Rating:  Summary: better much better Review: ok guys this is an email i wrote too a friend after i saw episode 2 well here it is oh yea it was defineatly better than episode 1 but not as much as i wanted. (hey im sorry I didn't email u I just got out of starwars. well since I wasn't dead this time watching it I will say it was better the second time around not much but better. the reason I didn't like it was because it didn't get anything done the very begining and the very end was totally different and at the end u asked yourself how did the beginning lead me here? the script was also bad and so was the lingo I mean I love you do you love me just aint going to cut it. the movies goal was too hit important places it did that and with excellence but between that it rushed it and blobbed it. on the plus side the acting wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be the grown up anikin is so much more mature and is a better actor. Natalie portman was of course amazing and yoda stole the show. another wonderful aspect of this movie was the effects this movie was definitely the best looking movie ive ever seen it was shot on digital tape and it showed! Amazing! best look ive ever seen!!!! see it just for that. the foreshadowing of anakin was what really soled me on this movie the way u could see his emotions bobble in and out of rebellion was brilliant. ( the shadow on the wall is a gift too us from Lucas). the movie is also merely a setup it is getting us ready for episode 3 which Lucas can not AFORD TO SCREW UP. ok im sorry back too the negs the movie accomplished nothing it was like a huge theatrical trailer as soon as you saw the credits u were just now ready to start the movie. still its starwars and starwars has its own genre nothing will ever capture the heart and soul of the original serious. however episode 2 has now showed us to not totally give up on Lucas and that he still has magic up his sleeve. when the movie hit its high points which were only about three I could feel my self thinking ok now this is starwars but at the instant u thought that....... BOOM u would be pulled back under and u could just hear that jive from jar jar. that is why I give episode 2 a B.)
Rating:  Summary: Spectacular saga with a promising storay Review: The hype of the Attack of the Clones though is less than that of the Phantom Menace, in fact it turns out to be a better production than its counterpart. The story is a continuation of the Phantom Menace, in whcih Anakin Skywalker is now a grown up looking for a reunited love with his "Angel" Padme Amidela. Frankly, the performance of Hayden Christensen is not as promising as we saw in his audition clip. He has his moments and styles in certain scenes, but when it comes to talking about love with his "Angel", there is a lack of communicaiton between him and Natalie Portman. Natalie Portman is now easier to be appraoched for she is no longer a queen but a politician fighting for the diplomatic resolution with the separatist of the Republic. Nonetheless, her perfromance is in fact just average, despite there are lots of chances for her to perform. The best bit is her first denial of her feelings towards Anakin, and then she is more like a supporting role for Anakin. For Ewan McGregor, he has turned into a more sideline role with a big name as Obi-wen Kenobi again. He is more mature but somehow down played by his apprentice. He is strict to principles and actions with the Jedi Council but that in fact lead to a jealousy conspiracy of his apprentice. The care and tension between him and Anakin was well played. After all Ewan McGregor is an actor who can do more than just that, so there should be no difficulty for him. A very common practice of EP II is that we have great expectations about different characters being advertised but at the end they are nothing more than very sideline plots. Probably because there are too many characters to talk about and time is running out, so ended up stories were not fully plotted and told when the movie ended. The coolest part of the whole movie is the lightsaber fight of Yoda, in which it becomes the climax of the whole movie. It is sad that the glory of the movies was stolen by a digital creation, but he is Yoda, who can compete against him? The worst part is the young Boba Fett in which, the kid playing him is not cool and neither good at all. Could have found a better choice to play that part. Overall speaking, Attack of the Clones is a much better production out of no expectation after the disappointing hype of the Phantom Menace. Nonetheless, better poster design should be applied next time as it is too unmatch with the whole movie. The same design works for Phantom Menace doesn't mean that it will work for other movies, for every movie has its own character.
Rating:  Summary: The best star wars movie yet Review: Every thing was great, the graphics the action the roleplay. It was almost as though the actors were ment to be in this movie. Aniken is so cool.The graphics were ausome. And Obi-Wan was the greatest, the romance was a little mushy but the whole thing was outrageous.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Review: Just saw the movie and .. WOW! The special effects are amazing.. MUCH better than the Phantom Menace. Although, it must be seen on a Digital Projector to really appreciate it. The story is much better and has tied up a few loose strings left from the Phantom Menace. Across the Stars fits the romance theme perfectly, John Williams has done it again! Yoda really is the Jedi MASTER! Portman is destined to be on the walk of Stars to be be remembered even in a galaxy far far away. Thank you very much Lucas!
Rating:  Summary: God, this was dull Review: I had to force myself to sit through this, just so I would know all the story lines in case I decide to see Part III. Including Jar Jar was like GL giving the audience the finger. The acting was awful. And, for an essentially animated movie, it was incredibly stationary and plodding. (spoiler follows) Y'd think that a scene of many Jedi fighting with light sabers would be exciting. Y'd be wrong. What a drag.
Rating:  Summary: The second best of the series! Review: As a certified Phantom critic and JarJar hater, I am pleased to announce that Clones is not only a HUGE improvement over "Phantom," but actually is second only to the original Star Wars. The fact is, the acting and the dialog has always been cheesy. What made any of it fly was the pacing of the story; and this time the story moves. "Empire" was O.K., I mean if you can get past everyone being pissy at each other, and "Jedi" suffered from way too much stupidity; Jabba's palace, Ewoks, yawn... This one had a feel much closer to the original, and despite a few bumps along the way, the final product is better than any of the sequels so far. The only thing that could improve the franchise is for Lucas to have Anakin disembowel JarJar as a final fall to the Dark Side. Nice work George!
Rating:  Summary: A Disturbance In The Force Review: STAR WARS:EPISODE II-AOTC may be a bit better than Episode I, but I still think the film has its problems. I thought the Graphic Novel of the film, though edited, was much better. It is 10 years after Episode I... The story centers around the forbidden love that grows between young Jedi Padawan, Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) and Padme Amidala (Natalie Portman). The film's other storylines involve the growing unrest in the Republic as it heads towards certain war, the training and slow turn to the dark side of the force, by Anakin, and a mystery surronding the Sith. Hot on the trail of some nasty bounty hunters, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) is led to discover a fallen Jedi, Count Doku (Chritopher Lee) has plans to plunge the galaxy into much more than just war..with guidance from Darth Sidious (Ian McDirmiad). As stated above, AOTC is better than the last prequel, but...the film may have a lot going on, however, the direction by Geoge Lucas is still pretty flat. Now, I know what some of you are thinking out there, I gave the adaptation such a glowing review, what gives here. My point is that even in the scenes where the characters are supposed to show some emotion, it appears stiff. as though everyone were so worried about reacting to things that weren't there, instead of "acting"in the moment. One reason the book works better is because I, as the reader can use the mind's eye to convey the proper amount of weight needed. As far as the love story, Christensen and Portman may get points as a good looking duo, that's it. It all goes back to the flat direction Lucas takes his time with long effects shots, showing us what technology can do, and plenty of eye candy but a lot of it still looks like you can tell its CGI. I am a big proponent of digital cameras, I have even used them, but I don't think the techo and use improves anything on a movie like this. There is so much CGI to look at here that the actors get lost in it all Unless you see the film at a theater with a digital processing projector, it wont be the real deal.(I did not) Until more theaters catch up anyway, it sometime detracts from the action on screen. I think it should look better on DVD this fall. After a false start, the dots are starting to connect and everything foreshadows what we already know about the future. It's great to have Christopher Lee in the film, even though I really missed Darth Maul (Ray Park), the best thing about THE PHANTOM MENACE as an adversary. Perhaps, I just long to be wowed again, as I was with the first three films. Gone is the "gee-whiz" of it all. Maybe I have become too cynical about the latter installments, or are my expectations too high? A debate for others...For the record, I plan to go see it again, taking with me, with my young Nephew... Maybe after that viewing... Note to Lucas great imagimation and all but get someone you trust to direct Episode 3, If you are stuck on who you should ask... I, as a film school graduate, know plenty of canidates who would be willing to help you out.
Rating:  Summary: Not much better than the Phantom Menace... Review: After seeing it last night, I left the theatre unsatisfied... Yes the movie did have its pros, but cons were more than evident in the latest tale of the Star Wars saga. First, Jar Jar is nowhere to be found... except for the five minutes he is in the picture. Hayden did an excellent job of portraying Anakin... no complaints... he did great. The special effects were great... In fact the whole movie was flooded with them. The Bad... I understand that the focus of the movie is to explain the romance between Anakin and Padme, but did they have to do it so corny? I liked Jango Fett, but in typical Lucas style, the villian takes a back seat, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, more origin and screen time would have been more appropriate (especially considering that Jango is who the enitre clone army is based from). And the worst thing about Episode 2, What did they do to Yoda? (I won't spoil the ending battle, but it is a disgrace. I have no idea why Lucas did this... I couldn't help myself but laugh at the stupidity of it. Its a shame it came to this... Best thing about this movie in fact wasn't the movie. A nice teaser of the new Matrix movies are previewed.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Review: After seeing this movie, the audience stood up and clapped there hearts out, whistled, and screamed good comments. This was an AWESOME film that gives out very big surprises, and no one should go without seeing it. I am a Star Wars fanatic and I have to say this is probably the best Episode yet, and "Star Wars Episode III:(rumored title) Fall of the Jedi" should be even better!!! Lucas knew he did a good job with this movie and will now take a small break, then begin on the next Star Wars, and in three years, will come out to theaters. I cannot wait for the next one! Episode II was worth every second and every penny!!!!!!! GO SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Razzle, Dazzle and Fizzle Review: In the interest of striking a balance to the many reviews which will be written of how this is a box office sensation or how enjoyable it is to watch, I sense a responsibility on my part to point out how disappointing the movie was. Yes, the special effects were first rate, state-of-the-art and many other superlatives. That, however, is as much as I can give the two stars I've rated. It appears film makers have lost touch with the ability to simply tell a story and George Lucas, sorry to say, is the latest victim. Sorry, George, space ships and flying Jedi alone won't make it! This movie fails horribly to convey a cogent story line. The love interest, let alone marriage, between "Anakin" and "Amidala" is far from believable. The movie quickly jumps from one fight scene to battle to fight scene without any reason. It's so fragmented and choppy in its editing it becomes difficult to follow. Like him or not, "Jar Jar" is back and as irritating as ever. This is a movie which exalts special effects leaving room for little else and a script which seldom allows the actors to ply their trade. The acting did convince me of one thing, though. Even the actors realize how bad a film this is.