Rating:  Summary: lord of the rings, putting the ring in boring Review: when i went to see this film i expected it to be fun and quite scary at times. What i got in reality was 3 long hours of disappointment. The film starts off with a very mild storyline and then starts to turn to the dark side lets say. The film is very slow and at times hard to understand (me being a clever 16 year old). I also find that the film has many links to warhammer (orcs, daemons, dwarfs, [wood] elves, undead etc..) it is the weird group against one and another group of people with a cut short ending.
Rating:  Summary: Not a bad attempt Review: There's no way FOTR could've fit into 3 hours, so I don't blame Jackson for the shortness of the movie. I enjoyed the vistas, the loyalty in the fellowship, and the humor ("What about second breakfast?"). But I did feel somewhat cheated by the movie for these reasons:1. Storytelling. The events are pretty much straight, but that's not what makes a good adaptation. The movie revealed too much, too soon, because it told the story from 3rd person, and told the events in chronological order. The book keeps us guessing and only reveals as much as Frodo and the fellowship knows. The narrated scene at the beginning need not have been told if Gandalf told it later (while the screen fades to a flashback scene). That would be much more convincing. 2. Hobbits are made out to be bumbling and unskilled. Frodo drops his sword on at least 2 occasions. Pippin knocks the skeleton into the well (yes, it kinda happened in the book, but it was NOT the catalyst for the coming of the Orcs). Merry and Pippin are carried away by the Orcs without a fight at the end. 3. Important scenes were changed or omitted. What happened to Frodo's elaborate plan to leave on his birthday? The book was more organized and relaxed; plus Merry and Pippin did NOT just bump into Frodo and Sam by chance. Didn't Frodo have the ring on a chain while Gandalf was off researching? He didn't keep it in the envelope! Where was the growing friendship between Legolas and Gimli? 4. Skewed concept of time. Wasn't it about 20 years between the departures of Bilbo and Frodo? Where's the sense of the journey? The movie went from danger to danger, with intermissions of walking. The book was more balanced between rest and danger. And yes, the book had many happy times and songs to show for it. I came into the theater after hearing that this could be among the top 10 movies of 2001. To me, it wasn't mediocre, just not nearly as captivating as the book.
Rating:  Summary: *~*~*~*~*~AWESOME~*~*~*~*~* Review: I don't really like reviews since they are just people's opinion and you can't judge movies or any thing based on people's opinions ANYWAY.......... I am 12 years old and I have never read the books, but i wasn't confused OR bored by this movie. It had everything a good adventure, action movie movie should, ROMANCE,ACTION,ADVENTURE,SCARY MOMENTS and even COMEDY. I saw the movie on the 1st and on the 2nd I bought all the books. As a matter of fact i have one next to me right now as i am writing this. Oh ya another thing, that guy who wrote that there is a bunch of things in the movie on drugs and sex, THAT IS A LIE. When the hobbits picked the mushrooms it NEVER crossed my mind that they were going to use the as heroine or anything. and their is NOTHING about sex in the movie, thats for SURE. I would recomend this movie for people ages ~*~12 and up~*~ since some moments are kind of scary. So over all i ***LOVED*** this movie GO SEE IT!
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: The Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the rings is the best movie I have ever seen. Hands down.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Movie Review: The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring is a great movie. Even though I am a huge Harry Potter fan, and went to see the Harry Potter movie three times in theaters (and going to see it more!!) The Lord of the Rings movie was, to me, tied with Harry Potter as the best movies I saw in the year 2001. When I went to see the movie, I had not read any of the books, however, I did watch the animated version of The Hobbit many times when I was younger, so I knew a little of the story. I was given the complete Lord of the Rings set as a Christmas present, and after seeing this movie, I know I am going to have to read the book before the next two movies comes out.
Rating:  Summary: ASH NAZG DURBATULUK ASH NAZG GIMBATUL Review: (For any one who does not understand the heading read the book). This was a good movie a VERY good movie. I have very much enjoyed the books. they are the classic of fanasy books. i have seen the animated movies which are good, with some exeptions. when i saw the trailer to this movie i knew i would like it. i was right. from begining to end this was a great movie. it had a nice texture with its look and feel to it. dirty finger nails, dirty tables, and so on that gave it a lived in look. the movie has the basics of the story. it does cut out some parts but that is to be expectied. i mean it is three hours long! it looked close to the way i imagined it when i read the book. the nazgul looked good. the balrog was exilent! saruon's eye was good. ian mcellen was good as gandalf. elisah was ok as frodo. even lee was good as the evil wizard (he is not good in some movies). the orc looked good as well and also the urak ahai. there are some visual let downs. the shadow realm when frodo puts on the ring does not look good ( expept the nazgul pale kings look good). when gladrial is temted by the ring and turns dark that looked hooky. however it was a very good movie preserving the sprit of tolkine. i cant wait for the sequils. i hope they do a live action version of the hobbit.
Rating:  Summary: Spectacular! Review: Ok, you can say a lot about this movie, but it is great!! And I don`t even like theese kinds of movies!!! But, I have a problem... Is there anyone out there knowing how to get in touch with the magical mr. Orlando Bloom? Because, hey! Never seen anyone like him!!!!!! But back to the theme, this movie is worth the money, and your precious time! Amazing!! Jeanie
Rating:  Summary: Best movie ever Review: Well I really loved the movie. I mean the acting was great the graphics were totally awsome and the actors were just bravo. What I really loved about it is that at the end of the movie it had me beggen for more. In some parts it made me want to laugh, cry, and also with the cave troll it made me want to jump out of my seat. My favorit actors were Elijah Wood, and Orlando Bloom. Those were my top two but, after them came the three hobbits and the the rest of the fellowship. I just can't wait to go see it again this weekend with my friends. -Sparkie
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding movie, but not the best movie of 2001 Review: What more can i say, 'Lord Of The Rings' is the ultimate fantasy movie of the year, but it's not the best movie of the year, 'Atlantis - The Lost Empire' is one of the best movies of this year. The effects, Enya's two songs, the music, the cast, and the art direction are amazing, but the movie needed more sorcery.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, but I've got to rip on it. Review: As a long time fan of the books, this movie was at once spectacular and lacking. The landscapes and sets were awesome, so many things were exactly as I pictured them. The casting is execellent too. I expected the script to be watered down, but not as badly as it was. The thing that bothered me most was there was no sense of distance, everything seemed a day's journey away. The movie was long, but they should have had more camp scenes in between stops. I felt the Council of Elrond was weak. I didn't mind the expanded role for Arwen, but I thought Aragorn was out of character. Gandalf as well. Who is this Lurtz guy? Please. Plot elements that are subtle in the book are glaring contrasts in the movie, often it seemed to get a point across, such as the lure of the ring. All that aside, I'll go to see it again. The lanscapes, sets, and special effects alone are worth it. The butchery of the script could have been worse considering they cut so much and the movie is still three hours long.