Rating:  Summary: why is this movie so adored?????? Review: what i liked: the cinematography is pleasing aesthetically. sean astin does a fine job as sam.what i disliked: where's tom bombadil? whoever says that tom bombadil's omission doesn't take away from the film is either 'un con' or they didn't pay much attention to the book. how tom bombadil stays entirely content even with the ring on is important to the story (think of plato's story about gyges and the experiences of galadriel and sam when faced with the proposition of taking the ring). where is glorfindel who took frodo to the house of elrond to evade the black riders?!?!?! instead, we get ugly azz liv tyler(i wouldn't have had an objection if it were jules from bend it like beckham). leotard, glitter and pointed ears don't capture elvish gaiety. frodo is 50 yrs old. if that's peter jackson's idea of what a middle-aged man looks like, proudfoot would have to be at least 40 yrs older than bilbo. peter jackson isn't funny. equating a hobbit who is hit in the head with an apple as humor is quite childish. furthermore, peter ruined the characters of pippin and merry, they're annoying. who gave peter jackson the poetic license to think that he was shakespeare. example from the equally drab third film, aragorn to legolas: what is it that your elvish eyes see? peter jackson, elijah wood and ian mckellan are arrogant azzholes (just like anyone associated with the matrix). from book to vision??? bree, rivendell, hobbiton and the like are poorly represented. try and tell me that the river (whatever it is) in the third film that gives off a flourescent green light isn't better suited for the wizard of oz. ben stein has livelier expressions than the actors in this film. if you're a sucker for trite indie film dramatizations, you will love this. i hate peter jackson and elijah wood, so if that is enough reason to claim that this is an unhelpful review, so it is. colin farrell as alexander the great? brad pitt and jaret leto as achilles and patroclus? i hate movies like these, go watch lock, stock and two smokin barrels if you want to see a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful! Review: It is amazing how wonderful Peter Jackson and his crew made these films come together. They really helped me grow and love LOTR. It's amazing how much hard work was put into these films and I think it showed in the end. I think they have done a fantastic job creating the wonderful beloved story onto film. Nobody could ever do it better. I highly recomend watching these films and reading the books.
Rating:  Summary: A New Film-making Standard Review: As has been stated by countless others, the Lord of the Rings trilogy is a dazzling and terrifying, epic and intimate masterpiece. And 'Fellowship of the Ring: Extended Edition' is the jewel in the crown. It is the most lyrical, most fantastical, most charming and holds the dearest place in my heart among the three instant classics.
Rating:  Summary: Important additions to a masterpiece Review: Peter Jackson's adaptation of JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings is a stunning cinematic achievement, in which a dazzling new world is brought to the screen. The cast is supurb, and character interaction takes center-stage, despite incredible special effects and panoramic landscapes. Aficionados of Tolkien's work will not be disappointed, and laypersons will find themselves seduced by this exorably textured fantasy world. Particularly well depicted are the spine-chilling ring-wraiths (the nazgul), the bucolic Shire, the creation of Saruman's Uruk-Hai Army, and the primal bal-rog. The Extended version contains many jewels that were regrettably cut to trim time off the lenghty theatrical release, but unlike most directors cuts, which feature tedious footage properly removed from the release, the extra footage makes The Fellowship of the Ring a richer and more enjoyable film.
Rating:  Summary: Pure Brilliance Review: Peter Jackson knew what he was doing, some people argued about missing scenes, e.g. Tom Bombadil (one word: BORING) Fotr extended edition is an excellent integration with previous scenes and all new ones, well done
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Review: I have to admit, the first time I saw this movie, I hated it. I rented it, and simply could not finish it. When The Two Towers came out in theaters, I dismissed the series as "boring", and didn't bother watching it at the time. Finally, only a few weeks ago, I decided to try watching The Two Towers. It was incredible, I sat through the whole thing, mesmerised by its epic scale. It better explained some of the more confising aspects of Fellowship of the Ring, and watching Fellowship a second time, I definetely enjoyed it. I went to the theater the next day and watched Return of the King. I am absolutely hooked on the series now. I have started to read Fellowship, and so far, it is excellent. Fellowship of the Ring requires patience, a lot of people I have talked to didn't understand it the first time. But the characters grow on you, and you get immersed in the story. A personal favorite in these movies is the character Sam, played by Sean Astin; he gives an incredible performance. Since I have seen all three movies, and because the movies tell one single story, it is hard to rate Fellowship all by itself. All I can say is that it is an excellent start to an incredible, imaginative story. The special effects are excellent, and the New Zealand landscape (where the movies were shot) is breathtaking. Every actor plays their part very well. See this movie, along with the other in the series, they are excellent.
Rating:  Summary: WOW Review: Just a wonderful DVD. A very grand movie that kept me fascinated. I've watched it 3 times in a week and am very pleased with this purchase.
Rating:  Summary: Bad Movie Review: This movie sucks. The animation is bad. Its to long for what the point of the movie is. If i were you i wouldnt buy this movie it sucks big time
Rating:  Summary: The best movies ever Review: This film is truly a great epic. This film offers action with great battle scenes. Don't forget the love portion with Aragorn and Arwen plus the movie had it's hillarious features' the dwarf Gimli and the hobbits Maerry and Pippin.Watching these movies is like going to a banquet and filling your plate with all it can hold and more! Then when you leave you find that your still very hungry and craving for more. Please go see these movies you will be sry if u dont.
Rating:  Summary: The Trilogy Review Review: This film is truly a great epic. This film offers action with great battle scenes. Don't forget the love portion with Aragorn and Arwen plus the movie had it's hillarious features the dwarf Gimli and the hobbits Merry and Pippin.Watching these movies is like going to a banquet and filling your plate with all it can hold and more! Then when you leave you find that your still very hungry and craving for more. Please go see these movies you will be sorry if u dont.