Rating:  Summary: GEORGE LUCAS IS AN ABSOLUTE GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: Let's set the record straight here people. I was fortunate enough to see the first screening of this brilliant film at my local movie theater. Why then, were people going nuts when the movie started, why then, did people cheer throughout the ENTIRE movie and why then, did the entire audience get up at the end and give the movie a standing ovation?????????????? Because he is brilliant. Go find out what happened BEFORE and what events led up to the "trilogy" that we all learned to love when we were growing up. You can't afford to wait and see this on video or DVD in your own home - Lucas's digital effects and sounds were meant to be heard in the theater. A little side note, every male that sets foot in the theater WILL fall in love with the stunning Natalie Portman (Anniken did).
Rating:  Summary: I can feel the Force in Attack of the Clones! Review: Star Wars fans won't be disappointed when they go catch a sreening of Attack of the Clones. I think that this movie rules out all it's previous predessors. Although some of the acting weren't really great, the action, adventure, music, and of course story line will overwhelme you.John Williams' masterful music returns for the fifth time in the Star Wars galaxy without missing a beat. The enchanting battle sequences and special effects will not let you down. Even Master Yoda has gotten into the act by stealing the show with an array of lightsaber swings and blasts. All you fans out there, you won't be disappointed because you can feel the Force in Attack of the Clones
Rating:  Summary: A great sequel to the prequel Review: I had heard mixed reviews on Star Wars Episode II before I went to see it. In my opinion, the idea that the movie was sometimes too drawn out and sluggish was inaccurate. I was very impressed with the way that the movie developed the characters towards their imminent fates. The casting was well done, the battles were exciting, and the plot was multi-forked and emotional. Over all, my expectations were exceeded with this film, and we finally get to see Yoda fight! At this rate, it's going to be hard to watch the original three movies.
Rating:  Summary: Worthy Review: This movie was very good. I'm not willing to declare it "great" at this point, but it was certainly worthy, and certainly far above my expectations based on my disappointment with The Phantom Menace. Attack of the Clones has many of the same characters or their relatives as the other Star Wars movies, but it doesn't have the same feel, at least of the first two. There is an irony in this based on the name of the movie. This is not a clone. The original Star Wars had no children, no overt romance, and the political implications of the Empire-rebel struggle were not well developed. All that has changed, but Clones also gets away from being too heavily reliant on characters designed to appeal exclusively to children, like the hideous Jar Jar Binks, who makes a brief appearance in this movie only to be responsible for making a decision that essentially empowers the evil emperor. This movie has two main story lines, the first having to do with Anakin Skywalker's raging hormones and the other having to do with the unfolding mystery that we all know leads to the rise of the Empire. Both are predictable to the point that action scenes, while visually stunning, lack suspense. The fall of Anakin is the less engaging of the two story lines, but it is not nearly as bad as it could have been. Anakin gives in to love, rage, and every other teenage emotional impulse. But what's the message? That trying to save your mother necessarily leads to evil? That falling in love has dire consequences? To the extent that there is a message, it is about as developed as the politics of the original Star Wars, which is to say not very developed. The second story line is very much a political thriller. Though the ultimate outcome of the plot is known, the unfolding is engaging. I especially dreaded the introduction of Jango Fett as an active villain as well as progenitor of the clones and father of Boba, however all of this was handled remarkably well. The battle scenes in this movie are truly spectacular, and even Yoda's duel with Christopher Lee's character (Lee being almost as old as Yoda in real life, but still getting the job done as a villain) was carried off well. On the whole I was very happy with Attack of the Clones and now look forward to the sixth and final movie much more than I looked forward to this one.
Rating:  Summary: A great attempt at reviving what was missing in Episode I Review: Being raised in my younger years, watching these sci-fi spectacle films brought to us my over-rated mastermind George Lucas, I had great anticipation for the over-hyped Episode I-The Phantom Menace. Of course, nothing can destroy a movie worse, then overanticipation. And we all know how Episode I turned out. It became the most mediocre film ever to grace the silver and small screen. Either winning great praise from fans, but either being bashed or tortured from critics. Now I personally didnt enjoy Episode I due to its need of substance. So, upon the release of Episode II the hype did not win over my body. I'll admit waiting in line for the film one hour early, but only because I was to save a place for my friends. But once the lights dimmed, and the opening credits of Star Wars appeared, the magic seemed to return to me. I was seven years of age all over again. And its all because I did not hype this one up. Or, god forbid, it is extremely different from The Phantom Menace. Episode I tried to please fans with adding interesting twists to the original trilogy, and being flat out cheesy at times. Episode II tries to center the entertainment on everyone. There truly is something on here for everything. Whether it be the wonderful chemistry of Portman and Christensen, the intense action between the forces of good and evil, the strange intergalactic politics, and the exotic special effects. I did enjoy many parts of this movie. Im marveled by the folks at Lucasfilm for adding so much detail to the computer generated special effects. Im fairly sure the enirety of this movie was filmed on a blue screen. However, its fine with me. The special effects do truly send you into a world of its own. Much different from Episode I, or even The Matrix. The charecterization is great too. Most of the characters are returning from the last picture. There are a few new faces like Jango Fett, Darth Tyrannus, etc. But mostly youll be seeing new planets. Now the problem I did have with the movie was the acting. I wish Hayden Christensen did a little better. He didnt show very much color as Anakin. He did show tears in a particular scene, but the rest of the movie, he made it very boring. Portman does a descent job, as does McGregor, Jackson, and all the folks whose characters were artificial. But I do wish Lucas would have pushed Christensen to work harder with Anakin.] Other than that, this movie is very entertaining. It may end up being the summer film to see. It wouldnt surprise me however. We are going to suffer from the lackluster amount of films with substance. I promise you, Attack of the Clones has substance. If your a fan or not, see this one. You'll enjoy it above any other Star Wars film.
Rating:  Summary: Juvenile movie with pathetic script and acting Review: If you're 10 or under, I can cautiously recommend this film, but if you're over 14, forget it. This is the most juvenile attempt at action/science-fiction I've ever seen. Simply put, it is a pathetic excuse for a movie. It is clear that their special effects consumed the entire budget for the film, and they had no money left over to pay for actors or a script. The acting is so bad that it is frankly embarrassing. I felt like I was watching a junior high drama club. "My heart is breaking for you... Yes, but this is a love that cannot be". (barf). They are so stiff and the lines so trite that I think I could find two random teens at the mall who could give a better reading. The script sounds like it was written by a 15-year-old girl who spent the last 5 years overdosing on romance novels. Unlike the original episode, Attack of the Clones has no fun or humor. It plods along with the bad guys plotting a rebellion while the good guys try to figure out what's going on. There was not one single laugh in the entire movie - not counting my chuckles at the pathetic acting and script. I thought the visual effects were poor given the budget for this movie. There were a number of scenes which appeared to have the actors standing in front of poorly painted landscape scenes. Even the indoor shots seemed to have a haze about them. On a 1 to 10 scale, Attack of the Clones barely rates 1.
Rating:  Summary: A joke, a real shame... Review: At this point George Lucas is revered as a God essentially. This is the major problem. Nobody can tell him "the truth". He made this film for himself, great, why make us suffer with it? I saw it opening nite in full Digital form at Universal Studios Hollywood. The audience was very, very excited. But tragically, we all laughed at the wrong moments, see what I mean? Sometimes a film is so bad that it's almost good in the campy funny sense (think Zoolander). Anyway... I speak as a MAJOR Star Wars fan, someone wake up Lucas (maybe pal Spielberg?) and let someone else direct episode III lest the whole thing be a major, major waste.
Rating:  Summary: I Loved It!!! Review: Believe it or not, "Attack of the Clones" is the first "Star Wars" movie that I've ever seen and I must say that I was thrilled. From the opening scenes where Senator Padame Amidala arrives in the capital of the Republic, I was drawn into this science fiction epic. There is trouble brewing in the Republic and Senator Amidala has come to the capital to help in peace processes and somebody wants this young beauty dead. Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobe have been assigned the task of protecting Padame. After a short stay, Padame is sent back to her home planet and Anakin goes with her so he can protect her. Meanwhile, Obi Wan goes to a planet that is not listed in the archives of planets in the galaxy to search for a bounty hunter that tried to kill Senator Amidala. Dark forces are rising and the Republic is on the brink of war in this exciting film and you'll be entertained throughout the whole entire film. The imagary that is in this film is fantastic. The capital city is amazing to look at on screen and it is cool to see all of the spaceships flying in the air. Padame's home planet is beautiful as well. This is the first movie that has ever been shot on digital film and this change in the shooting makes a huge difference in what you see on the screen. The plot of this film is great and you will be immersed in a wonderful tale of good versus evil. The action sequences in this movie are great, especially the battle at the end. It is very cool to see a little guy like Yoda fight a in a duel with a lightsaber, as well. Everything about this movie was great. This is a must for any "Star Wars" fan and for novices like me this can be enjoyed without feeling like you have no clue what is going on. As a matter of fact, new people will be able to pick up what's going on. This is a non-stop action science fiction movie that will be enjoyed by any fan of science fiction movies. This is a definitely a must see film. Happy Viewing!
Rating:  Summary: One of the best Review: I won't go into much detail, but I think this may end up being the best movie in the series. Far superior to Episode I. Fight scenes are remarkable and Yoda kicks some serious tail. Best line was by a friend of mine. He suggests the alternate title, "Crouching Yoda, Hidden Sith."
Rating:  Summary: Attack of the Clones Review: I wasn't sure what to expect before I saw Attack of the Clones, but all I hoped was that it would be better than the Phantom Menace. And after seeing Attack of the Clones the other night, I was extremely pleased! It was a million times bettter than the Phantom Menace. The action scenes are terrific, and Yoda sure does prove how powerful he is in this movie! You also begin to see a little bit of Darth Vader in Anakin. This is a fantastic movie, and I cant wait to see it again!!!