Rating:  Summary: At last - a REAL review Review: ... Ive really seen it now though :) and its AVERAGE. Its a long film, and in order to fit into the future we already know about, it does have a lot of ground to cover. It does this very well indeed - the introduction of Boba Fett, an insight of the power of the Jedis and yoda in particular, the emotional turmoil and unstable mind of Anakin Skywalker. The plot to fit into the Star Wars timeline basically works well, but the film itself is a bit of a letdown. The dialogue is often stilted, the acting wooden and some scenes are very cheesey indeed. The acting though isnt THAT bad - i often felt that it was good actors struggling with bad lines rather than bad actors ruining what they had. Ewan McGregor does well, he seems to be turning into Alec Guiness and his manner is perfect for a jedi, with his often rude and arrogant apprentice providing a nice intro into tensions to come. The action is certainly spectacular, but relationships between characters are fairly weak, unlike the original trilogy. No one is as annoying in this as Jar Jar and Anakin were in Episode I, but the film just seems to be trying too hard to get to a particular point in a pre arranged history and feels less than natural. Overall, a slight improvement over Episode One and a film I will certainly see again, but ultimately not as good as it could have been. My vote is for a different director for the next one - look at Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi - different directors meant Mark Hamil and a muppet had believable and genuinly moving scenes on a gloomy swamp set. Bring it back George, special effects are a compliment to the actors not a replacement.
Rating:  Summary: Better than Phantom Menace Review: Don't want to give much away, but I dug the film. Much better than Phantom Menace. Reminded me a lot of Empire; dark and a good set-up for the climax. Good action (Yoda representing), and as expected, great effects. The difference I find between this, and the original trilogy is the lack of 'evil.' In Episode IV, Darth Vader rolls in right off the bat, but with the new trilogy, there isn't a set 'evil' precense. Maybe it's the nature of the new films (setup for IV, V, and VI). Maybe if Darth Maul wasn't killed off. Still, good show. Nice to go to the theater, and escape for 2-plus hours. Also, my 2 1/2 year old gives it a thumbs up.
Rating:  Summary: Begun, the Clone War has... Review: ...and now we have to wait for another three years to see its conclusion. WOW. Episode II is definitely MUCH better than Episode I. I would even say it's better that Return of the Jedi. If Lucas keeps up the good work then Episode III will be on a par with A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back.You can see the plot elsewhere so I'll just try to summarize what was good about it and what was bad about it. Good: 1. The characters. Almost every one of them (with the notable exception of Amidala - I'll get to that below) delivers a superb performance. I was especially pleasantly surprised by Hayden (Anakin). He fits the role perfectly: the impetuos young Jedi padawan, reckless, impulsive, ambitious, overly confident of himself, lacking patience, determined to be the greatest Jedi ever. But we see as well his occasional bursts of fury, his inner torments and demons, which predict his eventual fall to the Dark Side. We see as well all temptations and trials he is subjected to - his forbidden attraction to Amidala, his love for his mother and how what happens to her affects him - and we can understand how his fall to the Dark Side begins. All the others are good as well: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Mace Windu, Count Dooku. 2. The plot. There are actually two epic lines: Obi-Wan discovering the hidden clone army and dealing with the conspiration and Padme vs. Anakin. The first one is VERY good. The enemy (Sidious) is almost unseen, he doesn't have more than a couple of lines in the entire movie, yet you can feel his presence everywhere, see the shadow of his actions begging to take shape. His is a masterful plan to take over the Republic which nobody sees; he fools all with intelligence. This is the kind of bad guy I love. Also great are all the scenes on the planet where Obi-Wan discoveres the clones and his confrontations with Jango Fett. Suspense, adrenaline and an eerie feeling of outworldliness. 3. The special effects - settings. Each planet has its own distinctive individuality and is created in such detail you cannot believe it is not real. Coruscant: high towers, lights, traffic, agitation. Naboo: beautiful landscapes, waterfalls, pastorality. Clone planet: water, white, rain. Conspiration planet: red, volcanoes, machinery, inhabitans which resemble giant flies. Absolutely stunning. 4. All the small tidbits which are SW trademark, which give us old-timers a feeling of home coming: movie opens with a ship in space, somebody has a bad feeling, Artoo saves the day, Threepio gets into trouble, Obi-Wan jests to Anakin "I've got a feeling you're going to be the end of me" - how true... 5. Lightsaber duels. They are PERFECT. They are shot continuously (not like in TPM where they were always interrupted by other epic threads) and are suspenseful. They even manage to make Yoda duel without him becoming hilarious - he's great, in fact. Now for the bad parts: 1. Except for the race between Obi-Wan and Jango Fett in the asteroid field, there isn't any space battle at all. All battles take place on the ground. 2. The love-story between Anakin and Padme is clumsily done, rushed and forced. I kept comparing it to Han/Leia and it doesn't stand a chance. Also, Padme was the greatest disappointment in the movie. She is downgraded from the stately royal presence and aloofness to a good-looking young woman who does nothing but get herself into trouble. There were some plot holes here as well: she keeps telling Anakin how they shouldn't be together but keeps provoking him by wearing the most revealing outfits. She is supposed to be travelling undercover in order to avoid her enemies but keeps wearing the most shining costumes. Oh, but you can skip over the bad parts and enjoy the movie. It is really something. P.S. In case you were wondering: Jar Jar has less than 5 minutes screen time.
Rating:  Summary: Good special affects, yet choppy and needing dialog help Review: I am a Star Wars fan, I did feel this movie was better than Episode I. This movie did have awesome special affects and did have very cool scenes. However, at times the movie was choppy, switching between story lines an extreme amount. This is due to the fact that there was a whole lot of story shoved into a small amount of movie time (unlike Episode I). There were times where I felt dialog could have been improved (If I hear Obi-Wan telling Anakin to be "Mindful of his thoughts" one more time...eek...there are scenes where Anakin's words blatantly describe what he's thinking, but Obi-Wan throws out his thoughts warning anyways.) The only other problem I had was that I never got a feeling that Padme was falling in love with Anakin (though I did get a feeling that she feared him, but maybe I watched the movie wrong). When she finally announces her love, it was totally out of the blue. Overall, if you're a Star Wars fan, just see the movie. No review is going to sway you away. My opinion, it's better than than Episode I, could use some improvements, but the special effects rock and the story ok too.
Rating:  Summary: 0 for 2. i hope Lucas can hit for .300 with the next movie. Review: I recently saw Episode II. I was one of the many lemmings that decided that it was a good idea to go see this much anticapted movie. Let me tell you that I was very disapointed in Episode I I was one of the many who was let down big time on that film. But that was okay, not every director can live up to there expectations. I decided to forget about that movie which most people would like to (please everyone get off of cloud nine, even Lucas said that Episode I wasn't very well written, even though he had what 20 years...anyway). And go into this movie with some of the highest expectations. My mistake. THe movie was agian a bore. But it was well written. But still a bore. Maybe i lay the blame to the acting but Portman, Jackson, and McGregor did a great job so who does that leave. Oh let me see the guy who played ANIKIN. The only reason this movie got 3 stars was because of the Yoda Fight seen. Simply amazing. It was well worth the wait to see Yoda go at it with a light saber. But the movie was still a bore.
Rating:  Summary: The best Star Wars film since The Empire Strikes Back Review: Star Wars: Episode II-Attack of the Clones Review by Thomas Medford Grade: A- SUMMARY: George Lucas tells a beautifully crafted story rich with fine acting, witty dialogue, and amazing special effects. WARNING: MINOR SPOILERS Despite what critics have said, "Star Wars: Episode II-Attack of the Clones" is a wonderful, fun filled adventure in a galaxy far, far away. There are a few problems with the script, the pacing, and the acting is a little stiff in places, but George Lucas has, for the most part, succeeded with creating a visually compelling, dramatically focused, and very emotional film. Much like "The Empire Strikes Back", Lucas has dwelled into darker territory with "Clones", as we begin to see Anakin Skywalker's inevitable descent to the Dark Side. We also get to see the beginning of the end for the Galactic Republic, and its transformation into the Empire. First of all, the movie is way too short. Sure, it has the longest running time of all of the SW films, but, even at 142 minutes, it isn't nearly enough to completely tell the story to its full capacity. The film moves as a ferocious pace, and not enough time was given to a lot of scenes. The love story, for example, feels extremely rushed. Likewise with the scenes on Tatooine. Not enough screen time was given to Owen Lars, and Beru Whitesun. Owen has maybe 2 lines of dialogue, while Beru had none. I felt that the scenes with them had the potential to be something great, but they did little more than stand around, and their exsistence was rather pointless. This was a big disappointment for me. Another thing that let me down was the fact that Jar Jar's role was little more than a cameo. I enjoyed him in EPISODE I, and I was hoping he would have a bigger part in this movie, but he didn't. As subtle as it is, though, his actions that set the rise of the Empire in motion are priceless. People might laugh at the fact that he was partly responsible for the fall of the Republic, but, it really made me feel sorry for him. He was doing what he thought was in the best interest of the galaxy, and it makes his character a tragic one. As small as they are, those are the only complaints I had about the movie. Everything else was great. I found the acting to be very enjoyable. Ewan MgGregor does a fine job as Obi Wan Kenobi, and he offers some pretty good laughs during the movie. My favorite line: "...You're going to be the death of me." Hayden Christensen is terrific as Anakin Skywalker. He brings a lot of intensity and emotion to the role, and, at times, you can't help but feel sorry for him. Natalie Portman also does a good job as Senator Amidala. Some of her lines fall flat, but, for the most part, she's pulls the role off nicely. Her and Hayden had pretty good chemisty, and you really felt as those these 2 were in love. The rest of the cast is excellent, expecially Ian McDirmid, Samuel L. Jackson, and, of course, Christopher Lee. What can I say about the special effects? Incredible, awe-inspiring, jaw-dropping. Those are just a few select words that only begin to describe the visuals in "Attack of the Clones". Everything, from the mesmerizing metropolis of Courascant, to the breathtaking final battle on Geonosis, is a wonder. The action scenes are spectacular, especially the high octane chase through Courascant. The sound effects are just as awesome. My favorite would have to the sonic chargers in the asteroid field. You'll have to hear it to believe it. The score, by John Williams, is great, as always. Like the movie itself, the music is dark, with some haunting themes, and adrenaline pumping action pieces. The love theme is remarkably beautiful, and is arguably the best theme from all of the SW movies. The use of The Imperial March in "Clones" is excellent. The scene after the Tuskin slaughter where Anakin breaks down is one of the most dramatic scenes in the entire movie, and when The Imperial March begins to play, I felt chills all over. Even with all of these great aspects, the one that truly hits home is the range of storytelling. This is where George really nails it. The way everything starts to fall in place is abolutely masterful, as Anakin slowly begins his transformation into the evil Darth Vader, the beginning of the Clone Wars, the fall of the Republic, and the rise of the Empire. The final sequence of the movie will no doubt send chills down your spine, as it gives you the feeling of the impending doom that's about to be unleashed upon the galaxy. Even with its faults, "Attack of the Clones" proves that George Lucas still has it in him to create an epic story that not only offers a huge treat for the ears and eyes, but a film rich with exhilarating emotions, raw intensity, and beautifully crafted drama.
Rating:  Summary: I vital part of the star wars puzzle has arrived! Review: This Star Wars movie hits like a big bang, if you stand outside the theater the ture fans of the series are now saying "This is incredible, musch better than than Episode I!", while the critics are scoring it average quoting all the common Lucus mistakes (poorly written dialog, overuse of special effects, overkill in foreshadowing key plot elements), the critics need not waste their time publishing their opnions since this movie wasn't written to apease them anyway. So if you're going to see Episode II: Attack of the Clones to judge it on its own then please, do yourself a favor and don't bother. Now if you're a fan, you'll be in absolute bliss from the moment the Star Wars logo appears to the moment you see "Directed By George Lucus" appear two and a half hours later. For a fan of the series, it really is that good. I had set my expectations to a reasonable level (after being let down with Episode I) and when compared with Episode I, Episode II blew me away, here's why: - Feels more like a Star Wars movie (darker tone, more action) - This movie is very close to completing the prequel trilogy, unlike Episode I, the events in this movie are all very closely related to the next one, lots of loose ends left hanging - Lucus paid a lot of attention to continuitiy detail (Anakin's lightsaber fighting matches Vaders style to a T) - A key supporting characters are killed off - Anakins character development is done perfectly - Pasing is much better than most of the Star Wars films (very few dull moments in this one) Most importantly, the reason Episode II is so great is because when you plug it into it's place in the Star Wars puzzle it makes all the other puzzle parts shine that much brighter... On its own Episode I was so far detached from the other films it couldn't do this..
Rating:  Summary: Great Fun Review: I really liked the movie. It was much better than TPM and rival to the previous saga in many ways. Much of those who disliked the movie appeared not to have fully understood the storyline. It is true that this movie has the most complex story so far in Star Wars (and like part V the story ends without a clear solution to the crisis started). My girlfriend went with me and she had some questions at the end of the movie, but she liked it as well. The battle in the last 30-40 minutes is the core of the movie and it's really impressive. It is MUCH less cartoonish than the one in TPM (that one was cool but not really seemed to belong in Star Wars). The romance has some scenes that don't work all that well but my girlfriend liked it and I'm sure she was the target audience for those scenes. I liked the way Anakin was shown, you at times don't really like him; but that was the point. It is amazing how not knowing who the emperor is changes the movie, Lucas is making these movies much more multi level than the previous saga ever was. Spoiler ahead: This movie they (and in theory we) don't learn that Palpatine will become the emperor, its becoming more and more obvious by his aging and the way he talks, but its still not out in the open. I really thought it would be in this movie. Jango Fett and his "son" steal the half of the movie. That's when the romance is on and most guys are just wishing for some action ("action" in many ways, Natalie Portman is really cute in this movie). I really liked his character and how he is dealt with in this movie. He becomes a very unusual and likable vilain. As everyone already knows Yoda fights in this movie. It is a really interesting scene that i wished had lasted as long as the duel in TPM (unfortuneatly its shorter than that one). I think this episode puts much of the saga back from the track laid down in TPM and its overall a much more enjoyable movie. I should also add that this movie not only has a minimum of Jar Jar Binks but also now we see why such a foolish and easily manipulated character was added to the saga, his prescence makes sense now. The end as I said before is really good. Finally we see an actual star wars in the saga (where the closest we had before was the battle of Endor that now appears somewhat small, the battle of Hoth appeared just a rout with a minor skirmish now...) I really liked the movie and will see it again (this time even my girlfriend wants to see it again). PS: i think George Lucas cheated once though giving R2D2 an unescessary and stupid "feature" in the middle of the movie. It isnt a big thing but I really didnt like it. You will know what I'm talking about when R2D2 does it, he never had that capability later on and looks so out of place in this dark movie. Spoiler: OK I will have to say... he can fly at one point. Two small engines pop out and R2D2 flyes away... dumbest and most out of place part of the movie IMHO.
Rating:  Summary: NOW THIS IS STAR WARS! Review: Unlike most of the other reviews, I have actually SEEN THE FILM. Episode II is amazing. The story is plot heavy and convoluted (just the way I like 'em!). [Some] will find this movie irrepressibly boring and dull. Now, I am a Star Wars fan. These movies are made for a particular kind of audience. None of the other movies (with the exception of maybe Episode IV) have been recieved well by critics. I've seen EP 2 and it may very well be my favorite Star Wars film. I thought the story was engaging and moving. I was amazed at the amount of plot elements woven into this feature. Usually we turn our brains off for popcorn flicks. Although you don't have to be a genius to figure it out, EP 2 is the one I've been hungry for. Most reviewers complained at the acting and pacing. Acting in a movie where 85% of it is [CGI] is extremely difficult. The actors only have vague descriptions of what is happening to them in a given scene. Yes Roger Ebert, the love story was cliched. But who cares, the classic fall from grace deserves the classic love story. The creative genius of the makers completely makes up for any cliche they may bestow in the process. In my opinion, George Lucas completely redeemed himself as a filmmaker with this marvel. I don't believe in reviews because I can't write them. SEE THIS MOVIE FOR YOURSELF AND DECIDE. Don't listen to anybody else, for you may find out that they know nothing about rich creativity and spectacular adventure. I only hope others come away feeling entertained and satisfied.
Rating:  Summary: Far better than Episode I. You won't be dissapointed! Review: If you, like many, were dissapointed by Episode I, Episode II vindicates George Lucas. The screenplay again become a central element of the movie, as opposed to Episode I, where the story was weak, to the point of becoming empty. In spite of the fact that tons of scenes are shot against blue screens totally pack the movie, performances are very well accomplished: in particular Natalie Portman's and Samuel L. Jackson's (anyone surprised by this?). Also you will be delighted by some moments in the movie where C-3PO and R2-D2 bring back the best memories from Episode IV (the first Star Wars, just in case). This time around also the backgrounds are far more impressing (in Coruscant, for instance). John William's music, as usual, plays a huge role. On the downside, Hayden Christensen's performance pales when compared to almost everyone else's. Also, some battle scenes were not rendered to the high level of quality that Lucas got us used to in Episode I, therefore looking like Video Games in the end. However, these two negative elements are not enough to take away the five star condition of the movie...this is trully the Star Wars sequel that everyone had waited for.