Rating:  Summary: ... Review: IF I COULD GIVE IT A MINUS ZERO I WOULD! I'll keep this brief but informative. I love sci fi flicks and no..not every movie I enjoy has to be an oscar contender but.... my wife and got this movie as a free rental but still felt that we were ripped off! ...The movie suffers from mundane and monotone dialog, weak plot & lack luster effects. It so closely resembles the look of Alien & any plot from a Star Trek flick and alot of Space Odysessy thrown that I spent the whole time wondering if I'd already seen this movie. Don't let the appearnace of experiences actors lull you into watching this flick. Their performance is weak and uninspriing. The end will leave you wondering why you wasted time and money on this movie. The producers did an incredible job at creating a great trailer for the film but thats about it. I think the producers of this lemon simply welded the plots and effects from ALien, Star Trek, and Space Odyessy together losely adding a few one liners here and there and gave it a nifty title (the title has nothing to do with the plot what so ever!!) Very bad movie.
Rating:  Summary: NICELY DONE Review: This movie actually surprised me by being better than I expected. And in viewing the trailer that comes on the DVD, it's no wonder I never went to see it at the theater. The trailer shows a completely different and upbeat atmosphere than the actual movie, which is dark, somber, and mysterious. I loved the movie's slow, quiet mood and settings. Production design is top-notch as are the special effects. The DVD version also includes deleted scenes, which upon viewing, I have to admit I was actually glad they were deleted. There were several deleted scenes with printed words on the bottom of the screen telling you where the location was. The appearance of these words in the film would have been jarring had they made it into the final product, taking you out of the movie for a few seconds. The movie did a nice job conveying each location without location titles if you were paying attention. It was also interesting to hear the much sexier-sounding computer's voice they were going to use, but I'm glad they didn't and toned it down. I would have liked to see another cut of the film integrating the deleted scenes just to see it all in context, but I think the movie would have been less good with the deleted scenes included. Although I will say that the edited movie, at 91 minutes, is much too short. I could have easily watched another 30 to 60 minutes (of the non-deleted quality stuff). I suppose you can chalk it up to Hollywood economics. It was a relief to see a movie depict a trans-dimensional jump in a slightly different way. I liked the brief moment of complete silence midway through the jump. In the deleted scenes, the silence was not there, and it was not as effective without that silence. The plot was good, but I thought it focused a bit too heavily on the sex aspect. The actors are all first-rate, with James Spader especially giving a stunning performance as a cold and efficient captain with more underneath. I haven't seen Spader in several years, and I almost didn't recognize him. I would have loved to see more of the humorous verbal sparring between him and the computer. I'd like to see him again in a role like this one. All of the other actors also take their roles seriously and bring life and chemistry to the movie. All in all, a great, enjoyable sci-fi trip.
Rating:  Summary: Super-Hot Review: The fireworks between James Spader and Angela Bassett is what makes this film worth seeing. The movie is unfortunately an hour and a half due the horrendous deleting of much of the film. The story is unusual and keeps you interested, but the too short length of this motion picture leaves you wanting more! Especially since this feature was originally slated to be over two hours long! I am holding out hope that MGM (which destroyed this flick) will get its act together and release the ENTIRE film on disc! The sound effects and a spectacular ending make this a film to get. Stick to the DVD (R rated) and please ignore the other version.
Rating:  Summary: Supersnore Review: Well made but bland, this movie put tMoBY to sleep. Nothing surprising here, you've seen it all in the previews, if that weren't bad enough; they give you the super fast version when the crew goes into 'warp'. I'd give it a D but I liked some of the performances. C-
Rating:  Summary: A Movie that Suck, Suck, SUCKED! Review: A horrible excuse for a sci-fi flick. What the heck was the point? Space doctors help a stranded maniac, and they don't have the brains to isolate him? Heck, the minute the captain is dead, I'm coming home. And what's up with the love shack weightless room? Is it THAT amazing to make love in zero-gravity, you know, to have to show it like two times? Bottom Line: THIS SUMMER, BLACK HOLE WAS THE BETTER SCI-FI FLICK
Rating:  Summary: I kinda liked it... Review: Actually I liked it as a sci-fi fan. Only problem for me was that it was a tad short being at only 90 min. The movie stuffed alot of the heavy science stuff into those quick 90 minutes leaving only small hints behind making it seem really patchy. I just finished the original script and I really wish this movie was longer :( Supernova 2? The ending leaves alot of questions and possibilities although the deleted ending would've been great. There's a bit of technical jargon about very real ideas on superstring theory and theoretical physics thats kinda hard to understand but they try their best to make it understandable. The script is explains these ideas better because I think and at certain points the directors or producers skewed the theories a bit to fit the movie or to make it more understandable. And also, the omnipresent nice hal clone called "sweetie" was really cool and thought it played its role rather very nicely. All in all i thought it was ok.. not really a movie i'd watch over and over but I liked it. If you liked pitch black, event horizon you'll enjoy this... if you thought they both sucked, you'll think this is even suckier.
Rating:  Summary: Not so Super Nova Review: This is a movie so bad that not even Allen Smithee took the credit for it. Slow, overly derivative of other movies, particularly Alien & its sequels, the Alien clone Event Horizon, 2001 & 2010 and Forbidden Planet. The movie does this without the slightest hint of originality or knowing humor which could have redeemed it. The plot follows the adventure of the Medical ship Nightingale as it is sent on a mysterious rescue mission to a particularly hazardous part of space near a star about to go supernova. After a close call due to the heavy gravity of the collpsing star, they bring aboard the man they were sent to rescue who also brings on board a strange artifact which has mutated this man & sent him off on an outer space murder spree. As there are only five characters when they arrive at the rescue scene it isn't too big a murder spree. He only gets a chance to waste 3 of them before finally being dispatched himself. A shame none of them were the executives who apparently meddled with the script.
Rating:  Summary: Superpoor Sci-Fi Copy Review: In the beginning, we have the forlorn crew of the space ship nightingale with a captain that studies Tom and Jerry cartoons (fortunately, he dies quickly). In the end, only two survive but a dimensional shift has caused them to exchange eye color (just one eye mind you), and undergo an immaculate conception. To get from beginning to end, the equally forlorn viewer must endure a muddled plot and pointless acts of mayhem with a little T&A to spice up an otherwise uninspiring, tired facsimile of other science fiction movies that did it first, and did it better. Be sure to read this review often because the movie is so forgettable that you might rent it again by accident, forgetting that you already saw it.
Rating:  Summary: Terrible Movie Review: This movie has some cool effects, but the storyline is terrible. I can't believe theses actors (most of whom have been in better movies) took on these rolls. Don't waste your time or money on this one.
Rating:  Summary: Watered down SF Review: This movie tried to be a lot of things and didn't do well on any of them. The first flaw is that the movie is too short. There is not sufficient time to develop a deep, complex plot or meaningful characters. For example, the romance that develops between James Spader and Angela Basset comes of out of no where, without effective build up. The second flaw is that the movie couldn't decide on it's target audience (PG-13 or R-Rated). It tries to develop sexual tension between the various characters but the effort is rushed and ineffective. Nor is the horror element developed particularly effectively; the movie is never actually scary. The third flaw is the poor visuals. Although some of the CGI sequences are good, most of the movie is darkly lit and the various sets are the same repetitive dark, industrial theme. The extra materials on the DVD do little to improve the movie. The additional footage does not improve any of the flaws from release version. They put a little twist on the already confused plot and the additional scenes with the child suffer from poor special effects. Overall, I wish I had rented and not purchased the DVD.