Rating:  Summary: AWESOME!!!! Review: As one of the first to see this movie (at a midnight showing here in NYC) I have to say it was incredible. I'm not one to spoil a movie but the final half hour is absolutely amazing. Nothing I've seen in a Star Wars film (Episodes IV, V and VI included) can compare to seeing Yoda in a light saber duel. That will hands down be the high point of the ENTIRE series for me. Plenty of people will nitpick at this film but it's ten times better than Episode I. The characters are more developed and Ewan McGregor now owns the role of Obi-Wan. No offense directed at Sir Alec. Check this one out. It won't disappoint...
Rating:  Summary: episode 2 was number 2 Review: If you couldn't wait to see episode 2, you will unfortunately be disapointed. George Lucas has unfortunately disapointed us with the second installment of the star wars saga. Granted the CGI in episode 2 is great, Arnold Schwartzeneger's acting could have made its way out of this paper bag better. The best acting and emotion in this movie, came from the CGI Yoda! If you are going to spend [money] on a movie, go and see Spiderman, episode 2 can wait for video.
Rating:  Summary: Gandalf Review: Not too much to say except "Thank you Mr. Lucas". After a somewhat disappointing Episode I, George pulled out all the stops in this the best of all five Star Wars episodes so far. Absolutely amazing backgrounds and stunning visual effects with a story that was a joy to follow. Yoda finally shows his stuff and steals thr show!!! If episode 3 comes even close to this episode we are all in for a treat.
Rating:  Summary: Attack of the Drones Review: I worship episodes 4-6. I really do. And I was hoping this one would be better than episode 1...it wasn't. Granted, Anakin is getting a bit more to the dark side but did he really have to be protrade like a snotty horney teenager? I never really felt like his love for Amidala was truthful but more of a 'Let's see if my...pick up lines work'. The acting for all the characters were luke warm, not as intense as I thought they should have been. The plot was good but it was too thin and dragged on and on and on and on and if the battle scenes could have been cut down to 10 min. or less each, than more room for the plot could have taken place.Now as for the fight scene with Yoda... Could Yoda, a wise Jedi master who has to use a cane to walk for goodness sakes, really get up and do some wild Jacki Chan moves, flipping thru the air, bouncing off walls while brandishing a Light Saber? This too me was so absurd that I laughed the entire time it was going on. I did LOVE the fact that Jango and Boba Fett had decent sized rolls FINALLY! It was nice to see some character development for them. This wasn't as bad as the last one but not by much. As for the GGI...if i wanted to watch a computer game for two hours, I would have stayed home and played my playstation... All in all it was a good try but in my eyes fizzled faster than Jar Jar Binks in a vat of acid.
Rating:  Summary: Very strong the Force with this one is! Review: Make no mistake; Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones is phenomenal. Like Episode I, it takes a little while to get started, but then things really take off. Believe me, this movie raises the bar for special effects in a way that I had not thought possible. It feels far ahead of its time. And the story is great; don't believe the stuck-up highbrow reviewers. George Lucas has really found the magic again. Like many people, I feared for the outcome of this movie. I truly doubted if a fully animated Yoda would work at all, if Hayden Christensen was worth anything and if the reputed love story would be too much. But my doubts were literally blown away. Speaking of which, there is an awful lot of blowing away going on. But it never gets repetitive, first of all due to the sheer beauty of every single little detail of it, secondly due to its ingenuity and thirdly due to the occasional comic relief provided by new and old friends alike. The battles are truly epic here, both the large-scale ones and the one-on-one duels. Everything is executed with an immense sense of visual style that never wavers from the true Star Wars, but expands upon it. Almost every second of the movie you are treated to scenery of truly unbelievable beauty. Even if you care nothing for Star Wars, you ought to see it. I will not hesitate a single second in calling this a masterpiece of modern art. Albeit a very explosive and commercial one at that. Yes, I'm aware that I'm being laudatory and panegyrical now. But I can't help it. This is praise coming directly from the heart. The actors do a good job, although this movie will probably not win any Academy Awards for acting. This is not meant in a negative way, though. Hayden Christensen deserves credit for his portrayal of the young and passionate, yet rather troubled Anakin Skywalker. Sam Jackson delivers a convincing Master Windu, and Natalie Portman makes an excellent return as Amidala. Our old friends Frank Oz and Ian McDiarmid are as brilliant as ever in the roles of Yoda (or rather, his voice) and Senator Palpatine. And the list goes on and on. Even Jar Jar Binks is well played by Ahmed Best. But my personal favorite is Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi. His performance is truly stellar (no pun intended), ranging from serious, through sly to humorous. He alone carries much of the movie. And lastly, the music is just spot on. Well-known themes follow every single shift of mood with uncanny precision, mingling effortlessly with new material. This might just be John Williams' best piece to date. Not convinced yet? Well, here's the bottom line: go see it! Now! And may the Force be with you ;)
Rating:  Summary: Attack of the Clones-All Flash no Body Review: Just saw Star Wars Attack of the Clones and I am terribly sadly disappointed. Yes it was visually stunning but then it wasn't really anything sci-fi fans haven't seen before. No new ground just lots more of it. What really got me was how boring the dialog and the love story were. Everytime Padmae and Anikin were on screen talking about falling in love or talking about not falling in love time just stood still and went on forever. These people were not acting they were reading and reading badly. Yes all you geeked out Star Wars fans will love the movie and see it twice Im sure but anyone with a lil detachment to the whole Star Wars thing will be gravely disappointed. Sorry George better luck next time.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Another box office hit by Lucas! Review: The only word I can think of to describe this movie is WOW!! The special effects were outstanding and the acting was incredible. Hayden Christensen did an amazing job as the older Anakin Skywalker. He blew me away.
Rating:  Summary: Reminiscent of the Original Trilogy Review: Okay, I just finished watching Episode II, and I have to tell you that it is no disappointment! It still isn't up to par with the original trilogy, but it is definitely ALOT better than Episode I. They did keep Jar Jar Binks, but wrote him off into a smaller role where he's not in direct contact with the main plot (yay!). I really don't want to give too much away as to ruin the experience of watching the movie yourself. I really went into watching it with not too high expectations (after Episode I). The best thing about Episode II is that it really captures the feel of the original trilogy. There are some parts of the movie that are real reminiscent of the original trilogy, which is what I really liked, yet there are some scenes are too reminiscent of Episode I (yuck!). The best part of this movie is that it really connects with the original trilogy. It explains a lot about some of characters we saw in the original trilogy but never knew more about. And, oh yes, I know you're all waiting for this, Natalie Portman is still hot! There is definitely one scene that you'll definitely love, trust me! Samuel L. Jackson did an excellent job in this movie, his signature glaring eye, he's one BMF! (I heard he had BMF carved in his lightsaber, in reference to Pulp Fiction, as to what he had written on his wallet, "Bad Mother-..."). Jango Fett fans, I guess he's alright, I didn't really hear much about him before I watched the movie. But it does explain alot as to Boba Fett. But the biggest suprise is Yoda... Yoda! I absolutely love Yoda after this movie! He, oh man, I don't wanna give it away, but I never really cared too much for Yoda until now! I have the greatest of respect for Yoda after seeing him in this movie! Well, that's about all I can without giving too much away. Well that's about it, I'm out!
Rating:  Summary: admit it...you listen to disco Review: Remember the disco version of the Star Wars theme? Remember how ultra-cool it was that R2-D2's plaintive "beep-boop" was the only intelligible lyric? Well, I've figured something out. The Phantom Menace was the disco version of Star Wars. As disco was not really music but music-like, so was The Phantom Menace not really Star Wars but Star Wars-like. And like the disco version of the theme, R2-D2 had all of the best lines in the movie, too. That being said, I saw The Phantom Menace in the theater more times than I care to admit. And I do have a copy that I watch every d...ahem...from time to time. And just like those people who thought they were above listening to disco and then hid in their z-bricked, orange and green shag-carpeted basements as "Dancing Queen" and "Fernando" scratched on their hi-fi's, I will plotz into the theater to see Attack of the Clones more times than any 27 year old should. And I'll get what I want everytime I pay the price of admission, and that is to feel like I'm five years old again. (Beep-Boop!)
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Is Back - Big Time! Review: I don't want to spoil a thing and I don't want to say much more than the simple fact that I have a new favorite episode in the series. My prior favorite, "Empire," is far surpassed by "Attack Of The Clones." "Attack Of The Clones" makes up for the disappointment of "Phatom Menace" and thensome. This movie not only proves that the three year wait was worth it, but that film is dead, because the digital cameras they used to make "Clones" appear to be in no way inferior to traditional 35mm. Also, Lucas may be demanding in having this film shown only in Theaters with THX or the equivalent, but it's worth it. This is the best sounding movie I have ever heard at the theater. Whereas it seems like theaters never turn on all the speakers or leave all the good parts out, "Attack Of The Clones" takes advantage of every speaker, making you feel every chase scene and every lightsaber duel. It is simply awesome. The only thing to rival how good it sounds is how good it looks. Personally, I welcome the digital age and this film proves that I am not wrong in feeling so. My personal feelings on "Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones": Yoda and Mace Windu steal the show, "Titanic" has finally met its superior, and it's going to be a hard three years to wait for "Episode III."