Rating:  Summary: The richest fantasy film ever made! Review: ...P>I'm a filmmaker, so I know what it's like to try and condense a book into a medium like film, because what our brain reads of the written word is different than what our minds comprehend of a succession of images. What some people don't understand is that Tolkien's writing is very detailed and poetic, and looking at The Fellowship Of The Ring, I think Peter Jackson has nailed it!On the subject of why Tom Bambaldi was eliminated, he simply does not comply to the story as significantly as the other characters on screen, meaning that on film his character would only drag viewers AWAY from the main plot. Some people might find this as a rude comment, but it's true. When crafting a film, you have to realize what is essential, and what is expendable. You're making a piece of moving images, and you have to be able to work the story through what the audience will accept and care for. Because of the level of the action and task that has been brought upon Frodo and the others in the fellowship, the audience has to care for them before they believe what they will eventually embark on. Given the performances which are top notch, and the direction which is amazingly self-assured, I have to hand it to the group of thousands that came together for this film trilogy. Not only do I think personally that this film is the best fantasy of all time, I think it's the best film to come out of Hollywood this year!
Rating:  Summary: Great film in spite of complaints of purists. Review: LOTR as a series of novels is at times breathtaking, always engrossing, and of course, extremely well written and imaginative. The new film of the first book is also stunning as a film - those who are not too familiar with the books will certainly find it interesting and not too difficult to follow. If you haven't yet seen the movie and are reading some of these reviews, do yourself a favor and note very carefully the spirit of some of the poorer reviews - they are largely complaints that certain portions of the novel had to be omitted or condensed. Now if this "impurity" doesn't offend then go out and see this movie! It is perhaps the best of the genre since the original Star Wars was released in 1977. Certainly nothing else that I can think of comes to mind. (Parents - young children may be frightened by some of the film's elements. You may feel that "any fantasy must be for children" but there are some violent scenes here that will possibly shock you.)
Rating:  Summary: What is the big deal? Review: I think that the "Lord of the Rings" was highly overratted. It was a good story line but they took the plot and stretched it out for far too long. The movie wouldn't have been bad if the film wasn't three hours long and if all the special effects didn't look computer animated. You could very much tell that Frodo (Elijah Wood) wasn't small. You could tell that they weren't in the snowcapped mountains. I have not read the books, and mabe after I do my mind will change. But for right now I would just like to say that if the next 2 movies are anything like this one I am not going to waste another $14, nor am I going to waste another 6 hours of my life. I would not recommend this movie to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Very faithfull to the book Review: I'm reading the book for the first time along side seeing the movies, so I'm neither a Tolkien "fanatic" nor a complete newbie. While things were unavoidably cut in the transition from book to film, I do believe that the most important parts did make it into the film. Yes they left out some things: most of the scene showing Magot (only a couple lines indicating that the hobbits made their way through his garden), the whole Tom Bombadil scene and the giving of gifts from the elves. All things considered though, they did a good job getting the important parts. Many book to movies that come out of Hollywood that I've seen aren't nearly so faithful. I don't see how people can complain about the cut scenes, however, and then turn right around and complain about the movie running so long. Personally, for a 3-hour movie, the time seemed to fly by for me. I've sat through 3-hour movie's that were much worse. I was actually sad to see the end of it. There was plenty of violence, granted, but it's a violent book, so I don't really understand the complaints there. I don't remember anyone promising a nice, gentle story. If I were to have a complaint about this movie, it would be that they introduced Saruman and the Orthanc-stone much too early. In the book, Saruman was merely spoken about, adding mystery to the whole character. Much of that mystery just isn't there in the movie. Even that's understandable, however. Having a movie where the villain isn't shown the entire movie just wouldn't fly in todays world. Over all, this is a lovely film. It keeps faithfull to the source material, it has the important parts and you don't need to have read the books in order to enjoy it. I can't wait to see it again.
Rating:  Summary: EPIC Review: This movie is ture to all that is good and true. It is so well done. Peter Jackson...outstanding work. The intergration of the computer animation and the actors was amazing. With such a great build up nearly all movies fail to live up to the hype. This movie exceeded my greatest desires.
Rating:  Summary: A REAL Classic!!! Review: My two sons, ages 27 and 22, and I have been waiting for the release of this movie. Two of us have read Tolkein and one not. ALL of us loved the movie!!! It is certainly a classic. What a terrific job!!! This movie will be around when Harry Potter is in the dust. Can't wait for the next one. Will buy the DVD as soon as it is available.I'm truly grateful that this classic of fantasy fiction is now on film. Thank you !!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Well worth the wait! Review: Although a bit on the long side (3 hours), this movie has really captured the story in the books. Gollum was exactly as I had pictured him to have been when I read the book many years ago. Mr. Jackson has painstakingly gone to great lengths to be true to the written story. Absolutely worth seeing and I am looking forward to the other two books.
Rating:  Summary: Anyone that doesn't give this 5 stars is WAY to critical! Review: Look, Iv been seeing reviews for the movie saying things in the prospective of "They made to many mistakes, Its changed from the book" ..... GOOD!!! , I read ALL of the four books, I don't want to go to a movie and see exactly what Iv all ready read. The "Lord of the rings" was a great book, but there was MANY of time I fell asleep reading it, becouse of the slow dialog. My point is, it gave me a completely new perspective of the story, Like "ANY" story told, somone ALLWAYS tells it a little bit differnt. Its even kinda fun to point them out, if you can do that. Then be glad you are seeing somthing differnt for a change. Other then my tought on other reviews, This movie is one of the ONLY movies that I thought was so well done. That Id see it more then once at the movies (it beeing 3 hours long). I know for a fact, the critics that say such things about it, would think the movie was great if they never read the book or if the book never was, and they just made a new movie. Good job!
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings REIGNS Review: A totally awsome movie! Everything I expected it to be and more! Undoubtedly the best movie out there right now and it's worth seeing over and over again. I can't wait for the remaining trilogy to be unveiled. I just wish they'd go ahead and release all of the trilogy simultaneously months apart, instead of having to wait so long! Can't wait for the DVD as well. If ya haven't seen this one a couple of times yet, then your missing out!
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings-WONDERFUL!!! Review: The Lord of the Rings movie was WONDERFUL!!It made me laugh and cry. It was VERY exciting and scary, too.I don't know why it was rated PG-13.I think ALL ages would enjoy The Lord of the Rings!The scene with Arwen galloping away from the Ringwraiths with Frodo was amazing!!The scene with Pippin in Moria made me smile. When Gandalf and Boromir died, I cried. I cried until everyone was gone(out of the theater).My Mum finally made me get up.I've seen the LOTR 2 times so far-I hope to see it again and again!The acters were wonderful, too!E.wood did a wonderful Frodo.Gandalf was cool. Saruman was spooky(I hope Gandalf kills him-I haven't read all the books yet!).Pippin,Merry,and Sam were great!Any LOTR fans who haven't seen the movie HAVE to see it!:)