Rating:  Summary: Charismatic hero Review: The rating already indicates that this movie is not for the faint of heart. However, what might be considered as violence and gore by many people comes across as "justifiable" means. Who wants to be on the menu of a big, nasty bug anyway? Close your eyes if you must but watch the rest with your eyes wide open because it's surely worth your attention. Before there were gigantic spiders, ancient dinosaurs or hungry ants, but now the bugs are loose and they come in chunks. Merciless and ugly they want to eliminate the last few human beings, however, they did not reckon with the Starship Troopers, a courageous group of men and women, fighting against the overpowering enemy. In particular, there is Captain Dax, a venturous but compassionate soldier, who fights an already lost fight against the bugs and justice. Actor Richard Burgi portrays Dax the way you would expect the Hero of the Federation: Charismatic with a touch of humour and muscles in sync with the brain. Burgi's presence on the screen is truly notable, nimbly carrying the heavy weight of a leading character on his (rather muscular) shoulders. The rest of the Troopers are mention-worthy as well, especially the two leading ladies, Colleen Porch (Pvt Lei Sahara) and Brenda Strong (Sgt Dede Rake). Powerful and still female, they both show brilliantly how a movie should be cast. Starship Troopers 2 is a dark, gloomy movie with some incredible, daunting and haunting F/X. It's a sci-fi adventure that makes you peek through your fingers at times, but in the end it's disappointing that the 90 minutes are already over.
Rating:  Summary: Great sequel! Review: Picking up the story from five years after the first film, a group of Troopers are cut off from extraction and make their way to a seemingly abandoned outpost to await rescue. Leaving four Troopers behind to cover their escape, they arrive to find a Colonel Dax imprisoned in an incinerator with an obvious bug battle having eradicated the rest of his men. Records state he murdered his commanding officer and the new group of Troopers initially mistrust him, but come to find he has reasons. With the arrival of the surviving group from the initial escape, those reasons seem to be re-occurring in the outpost.Obviously, ST2 is not a kids movie-- it is kick-a** science fiction horror . True to the style seen in the original film. Lots of gore here. Bugs killing people and so on but also new even more gore stuff than in the first movie. All special effects are top-notch and two battle sequences have an epic quality to them. I do like new species of bugs - it's nice to see intergalactic beasties that aren't too derivative of the titular menace from Alien. Yes you can see the movie was made on a lower budget than the first one, but it delivers anyway. The story is similar to that one in Thing, but there are some interesting twists. Also I certainly applaud Director and Writer for attempting to send a message from a film within a genre that usually lacks subtext. This is an anti-war movie. Also it's nice to see strong characterization for the genre., it's good to see the cast is each given a personality. While we may not see each one fully fleshed out (it is an action movie, after all), we know they're there. Because it's more horror than war-movie, some people will don't like it. I think this film is going to have about the same effect as the first one did; that is, people will either love it outright, or hate it forthwith. Personally, I loved it. Oh - and one more thing. The cast is far better this time, than those wooden actors from the original Starship Troopers. I mean.. Richard Burgi and Kelly Carlson rule!!! I think Carlson is a star of tomorrow. She has so much presence and she's charming. She really shines in her role as seductive private Soda. (And she doesn't hesitate to show of her body too ;-) I do like that girl with pony-tail too. Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation is a strong, good movie, and it's an entertaining ride.
Rating:  Summary: VERY BAD ! Review: + No good actors + No good action + No good CGI + No good script + VERY LOW budget = Starship Troopers 2 Just save your time , do not watch this "movie" .
Rating:  Summary: Worst Sequel Ever Review: Let me start off by saying this is my first review, and that I am, in no way, a writer. If you knew me you'd know that for me to be writing this review, it would have to be really worth my time to do so. This movie was the most horrible sequel experience I have ever had in my life. The film offers nothing to the lovers of the original film, which is by far one of my favorite movies of all time, or the animated series, which all episodes were exciting and diverse. Someone decided to write a gore filled, psycho/parasitic, slasher film in space, and to get it seen they stuck in a few clips of the original Starship Troopers, thinly based it on the same storyline, and stuck it's blockbuster name on this pathetic piece of garbage? I am pissed, I am letdown, and I am disgusted. I've been waiting and hoping for a sequel to Starship Troopers for so long, glad to say I don't consider this it. The N64's "Goldeneye" sound effects were a nice touch, at least that got a laugh from my buddy and I. Their weapons, supposedly "Maritas" just as in the first, were mere strobelights and weren't even the same modelbase. Like I said, I can't write, I have too much to say about this crappy film, I'll leave you all alone, but don't watch this, especially if you are a fan, it will make you cry. Remember those commercials telling people not to litter, they had an old Indian by the side of the freeway and this truck drove by and threw some garbage at his feet and he started crying, remember that? That was me after watching this movie. Poor old Indian, poor poor me >:( ...
Rating:  Summary: This film is...well...HORRIBLE. Review: What do you get when you take a bunch of no name actors, a very limited budget, and a few interesting ideas? A few interesting ideas, and not much else. While the idea of a host bug that uses humans to replicate itself (or just take control of their human host - I couldn't tell, it seemed to do what it pleased) is interesting, it's already been done (and better) 25 years ago in a movie named Alien. As if the actors themselves weren't bad enough (they look affraid of the camera), the dialogue the have to recite would make GOOD actors look bad. Finally, I found the nudity to be completely out of place in this movie considering the aliens came out of the mouth, and they had no problems impregnating other charecters without getting naked. Mind you, I'm not complaining, it gave me something very pleasent to look at, but it made me feel like I was watching a bad sci-fi movie on Cinimax late at night. Two Toes Down...
Rating:  Summary: Danger! Avoid!!! Review: I had high hopes for this film. The first five minutes were okay then it degenerated to the super cheap-cash in of the week. It has none of the original's charm. It is a "seige" type story that takes place in on area (as to save money). I fast fowarded through most of it and still found it to be a waste of time. Stick with the original or the CGI "Roughnecks."
Rating:  Summary: suc.... ie Review: I saw this on Action TV this month, not worth your time or money!!!!!!!!!! Unless it is a lot different then the Sat version !!!!!!!!!! Lame excuse for a a Starship Troopers movie the animated versions are better !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Bit of a letdown but still worth a watch. Review: Following the success of the original, "Starship Troopers 2 Hero of the Federation" arrives as a direct to video follow up to the original film. Loosely based on the classic Robert Heinlein novel, the original film followed the exploits of a group of young men and women who join the military in an effort to gain full citizenship in a futuristic Earth and soon find themselves in an all out war for survival against a hostile species of giant insects who have attacked Earth. The sequel follows a new group of troopers some five years later in the war. Due to the limited budget of the sequel, the action is on a smaller scale, as the creative team has opted for a smaller and more personal story. On the remote outpost of a band of troopers have retreated from a bug attack and find shelter in an abandoned outpost. As stragglers from the battle start to arrive, the troopers struggle to get the power restored in order to activate the outpost defenses, as swarms of bugs will soon be massing upon their position. The troopers soon discover that the outpost is holding a prisoner Capt. Dax (Richard Burgi), who was imprisoned by his former unit for murder, and left behind when they pulled out. Since Dax is a decorated veteran, it is decided by the troopers to free him in order to use his experiences in the current crisis. Unknown to the troopers in the outpost, the bugs have a new weapon and are able to take control of a person from the inside. It is at this point that the film loses much of its momentum as instead of keeping viewers in the dark as to who is and who is not infected, the infections and those behind it are shown clearly and often destroying any suspense. I had thought we would have a suspense filled story reminiscent of "The Thing" and "The Hidden" where fear and paranoia would run amuck amongst the troopers. Instead the story unfolds without any real tension or payoff. The cast of largely unknowns shows a lot of spirit and enthusiasm for their parts, but they are so generically written that they are not able to do much more than stand around when they are not screaming and shooting. The FX in the film are not bad for a direct to video film as word has it that Phil Tippett offered cut rates on his FX work in order to direct the film. While not a great film by any stretch of the imagination, "Starship Troopers 2" is at times entertaining and should hold the interest of fans of the first film. While I would have liked to have seen the series continue via the big screen, lets hope that there will be a third outing of the Troopers in the future. 3 stars out of 5 Gareth Von Kallenbach
Rating:  Summary: Massively bad Review: I found the first movie slightly enjoyable to watch, although I did not love it. This movie, however, is awful. That is apparent from the first thirty seconds. Characters shout dialogue at each other that does not fit, the action is stupid and hard to follow, and everything looks cheap. For starters, it all takes place in the dark, which was a deliberate effort by the filmmakers (I read this in a magazine) to hide the cheapness of the special effects. It shows. It was also filmed on digital video, which really cannot handle much color very well, so most of the movie is blue, green, silver, white and dark. The rest of the colors are flattened out. Instead of pyrotechnics for the guns they actually put flashbulbs inside the muzzles and the result is that when they fire the guns it does indeed look like a flashbulb going off. The sets are also cheap. It looks like they filmed this in a factory basement and you know that when a science fiction film uses a factory basement as a location it is going to be bad. Like the first film, the troopers have almost no sense of strategy or tactics. Seriously, why send in a bunch of ground troops against an enemy when artillery, planes or a big fat nuclear bomb would work so much better? It's like they have forgotten centuries of combat and returned to the days before someone invented the cannon. The gore is gratuitous--we see plenty of scenes of small alien bugs being squashed under feet or otherwise smooshed or stabbed or whatever. It's like watching somebody get messy in a butcher shop. There is some nudity here, but it makes no real sense and it's all filmed in a dark basement anyway, so it's hard to figure out why they even bothered. The story is also extremely thin. The ending, with the lone survivor of the battle rather bizarrely visiting a recruiting center, seems to be intended to make some kind of lame political point.
Rating:  Summary: what a f*ckin joke Review: the first movie was good at least it had good action not bad acting denise richerds was a perk. [I] always look forward to see her in a movie but what ever u do dont buy this move when i saw this movie i had never heard of it and i wonder why its the worst movie ever made enough said.