Rating:  Summary: An amazing rendition of this incredible tale. Review: It is not saying enough to say that I have been a fan since my first reading of the books in the early seventies as a teenager. I have gone through three sets of books, which fell apart from use, and am on my 4th. I have longed since the beginning to see a movie made that would do the books justice. And it has been done to a standard I had never expected. I am not a compulsive person, nor a fanatic about anything, but Middle Earth has been in my heart for all of my 43 years... the longing for a life filled with important deeds, with victory over evil, with magic, with honor and passion, with beauty and meaning... I have watched the FOTR Theatrical version, which I love, about 15 times now. I just received the extended version of the Fellowship tonight, and watched it for the first time. Overall I feel the additions do make it a better version, but I am ambivalent about a couple of the extra scenes... some I feel add depth, such as the extra scenes with Borimer, and the giving of the gifts by Lady Galadriele, but some I do not feel add anything to the feel and flow of the movie even though they are truer to the books... in my opinion they could have been left on the cutting room floor. I did not feel this way about the extended version of TTT in which I felt that every added scene added value, but that's ok. I am very glad I have it and I think you will be too. These are treasures, no matter which version you get and I would say that this version is worth getting. The only thing I don't like is that I can't seem to find a full screen version of the extended editions! :) If they ever come out I'll have every version out there!
Rating:  Summary: MAGICAL MYSTICAL DAYS OF YORE! Review: Humans, Hobbits, Dwarfs, Elves, Fairies, trees of the forest and other "middle- earth" creatures unite to fight the horrendous hideous warriors unleashed by the dark sinister negative power bent on retrieving the RING, and ruling the world. Alternately beautiful and terrifying, this is an exciting adventure saga. Every scene overflows with action as the little hobbits summon up their courage, keep going to "save" the world amid the clash of Wizards. After you see this, you will be eager for the follow-up "Towers" and "Return of the Kings" which complete this triology. It is an imaginative masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: The most magical movie of our lifetime Review: JRR Tolkien has brought us some magnificent novels back in the past and now a director known as Peter Jackson has brought the visions from the novels to reality in The Fellowship of the Ring. Following the book, a hobbit known as Bilbo Baggins finds a ring that was found in a cave where a creature named Golem kept it. He takes it and it gives him the power of long life. It begins to corrupt him day-by-day and one day he leaves it behind for for his one, Frodo Baggins. His wizard friend Gandalf The Grey sets off to find about of the ring's past. The ring belonged to a dark creature on Mt. Dune. The ring was forged there and only there it can be destroyed. When the creature was defeated, a warrior known as Eceildor took it and he was lead to the heart of Mt. Dune where it would be destroyed. Eceildor kept it and the race of men had failed after that. Drodo is told of its past, and he sets off on his own journey to get it as far awar from Middle Earth as possible for the black riders would find it. Another wizard known as Saruman turned to the dark side to find the ring and return it. He turns on his friend Gandalf and tries to have him join him. He refuses and when he does...*doesn't say anymore*. In my own opinion, The Fellowship of the Ring is a movie that has real emotion set to it with it's beautiful and complex story following the visionary novel. Full of emotion, action/adventure, not too much special effects, and outstanding story, this movie is a MUST for the ones who have read the books and are looking for a "visual" of it.That's my review on The Fellowship of the Ring. Thankyou
Rating:  Summary: LOTR: FOTR Special Extended DVD Edition Review: Why you should buy this DVD movie: 1."Fellowship of the Ring" has a good amount of action, drama, fantasy, and adventure to offer. 2. The special effects are completely breath-taking! 3. The movie has a lot of excitment in it. This movie is great! Almost everything that I have seen in it is completely stunning! The one and only problem with this movie is that it deviates from the book, which it is based on, a little. But I don't find that being much of a problem in the Special Extended DVD Edition of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring". Most of the extra/added scenes that are in the Special Extended DVD Edition are parts that are in author J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" book-trilogy. Being both a fan of the book-trilogy and the movie-trilogy of "Lord of the Rings" I will say this: Don't buy the original version of "The Fellowship of the Ring". Buy the Extended DVD Edition of it because it follows more closely to "The Lord of the Rings" book-trilogy. Director Peter Jackson has done a remarkable job at making Tolkien's Middle-earth open to the world of cinema! I highly recommend that you buy "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" Special Extended DVD Edition! It is great for those who are fans of Tolkien's amazing "Lord of the Rings" book-trilogy!
Rating:  Summary: I've got the power!!!!!!70's version was WAY better! Review: Glory to the ring! Zoom-a-loo! I've got the power! I have waited my entire life for this film and let me tell you that my knee-length black trenchcoat nearly burst into flames the moment that The Fellowship of the Rings appeared before me on the silver screen! I have been reading Tolkien for the last 25 years and I love all of his work! ( except all of that highbrow academic stuff that he REALLY wanted to be remembered for!) His writing provided me with a whole world of imaginary freinds and adventures I even had an imaginary Elf/gnome girlfriend when I was 24! His work made me begin work on my own one million page fantasy novel! I really liked this film. I think that the special effects are almost as good as the 70's version of the Lord of The Rings! I REALLY love that version too. My one complaint however, is that I always pictured Froto looking a lot like ME! Well, you can't win 'em all! Maybe one day I'll meet a REAL Elf/gnome girl and ride off into the Narnian sunset and go visit my buddy Harry Potter....or My friends and I could find a ring and ZOOM-A-LOOM off in search of adventure!!!!!Oh, if only! Oh, well. I gotta go crawl into the fort that I made out of blankets under my parent's stairs and work on my next novel! ZOOM-A-LOOM!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Hollywood, With Tolkein on the Top Review: First of all, take my advice, never, EVER see the theatrical version again if you buy this. This is a much more in depth film and Tolkein's original masterworks shine through on a much larger level. To list a few, you start to see Borimir turn against the Fellowship and Aragorn, instead of the sudden blow-up in the theatrical version which leaves viewers saying "Wow! What just happened?" Frodo and Sam see a band of elves leaving Middle-Earth while still in the Shire which I think more than anything starts the viewer off seeing both the beauty in the elves and the doom of Middle-Earth. Frodo also dosn't seem quite so much the misunderstood hero upon leaving Rivendell (a smile plays at my face when I remember the scene in which the Fellowship leaves Rivendell with many expecting eyes on them and Frodo hisses to Gandalf "Quick! Left or Right fork?!" Hobbiton and the Shire are much more devoloped (as in the books) and before long one starts to think of the hobbit homesteads as the perfect picture of home and sanctuary. Also, the viewer's eyes are opened to the race of hobbits in the beginning when Bilbo is writting the first chapter of his book, Concerning Hobbits, which many of you Tolkein fans will surely recognize. Bilbo's every-growing obbsesion of the Ring of Power is portrayed and devoloped much more in this expanded edition than in the original release. The expansion of this film is not just simply deleted scenes inserted, oh no! The extra scenes are right up to the standards of the theatrical movie and they fit in perfectly. The extra feature at the end "A Day in the Life of a Hobbit" is absolutley great, featuring on-the-set footage and and great actor interveiws.
Rating:  Summary: Worst EVER!` Review: Wow what a bad movie!! Elijah Wood was sleepwalking What a horrible choice to play the main role. 3hrs of NOTHING! Gandolf was monotone and Sam acted like a little girl. SLEEPER!!
Rating:  Summary: Wanted more! Review: The way I measure a film is if it ends and you still want more! For the size of the task at hand, Jackson had only 2 solutions, success or failure. He suceeded in bring a gigantic book to the movie screen. There are people who are not happy that certain aspects like Tom Bombadil didn't make it but somethings had to go. The stuff left out is ok in that they are minor to the whole overall affect of the story. It is a great cast and they did a good job portraying their characters. Unlike Harry Potter, you don't have to read the books inorder to follow the story line. The DVD has interesting stuff and a worthwile purchase. It looses a star due to the fact that after I bought it, they announce the "collectors" edition which has even more stuff. Both should have been released at the same time. Major fans like myself would have opted for the big set rather then this one. I am waiting till after the Return of the King as I am sure there will be a set for all movies!
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly, the extended edition is not only superior ... Review: it is more engaging and less likely to bore the viewer. Sadly, in cutting the film down to a length more suited to the theater, Jackson eliminated so much humor (most of all), detail, and story that it editing it must have been a heartbreak for him. Thankfully, with the DVD edition, we get to see his complete vision. One down note: The DVD-ROM features are not available for the Macintosh. This is a rather stupid oversight, particularly given the prevalent use of Macs by creative people who might be drawn to the art and techniques behind the making of this film. It would be great to have an explanation for this flaw.
Rating:  Summary: 5-DVD set??????? Review: Can anyone explain why this set is a 5-DVD set when the picture only shows 4-DVD's??? What is on the 5th DVD??? 5-stars because I know I will like the set. HA! :)