Rating:  Summary: I Guess Star Wars Fans Have To Wait Longer Review: Now don't get me mistakened I am a die hard Star Wars fan but I think I know what George Lucas is doing. I think he is waiting for star wars: episodes II, and III to go though the whole big screen process and then hopfully come out with a Ultimate, or Special Edition, or anything you want to call it Star Wars DVD collection. Thats what I would like to happen and if it does all of us will have to wait untill at leat 2005, thats four painstaking long years. We must be very greatfull that we just got a great Star Wars: Episode I, The Phantom Menace DVD to come out. Lets just hope that when they all do come out they have awsome special features, and I most certianly think they will. I also can't wait to see it all digitaly remastered and having the 5.1 doably digital sount that is going to be something. So I can't wait fellow Star Wars fans, and we've waited almost 25 years for this to happen I think we can wait four or five more. Please be patient you don't want Lucas to rush do you?
Rating:  Summary: It's Star Wars...what else can I say Review: Perhaps the only movies to that will succesfully make sequels and prequels totalling six. That is is impressive in itself, but director George Lucas is going to make it work. The last three of a six movie long story tells the story of Luke Skywalker, a young man with an unbelievable destiny. Episode IV: A new hope, begins with the display of domination in the galaxy by the Empire, as they attack a diplomatic mission. It is the introduction of Darth Vader, the bad guy, as he shows is physical and mental strength over those who have no power and control over 'the force'. Episode IV shows the upbringing of Luke Skywalker and the beginning of his training in 'the force'. Episode V shows that although a major setback to the Empire, the rebel alliance has not destroyed the tyrannical domination of Darth Vader and his master known simply as 'The Emperor'. Also in Episode V, Darth Vader reveals a secret that shocked moviegoers. Episode VI shows the rebuilding attempts of the empire, Luke shows his newly developed abilities as he begins to develop as a young Jedi master. In this final and gripping finale, Luke comes face to face with the emperor as the struggle between good and evil is taken to the climactical finish.
Rating:  Summary: A LONG TIME AGO, IN A GALAXY FAR FAR AWAY... Review: With these words begins the greatest movie ever made. Period. As a rule, not many movies stand the test of time well, more often than not you can see a movie as a child and see it again as an adult and wonder what you liked about it,this is the exception to that rule. I was only 10 when I had the privilege of seeing this masterpiece when it was released in 1977 and have been a fan ever since. And in 1997 I saw the re-release of it and I got to be 10 again for 2hrs and 15 minutes. I was just as awe struck by it as ever! No other movie has ever had that effect on me, and I don't think any ever will (except for its sequels.) This movie is a true experience on every level, the acting, the f/x and story are brilliant. It is hard to imagine any one not having seen it, but if you haven't and want to experience a true cinematic masterpiece, skip "Titanic" and all other recent movies and head straight for this! You will understand the hype and why it is beyond a movie and is a true legend among movies. May the Force be with you, always.
Rating:  Summary: Simply the best of the best Review: The Star Wars Trilogy. No movie series, with the exception perhaps of the James Bond movies, can even compare with Star Wars when it comes to popularity. And Lucas tells a superb story, following the model of the heroic quest, and using many long-overlooked literary techniques. The charcters have personality, even those who never speak a single word. The three heroes of the trilogy all fill in each others weak points, making the group stronger as a whole. And Star Wars is so much a part of popular society that anyone who hasn't seen the films might be missing a lot. If you haven't seen them, or don't own them, at the very least, see this set. Or better yet, buy it now, while we fans wait for the Flanneled one to release the Trilogy on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: I hope these will be out on dvd soon... Review: Well, let me start by saying that I, like many other people out there, am very puzzled as to why these movies have not been released on dvd yet. These movies are without a doubt my favorite of all time. I have been a long time fan of star wars since i was about 4 or 5 years old. I grew up with it and it is such a wonderful timeless story. I just wish that George Lucas would please put these out on dvd within the next couple of years. Especially, since episode I is now coming out on dvd. That looks to be one heck of a good dvd from what i've seen and heard so far. I will definitely buy it. From what i understand though, George's plans on bringing the original trilogy to dvd will not be until the first 3 episodes have been out in theaters and then on dvd. I got this information from dvdfile.com. He says that the original movies are vintage material and will take more work on dvd releases. What i wish he would do is go ahead and release the original trilogy in its original form(not special edition). They would not have to have any extra special features. If they were just the movie with a chapter selection that would be fine with me. Then, in 2005 or 2006, whenever all the movies have been out, re-release the original trilogy in the special edition along with the other 3 films in one big deluxe box set. Believe me, I would probably buy that also. I don't think that sounds like too much to ask. But, I know that Lucas is a perfectionist and doesn't like to do anything half-way. So, maybe it would be worth the wait until he releases them all together in one big jam packed set full of endless features. To wait for that though, is easier said than done. In any case, I anticipate the release of them to dvd, whenever that is, very much. I will continue to love these movies as years go by and will enjoy the next episodes in the series as well.
Rating:  Summary: Just Perfect Review: This isn't Sammy, actually it's his wife jen. my husband loves these movies, but not quite to the extent i do. he saw them for the first time he can remember when we first got together four years ago. i grew up on this stuff. i'm only twenty, so i don't remember going to either of these films at the theater, but i don't think it really mattered. they are just as big on the old tv, but i must say when my younger brother and i went to the new release of the Star Wars special edition, it was amazing. these movies to me are just perfect. they are not comparable to any other movies ever made, or any to ever be made. there is everything you could ever want in these films and nothing is ever over done. nothing cheesy, no corny jokes and nothing overexaggerated. there is happiness, victory and sorrow but not so much that you can't relate to what's going on and how everyone is feeling. i hope no one ever sins and redoes these films. there is nothing that could ever make better what has been made, there are no actors that could ever suffice for the roles (if for some reason you would be reading this, i love you mark hamill; and episode I took awhile to get used to without the dashing trio-quartet, sorry chewie). to anyone who has yet to experience these films, they really should. they display everything fantastic about film making, everything entertaining that has been lost over the past few decades in the film industry. bravo to all who participated in this creation, it will be remembered and cherished forever. and for all you teens who just won't submit, kevin smith refers to Star Wars religiously in clerks, mallrats and there's that new jay and silent bob strike back movie. it can't be that bad, now can it?
Rating:  Summary: Incredible Review: To start off this review I'd like to state that I am not a Star Wars fan at all, but I can see the undeniable greatness of this motion picture. Star Wars revolutionized the science-fiction genre and created a modern day mythology. 100 years from now, kid's will be reading about Star Wars in their history books, no doubt. It is an epic, a legend, a pop-culture phenomenon unlike anything else. The characters in this film are like family to some, and while some skeptics may argue that the characters in the film are shallow and one-dimensional, they are still very likeable and easy to identify with: Luke Skywalker and his yearning to be on his own, away from the boring life on Tatooine and up into space, Han Solo, Luke's opposite, and his care-free lifestyle we all wish we had. This film delivers on every level, to all age groups; whether you're 9 or 90, this film has the power to move you and leave you in awe. Sure, the special effects are hokey compared to today's staggering standards, but that doesn't matter, they have a sort of timeless quality to them. The acting isn't Oscar material, sure, but these are real people here, and I think it is easier to identify with someone who acts like a real person instead of a cardboard cut-out. I can't go without saying that Star Wars does have its flaws, an that yes, it is a tad overrated, but honestly, that doesn't matter. People don't criticize Greek mythology very much do they? So why criticize American mythology? Thank you for reading. Star Wars is rated PG for violence and minor profanity.
Rating:  Summary: Is it just me... Review: ....In my view, the Star Wars Saga (not maybe, not some) are the greatest movies ever created. They set the tone for future classics and completely changed our view on movies forthcoming. They changed the film industry due to the dazzlingly brilliant special effects and opened up a whole new world to us! A world which we will love and treasure forever! I know one thing I cannot wait for Episodes II and III! And when the Saga is complete I will be buying the complete Star Wars DVD Box Set. That would be 6 movies, but 7 discs (special features disc)! All hail, George Lucas!
Rating:  Summary: I am embarassed... Review: ...to give the famous Star Wars movie anything less than 4 stars, especially after reading all the rave reviews the film has garnered. Well I saw the film and you know, I thought that it just wasn't THAT GOOD. It's not a bad film by any means, surely one of the best of it's kind, but I was unsatisfied after viewing it. I was expecting some super-science fiction extravaganza with the best special effects you've ever seen. I was sorely disappointed. The special effects are good, for the 70's. Today, they are hopelessly outdated and even distracting. I can see why somebody could become fanatical about this film, there are billions of characters to ponder over and there are little "hidden things" in the film to look for, but I have no desire or interest in ever seeing Star Wars again. That's just the way I feel, sorry if I offended anybody.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars: ... and overrated. Review: Since Star Wars' release in the late 70's, the film has garnered a great cult following. Star Wars should not have been the success that it was. The film was destined to become a cult classic B-sci-fi film, but for some reason, wasn't. The film is pure cheese. Anything corny or cheesy does happen in this movie. The acting is lackluster; the only decent performance is given by the late Alec Guiness. Mark Hamill proves he can't act in this movie, Carrie Fisher offers nothing new to the damsel in distress role, and Harrison Ford is over-played and obnoxious. People over-praise this movie to the extreme. It is very dull and the parts that we are supposed to "ooh" and "aahh" at are just so laughably dated that you just want to say "bah" and "boo." If you take the special effects away from the film there is nothing. No characters, no emotion, nothing. George "pennybags" Lucas tried to make the film better with the special edition enhancements but failed miserably, making the film even WORSE than what it was. I find STAR WARS to be flawed, un-entertaining, tedious, overrated, illogical, dated and monotonous. If you haven't seen this movie, do yourself a favor and DON'T.