almost there.... MTFBWY (May The Force Be With You)