Rating:  Summary: ok.....now we want all three versions george Review: Ok George...give in a little...release the original (for the die hard fans), '97 SE (for the fans who can appreciate some modern CGI tweaks on a classic masterpiece, except for the han solo bar scene..that's just unforgivable) and the '04 special butchered edition (for the fans who only like Star Wars because of the effects..that includes you, George). Han shoots first! Han shoots first! Come everyone, say it together...Han shoots first! Han shoots first! Come on, George, you too. Feel the force, show some love.
Rating:  Summary: What a shame! Review: Well, not only does it disappoint me that this DVD package will contain only the 'Special Edition' versions of the trilogy, but for me it also hurts on a personal note because it comes out the day before my birthday. Nothing would have pleased me more than to receive the 'Original' Star Wars Trilogy that I've loved since I was a kid, restored and remastered on DVD for my birthday. But no. In the typical George Lucas fashion of fixing things that aren't broke, I won't have that opportunity. Plus, I'm reading that this DVD set will contain even more new footage added. Which I can only imagine means that Lucas has figured out a way to work cameos of Jar-Jar Binks into the original trilogy. Oh, fortune! Sorry George! Looks like I'll be looking forward to receiving that ugly sweater from grandma this year for my birthday . 'Cus I ain't looking forward to this DVD package.
Rating:  Summary: just the obvious Review: Star Wars DVD. finally. But remember they will probably put out another set when the third one is out on DVD. Which is slated, hopefully, for fall 2005. I know Im not waiting around for that. Not with the way Lucas seems to have extreme patience when it comes to releases.
Rating:  Summary: Oh Goody!!! Review: A couple of years ago I heard that Lucas wasn't going to release the original trilogy on DVD until after the Episode 3 DVD was out. I'm so pleased that I won't have to wait that long. I do wish these DVD's weren't going to be only the special editions. It would be nice to be able to switch between the theatrical versions and the special edition versions, kind of like the "Terminator 2: Ultimate Edition DVD". I could go on and on about how great the original trilogy is, but anyone who was alive before 1980 knows how great the movies are and what impact they had on the movie industry. I'm just so happy that I will be able to get the DVDs.
Rating:  Summary: Great but should have released original theatrical releases Review: Spielberg did it right with E.T. He demanded that the studio release the enhanced version of E.T. and the original theatrical release ... giving viewers the option. Lucas should have followed suit and what better format than DVD to accomplish this. From what I've been reading from Lucas's own mouth he has absolutely no intention of ever releasing the originals which is a shame. Fortunately I converted my laserdiscs to DVD so I have the originals preserved in a digital format. That being said I am extremely excited about the prospect of these DVD's FINALLY being released. Unlike a few of the reviews I didn't have a problem with any of the extra scenes and touch ups EXCEPT for the the first film. Han solo scene where he shoots Greedo unprovoked was never a problem with me ... Han Solo is a bounty hunter he's not out to be a true good guy .. having Greedo shoot first to justify Han Solo shooting him doesn't cut it.
Rating:  Summary: It's Space Opera! Review: Pure and simple - it's just space opera. That's all G. Lucas ever wanted it to be. I remember an interview in which he said, "Instead of doing 'Isn't it terrible what's happening to society?' movies - which is where I began - I wanted to create a movie where people could escape for two hours." (I hope I got the quote right.) Individually, the movies might not be all that great (although The Empire Strikes Back stands out), the reason (IMHO) they're released as a set is because you need the whole trilogy (actually, both trilogies, but we'll have to wait for that) to see the whole story. It is the ultimate fantasy/escape movie series. It succeeds on every level in that respect. It's not meant to be as cerebral (or as "If it's not incomprehensible, it's not art") as, say 2001: A Space Odyssey. There's really nothing to be read into these stories. Just sit back and enjoy the action and the special effects. (And remember how many Oscars these movies won! The original "Star Wars" [now "Star Wars IV: A New Hope]" was nominated for Best Picture!) As for the Special Edition controversy: considering what Lucas had to work with in 1977, he literally worked miracles in optical and sound effects. But it still wasn't what he really wanted. With the SE, we finally got to see what Lucas fully intended from the start. (Okay, the new crowd scenes in ESB and ROTJ looked a bit forced - no pun intended.) If you don't like them, then stick with the old VHS versions. I'm looking forward to this set.
Rating:  Summary: Thoughts on The Classic Trilogy on DVD Review: Like everyone who is a Star Wars fan I welcome the release date of the Classic Trilogy on DVD. I have built a home theater system in anticipation of that day when I can sit in my recliner and immerse my self in "A galaxy far, far away..." I plan on turning the volume up so the neighbors can here the lightsaber duel between Luke and Vader. But my excitement is, like a good Jedi, tempered. What about the famous Toshi Station scene? Or the Biggs on Tatooine conversation with Luke? These scenes (Well the Toshi Station scene does I am not sure about the Biggs scene still existing. There are still pictures in the original Star Wars storybook.) still exist. Why aren't these listed on the DVDs? I think Mr. Lucas could have done something that no one has. He could have asked the fans what they want to see on the DVDs. Maybe he could have advertised it as "Make your voice heard! Cast you vote at www.starwars.com to see what should be on the DVDs" I know that is unprecedented but so were the Star Wars films. I also have mixed emotions about only the Special Editions available on DVD. Sure these movies do belong to George Lucas and he can do what he wants with them but...not really. Sure he owns all legal rights and intellectual rights etc, etc, etc. The movies have been adopted by so many people that allowing us to see only the Special Editions is like only being able to see your children if they have been cleaned up. They are still a part of us no matter what they look like.
Rating:  Summary: STAR WARS ROCKS DVD'S Review: Okay, I wasn't alive back when the original trilogy was released in theaters, but I have every version, and I love the Special Editions. People seem to not like the special editions, but both versions are perfect. So, I'm really looking forward to the DVD's. Fans have been waiting for years to get the original trilogy on DVD! Now, our dream comes true with THX quality Star Wars this September. The cast was great in these movies, (Harrison Ford and the most of the cast weren't big celebrities until this) especially James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader. People don't tend to like the new Prequel trilogy, but I think the new ones are almost as good. But the effects in STAR WARS, EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, and RETURN OF THE JEDI, blew everything in that time back then away. The space battles were awesome, the sceneries were immense, and not all digital. Minus Ewoks, the Original Trilogy are the best movies ever made, and now they get to shine again on DVD!
Rating:  Summary: THIS IS WHY I GOT THE DVD PLAYER! Review: When I first bought DVD, I didn't know Star Wars was off the choices. My older brother told me the truth. More shocking than the truth of Vader. After buying loads of films, which could never compare, they released the first two films. Now, we get the last three. I'm over 21. I love Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. I love the Special Editions too. They are finishing the lightsabers for A New Hope. Luke's will be blue. Vader's will be red. If we're good enough, we my get Ian McDiarmid in Star Wars 5. I've seen in some reviews that the title: A New Hope came after Jedi. Not true! It came in the release around 79 or 80. I've also seen people state George Lucas didn't write Empire. Yes he did! He didn't give himself credit, because the one who turned the bad draft in died. Read the Annotated Screenplays people. There will be commentary tracks! Unlike Indy. If we'll good, we may get the Biggs Darklighter scene, Tatooine, on disc 4. The first two films had deleted scenes, so it's very possible we'll get the same. Dr. Nny(...)
Rating:  Summary: Finally. Review: There's nothing I can tell you about the trilogy that you don't already know/others haven't already said, so I'll skip that. But keep in mind that these ARE the Special Editions released in the late 90's. The demi-cool thing is that they're going to be redone. As in, the horrible CG Jabba in A New Hope will (hopefully) look better. And just for you people that freaked out about it: yes, Han will shoot first here. Though I never got what the big deal about that was. My only problem with this set is that it won't have tons of special features, but just a few big ones. If you know about the Indiana Jones/Alien box sets and how their extras are, then that's the case here. Here's what we're getting here: Disc 1: Star Wars: A New Hope Commentary by George Lucas, Ben Burtt, Dennis Muren, and Carrie Fisher Disc 2: The Empire Strikes Back Commentary by George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Lawrence Kasdan, Ben Burtt, Dennis Muren, and Carrie Fisher Disc 3: Return of the Jedi Commentary by George Lucas, Lawrence Kasdan, Ben Burtt, Dennis Muren, and Carrie Fisher Disc 4: The bonus disc contents are unconfirmed at the moment, but according to information on Best Buy's e-commerce site, disc four will contain the feature-length documentary Star Wars: The Independent Films plus three production featurettes: The Evolution of Characters, The Influence of Star Wars and Lightsabers/Fights plus a 1977 "making of" featurette, a comprehensive gallery of posters and production artwork and a demo for Star Wars: Battlefront for Xbox. Yeah that's a good deal of features, but I don't know...I'd still like more. But we should be grateful that they're finally releasing this baby. Now the only problem is to decide which box to get: the one with Vader on the cover, or the one with Luke, Leia, Han, C-3P0 and R2-D2. Oh, and the full screen versions come in gold boxes. 'just thought you should know if you haven't heard yet.