Rating:  Summary: The best Star Wars movie so far... Review: I was totally blown away with the AOTC installment but because I hate ending things on a bad note I'll tell you what I didn't like about it first. There are like two problems I had with this movie and that was some of the diologe. I was very dissapointed with some of the reviews for this movie that I read in the paper but it seemed like all the bad reviews were written by a bunch of old men who couldn't stand all the advances in technology. Near the begining of the movie Anakin is complaining to Padme how Obi-wan doesn't realize how strong he really is in the force and he doesn't get enough credit. he finshes that statement saying "It just isn't fair" sounding to me more like an 8 year old then a 19 year old. The other piece of diologe I didn't like was when Anakin said (note: this isn't an exact quote), " I don't like the sand, it's course and hot, unlike it is here (Naboo), everything is smooth, like you" (again that was not a direct quote) it's dialoge like that that makes we wonder why padme doesn't run away screaming. Either George Lucas can't write romance or Hayden can't act out romance but Hayden puts on a good performance the rest of the time and pulls it off very well. Why did I not give AOTC a lower rating you ask? Because everything else makes up for it by far! (in a good way) Jar Jar is in it 3 times and the whole movie is very suspensful and the huge war at the end will keep your eyes glued to the screen. I'm going to see this movie again and not just because of the cool effects or because Natalie Portman wears skimpy outfits ;) but because I'm still processing everything I saw. Some of it was a little bit confusing because I was still thinking about the last scene and how cool it was. I though it was so awesome when they showed the plans for the ULTIMATE WEAPON, The Death Star at the end. The Yoda lightsaber battle was the coolest lightsaber battle I've ever seen in my life! Yoda rocks!!! If you don't see this movie you'll be missing out so go see it today!
Rating:  Summary: Split personality Review: Attack of the Clones is supposedly the Empire Strikes Back of the new trilogy of Star Wars movies. It's supposed to be where we really get into the nitty gritty of what's going on with the universe and the characters. It even copies the basic structure of ESB: heroes start together, split up on their own adventures, come back together at the end. But let me tell you, this ain't no Empire. I'll cut to the chase. Obi-Wan's half: good. Anakin and Padme's half: nothing short of horrific. Obi-Wan goes to mysterious locations, chats it up in a 50's diner (no, I'm not making that up), gets his Jedi kung fu on with Jango Fett, sneaks around in dangerous places, gets into tense situations, uncovers the machinations of the Sith, shows off that Ewan McGregor *is* Obi-Wan. Need I go on? Anakin and Padme. Spout cringe inducing lines at each other and after a while Anakin gets into a hissy fit while you wait with growing impatience to get back to Obi-Wan's quest. Repeat for each scene. Anakin gets *one* good scene and it's the only real bit of darkness that's revealed in his character. Sadly, the scene is cut short. You see a brief hint of what he does, but then it's cut off and you have to settle for a description of what happened. It would have been nice to at least see the aftermath of Anakin's dark side moment, but sadly, no. Oh yeah, pretty effects, blah blah blah. Mace Windu doesn't do jack once again. He gets an alright line and wastes one of the major baddies, but he doesn't have a lot to do. And honestly, the battle in the end just seemed to drag on forever. I'm not sure what it is, but I didn't feel any sense of urgency, any idea that this battle even mattered one way or the other. One final saving grace I'll mention: Yoda is the [best]en you see him approach and you know that it's time for him to do battle, it's little girl squeal time.
Rating:  Summary: oh my GOD! Review: I'm a huge Star Wars fan...Not so huge I have figures everywhere in boxes (only because I can't afford it, though ;), but a major fan just the same. Seeing the previews of this film, however, I thought my love affair would be ended. I fully intended to HATE this movie. Boy, was I SUPRISED! This is officially my favorite (okay, it's neck and neck with episode 5, but after I see it again a second time, it might just edge past 5) favorite favorite SW movie. All the reviews I read about the technology overshadowing the humanity...the bad dialogue, the crummy acting...what pretentious nonesense! Subtlety people... Expect subtlety in the character development. No, the dialogue does not spell out every inch of character development for you - you have to watch the eyes, the mouth, the bodies, the body language, the inflections... The character construction is very much about what is implied just below the surface. They don't talk a lot in this movie, because they don't NEED to talk a lot. They naysaying critics can be damned, this movie was AWESOME. GO SEE IT. LOVE IT. SEE IT AGAIN!
Rating:  Summary: Simply Amazing Review: All I can say is that this movie was a complete turn around from Episode I. The computer graphics were beautifully done, the battle scenes were amazing and the plot twisted enough to keep me interested and flowed so that it all made sense. Lucas did a wonderful job of foreshadowing for the original three movies. This movie seemed to run parallel to the design of the original three. I was completely blown away. Regarding the storyline, plot, foreshadowing, character development, computer graphics, humor (not the Jar Jar humor), and everything in between: Beautiful. That is the single best word to describe this film.
Rating:  Summary: Most likely the best Star Wars ever Review: I have never seen a star wars flim like this. Lucas thought up of something new for this. These are a list of things that I would like to highlight in this movie: 1) Ewan does an amzaing role in this as playing the Jedi knight Obi-wan. He has gone into this role and pulled out every emotion there is to pull out he is the best choice for this role none can ever compete with him. 2)Portman does a good job as playing Amadala. She has finally let go of her drone role as the Queen in Ep:1. She begins to use her emotionsin this movie and does a very good job of showing her love for Anakin. 3) Anakin, all I ave to say is this guy annoys the hell out of me. Put that is his job in this movie it is to show that he is apart of the dark side. Although his acting falls short to what fans thouhgt would be a very good performace over all, he does do an amazing job with the emotional scenes of the movie does Hayden 4)Jango Fett is one of my favorite Characters now. This guy is amazing he always keeps his cool when killing and fighting and is so cool. Anyways he does a very good job at playing a bounty hunter and to top it all off he has a son who is non other then BOBA FETT. although he is only 10-11 in this movie they father-son duo is amazing in this movie. 5)YODA. Most likely the best thing in this whole movie is the last fight scene. Count Dooku is kicking some major [stuff] and here comes the YODA. the fight scene is amazing yoda finally uses a light saber and he IS and i meen IS the best Jedi. His fighting skill is the best there is. I remember in the theatre everybody laughing when a little green dude comes in and shoots lightning and draws a light saber and everbody is like YYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAA. we are finally going to see Yoda and a light saber work together. Only one word: WOW I have only three words left to say: Lucas, Thank YOU
Rating:  Summary: Attack of the zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's Review: I am a fan of the original Star Wars trilogy, but somehow George Lucas has forgotten how to tell a great story in the years that have passed since Return of The Jedi. Personally, I think he should have picked up the series with episode 7 and not gone back to episode 1. Lets face it, we all ready know how these are going to turn out, so where is the suspense, and if he had picked up with episode 7, not only would the stories be fresh, he could of had some of the old characters, at least in cameos. Attack of The Clones is not a terrible movie, it is certainly better than episode 1, and the special effects are terrific, but the dialogue is laughable at times, and does anyone really care about any of these characters? It is sad to think how great this series could have been compared to how it is turning out.
Rating:  Summary: 95% there Review: This movie was VERY good! Not perfect, but DEFINATELY worth seeing. I thought that the action scenes ROCKED, and there was a lot of chemistry btw Ani, and Amidala. The ending had you almost cheering. You almost wish Anakin was going to end up good!
Rating:  Summary: EPISODE 2 Review: this movie was incredible despite what the critics have said about it. Everything about it was good and it is quite possibly my favorite movie of all-time. I've seen it twice already and I am looking forward to seeing it again. the star wars saga continues to be amazing.
Rating:  Summary: Judge for yourself... Review: ...In plain English, this is a fun movie and I loved it. I'd watch it all over again. and that's what it's about, right? Entertainment, escape, and fantasy. Go watch it and enjoy...
Rating:  Summary: Very good special effects Review: This was one of two movies I was eagerly waiting for several months now. The movie was very good but not perfect. The best part was the special effects (unreal vistas that you have to see in the big screen) and the final battle scenes (think Gladiator meet Jedi). I especially enjoyed all the light saber fighting that occured between Anakin, Obi-Wan, Count Dooku, and Yoda. To talk more about Yoda he can kick butt in hand to hand and even directing an army. The love story was for me a little rushed and to be honest seemed forced. But it works for me since most of my relationships seem to mirror Anakin! :) Anakin is definately heading for the dark side and that was to me pretty interesting and something I look forward to checking out in more details in the next film. The acting was alright (Ewan McGregor is Obi-Wan) the plot a little convulted but a lot better than Phantom Menace. The film for me seem to cater for die-hard fans of the franchise. My sister is a casual fan and she had no problm following it but she was bored in the first part of the film. It switched a lot from locale to locale which she didn't like but I found to be no problem at all. The film overall was pretty good but I definately would not recommend it to little kiddies, there is no blood shown but a lot of heads are seen flying around in quick flashes but once scene though last longer and is a little disturbing. Now I have to wait three years for the next film. :)